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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-09 07:03 | 移动端:关于英语翻译的书籍







背单词的话就背专八单词就可以。如果是报考华东师大、北航这种对单词要求较高的学校,可以准备GRE单词。大家可以以专八词汇书为重点,平时应该注意多看些文章,例如,每天一篇经济学人(大家可以加2016翻硕考研交流群 427120314,从2015年2月3号起每天提供一篇经济学人材料以及材料中相对应词汇)。










陈宏薇《新编英汉翻译》(很多学校的参考书目,其中理论可能要大于实践); 叶子南《高级翻译理论与实践》(后面有学生的译文和叶老师自己的译文,大家在看的时候可以作对比);

李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2004年; 刘宓庆《文体与翻译》,中国对外翻译出版公司,1998年;









Good morning everyone.Today I’m happy to make a discussion about paper book and E-book with you.After our team seriously thinking and discussion,we agree that paper book is still the first selection when people decide to read.That means,though E-book has appeared for many years and its market is growing rapidly,paper book still occupy the first place.Therefore,our group choose to support paper book.When compared with E-book,paper book has its natural advantages.Firstly,traditional culture take paper book as its carrier,this also makes traditional reading has become a habit for most people.We all know that once a habit developed,it will be hard to change.It also illustrates that the status of paper book is still hard to shake by E-book and the soul and essence of paper book are also impossible to be replaced by E-book.Traditional reading helps us cultivate abstract thinking ability,by contrast,E-book looks like a kind of fast food culture which lacks of depth and aftertaste.Secondly,E-book isn’t really conductive to collection,collection of books is also a kind of collection of culture and a historical accumulation at the same time.So,one day in the future,if what we can see in museum is not ancient books but electronic readers,such as kindle,CD,removing storage devices,don’t tell me that you still have interesting to visit.So,as far as I’m concerned,a electronic reader is always a cold machine,it cann’t bring us warm feeling like paper book.To sum up,we choose to support paper book is a right choice.


We hold the view that in our study and life, we should use e-books more. As we know, e-books is format of books. It can be downloaded to a computer, personal computer, notebook or PDA, read through the screen. Compared with paper books, there is a big advantage. For example, firstly, the ebook can be obtained immediately, you can download e-book not out of the chair in a few minutes, instead of running to the bookstore. What’s more,e-books do not need to use trees to make paper as a page. The most convenient is that e-books are free to change the font, as a result, those who have defective eyesight would read very much easier. E-book represents a new science and technology, and will be more and more widely used. We believe that in the near future, e-books will replace paper books and become the main tool of our life and learning.


The other team has tried to make some good points,however,they forget to think about very important issues,that is which kind of book is more healthy. Nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to health issues. It is important to realize that e-books are easy to cause damage of our eyes and vision loss; And there are other health risks using e-books. When

we read e-books rather than paper-books for a long time, paper-books are more healthier to the readers.


Thanks to argue each other friends.however,I still deem that it will be bad for your eyesight to read paper-books for a long time, because the color of them and the design of text are not conducive to the protection of the eyes, on the contrary, e-books can design more scientific interfaces to protect his eyes.In addition, I also want to say another problem, I think paper books is too heavy, it's not convenient to carry and e-book is very small, I can even directly into my pocket, so I think e-books is better than paper books.


I hear what the opposition are saying but I do not agree.I will prove to you. Paper books can also easy to carry for reading anytime,when E book is out of electricity,it also cannot read.

When we are reading a real book, we can line a paragraph we are interested in conveniently, which helps us a lot in understanding and remembering the knowledge we need. But when reading e-books, we have to build a new file or use a notebook, it’s very inconvenient for us.Except that,if the book you want to read is a obscure advanced mathematic book,so do you still want to read it in E-book’s way?I firmly believe that most people will choose the paper version.


But the current paper-book also can not keep the copyright as most readers choose to buy the e-books rather than the original books. Because the e-books is much cheaper than the original books, and it also can provid the same knowledge as the original one. besides the e-books is convenient, you can take it along side ,and it is easy to Spread,you can share it with your friends easily just on line, Despite the two of you did not together which the paper-books can not.








例(1)—(7)选自英国Edinburgh University Press出版的Modern North American Criticism and Theory: A Critical Guide。

(1) Austin, J. L. How to do Things with Words. New York, 1962.

(2) Bennett,A.(ed.)Readers and Reading. London, 1995.

(3) —.Readings and Feelings.Urbana, IL, 1975.

(4) —.Literature and Self-Awareness. New York, 1977.

(5) Cook, P. and Bernink, M. (eds) The Cinema Book. London, 1999.

(6) Derrida, J. Memoires: For Paul de Man, trans. Cecile Lindsay et al. New York, 1986.

(7) Holland, N.‘Unity Identity Text Self’, in Reader-Response Criticism, ed. J.P. Tompkins. Baltimore, MD,1980.

例(8)—(12)选自美国The Johns Hopkins University Press出版的In Defense of American Higher Education。

(8) American Association of University Professors. 1966. Statement on government of colleges and universities. AAUP Bulletin 52, no. 4:375-79.

(9) Barr, R., and J. Tagg. 1995. From teaching to learning: A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change 27(November-December):12-25.

(10) Benjamin, R. et al. 1993. The redesign of governance in higher education. Santa Monica, Calif.:RAND.

(11) LaPidus, J. B. 1995. Doctoral education and student career needs. In Student services for the changing graduate student population, edited by A.S. Pruitt-Logan and P. Isaac. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

(12) ——.1997. Why pursuing a Ph.D. is a risky business. Chronicle of Higher Education, 14 November, A60.

例(13)—(16)选自英国Sage Publications出版的Interviewing for Social Scientists。

(13) Guba, E.G. and Lincoln, Y.S. (1989) Fourth Generation Evaluation. London: Sage Publications.

(14) Guba, E. G. and Lincoln, Y. S.(1994)‘Competing paradigms in qualitative research’, in N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln(eds), Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications. pp.105-17.

(15) Hammersley, M. and Atkinson, P. (1995) Ethnography: Principles in Practice, 2nd edn. London: Routledge (1st edn, 1983).

(16) Milgram, S. (1963) ‘Behavioural study of obedience’, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67: 371-8.


书名都用斜体;文章名用正体;Edinburgh University Press和Sage Publications的文章名用单引号引起来,如例(7),例(14)和例(16);刊物名用斜体,如例(16);The Johns Hopkins University Press的文章名不用单引号,如例(8),(9)和(12);Edinburgh University Press只注明出版地;The Johns Hopkins University Press和Sage Publications注明了出版地和出版机构。

