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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-09 06:53 | 移动端:长江大桥英语怎么说


Study on nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant cable-stayed bridge


A comparison on nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant cable-stayed bridge is performed in the study. The initial shapes including geometry and prestress

distribution of the bridge are determined by using a two-loop iteration method, i.e., an equilibrium iteration loop and a shape iteration loop. For the initial shape analysis a linear and a nonlinear computation procedure are set up. In the former all

nonlinearities of cable-stayed bridges are disregarded, and the shape iteration is carried out without considering equilibrium. In the latter all nonlinearities of the bridges are taken into consideration and both the equilibrium and the shape iteration are carried out. Based on the convergent initial shapes determined by the different procedures, the natural frequencies and vibration modes are then examined in details. Numerical results show that a convergent initial shape can be found rapidly by the two-loop iteration method, a reasonable initial shape can be determined by using the linear computation procedure, and a lot of computation efforts can thus be saved. There are only small differences in geometry and prestress distribution between the results determined by linear and nonlinear computation procedures. However, for the analysis of natural frequency and vibration modes, significant differences in the

fundamental frequencies and vibration modes will occur, and the nonlinearities of the cable-stayed bridge response appear only in the modes determined on basis of the initial shape found by the nonlinear computation.

2. Introduction

Rapid progress in the analysis and construction of cable-stayed bridges has been made over the last three decades. The progress is mainly due to developments in the fields of computer technology, high strength steel cables, orthotropic steel decks and construction technology. Since the first modern cable-stayed bridge was built in Sweden in 1955, their popularity has rapidly been increasing all over the world. Because of its aesthetic appeal, economic grounds and ease of erection, the

cable-stayed bridge is considered as the most suitable construction type for spans ranging from 200 to about 1000 m. The world’s longest cable-stayed bridge today is the Tatara bridge across the Seto Inland Sea, linking the main islands Honshu and

Shikoku in Japan. The Tatara cable-stayed bridge was opened in 1 May, 1999 and has a center span of 890m and a total length of 1480m. A cable-stayed bridge consists of three principal components, namely girders, towers and inclined cable stays. The girder is supported elastically at points along its length by inclined cable stays so that the girder can span a much longer distance without intermediate piers. The dead load and traffic load on the girders are transmitted to the towers by inclined cables. High tensile forces exist in cable-stays which induce high compression forces in towers and part of girders. The sources of nonlinearity in cable-stayed bridges mainly include the cable sag, beam-column and large deflection effects. Since high pretension force exists in inclined cables before live loads are applied, the initial geometry and the prestress of cable-stayed bridges depend on each other. They cannot be specified independently as for conventional steel or reinforced concrete bridges. Therefore the initial shape has to be determined correctly prior to analyzing the bridge. Only based on the correct initial shape a correct deflection and vibration analysis can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to present a comparison on the nonlinear analysis of a highly redundant stiff cable-stayed bridge, in which the initial shape of the bridge will be determined iteratively by using both linear and nonlinear computation procedures. Based on the initial shapes evaluated, the vibration frequencies and modes of the bridge are examined.

3. System equations

3.1. General system equation

When only nonlinearities in stiffness are taken into account, and the system mass and damping matrices are considered as constant, the general system equation of a finite element model of structures in nonlinear dynamics can be derived from the Lagrange’s virtual work principle and written as follows:

Kjbαj-∑Sjajα= Mαβqβ”+ Dαβqβ’

3.2. Linearized system equation

In order to incrementally solve the large deflection problem, the linearized

system equations has to be derived. By taking the first order terms of the Taylor’s expansion of the general system equation, the linearized equation for a small time (or load) interval is obtained as follows:

MαβΔqβ”+ΔDαβqβ’ +2KαβΔqβ=Δpα- upα

3.3. Linearized system equation in statics

In nonlinear statics, the linearized system equation becomes

2KαβΔqβ=Δpα- upα

4. Nonlinear analysis

4.1. Initial shape analysis

The initial shape of a cable-stayed bridge provides the geometric configuration as well as the prestress distribution of the bridge under action of dead loads of girders and towers and under pretension force in inclined cable stays. The relations for the equilibrium conditions, the specified boundary conditions, and the requirements of architectural design should be satisfied. For shape finding computations, only the dead load of girders and towers is taken into account, and the dead load of cables is neglected, but cable sag nonlinearity is included. The computation for shape finding is performed by using the two-loop iteration method, i.e., equilibrium iteration and shape iteration loop. This can start with an arbitrary small tension force in inclined cables. Based on a reference configuration (the architectural designed form), having no deflection and zero prestress in girders and towers, the equilibrium position of the cable-stayed bridges under dead load is first determined iteratively (equilibrium iteration). Although this first determined configuration satisfies the equilibrium

conditions and the boundary conditions, the requirements of architectural design are, in general, not fulfilled. Since the bridge span is large and no pretension forces exist in inclined cables, quite large deflections and very large bending moments may

appear in the girders and towers. Another iteration then has to be carried out in order to reduce the deflection and to smooth the bending moments in the girder and finally to find the correct initial shape. Such an iteration procedure is named here the ‘shape iteration’. For shape iteration, the element axial forces determined in the previous step will be taken as initial element forces for the next iteration, and a new

equilibrium configuration under the action of dead load and such initial forces will be determined again. During shape iteration, several control points (nodes intersected by the girder and the cable) will be chosen for checking the convergence tolerance. In each shape iteration the ratio of the vertical displacement at control points to the main

span length will be checked, i.e.,

|vertical displacement at control points

main span|??

The shape iteration will be repeated until the convergence toleranceε, say 10-4, is achieved. When the convergence tolerance is reached, the computation will stop and the initial shape of the cable-stayed bridges is found. Numerical experiments show that the iteration converges monotonously and that all three nonlinearities have less influence on the final geometry of the initial shape. Only the cable sag effect is significant for cable forces determined in the initial shape analysis, and the

beam-column and large deflection effects become insignificant.

The initial analysis can be performed in two different ways: a linear and a

nonlinear computation procedure. 1. Linear computation procedure: To find the equilibrium configuration of the bridge, all nonlinearities of cable stayed bridges are neglected and only the linear elastic cable, beam-column elements and linear constant coordinate transformation coefficients are used. The shape iteration is carried out without considering the equilibrium iteration. A reasonable convergent initial shape is found, and a lot of computation efforts can be saved.

2. Nonlinear computation procedure: All nonlinearities of cable-stayed bridges are taken into consideration during the whole computation process. The nonlinear cable element with sag effect and the beam-column element including stability coefficients and nonlinear coordinate transformation coefficients are used. Both the shape iteration and the equilibrium iteration are carried out in the nonlinear

computation. Newton–Raphson method is utilized here for equilibrium iteration.

4.2. Static deflection analysis

Based on the determined initial shape, the nonlinear static deflection analysis of cable-stayed bridges under live load can be performed incrementwise or iterationwise. It is well known that the load increment method leads to large numerical errors. The iteration method would be preferred for the nonlinear computation and a desired convergence tolerance can be achieved. Newton– Raphson iteration procedure is employed. For nonlinear analysis of large or complex structural systems, a ‘full’iteration procedure (iteration performed for a single full load step) will often fail. An increment–iteration procedure is highly recommended, in which the load will be

incremented, and the iteration will be carried out in each load step. The static deflection analysis of the cable stayed bridge will start from the initial shape

determined by the shape finding procedure using a linear or nonlinear computation. The algorithm of the static deflection analysis of cable-stayed bridges is summarized in Section 4.4.2.

4.3. Linearized vibration analysis

When a structural system is stiff enough and the external excitation is not too intensive, the system may vibrate with small amplitude around a certain nonlinear static state, where the change of the nonlinear static state induced by the vibration is very small and negligible. Such vibration with small amplitude around a certain nonlinear static state is termed linearized vibration. The linearized vibration is different from the linear vibration, where the system vibrates with small amplitude around a linear static state. The nonlinear static state qα can be statically determined by nonlinear deflection analysis. After determining qαa , the system matrices may be established with respect to such a nonlinear static state, and the linearized system equation has the form as follows:

MαβAqβ”+ DαβAqβ’+ 2KαβAqβ=pα(t)- TαA

where the superscript ‘A’ denotes the quantity calculated at the nonlinear static state qαa . This equation represents a set of linear ordinary differential equations of second order with constant coefficient matrices MαβA, DαβA and 2KαβA. The equation can be solved by the modal superposition method, the integral transformation methods or the direct integration methods.

When damping effect and load terms are neglected, the system equation becomes

MαβAqβ” + 2KαβAqβ=0

This equation represents the natural vibrations of an undamped system based on the nonlinear static state qαa The natural vibration frequencies and modes can be obtained from the above equation by using eigensolution procedures, e.g., subspace iteration methods. For the cable-stayed bridge, its initial shape is the nonlinear static state qαa . When the cable-stayed bridge vibrates with small amplitude based on the initial shape, the natural frequencies and modes can be found by solving the above equation. a

篇二:英文 简要的黄鹤楼-古琴台-东湖-第一长江大桥介绍

Yellow Crane Tower

Bordering on the Yangtze River and crouching on

the top of the Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower

is one of the three most famous towers on the

south bank of the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi)

First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of "piping times of peace" in people's minds. Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legend about the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.

Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area and consists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an

architecture complex and a garden complex of man--made and natural scenery. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style. Guiyuan Temple

Guiyuan Temple, situated on Cuiwei Street, is one of the four biggest temples for Buddhist meditation in Hubei as well as an important

Buddhist temple in China. It was first built in the early Qing dynasty

(1644-1911) by two monks - Baiguang and Zhufeng. Guiyuan

Temple has survived more than 300 hundred years of repeated

cycles of prosperity and decline, and is the leading temple in Wuhan with prosperous public worship, flourishing Buddhist ceremony and many pilgrims. The temple was destroyed and rebuilt many times during the course of its history. Covering an area of 46,900 square meters with a floor space of 20,000 square meters, the temple mainly consists of Daxiongbaodian Hall, Arhat Hall, Sutra Collection Pavilion, etc. Guiyuan Temple is famous not only for spreading Buddhism throughout the whole country, but also for its perfect architecture, excellent sculpture and rich collection of Buddhist

doctrine among the Buddhist temples. In 1956 Guiyuan Temple was listed as a preserved antiques unit of Hubei province and in 1983, it was appointed as one of the key Buddhist temple of Han nationality district in China by the State Council.

East Lake

The East Lake is the pride and joy of the

people of Wuhan.

Millions of residents here get a lot of fun out

of going for a walk along the lakeside in spring, swimming in

summer, appreciating sweet laurel in autumn and admiring plum in


The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches far into the

distance. Ancient pagodas and temples scattered in 34 verdant hills around the lake make the scenic spot more historic and imposing. All the six areas of the East Lake have in common green hills, clear waters, an abundance of woods and typical style of Chu Culture. Perhaps you'll enjoy yourself most in two of them----Tingtao

Pavilion and Moshan Hill.

Willows dance gracefully and water lily sleeps deeply around

Tingtao Pavilion, a three-storey palace building, in front of which the grand and lifelike statue of Qu Yuan is looking up at the sky and sighing sadly at the subjugation of Chu.

On the east side of the lake towers aloft Moshan Hill, where the city of Chu has been set up according to the legend that Zhaolie, King of the Chu State laid an altar and worshiped Heaven there. The

imposing Chutian Tower symbolizes the power and prosperity of the ancient State of Chu.

Among all kinds of flowers, plum, lotus and cassia are of great

reputation. The National Plum and Lotus Research Centre is set up here. The East Lake used to be a private farm several decades ago. In 1950 the farm was turned into a scenic spot. The government provided an enormous financial support to start. In 1982 the East Lake was rated by the State Council as one of the first group of

national key resorts. It receives more than two millions tourists a year.

First Bridge over the Yangtze River

For hundreds of years, it had been a dream to

cross the natural moat of the Yangtze River.

In 1913, Zhan Tianyou, one of China's

well----known railway engineers, visited Wuhan and studied the possibility of the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge. The

bridge was decided to be built between the Tortoise Hill in Hanyang and the Snake Hill in Wuchang. Unfortunately, his dream could not come true. Again, six years later, Dr. Sun Yat-sen put forward a proposal to build a Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan. Then Nanjing Government invited American experts and made a draft plan. Mao Yisheng, a bridge expert, organized for two designs and the

construction was about to begin. But because of war and lack of money, no one was able to have the bridge built.

After the founding of New China, the central government decided to build the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan in 1950. Five years later, news came that the construction would soon begin and it became the focus of world attention. However , more overseas people were half believing and half doubting. Within two years, the Chinese engineers,

technicians and workers, with the help of the Soviet experts,

completed a double----deck bridge for the dual use of automobiles and trains. The wish of "turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare" was fulfilled.

On October 15, 1957, thousands of people in Wuhan were

overexcited. Cheering sound could be heard on and under the bridge. Trains, automobiles and pedestrians safely crossed the bridge.

More than 30 years have passed. The Wuhan Bridge Bureau of the Railway Ministry has built other ten bridges over the Yangtze River in Nanjing, Chongqing, Zhijiang and Jiujiang. Another highway

bridge 2.5 kilometers down to "the First Bridge" will be finished and put into use at the beginning of 1995.






































14、人的头骨近似于球形,可以很好地保护大脑;拱形的肋骨护卫着胸腔中的内脏;人的足骨构成一个拱形─足弓,它可以更好地承载人体的重量。 15上小下大、上轻下重的物体稳定性好。框架铁塔不容易倒的原因:框架铁塔上小下大、上轻下重,空气阻力小使它不容易倒。


第三单元 1、奥斯特在一次实验中,偶尔发现了通电的导线周围有磁场,能使小磁针发生偏转。

































