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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-08 07:17 | 移动端:丈夫用英语怎么读



情人节将至,你知道情人节用英语怎么说吗? 下面恒星小编跟大家一起来学习情人节的相关知识.

情人节,英文里叫Valentine's Day,源自一个凄美的故事。大约在公元3世纪的罗马,那时恺撒已经死去快三百年了,暴君克劳多斯当政。当时,罗马内外战争频繁,民不聊生。为了补足兵员,将战争进行到底,克劳多斯下令,凡是一定年龄范围内的男子,都必须进入罗马军队,以生命为国家效劳。自此,丈夫离开妻子,少年离开恋人。于是整个罗马便被笼罩在绵长的相思中。暴君为了达到自己的目的,下令禁止国人举行结婚典礼,甚至要求已经结婚的毁掉婚约。然而,暴政禁止不了爱情。德高望重的修道士圣瓦伦丁(Valentine)不忍看到一对对伴侣就这样生离死别,于是为前来请求帮助的情侣秘密地主持婚礼。但是,事情很快还是被暴君知晓了,于是他再一次显示了残暴面目将修道士打进大牢,最终折磨到死。

修道士死的那一天是2月14日,公元270年的2月14日。人们为了纪念这个敢于与暴君斗争的人,2月14日渐渐成为西方宗教上的一个节日。很多世纪过去了,人们再也记不得克劳多斯的大名,再也记不得他的权杖与宝剑,但依然会纪念圣瓦伦丁修道士,因为那个日子是Valentine's Day,是情人节。 那么情人节快乐的英语则是: Happy Valentine's Day!


你知道用英语怎么称呼家人亲戚吗? 自家人


亲生父母=birth parents





兄弟姐妹=siblings(一般说兄弟姐妹时不只1个人,所以要加复数s) 兄弟=brother


哥哥=older brother=elder brother

姐姐=older sister=elder sister

弟弟=younger brother=little brother

妹妹=younger sister=little sister









姑妈=aunt on my father's side

姨妈=aunt on my mother's side

舅舅=uncle on my mother's side

叔叔/伯父=uncle on my father's side



外公(姥爷)/爷爷=grandfather=granddad=grandpa 外婆(姥姥)/奶奶=grandmother=grandma=granny 孙子/孙女/外孙/外孙女=grandchild





曾祖父/曾外公=great-grandfather(爸妈的爷爷/姥爷) 曾祖母/曾外祖母=great-grandmother

曾曾祖父/曾曾外祖父=great-great-grandfather 曾孙/曾外孙=great-grandson












养父母=adoptive parents

养父=adoptive father

养母=adoptive mother

养子=adopted son

养女=adopted daughter





继父或继母前一段婚姻中的兄弟=stepbrother 继父或继母前一段婚姻中的姐妹=stepsister 同父异母/同母异父的兄弟=half-brother 同父异母/同母异父的姐妹=half-sister 前夫=ex-husband


远房表亲=distant cousin


Unit11、在传统式教育中,教师可能会觉得学生就是学生,而不是充满个性的人In traditional education, the teacher may feel that the students are students instead of individuals

2、 在传统课堂上,教师通常会告诉学生该做些什么In the traditional classroom, the teacher usually tells the students what to do most of the time

3、 学期结束时,教师要求学生在暑假里做一系列的事At the end of the semester, the teacher asked the students to do a list of thing during the summer vacation

4、 在一些学校,即使当学生认为老师要他们做的事毫无道理,他们也必须去做 In some schools, the students must do whatever they are told to even if they see no reason for it

5、 当你相信学生能对自己所做的事负责时,你就很可能会允许他们自己决定该做什么When you believe that students can be responsible for the thing that they do, you’ll probably allow them to decide what they want to do

6、 学生应该充分利用大学四年时间努力学习。Students should make good use of their four years at college to study hard

7、 他总是不知如何作出选择He has a problem making choices

8、 你很快会习惯这里的生活的You will soon get used to the life here

1、 The new manager is very inexperienced----I doubt if he’ll last long .


2、 This is the last place where I expected to meet you


3、 The plane was right above above our heads.


4、 She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery


5、 He is ill; that accounts for his absence


6、 I want you to account for every cent you spent


7、 Half the roads in the region are still to be made up


8、 We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Naning


Unit 21.在中国春节(spring festival)是最喜庆的节日。(the most festive time )

Spring Festival is the the most festive time in China.

2.国庆节(national day)在每年的十月一日。(fall on)

The National Day falls on 1th Oct every year.

5房间里挂上了彩灯,漂亮极了。The room is beautifully decorated with colored lights. 6至于圣诞树,大多数过圣诞节的美国人都会在家里放上一棵。As for the Christmas tree, most Americans who observe Christmas have one in their homes.

7孩子们热切地盼望着儿童节的到来,因为每年的这个时候他们最快乐。Children look forward eagerly to Children’s Day because they are happiest at this time of the year.

8这一习俗源于唐朝。This custom originated from the Tang Dynasty.

4 The trunk was big and awkward and loaded with books. But his case was a different proposition.那个箱子又大又笨重,装的都是书;不过他随身带的箱子却是另一回事。

5 The wedding, which Emerson still remembered with pride. was attended by a Who’s Who of Boston Society.参加婚礼的有波士顿社会名流,爱默生想到这次婚礼时,仍然感到非常得意。

6 The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era—the Industrial Age. Money had become the King.机器的发明使世界进入了一个新纪元即工业时代,金钱成了主宰一切的权威。

Unit31、 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?Do you prefer tea or coffee?

2、 那儿有一块写着“禁止吸烟”的标记There is a sign saying, “No Smoking”

3、 每种文化都有不同的称呼形式Every culture has its own forms of address

4、 我宁可不去想这次考试失败的事I prefer not to think about the failure of this exam

5、 我认为用名字称呼老师并不是粗鲁I don’t think it’s rude to call teachers by their first names

6、 来自不同文化的人应当学会如何相处People from different cultures should learn how to interact with each other

7、 当你同来自不同文化的人谈话时,你应当知道他们的习惯When you are talking with people from a different culture you should know something about their customs

8、 在你的文化中两人谈话时应保持什么样的距离才是最佳的距离?What is a

comfortable distance in your culture for two persons to stand apart from each other when they are having a conversation?

1、 “He was polite and always gave advice willingly,” she recalled她回忆说:“他彬彬有礼,总是诲人不倦”

2、 We were shocked by his coarse manners我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊

3、 He was talking about his hopes and ambitions他在谈他的希望和抱负

4、 She had no personal ambition她没有个人野心

5、 John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well约翰是个积极肯干的推销员,他工作得很出色

6、 Hitler pursed an aggressive policy after he seized power希特勒夺取了政权之后就推行侵略政策

7、 Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen汉斯说,这位先生是他见过的最有胆识的人,这种阿谀奉承未免过于露骨

8、 Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a

lecture 布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时感到非常荣幸

Unit41、 我想开一个支票账户I’d like to open a checking account

2、 银行将付给储蓄账户利息The bank will pay interest on the savings account

3、 向银行租借保险箱是很容易的It’s easy for people to rent a safe deposit box from the bank

4、 我们这个镇上很少有人租用银行保险箱Very few people in our town rent a safe deposit box

5、 银行保险很安全,而且租金很少A safe deposit box is very safe. In addition the bank charges only a small fee

6、 除支票账户,玛莉又开了一个储蓄存款账户Mary has opened a checking

account; in addition, she has opened a savings account

7、 我要复习英语了,以便考个好成绩I’ll go over my English so that I can get a good score

8、 学校银行安装了自动取款机,这样一来我们在晚上也可以取钱了The bank in our college has an automatic teller machine so that we can withdraw money even in the evening

1、 Like his friends he had many wonderful ideas, but he only put a few into


2、 I’ve received your letter and read it with delight来函收到,欣然拜读

3、 You must excuse me, I shall not speak of the matter again请你原谅,我再也不提这件事了

4、 It is only shallow people who judge by appearances只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人

5、 The door was opened, and they came in 门打开了,他们走了进来

6、 He studied in the college for two years, and then he went to join the army他在大学念过两年书,后来就去参军了

7、 I saw a boy and a girl on my way home. The boy had a book and the girl a doll我回家时看见一个男孩子和一个女孩子,男孩子手里拿着一本书,女孩子抱着一个洋娃娃

8、 A boy is always a boy孩子总是孩子

Unit 5 1 他将对一家新公司投资。He will invest in a new company.

3 这篇课文比我们想象的还要复杂。The text is more complex than I imagined.

5人们买股票是为了赚钱。People buy shares in order to make money.

1 Her child, her work, her friends were more than enough to fill her time.她照顾孩子,干工作,与朋友交往,这些占用了她的全部时间。

2 “I’ll make a doctor of him,”said Mrs. White. “我一定要把他培养成一个高明的医生,”怀特太太说。

4 The girls sang and danced, for they were very happy.女孩们又唱又跳,表示她们很快乐。 5 The old people, weary but excited, decided to have a rest.这些老人,人虽疲劳却兴致很高,他们决定休息一下。

7 Yes, I like football; lots of people do these days, sort of the fashion.不错,我喜欢足球,现在许多人都喜欢足球,这种情况算是有点赶时髦吧。

8 You many apply in person or by letter.你可以本人去申请或寄信去申请。

3 Any mistake, even the smallest one, would cause a great loss.此刻只要犯错误,即使是最小的错误,也会引起重大的损失。

4 The student in Class 4 read English books. But those in Class 3 do not. 4班的同学在读英语书,但3班的同学就没有读。

7 Four waiters served lunch to us.有四个服务员招待我们吃午饭。

8 He forgot the name of the film, so did his wife.他忘记了这部电影的名字,他的妻子也忘了。

1、直至再三思考了这个问题,他才发言。He did not speak until he thought it over.

3 无论你说什么,我决不会同意你的看法。No matter what you say, I won’t agree with you. 5 除非下苦功夫,否则他是不会成功的。Unless he works hard, he won’t be successful. 7 自从他出国以后,中国发生了很大变化。Great changes have taken place in China since he left the country.

Unit91、Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study独立思考对学习是绝对必要的

2、 It is a pity that you can not come你不能来真是遗憾

3、 The talk impressed him deeply那次谈话给他留下深刻的印象

4、 He is a great success as a teacher作为一名教师,他是很出色的

5、 He has published his careful observation of bird life他出版了仔细观察鸟类生活的报告

6、 I had the fortune to meet him我幸运地见到了他
