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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-07 07:17 | 移动端:长度用英文怎么说






Egg head



A legend on campus


A player

原文来自 必克英语/communication-




一名中国留学生初到美国,在机场找厕所,问老外:“Where is W.C.?”老外听不懂。一名中国太太到医院生产,洋护士问她:“Did you have a bowel movement?”她却听不懂。还有人学了几十年的英语,还不晓得英语里的“大便”、“小便”和“放屁”真正应该怎么说。

至于性毛病,更是老中难于启齿、欲语还羞的尴尬。见到洋医生,窘迫万分,不知如何开口 才是,真有”犹抱琵琶半遮面”的感受。



厕所在美国一般都叫 rest room或bath room(男女厕均可),或分别叫做 men’s room或ladies’room (=powder room)。


至于 W.C.(water closet)仍是过去英国人用的,在美国几乎没有人使用。

此外,john(j 小写时,不是男人名字)是 bath room 或 toilet 的意思(也叫 outhouse),这通常是指在户外工作场地所使用的临时或流动性厕所(有时前面也加 portable 一字)。


·There are several (portable) johns in the construction site.(在建筑场地有几个临时厕所。)

·He went to the john a few minutes ago.(他在几分钟前上了厕所。)

·The manual labors have to use (portable) johns during their working hours.(劳动者在工作时间内需要使用流动性厕所。)


解小便最普通的说法是to urinate(名词是 urination)。

如果去看病,护士为了化验小便,就会给你一个杯子说:“Will (could) you urinate in this cup?”医生或许也会问:“Do you have trouble urinating?”=Do you have difficulty voiding?(小便有困难吗?)

此外,还有其他的说法:to piss = to take a piss = to take a leak = to void = to empty。例如:

·I need to piss = I have to take a leak.

·How often do you get up at night to void?(晚上起床小便几次?)。

不过,小孩多半用 to pee。例如: The boy needs to pee.。然而,“小便检查”又叫做 urine test,因为这里的 urine 是化验的样品(specimen)。例如:Do I need a urine test? 注意:to piss off 是片语,又是指对人生气或对事物的不满。不过这是不礼貌的片语,少用为妙。 例如:He pissed me off. = He made me angry. He always pisses off (at) the society.(对社会不满)。


·My urine is cloudy and it smells strong.(有浊尿,味道很重)

·I have pus (或 air)in urine.(尿有泡沫) (pus = cloudy; air = bubble) ·I dribble a little urine after I have finished urinating.(小便后还会滴滴答答。(即失禁毛病) )

·I am passing less urine than usual.(小便的量比平时少)


解大便一般是用 to make(或 have)a bowel movement 或 to take a shit。

如果看病,医生常问:“Do you have regular bowel movement?”(大便正常吗?说得斯文些,就是“大肠在转动”)

此外,还有其他的说法:to defecate =to discharge excrement(或feces)=to take feces (或 faeces)例如:The patient needs to take a shit.(=to make a bowel movement)

不过,小孩多半是用 to make a poo poo 或 to make a BM.。例如:The boy had a stinky BM.(大便奇臭。)但是“大便检查”叫做 stool exam,因为 stool 也是一种化验的样品。

例如:The doctor has to exam his stool.(医生要检查他的大便。)


放屁在美语里最常用的是 to expel|fart|make|pass gas。


·“How often do you expel(或 make 或 pass)gas?”(你放屁的次数很多吗?) ·Is the gas expelled by belching?(是否打嗝后就会放屁呢?动词是 belch)

·He said the more he ate, the more he farted.(吃的愈多,放屁也愈多。)

·He has passed more gas than usual within the last two days.(过去两天中,他放屁比平常多。)

·Be careful not to fart in the public.(注意在公共场所不可放屁。)


·I have an upset stomach.(消化不良)

= I have heartburn.

= I have indigestion.

注意:Heartburn 是指胃不舒服,不是「心痛」(heartache)

·Something has upset my stomach for two weeks.(胃不舒服有两星期了。) ·He has(persistent)constipation.(或 irregularity)(他经常便秘。)

或 He has been unusually constipated.(便秘很反常。)

或 He is having problem with irregularity.(或 constipation)

或 He has no bowel movement for the past few days.

·He has bouts of diarrhea.=He is having trouble with diarrhea.(他拉了一阵肚子。) ·He can see trace of blood and pus or mucus in his stool 或 bowel movement)(大便时可看到血丝和粘膜。)

补充:He got pissed on head 他很生气。 (想想别人在你头上撒尿是啥感觉?哈哈) Pee or poo ? 拉屎还是尿尿?这个也是个习惯用语啊:)



Tops 上衣

bust,bust width (女)胸围,[粤]胸阔

chest,chest width (男)胸围,[粤]胸阔

waist 腰围

bottom,hem,hem opening 下摆,[粤]脚围

waistband width (夹克等上衣)脚围

waistband height (夹克等上衣)脚高

front cross 前胸宽,[粤]前胸阔

across measure 横量,[粤]横度

neck width,neck across 领宽,[粤]领横

neck drop (center back to center front) 领深(后中到前中) front neck drop 前领深

back neck drop 后领深

placket width 门襟宽,[粤]门筒阔

pocket welt width 袋口高

pocket high point 袋尖高(口袋最长的高度)

shoulder across 总肩宽,[粤]肩阔

shoulder length,small shoulder 肩长,[粤]小肩长(单边肩长) armhole(curve) 袖窿,[粤]夹圈(弯量,[粤]弯度)

armhole(straight) 袖窿,[粤]夹圈(直量,[粤]直度)

armpit 腋窝,[粤]夹底

sleeve length 袖长

overarm 上袖长

underarm 下袖长

sleeve crown height 袖山高

biceps 袖肥,[粤]袖髀围

upper arm width,sleeve width 袖肥,[粤]袖髀阔

sleeve opening 袖口

cuff width 袖头宽,[粤]鸡英宽

cuff height 袖头高,[粤]鸡英高

elbow width,forearm width 肘宽

center back length 后中长

back cross 后背宽,[粤]后背阔

collar length 领长

collar point spread 领尖距

collar point 领尖长

upper collar height 上级领高

collar band height 领座高,[粤]下级领高

logo meas: edge to side fold 标识位置:边到折边

Bottoms 下装

waist(relax) 腰围(松量,[粤]松度)

waist(stretched) 腰围(拉量,[粤]拉度)

waistband width (裤、裙等下装)腰围

waistband height (裤、裙等下装)腰头高

hip,hip width 臀围,坐围

high hip 上臀围,上坐围

thigh(under crotch),thigh width 髀围,大腿围(裤浪底量) leg opening 裤脚围

knee 膝围

sweep (裙)下摆,[粤](裙)脚围

side seam,outseam length 外长,[粤]侧骨长

inseam length 内长

fly length (裤)门襟长,[粤]钮牌长

fly width (裤)门襟宽,[粤]钮牌宽

front rise 前直裆长,[粤]前浪长

back rise 后直裆长,[粤]后浪长

back yoke height 后约克高,[粤]后机头高


Jandy Zhu 编辑,来自:

A & E=American & Efird, Inc. 美国线业公司

A/H,A.H.=armhole 袖窿,[粤]夹圈

a/c,acc.=account 帐单,账目

a/w.,aw=actual weight 实际重量

ABS=area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布

add.=address 地址

ADL=acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准

agt.=agent 代理商,代理人

amt.=amount 总计,合计,总额

AOP=all over printing 全身印花

approx.=approximately 约计

AQL=Acceptance Quality Limit 接收质量限

ar.=around 大约

art.=article [欧洲]款式

asap.=as soon as possible 尽快

ATTN.=attention 注意,收件人

aud.=audit 稽核

av.=average 平均

awb. no.=air way bill no. 运单号

B.=back 后

B.=bust (女)胸围

B.L.=back length 后长

B.N.P.=back neck point 后颈点

BNT=back neck tape 后领滚

B.P.=bust point 胸高点,乳峰点

B.T.=bust top 乳围

B.W.=back width 后背宽

b/l=bill of lading 提单,提货单

bk.=black 黑色

BMS.=body measurement system 人体尺寸测量系统

BMT.=basic motion time 基本动作时间

BNL.=back neckline 后领口

BNP,BNPT.=back neck point 后颈点

BOC=Bank of China 中国银行

BOM=bill of material 物料表

BP=backpack 背包

BRT=barrier removal team 障碍排除小组

BSP.=back shoulder point 后肩颈点

BTM.=bottom 下摆

BTN.=button 钮扣

bx.=boxes 箱,盒

c.&d. =collected and delivered 货款两清

C.=chest (男)胸围

C.A.D.=cash against documents 凭单据付款

C.B.,C/B=centre back 后中

C.F.,C/F =centre front 前中

C.F.,C&F=coat and freight 离岸加运费价格

CFT=cross function team 跨功能小组

C.P.L.=collar point length 领尖长

C.V.C.=chief value of cotton 以棉为主的混纺物

c/d.=certificate of delivered 交货证明书

C/O,C.O.=country of origin 原产国,产地证

c/o label,coo. label=country of origin label 产地唛

CAD=computer aided design 电脑辅助设计

CAE=computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程

CAL=computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料

CAM=computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造

CAP=computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样

ca.=circa 大约

cat.=catalogue (产品)目录

cbd.=cash before delivery 付款交货

CBL.=center back line 后中线

CBM=cubic meter 立方米

CBN-W=center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰

CECF=chine export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会(广交会) cell.=cellular phone 手机

cert.=certificate 证书,执照

CFS.=container freight station 走拼箱

CI=corporate identify 企业标识

CIF=cost,insurance & freight 到岸价

CNY=Chinese new year 春节(中国新年),China Yuan 人民币 col.,clr.=color 颜色

CMPT.=cut,make,pack,trim 裁剪+车缝+包装+辅料

CMT.=cut,make,trimmings 来料加工(裁剪+车缝+辅料) cord.=corduroy 灯芯绒

CS=commercial standards 商业标准

C/No.,CTN. No.=carton no. 箱号

CY.=container yard 走整柜

d. & k.=damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔

d.=denier 旦

DC=distribution center 配送中心

d/y=delivery 出货,交付

dbl.=double 双

dbl. ndl.=double needles 双针

dept.=department 部门

dk.=dark 深色

DL=Decorative label 主唛

doz.=dozen 打

DS=Detail Sketch 细节图

DTM=dye to match 配色

dtmsa.=dye to match surrounding area 配所在部位颜色

e.g.=[拉丁]exampli gratia,for example 例如

e.p.=elbow point 肘点

emb.=embroidery 绣花,[粤]车花

eq.=excluding quota 不包括配额

eta.=estimated to arrival,estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间 etc.=[拉丁]et cetera等等

etd.=estimated to departure 预计开船时间

etd.=estimated time of delivery 预计出货时间 exp.=export 出口

ext.=extension number分机号

F.=front 前

F.L.=front length 前长

F.N.P.=front neck point 前颈点

F.O.A.=feed off arm 埋夹

FAB.=fabric 布料

faq.=fair average quality 中等品

fb.=freight bill 装货清单

FCL.=full container load 走整柜

FFM=fully fashion mark

fluo.=fluorescence 荧光

FNP.=front neck point 前颈点

FOB.=free on board 离岸价

FYR.=for your reference 供参考

FQC.=field quality control 现场质量控制

FTY.=factory 工厂

fyi. =for your information

G.W.=gross weight 毛重

GBP=great britain pound 英镑

GL.=grain line 丝缕,[粤]布纹

GOH.=garment on hanger 走挂装

H.=hip 坐围

H&L=hook & loop 尼龙搭扣


H/L=hand loom 手织样

HPS=high point of shoulder 高肩点

HSP=high shoulder point 高肩点

HTM=how to measure 量度方法

imag. line=imaginary line 参考线

in.=inch 英寸

iq.=including quota 包括配额

irre. L/C=irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证

jandy.me 一路好景

jkt.=jacket 夹克

K.=knit 针织

L.=large 大号

L.=left 左

L.=length 长度

L=ligne 莱尼,号。纽扣直径大小单位,40号=1英寸 l.g.=length grain 经向,直纹

L/C=letter of credit 信用证

L/D=lab dip 色卡,色咭,色样

L/G=letter of guarantee 担保证

L/S=long sleeve 长袖

lb.=pound 磅

lbl.=label 唛头,商标

L/H=lable & hangtag 唛头和吊牌
