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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-09 06:56 | 移动端:up,in,the,air

篇一:在云端Up in the Air影评观后感

Review of Up in the Air

I saw several films during the summer holiday. The most impressed me is the film Up in the Air, it was directed by Jason Reitman. The first night of it was on Dec 4th, 2009. At first, Up in the Air was a novel written by Walter Kirn. He wanted to adapt it for a film, but no production company was willing to invest in it, because most of the scenes of the film happen in the cabin. Coincidentally, it was found by Jason Reitman. Reitman loved it very much, so he added richer plots and lines, and adapted it for a film.

Ryan was the leading actor in the film, he was a professional conversion consultant, that is, he was a person who helped the companies to dismissal their staff members. This job required him to be very marblehearted and to fly to everywhere continually. He was satisfied with his unfettered life style, had no friends, no home, and kept his families at a distance. He said, “Make no mistake your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. All those negotiations and arguments and secrets, the compromises. The slower we move the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. Some animals were meant to carry each other to live symbiotically over a lifetime. Star crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not swans. We are sharks.” He said that we should empty our backpack so that we can move fast.

Something had changed after he met Alex. And his sister’s marriage made him want to repair his relation with his families, and face up to his love to Alex. But Alex had her family already, and when he achieves his aim, he found that what he had was meaningless.

After seeing the film Up in the Air, I have thought for it seriously. I think most people can't agree with what Ryan had said completely. In our real life, many people hope that they can live relaxed, uestrained, and free from all anxieties. But, it won’t be a happy life without difficulty or pressure.

I think, life just like a ship, was ready to carry things. If we carry nothing, then we will lose the focus, and sink. We need to carry many things besides love in the journey of our life, such as the job, the heavy burden of life, and the mishap. It's true that live with pearing a heavy burden is the state of live since human being's emerge. We need love in our life, the love our family and our friends give us gives us warmth, and it brings us happiness. We need goals for life, if no, our life will be voil. So, we need power. And the impetus of making progress comes from the pressure. Only when we let our life pear a heavy burden will it be full of pressure. Live without pressure, we will feel relaxed, but we won't feel the real happiness. On the contrary, we feel we live under the pressure, but we can get a lot.

In a word, I think the bag is the point of life. It's heavy, but it loads everything in the past. It's a treasure.

篇二:up in the air

Anybody who ever built an empire or change the world sat where you are right now.and it's because they sat there they were able to do it. 每个建立了帝国或者改变过世界的人都经历过你现在的处境。也就是这种困境铸就了他们的成功。

What's in your backpack?How much does your weight?Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack.I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders.Feel them?Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life.Start with the little things,the things on shelves and in the drawers,the knick-knacks,the collectibles.Feel the weight as that adds up.Then you start adding larger stuff,clothes,table-top appliances,lamps,linens,your TV.The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now.And you go bigger.Your couch,bed,your kitchen table.Stuff it all in there.Your car,get in there;your home,whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house,I want you to stuff it all into that backpack.Now try to walk.It's kind of hard,isn's it?This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis.We weight ourselves down until we can't even move.And make no mistake,moving is living.Now I'm gonna set that backpack on fire.What do you want to take out of it?Photos?Photos are for people who can't remember.Drink some gingo and let the photo burn.In fact,let everything burn and imagine,waking up tomorrow with nothing,it's kind of exhilarating,isn't it?This is how I start every day of my life.

Now this's gonna be little difficult,so stay with me.You have a new backpack. Only this time,I want you to fill it with people.Start with casual acquaintances,friends of friends,folks around the office and then you move into the people you trust with,your most secrets,your cousins,your aunts,your uncles,your brother,your sisters,your parents and finally your husband,wife,your boyfriend,your girlfriend.And get them into the backpack.Don't worry.I'm not gonna ask you to light it on fire.Feel the weight of that bag.Make no mistake,your relationship is the heaviest components in your life.Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders?All those negotiations and arguments and secrets and compromises,you don't need to carry it all that weight.Why don't you set that bag down?Some animals were meant to carry each other,to live symbiotically of a lifetime.,star-crossed lovers,monogamous swans.We are not those animals.Slower we move,the faster we die.We are not swans.We are sharks.

你的生活究竟有多重?想象一下你正背着一个背包,感受一下你肩上的压力,感觉到了吗?现在把你生活中所有的东西都装进去。先从小的东西开始, 架子上抽屉里的小玩意,小摆设,收藏品,感受一下这些给你带来的压力。然后是大件的,衣服,餐具,灯,家纺和电视。背包应该已经很重了吧?还有更大的呢, 沙发,床,餐桌。所有东西都塞进去,车也塞进去,房子,不论是一居室,还是两室的公寓,统统塞到背包里。现在背着它走两步,有点困难,不是吗?这就是我们 每天都在做的事情。我们不堪重负无法前进。如果我没弄错,只有向前才是生活。现在我要烧了这个包。你想把什么拿出来?照片?有遗忘症的人才需要照片。喝点 银杏酒烧了照片吧。实际上如果把它们全烧了,想象一下明早一无所有,非常让人愉快,不是吗?我就是这样开始我的每一天。

现在是有点困难,所以和我一起。你有了一个新的背包,这一次我想让你用人去填满它。从随意偶遇开始,朋友的朋友,办公室周围的伙计们,然后 回到那些你最信任的人,你的兄弟姐妹父母,最后你的丈夫妻子,男女朋友,把他们放进包里,别担心,我不会让你放火烧了它。感受背包的重量。没错的话,你们 的关系,是你们生活中最重的组成部分。感受到背包肩带深嵌在你的肩膀里吗?所有的妥协,争辩,秘密以及责任。你并不用承担所有的负担。为什么不放下你的 包?有些动物打算一直背着彼此,一起过一辈子,时运不济的爱人,终生相伴的天鹅。我们不是这种动物。我们行动越慢,死的越快。我们不是天鹅。我们是鲨鱼。

We all fall for pricks.They're spontaneous,unpredictable and fun.Then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.


When I was 16,I thought by 23 I's be married,maybe have a kid,corner office by day,enteraining at night.I was supposed to be driving a grand cherokee by now.

我16岁的时候觉得我23岁就会结婚,也许有个小孩,白天坐办公室,晚上休闲娱乐,我现在都应该能开上大切诺基了。Life can underwhelm you that way.


At a certain point,we stop with a deadlines.It can be a little counterproductive.


But sometimes it feels like,no matter how much success I have,it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.


You might not understand that now,but believe me,you will one day.


I don't mind being married to my career.And I don't except it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep.I just don't want to settle.


You're young,right now you see settling as some sort of failure.


But by the time someone is right for you,it won't feel like settling.And the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back.


You know taht moment when you look into someone's eyesand you can feel them starting into your soul and and the whole world goes quite just for a second


The sooner you can tell yourself that greater opportunities are waiting for you.The sooner you trust the process,the sooner the next step of your life will unveil itself.


Last night I was just kinda like laying in bed and I couldn't get to sleep.So I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremory,and about buying a houseand moving in togetherand having a kidand then having another kid and then Chrismas and Thankgiving and Spring break,going to football games and then all of a sudden they're graduating.They're getting jobs,getting married.And you konw,I'm a grandparent.And then I'm retired.I'm losing my hair,I'm getting fat and then the next thing you know I'm dead.I can't stop from thinking.What's teh point?This all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise.We're all on running clocks,and they can't be slowed down or paused.We all end up in the same place.There's no point.

昨晚我躺在床上难以入眠,于是我就开始考虑婚礼。然后买房子,然后住在一起,生孩子,然后再生一个孩子,一起过圣诞节感恩节和春假,一起去看 足球比赛,突然有天他们毕业了,开始找工作,然后他们也结婚了,我就成爷爷了,退休后头发掉落,不断发胖,然后就死掉了。我不知道结婚多我有什么意义。这些最终的结果只能是死亡。我们都像在跑的时钟,你不可能让它慢下来或者暂停。我们最终的结局都一样。的却没有什么意义。

Life's better with company.


Everybody needs a co-pilot.


Tonight most people will be welcomedhome by jumping dogs and squealing kids.Their spouses will ask about their day and tonight they'll sleep.The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places.And one of those lights,slightly brighter than the rest,will be my wing tip passing over.


It's only a problem if you have a solution.


There's nothing cheap about loyalty.


Every family has one personWho keeps the genealogy in check,the glue.


You are awefully isolated how you live.


Changes are always scareing.


Panic doesn't help anything.


We are here to make linbo tolerable,to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visibale.And then stop

the boat,shove them in the water and make them swim.


You know why kids love atheles?Because they follow their their dreams.


篇三:air短语---in the air与on the air

in the air与on the air

1. in the air 在空中;在流传中;渺茫。如:

Birds fly in the air. 鸟在空中飞。

There was thunder in the air. 天上打着雷。

The plan is quite (up) in the air. 计划还相当渺茫。

Look, hold it up in the air like this. 看着,像这样把它举在空中。

garden in the air空中花园;傍吝沥盔;空中庭院;空中庭园

in the open air意为“在露天”。

They were in the open air discussing a problem in the air when the news that a war broke out in Iraq was on the air.


2. on the air 在广播中。如:

The show is on the air. 演出正在转播。

I heard the news on the air. 我在广播中听到了这条消息。

What’s on the air this evening? 今晚有什么广播节目?

The show is on the air at seven o’clock. 这次演出七点钟播出。

on air(无线电)广播的;送风期

on live 现场直播

by air 乘飞机
