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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-07 07:19 | 移动端:作为晚饭用英语怎么说


Food and meals 食品和三餐

General terms 一般詞匯

feeding 供养

to feed 供养

to nourish 养育

to maintain 赡养

subsistence 衣食

nutrition 食物

to eat 吃

to drink 喝

to chew 嚼

to swallow 吞咽

to nibble, to peck 细嚼

appetite 胃口

hunger 饥饿

thirst 口渴

to be hungry 饿

to be thirsty 渴

gluttony 暴食

greed 贪嘴

overfeeding 吃得过多,过量食物

fasting 禁食

diet 食谱

banquet 宴会

Meals types 餐類

breakfast 早餐

to have breakfast 吃早餐

lunch 午餐

to have lunch 用午餐

afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5点钟)

high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)

dinner, supper 晚饭

to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 吃晚饭 soup 汤

hors d'oeuvre (正餐前的)开胃食品 entree 正菜

main course 主菜

sweet, dessert 甜食

snack 点心,小吃

helping, portion 份,客

sandwich 三明治,夹肉面包

Foodstuffs and flavoring 食品和調味品 meat 肉

veal 小牛肉

lamb 羊肉

sirloin 牛脊肉

steak 牛排

chop 连骨肉,排骨

cutlet 肉条

stew 炖肉

roast 烤肉

pork 猪肉

ham 火腿

bacon 咸肉

sausage 香肠

black pudding, blood sausage 血肠 cold meats 冷盘 (美作:cold cuts) chicken 鸡

turkey 火鸡

duck 鸭

fish 鱼

vegetables 蔬菜

dried legumes 干菜

chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片 (美作:French fries) mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥

pasta 面条

noodles 面条,挂面

macaroni 通心粉

consomme 肉煮的清汤

broth 肉汤

milk 奶

cheese 奶酪

butter 奶油

bread 面包

slice of bread 面包片

crust 面包皮

crumb 面包心

egg 蛋

boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋 hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋

fried eggs 煎蛋

poached eggs 荷包蛋

scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋

omelet 煎蛋卷

pastry 糕点

sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕

tart 果焰糕点

biscuits (英)饼干,(美)小面包

fruit 水果

ice cream 冰淇淋

compote 蜜饯

jam, preserves 果酱

marmalade 桔子酱

salt 盐

vinegar 醋

sauce 酱油

oil 油

salad oil 色拉油

pepper 辣椒

mustard 芥末

clove 丁香

Beverages 飲料

drink 饮料

mineral water 矿泉水

orange juice 桔子原汁

orangeade, orange squash 桔子水 lemon juice 柠檬原汁

lemonade 柠檬水

beer 啤酒

white wine 白葡萄酒

red wine 红葡萄酒

claret 波尔多红葡萄酒

cider 苹果酒

champagne 香槟酒

cocktail 鸡尾酒

liqueur 白酒,烧酒

shaohsing wine 绍兴酒

yellow wine 黄酒

Kaoliang spirit 高粱酒

Wu Chia Pee 五加皮

vodka 伏特加

whisky 威士忌

brandy 白兰地

cognac 法国白兰地

gin 琴酒

gin flzz 杜松子酒

martini 马提尼酒

Restaurant 餐館

eating house 饮食店

canteen (机关单位和军队里的)食堂 dining hall 大餐厅,食堂

refectory (学校里的)餐厅

waiter 服务员

service 服务

headwaiter, maitre d'hotel 餐厅领班 bill of fare, menu 菜单,菜谱

winelist 酒单

table 餐桌

to lay the table, to set the table 摆桌子 to wait at table 侍候用餐

to clear the table 收拾桌子,撤桌子

tablecloth 桌布

napkin, serviette 餐巾

cutlery 餐具

fork 叉

spoon 匙

teaspoon 茶匙

ladle 长柄勺

knife 刀

dishes, crockery 器皿

dish, plate 碟,盘

soup dish, soup plate 汤盘

(serving) dish 大盘子 (美作:platter) soup tureen 盛汤盖碗

salad bowl 色拉盘

fruit dish 水果盘

fruit bowl 水果钵

sauce boat, gravy boat 调味汁瓶,酱油壶 glass 玻璃杯

bottle 瓶子

carafe, decanter 玻璃水瓶

cup 杯子

saucer 小碟

sugar bowl 糖罐

glass service, glassware 玻璃器皿 tea service, tea set 茶具

teapot 茶壶

coffee service, coffee set 咖啡具 coffeepot 咖啡壶

salt shaker 盐瓶

cruet 调味瓶架

tray 托盘


1. Look at these pictures and answer the questions about your daily life.

look at= have a look at 看一看;answer the questions= reply to the questions(reply to 更强调书面回答,较正式); daily life:日常生活

2. Which of these things do you do once or twice a week?


once a week, twice a week, three(four/ five…)times a week

3. brush one’s teeth刷牙;watch television= watch TV看电视; play table tennis打乒乓球; ride a bicycle骑单车; play the piano弹钢琴; wash my clothes= do some washing洗衣服

拓展:wash one’s face; comb one’s hair;pack one’s bag;do some cooking; go shopping= do some shopping; play computer games

4. Look at the title of the article on page 17. Then circle the correct answer.

the title of…: ……的标题;

on page 17:在17页 在具体体一天用on; 在具体几点钟用at; 在一段时间(如上/下午、星期、月份、季节、年),则用in on Monday;at 4 o’clock;in the morning; in summer;

circle:圈出,划出; the correct answer:正确的答案

5. How does Sam go to shool?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句

6. a day at school 学校的一天; by Sam: 由Sam写的

at school 在上学 at the school在学校(可能是老师或家长)

in hospital: 生病住院in the hospital: 在医院(可能是护士或家属)in bed: 卧病在床;躺在床上 in the bed: 在床上(被窝里); on the bed: 在床上(如枕头)

7. I am a junior high school student. I love going to school.

junior high school 初中 senior high school 高中 primary school 小学 love doing sth.= live doing sth. = enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事practice doing sth.练习做某事 finish doing sth. 做完某事 go to school 去上学

8. My school is close to my home, so I always go to school on foot.

be close to 离……近= near =beside= not far away from

family 的意思是“家庭、家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。 当family作为整体概念的“家庭”讲时是单数;当“家庭成员”讲时是复数;house 指“家”时含义较窄,仅指“房屋”这一建筑物,一般指独门独户的房子,不指楼房; home 指“家、住所”,指一个人(或一家人) 居住的地方,也可指一个人出生或长大的地方(乡村、城市或国家等)。 它具有house所 没有的感情色彩

always:总是.频率副词always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ seldom/ hardly/ never 表示频率由多到少,是一般现在时的标志。(位于be 动词之后,实义动词前)对频率提问用 how often

go to school on foot= walk to school步行去学校 go to…on foot = walk to …

9. Classes start at 8 am, and I am seldom late.

start at: 几点开始 be late: 迟到be late for school 上学迟到

10. I enjoy learning about different places in the world.

enjoy doing sth= like/love doing sth. very much 喜欢做某事

learn about:获悉;了解 different places in the world: 世界各地

11. We have our morning break at 9:50.

have one’s morning break: 上午休息时间 have a break 课间休息

have a rest 休息一会

12. When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack.

when:当……的时候 此处连接两个先后发生的动作;也可表示两个动作同时发生,则:“过去进行时+

when+ 一般过去时”;另外, when也可对时间提问,“何时”

run to…with sb. 和某人一起跑到……my best friends: 我最好的朋友们

13. Break ends at 10:10. How Short it is!

end at: ……时间结束

how+ adj. (+主+谓) = what+ (a/an) + adj.+ n. (+主+谓) how 主要修饰形容词和副词, what修饰名词。How short it is! = What short time it is!

14. Lun ch is from 11:50 to 12:30 p.m.

from…to… 从……到…… from Monday to Friday

15. Then Tom, Jack and I take part in the school band practice.

take part in:参加,指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用;join指加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为:“参军、入团、入党”等; 和某人一道做某事,其结构为:join sb. in (doing) sth.,根据上下文,in (doing) sth. 也可以省去(join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语);


He'll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议

band: 乐队 the school band practice: 学校乐队练习

practice: 名词:练习 Learning a language needs a lot of practice.

动词practice doing sth. practice sth

practice the violin practice playing the piano

practise 实习.实践.指有规律的练习,特指反复练习,不断练习,如大音乐家需要不段的practice

exercise是练习,一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等.如spelling exercise(拼写练习), ,lack of exercise缺乏练习,do one's exercise做练习, physical exercise体育锻炼



I'm doing my exe rcises.我在做练习/功课。

Doing morning exercises is helpful to our health.做早操对我们的健康是有益的。

You should do more spelling exercises. 你应该做更多的拼写练习。


You are weak because of the lack of exercise.你身体弱是因为缺少锻炼。

Take more exercise, and you will be healthy.多多锻炼,你会健康的。


You must exercise yourself in order to be stronger and healthier.为了更健康更强壮,你必须锻炼自己。

16. We make great music together. 我们一起演奏动听的音乐。


make/ have/ let sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

make sb. +adj.做某人……

make friends交朋友 make cakes做蛋糕 make a noise发出噪音 make yourself at home像在家里一样自然make sure确保

go to …together 一起去 together with 与……一样(常用作插入语)

17. I always have a good time at school.

have a good time = enjoy oneself= have fun 玩得开心 at school 在学校

Unit Two Daily lifeLanguage


1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。

2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。

3.表示客观现实和普遍真理。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。

补充:4.在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中, 用一般现在时表示将来。如:

If you come this afternoon, we’ll have a party. 如果你今天下午来,我们就举行一个宴会。

5. 一般现在时还可以表示一个按规定、计划或安排将要发生的情况(这时都有一个表示未来时间的状语)。但仅限于少数动词。如: begin, come, leave, go, arrive, start, return, stop, close等。如: The meeting begins at seven. 7点开会。


always, usually, often, sometimes , seldom, hardly, never, every day(week, year, night), on Sundays, on Monday, in the evening, once/ twice/ three times a month

例句: I often visit my teachers. 我经常看望我的老师。

例句: They do morning exercises every day. 他们每天做早操。

①其中根据频度的“密疏”,频度副词的排列顺序是:always, usually, often, sometimes , seldom, hardly, never

②频度副词通常放在行为动词之前,be动词、助动词和情态动词之后;而副词 短语经常位于句末或句首。例如:

I often get up early. 我经常起得早。

He is always kind to others. 他总是对别人很好。

I walk to school every day. 我每天步行去上学。

③对频度副词提问时,用how often.

--How often do you go to see your grandparents? --Once a week.

区分:sometime, some time, sometimes, some times

sometime指将来或过去的“某个时候”,指时间点;some time“一些时间,相当长的时间”,指时间段;sometimes“有时”,是频度副词;some time“几次,几倍”,time作可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”

every day表示“每天,天天”,是副词短语;而everyday表示“日常的”,是形容词,强调平常与普通。English is widely used in everyday life.英语在日常生活中广泛使用。


1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。

2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。

当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数,即要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。


1. be动词的变化。

①否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。

②一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。如:-Are you a student?-Yes. I am. / No, I'm not.

③特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike?


①否定句:主语+ don't( doe sn't ) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I don't like bread.

当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如:He doesn't often play.

②一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。如:

- Do you often play football?- Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


- Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

③特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:How does your father go to work?



1. 一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks work - works

2. 以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies carry - carries

4. have - has




=take part in

e.g:Tom usually attends an English party. Tom经常参加英语派对。

=Tom usually takes part in an English party.


e.g:I attended an English Corner yesterday evening. 我昨天晚上参加了一次英语角。

=I took part in an English Corner yesterday evening.


1.Alice usually __________(参加) a meeting and ___________(讨论) the problem.

2.He _______ the club meeting once a month.

A. attend B. attendsC. does attendD. did attend

3.Some young people usually ________ a dancing club.

A. attendB. assist C. goD. discuss

二.continue doing sth 继续做....

=go on doing sth

e.g: After supper, May continues doing her homework.晚饭过后,May继续写她的作业。

=After supper, May goes on doing her homework.

e.g: After having a rest, Tom continues practicing the long race. 休息一会后,Tom继续练习长跑。 =After having a rest, Tom goes on practicing the long race.




It rained but they ____________ _______________.

2.She continues _______ her game after dinner.

A. work on B. to work in C. working onD. working in

3.After having a walk, Alice continues ____________(read) book. (用括号内单词适当形式填空)

※请注意,在英语中,有一些动词,后面既可以接动词ing形式,又可以接动词不定式to do结构,但是它们的意义不同的。比如我们正在学的continue就是这样的单词。

continue doing sth 继续做(刚才没做完的事,做的是同一件事)

continue to do sth 继续做(别的事情,跟刚才不一样的事情)

forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了,只是自己忘记了)

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(事情没有做过,忘记去做了)

remember doing sth 记得做过某事(事情已经做过了,记起来自己做了这件事)

remember to do sth 记得去做某事(事情没有做,记得要去做这件事)

stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情

stop to do sth 停下来,去做别的事情



1.Sorry, I forgot _______my English book here.

A. to take B. to bring C. to getD. bringing

2.When you leave, please don't forget ________ off the lights.

A. turn B. turning C. to turn D. turned

3.Can you tell me how I can make this kid stop _________?

A. cryingB. to cryC. cryD. cring

4.---Do you remember ______the door when you leave today?

--- Yes,I do.

A. to openB. openingC. to close D. closing

5.When the teacher comes into classroom, we stop _______.

A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. speaking

6.Where is my umbrella? I remember ______ it here, but I can't find it now.

A. bringing B. to bring C. taking D. to take

7.When I finish my Chinese homework, I continue _________ my English homework.

A. to do B. doing C. did D. do

8.Although he fell down from the tree, he continued _________ up the tree.

A. climbing B. to climb C. climbed D. climb

三.return to someplace返回某地

=go/come back to someplace

e.g: I will return to Shenzhen in three days. 我将在三天之内返回深圳。

=I will go back to Shenzhen in three days.

e.g: When did you return home?你什么时候回家的?

=When did you come back home?

※这里的home前面为什么没有介词to,相信大家都知道了。因为在英语中,我们往往会忽略一个问题,home为地点副词,前面不能加任何的介词,类似的地点副词还有here, there, aboard, abroad等。同学们,一定要记住啊。


1.After the vacation, he _______ to school.

A. returns back B. returned C. return backD return

2.In summer holiday, I returned _______ my native town.

A. in B. onC. at D. to

3.When did your farther ________ Beijing?

A. return B. return toC. return back D. return back to

4.He _______ home happily.

A. returns back B. returns to C. goes back D. goes back to

5.Every day I go back to school at 5 p.m.

Every day I ________ to school at 5p.m.


一、(P. 58)


All reactionaries are paper tigers.


This gives him an opportunity to change his mind without loss of face.


She has powerful friends, so she got into the diplomatic service by the back door.


We will unswervingly implement the principle of “one country, two systems”.



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


That matter gives the family no peace.

3) 明年的生产计划,队长已胸有成竹。

The team leader has a well-thought-out plan for next year’s production.


What’s the point of standing against it? The die is already cast.



Bring it closer so that I may see it better.


They stopped work when the whistle below.

3) 走路的人口渴了摘一个西瓜吃,我们这里不算偷的。

If passers-by are thirsty and pick a watermelon, folk down our way don’t consider it as stealing.


Fight when we are win, move away when we can’t.


Hong Kong and Macao maintained their prosperity and stability and developed closer economic partnership with the mainland.


1)华山是我国著名的“五岳”之一, ‖以其险峰峻秀著称于世。 Mount Hua is one the five sacred mountains in China. ‖It is famous for its high and grotesque peaks and steep cliffs.

2)中国古代的陶器,数量很大,品种繁多, ‖是中国古代艺术的重要组成部分。

Ancient Chinese earthenware is of great variety and of great quantity. ‖It becomes an important part of ancient Chinese art.

3)中医是中华文化不可分割的一部分, ‖为振兴中华做出了巨大的


Traditional Chinese Medicine is an integral part of Chinese culture. ‖It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China.

4)时候既然是深冬, ‖渐进故乡时,天气又阴晦了。

It was late winter. ‖As we drew near my hometown the day became overcast.

5)这首歌并不曾继续多久, ‖就和笛声共同消失在黑暗里了。 The singing did not last very long. ‖Soon, together with the sound of the flute, it faded away in the dark.

五、合并法(P. 75)


The horse responds to the slightest pull on the rein.


Shanghai, a shopping center for best buys, is the largest city in China.


Free compulsory education was made available to all rural students, marking an important milestone in the history of the development of education in China.


China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in

agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.

5) 现在他刚从六百里外的煤矿回来。矿里罢了工, 他是煽动者之一。 At the moment he has just arrived from the coal-mine two hundred miles away where he has helped to organize a strike.

6)苏小姐有亲戚在中国领事馆做事,派汽车到码头上来接她吃晚饭。Miss Su’s relatives, who worked at the local Chinese consulate, sent a car to the wharf to pick her up for dinner…


一、(PP. 93-94)注意汉语动词和英语名词之间的转换


Don’t rely on him to do anything. He’s just a talker.


These facts are a witness to his carelessness.

二、(P. 94)注意汉语动词和英语形容词的转换

4) 他不满足于现有的成就

He is not content with his present achievement.


Who is responsible for the building’s maintenance?

三、(P. 94)注意汉语动词与英语介词之间的转换


He is nearly blind without his glasses.


He kept on working in spite of all difficulties.

四、(P. 94)注意此类的转换


Our age is witnessing a profound political change.


Good maps are a necessity to travelers.

五、(P. 94)注意数字之间的转换


The impoverished population in rural areas has dropped from more than 250 million to just over 20 million.


The central government spent 53.6 billion yuan on education.


China has accumulated about $350 billion in foreign-currency reserves.

六、(P. 95)


Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.


He will arrive in China in the middle ten days of September.

