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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-04 06:19 | 移动端:机械制造类专业英语


1. That branch of scientific analysis which motions, times and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics.研究位移、时间和力运动乘力是科学分析法的一个分歧,被称作力学,力学由两大部分组成,静力学和动力学。

2. For example, if the force operating on a sleeve bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating and rapid failure of the bearing.例如:如果止推轴承上的作用力过大的话,会挤出油膜,引起金属和金属之间的相互接触,轴承将过热而迅速失效。

3. Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force.力的直观概念包括力的作用点、大小、方向,这些被称为力的三要素。

4. All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces. When the deformation of such bodies is small, they are frequently assumed to be rigid, i.e., incapable of deformation, in order to simplify the analysis.所有的物体既可以是弹性的也可以是塑性的,如果受到力的作用就产生变形。当变形很小的时候它们被假设成刚体,也就是不产生变形。

5. The rigid-body assumption cannot be used in internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces to be analyzed. Thus we consider the body to be capable of deforming.刚体假设不能应用于内应力和内


6. If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced, the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity.如果作用在质点上所有的力是平衡的,质点将会保持静止或做做匀速直线运动。

7. A tensile test consists of slowly pulling a sample of material with a tensile load until it breaks. The ends of tensile specimens are usually enlarged to provide extra area for grip-ping and to avoid having the sample break where it is being gripped.拉伸试验包括慢慢加载拉伸载荷直到断裂。拉伸试件两端加粗为了提供装夹区域和避免试件断裂。

8. The usual manner of conducting the test is to deform the specimen at a constant speed. For example, in the universal testing machines, the motion between the fixed and moving crossheads can be controlled at a constant speed. 通常进行试验的方法就是使试件以恒定速度发生变形。例如,在万能拉伸试验机上,固定端和移动的十字滑块之间的变形是以恒定速度进行的。

9. The load that must be applied to enforce this displacement rate varies as the test proceeds. This load F may be divided by the cross-sectional area A to obtain the stress in the specimen at any time during the test.随着实验的进行,用来产生位移的载荷是随位移的变化而变化。在实验中,载荷F除以横截面积A可以得到任意时刻点的应力。

10. However actual measurement of ΔL is preferable where this is feasible. Stress and strain based on the initial (undeformed) dimensions, Ai and Li, are called engineering stress and strain.然而,在可行的位置上ΔL的实际测量是更可取的,基于原始尺寸Ai和Li的应力和应变称为工程应力和工程应变。

11. Ductile and brittle materials behave differently in compression test as well. The compression test is conducted on short cylindrical specimens placed between parallel plates.塑性和脆性材料在压缩试验中表现的特性是不相同的。压缩试验是把短圆柱形试件放在两平行平板之间进行的。

12. The compression test diagram for these materials retains the qualitative features of the tension test diagram. The ultimate compressive strength of a brittle of a brittle material is determined in the same way as in tension.材料压缩试验图保持了拉伸试验图性能上的特征。脆性材料的最大压缩强度与最大拉伸强度得到的方法相同。

13. Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow (hollow shafts can result in weight savings).几乎所有的机器都有轴,最常用的外形是圆形的,横截面是空心的或实心的圆形截面(空心轴可以减少重量)。

14. A shaft must have adequate torsional strength to transmit torque and

not be overstressed. It must also be torsionally still enough so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft.一个轴必须有足够的扭转强度来传递扭矩而不会破坏,同样也必须有足够的扭转刚度,这样安装轴就不能过度偏离相对于安装在同一轴上第二个零件的原始位置。

15. Shafts are mounted on bearings and transmit power through such devices as gears, pulleys, cams and clutches. These devices introduce forces which attempt to bend the shaft; hence, the shaft must be rigid enough to prevent overloading of the supporting bearings.轴安装在轴承上通过齿轮,滑轮,凸轮和离合器这些装置传递力。这些装置可以产生使轴弯曲的力,所以轴必修有足够的刚性防止支撑轴承的过载。

16. In addition, the shaft must be able to sustain a combination of bending and torsion and bending.另外,轴必须能承载弯扭组合的载荷,因此,这样就必须考虑弯扭组合的等效载荷。

17. Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of key. The design of the key and the corresponding keyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated.齿轮和滑轮构件是用键的方式连接在轴上的,键和对应的键槽的设计必须进行估算。

18. Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another. This is accomplished by devices such

as rigid and flexible couplings.轴设计的另一个重要方面是直接连接两轴,通过刚性和柔性的联轴器装置来实现。

19. Pressure angles for spur gears are usually 14.5 or 20 degrees, although other values can be used. Meshing gears must have the same pressure angles.直齿轮的压力角通常为14.5°或20°,另外也使用其它的角度,啮合齿轮必须具有相同的压力角。

20. The shape of the space between gear teeth on the gear as well as tooth module, so most gear manufacturing methods generate the tooth flank instead of forming.齿轮轮齿之间齿槽的形状是复杂的,并且随着齿的数目和模数变化而变化,因此大多数齿轮的加工方法是展成齿腹齿廓而不是齿形成形加工。

21. Worm gears are used where high ratios are desired and where the shafts are nonintersecting and at right angles.蜗杆蜗轮应用于传动比大而且两轴不相交但相互垂直的情况下。

22. It has the great advantage that the cutting tool is a simple rack with ( nearly ) straight sided teeth which can easily be ground accurately.这种方法有很大的优势,切削工具是一个简单的带有直齿边的齿条

23. Modern shapers cutting car gears can run at 2000 cutting per minute. The shape of the cutter is roughly the same as an involute gear but the tips of the teeth are rounded.现代切削汽车的成型器齿轮转速可达每分钟2000转,齿刀形状与渐开线大致相同,但齿顶是圆形的。


Basic Concept in Mechanics

The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions time and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of Stationary ,i .e.,those in which time is not a factor,and dynamics deals with systems which change with time .


Forces are transmitted into machine members through mating surfaces ,e.g.,form a gear to a shaft or form one gear through meshing teeth to another gear,from a V belt to a pulley,or from a cam to a follower. It is necessary to know the magnitudes of these forces for a variety of Reasons. The distribution of the forces at the boundaries or mating surfaces must be reasonable and their intensities must be within the working limits of the materials composing thesurfaces. For example if the force operating on a journal bearing becomes too high it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact overheating and rapid failure of the bearing. If the forces betweens gear teeth are too large the oil film may be squeezed out from between them. This could result in flaking and spalling of the metal noise rough motion and eventual failure. In the study of mechanics we are principally interested in determining the magnitude direction and location of the Forces.

力通过接触表面传到机器中的各构件上。例如从齿轮传到轴或者从齿轮通过与其啮合的轮齿传到另一个齿轮从V带传到带轮,或者从凸轮传到从动件。由于很多原因人们必须知道这些力的大小。这些力在边界或在接触表面的分布必须合理,它们的大小必须在构成配合表面的材料的工作极限以内。例如如 果作用在一个滑动轴承上的力太大,它就会将油膜挤出,造成金属与金属的直接接触,产生过热和使轴承快速失效。如果齿轮相啮合的齿与齿之间的力过大就会将油膜从齿间挤压出来。这会造成金属表层的碎裂和剥落,噪音增大,运动不精确直至报废。在力学研究中,我们主要关心力的大小、方向和作用点。

Some of the terms used in mechanics are defined below.


Force Our earliest ideas concerning forces arose because of our desire to push , lift , or pull various objects . So force is the action of one body on another . Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application , direction ,and magnitude , and these are called the characteristics of a force .

力 关于力的最早概念是由我们需要推、举或拉各种物体而产生的。因此,力是物体之间的相互作用。力的直接概念包括作用点、大小和方向,这些被称为力的要素。

Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter that a body or an object contains . The mass of the body is not dependent on gravity and therefore is different from but proportional to its weight . Thus , a moon rock has a certain constant amount of substance , even though its moon weight is different from its earth weight . This constant amount of substance , or quantity of matter , is called the mass of the rock .

质量 是物体内所包含的物质的量。物体质量不受重力影响,因此与物体重量不同,但是与其成比例。尽管一块月球岩石在月球上和地球上的重量不同,但它的物质含量是不变的。这不变的物质含量就称为岩石的质量。

Inertia is the property of mass that causes it to resist any effort to change its motion .

惯性 是质量所具有的抵抗任何外力改变其本身运动状态的性质。

Weight is the force with which a body is attracted to the earth or another celestial body , equal to the product of the object's mass and the acceleration of gravity .

重量 是地球或其他天体对物体的吸引力,它等于物体的质量与重力加速度的乘积。 Particle A particle is a body whose dimensions are so small that they may be neglected . 质点 当一个物体尺寸特别小,可以忽略不计时,该物体可以被称为质点。

Rigid Body A rigid body does not change size and or shape under the action of forces. Actually, all bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces . When the deformation of such bodies is small , they are frequently assumed to be rigid , i.e. , incapable of deformation , in order to simplify the analysis . A rigid body is an idealization of a real body.

刚体 刚体在受力后,其大小和形状都不会发生变化。实际上,所有的物体,不管是弹性体还是塑性体,在外力作用下都会发生形变。当物体的变化非常小时,为了简化计算,通畅假设这个物体是刚体,也就是认为它没有发生形变。刚体是实际物体的理想化模型。

Deformable BodyThe rigid body assumption cannot be used when internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces are to be analyzed . Thus we consider the body to be capable of deforming . Such analysis is frequently called elastic body analysis , using the addit ional assumption that the body remains elastic within the range of the applied forces .

变形体 在分析由于外力的作用所引起物体内部的应力和应变时,不能采用刚体假设。这时,认为物体能够变形。这样的分析通常被称为弹性体分析,这时所用的假设为,在作用力范围内,物体是弹性的。

Newton's Laws Newton's three laws are :

牛顿定律 牛顿三定律为:

Law 1 If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced , the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity .

第一定律 如果作用在一个质点上的所有外力平衡,那么,这个质点保持原来的静止或者匀速直线运动状态不变。

Law 2 If the forces acting on a particle are not balanced , the particle will experience an acceleration proportional to the resultant force and in the direction of the resultant force .

第二定律 如果作用在一个质点上的所有外力都不平衡,那么,这个质点将产生一个与外力合力成正比的加速度,加速度的方向与合力方向相同。

Law 3When two particles react , a pair of interacting forces come into existence ; these forces have the same magnitudes and opposite senses , and they act along the straight line common to the two particles .

第三定律 两个质点相互作用时,存在着一对作用力和反作用力。作用力和反作用力大小相等,方向相反,沿着同一条直线作用在两个质点上。

Mechanics deals with two kinds of quantities : scalars and vectors . Scalar quant it ies in mechanics are time , volume ,density , speed , energy , and mass . Vector quantities , on the other hand , possess direction as well as magnitude . Examples of vectors are displacement , velocity , acceleration , force , moment , and momentum .


Shafts and Couplings

Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow(hollow shafts can result in weight savings). Rectangular shafts are sometimes used, as in screwdriver blades, socket wrenches and control knob stems.


A shaft must have adequate torsional strength to transmit torque and not be overstressed. It must also be torsionally stiff enougth so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft . Generally speaking, the angle of twist should not exceed one degree in a shaft length equal to 20 diameters.


Shafts are mouted in bearings and transmit power though such devices as gears,pulleys,cams and clutches.these devices introduce forces which attempt to bend the shaft;hence,the shaft must be rigid enough to prevent overloading of the supporting bearings.Ingeneral,the bending deflection of a shaft should not exceed 0.5 mm per meter of length berween bearing supports.


In addition,the shaft must be able to sustain a combination of bending and torsional loads.Thus an equivalent load must be considered which takes into account both torsion and bending.Also,the allowable stress must contain a factor of safety which includes fatigue,since torsional and bending stress reversals occur.


For diameters less than 75 mm,the usual shaft material is cold-rolled steel containing about 0.4 percent carbon.Shafts are either cold-rolled or forged in sizes from 75 mm to 125 mm.For sizes above 125 mm,shafts are forged and machined to the required size.Plastic shafts are widely used for light load applications.One adwantage of using plastic is safety in electrical applications,since plastic is a poor conductor of electricity.


Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of key.The design of the key and the corresponding keyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated.For example,stress concentrations occur in shafts due to keyways,and the material removed to from the keyway further weakens the shaft.



If shafts are run at critical speeds, severe vibrations can occur which can seriously damage a machine. It is important to know the magnitude of these critical speeds so that they can be avoided. As a general rule of thumb, the difference between the operating speed and the critical speed should be at least 20 percent.


Another important aspect of shaft design is he method of directly connecting one shaft to another. This is accomplished by devices such as rigid and flexible couplings.


A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. In machine construction ,coupling are used to effect a semipermanent connection between adjacent rotating shafts. The connection is permanent in the sense that it is not meant to be broken during the useful life of the machine,but it can be broken and restored in an emergency or when worn parts are replaced.


There are several types of shaft coupling,their characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used.If an exceptional long shaft on a ship,it is made in sections that are coupled together with rigid coupling.A common type of rigid coupling consist of two mating radial flanges that are attached by key-driven hubs to the ends of adjacent shaft section and bolted together through the flanges to form a rigid connection.Alignment of the connected shafts is usually effected by meant of a rabbet joint on the face of the flanges.


In connecting shafts belongs to separate devices (such as an electric motor and a gearbox),precise aligning of the shafts is difficult and a flexible coupling is used ,this coupling connects the shafts in such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shaft misalignment. Flexible coupling also permit the shafts to deflect under their separate systems of loads and to move freely in the axial direction without interfering with one another, flexible coupling can also serve to reduce the intensity of shock loads and vibrations transmitted from shaft to another. 在把属于不同的设备(例如一个电动机和一个变数箱)的轴连接起来的时候,要把这些轴精确的对准是比较困难的,此时可以采用弹性联轴器,这种联轴器连接轴的方式,可以把由于被连接的轴之间的轴线不重和所造成的有害影响减少到最小,弹性联轴器也允许被连接的在他们各自的载荷系统作用下产生偏斜,或在斜线方向自由移动而至于相互干扰,弹性联轴器也可以用来减轻从一根轴传到另一根轴上的冲击载荷和震动的强度。

Fasteners and Springs

Fasteners are devices which permit one part to be joined to a second part and, hence, they are involved in almost all designs, the acceptability of any product depends not only on the selected componects ,but also on the means by which they are fastensd together ,the principal purpose of fasteners are to provide the following design features:


(1)Disassembly for inspection and repair

(2)Modular design where a product consistsof a number subassemblies. Modular design aids manufacturning as well as transportation.



There are three main classifications of fasteners, which are described as follows:

(1)Removable. This type permits the parts to be readily disconnected without damaging the fastener . An example is the ordinary nut-and-bolt fastener.

(2)Semipermanent. For this type,the parts can be disconnected, but some damage usually occurs to the fastener . One such example is a cotter pin。

(3)Permanent.。When this type of fastener is used, it is intended that the part will never be disassembled. Examples are riveted and welded joint.


(1) 可拆式。 采用这种方式连接的零件很容易被拆开,而且不会对连接件造成损伤。例如普通的螺栓螺母连接。


(3)永久式。 采用这种连接件就表明所连接的零件不会被分开,例如铆接和焊接。

The following factors should be taken into account when selecting fasteners for a given application:


(1)Primary function;




(3)A large number of small size fasteners versus a small number of large size fasteners(an example is bolts);


(4)Operating conditions such as vibration ,loads and temperature;


(5)Frequency of disassembly;


(6)Adjustability in the location of parts;


(7)Types of materials to be joined;


第一单元应力与应变 That branch of scientific analysis which motions, times and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics.

研究位移、时间和力运动乘力是科学分析法的一个分歧,被称作力学,力学由两大部 分组成,静力学和动力学。

For example, if the force operating on a sleeve bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating and rapid failure of the bearing. 例如:如果止推轴承上的作用力过大的话,会挤出油膜,引起金属和金属之间的相互接触,轴承将过热而迅速失效。

Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application, direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force.

力的直观概念包括力的作用点、大小、方向,这些被称为力的三要素。 All bodies are either elastic or plastic and will be deformed if acted upon by forces. When the deformation of such bodies is small, they are frequently assumed to be rigid, i.e., incapable of deformation, in order to simplify the analysis. 所有的物体既可以是弹性的也可以是塑性的,如果受到力的作用就产生变形。当变形很小的时候它们被假设成刚体,也就是不产生变形,以此来简化分析。

The rigid-body assumption cannot be used in internal stresses and strains due to the applied forces to be analyzed. Thus we consider the body to be capable of deforming.

刚体假设不能应用于内应力和内应变的分析,所以在实际力的分析时,要考虑物体的形变。 If all the forces acting on a particle are balanced, the particle will either remain at rest or will continue to move in a straight line at a uniform velocity.


第二单元 材料的强度与塑性

A tensile test consists of slowly pulling a sample of material with a tensile load until it breaks. The ends of tensile specimens are usually enlarged to provide extra area for grip-ping and to avoid having the sample break where it is being gripped.


The usual manner of conducting the test is to deform the specimen at a constant speed. For example, in the universal testing machines, the motion between the fixed and moving crossheads can be controlled at a constant speed.


The load that must be applied to enforce this displacement rate varies as the test proceeds. This load F may be divided by the cross-sectional area A to obtain the stress in the specimen at any time during the test.


However actual measurement of ΔL is preferable where this is feasible. Stress and strain based on the initial (undeformed) dimensions, Ai and Li, are called engineering stress and strain.



Ductile and brittle materials behave differently in compression test as well. The compression test is conducted on short cylindrical specimens placed between parallel plates. 塑性和脆性材料在压缩试验中表现的特性是不相同的。压缩试验是把短圆柱形试件放在两平行平板之间进行的。

The compression test diagram for these materials retains the qualitative features of the tension test diagram. The ultimate compressive strength of a brittle material is determined in the same way as in tension.


第三单元 轴设计 Virtually all machines contain shafts. The most common shape for shafts is circular and the cross section can be either solid or hollow (hollow shafts can result in weight savings).


A shaft must have adequate torsional strength to transmit torque and not be overstressed. It must also be torsionally still enough so that one mounted component does not deviate excessively from its original angular position relative to a second component mounted on the same shaft.


Shafts are mounted on bearings and transmit power through such devices as gears, pulleys, cams and clutches. These devices introduce forces which attempt to bend the shaft; hence, the shaft must be rigid enough to prevent overloading of the supporting bearings.


In addition, the shaft must be able to sustain a combination of bending and torsion and bending.

另外,轴必须能承载弯扭组合的载荷,因此,这样就必须考虑弯扭组合的等效载荷。 Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of key. The design of the key and the corresponding keyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated.


Another important aspect of shaft design is the method of directly connecting one shaft to another. This is accomplished by devices such as rigid and flexible couplings.


第四单元 Spur Gears齿轮

Pressure angles for spur gears are usually 14.5 or 20 degrees, although other values can be used. Meshing gears must have the same pressure angles.


The shape of the space between gear teeth on the gear as well as tooth module, so most gear manufacturing methods generate the tooth flank instead of forming.


Worm gears are used where high ratios are desired and where the shafts are nonintersecting and at right angles.


It has the great advantage that the cutting tool is a simple rack with ( nearly ) straight sided teeth which can easily be ground accurately.


Modern shapers cutting car gears can run at 2000 cutting per minute. The shape of the cutter is roughly the same as an involute gear but the tips of the teeth are rounded.


Bevel gears are often used when two shafts are at right angles to each other and their centerline extensions intersect; however, some bevel gears are at angles other than 90 degrees. 圆锥齿轮一般应用于相互垂直的两轴或两个中心线延长线的相交轴中,也可用于不垂直的两轴中。

第五单元cams 凸轮

The purpose of any cam is to produce a displacement of its follower; a secondary follower is often used to produce additional displacement in another location.


The relative vertical position of point A with respect to B needs to be raised if the reaction value at B is excessive.


In general, the follower is considered to be the part that comes in contact with the cam profile. However, when a secondary follower is used, the motion of the secondary follower is dictated by that of the primary follower.


The simplest type of follower is the reciprocating type that merely moves up and down ( or in and out ) with the rotation of the cam; the centerline can be either collinear with the cam centerline or offset form it.


Fasteners are devices which permit one part to be joined to a second part and, hence, they are involved in almost all designs.


Springs are mechanical members which are designed to give a relatively large amount of elastic deflection under the action of an externally applied load.



1.The first stage in the production of sand casting must be the design and manufacture of a

suitable pattern. Casting pattern has to be made larger than the finished casting size to allow for the shrinkage that takes place during solidification and cooling.


2.If a hollow casting is to be made the pattern will include extension pieces so that spaces to accept the sand core are molded into the sand. These additional spaces in the mold are termed core prints.


3.Sand molds for the production of small and medium-sized castings are made in a molding box. The mold is made in two or more parts in order that the pattern may be removed.


4.This process of filling and ramming may be done by hand but mold production is automated in a large foundry with the mold boxes moving along a conveyor, firstly to be filled with sand from hoppers and then to pass under mechanical hammers for ramming. 填充和夯实的过程可以手工完成,但在大型铸造中砂型的制造是自动完成的,砂箱随着传送带移动,首先被料斗中的砂子填满,然后通过机械锤时被打实。

5.The risers should coincide with the highest points of the mold cavity so that the displaced air can readily escape from the mold. The sizes of risers should be such that the metal in them does not freeze too rapidly.


6.When the metal that has been poured into a sand mold has fully solidified, the mold is broken and the casting is removed. The casting still has the runner and risers attached to it and there will be sand adhering to portions of the surface.


第8课 锻造 1. Forging means the shaping of metal by a series of hammer blows, or by slow application of pressure. The simplest example is a blacksmith’s forging of a hot piece of metal by hammering the work-piece on an anvil.


2. Heavy smith’s forging is fundamentally similar, differing only in the scale of the operation. The work-piece may be an ingot of 100 tons and the deforming force provided by a massive forging hammer, but the whole process is controlled by the master smith, who decides each time where, and with what force, the blow should take place.


3. Forging operations may be carried out using either forging hammers or forging presses. With a press, as opposed to a hammer, pressure is slowly applied and plastic deformation

tends to occur fairly uniformly throughout the material.


4. Forging hammers are of two basic types with the large hammer either dropping on to the work-piece accelerated by gravity alone or, as in the steam hammer, accelerated by both gravity and steam pressure.


5. Smith’s or open-die forging is used for making very large forgings or when the number of forgings of a particular design is small. Open-die forging is also used to preform metal prior to final shaping by means of closed-die forging.


6. Closed-die forging involves the use of accurately machined die blocks. The capital cost of a pair of die blocks is high, but this is allowable when it is required to make forgings to close dimensional tolerances and in large quantity, as would be the case for, say, connecting rods for the engine of a popular car.


第九章 电弧焊

1.Arc welding in one form or another is the most widely used form of welding .the electrical supply is low voltage but high amperage and may be either alternating or direct .

电弧焊在一种或另一种形式是应用最广泛的焊接形式。电力供应是低电压,但是大电流,并且可以是交流或直流。2.the earliest forms of arc welding used carbon electrodes.but nowadays the arc is struck between a metal electrode and workpiece .the electrode may either be of tungsten or be a consumable metal electrode that melts ,acting as a source of filler metal .

电弧焊接的最早的形式使用碳电极,但现在的电弧触发一个金属电极与工件之间,电极可以是钨或可熔化,作为填充金属供源的消耗性金属电极。3.an alternating-current arc is broken and re-established at each half cycle and this leads to arc instability although the use of arc-established agents in the flux coating of electrode wires can overcome this problem .

交流电弧被打破并且重新建立在每个半周期,这导致电弧不稳定虽然在电极布线焊剂涂层使用电弧建立剂可以克服这个问题。4.uncoated welding rods can be used for arc wilding .but it is more usual to use flux-coated electrodes .when steels are welded using uncoated electrodes,oxides and nitrides can form and remain in the weld with a consequent loss of toughness .未涂覆的焊条可以用于电弧焊。但更通常使用的焊剂涂覆的电极。当钢在使用未涂覆的电极焊接,氧化物和氮化物能够形成并保持在焊缝韧性因此而丧失。

5.flux-coated electrodes are widely used .the composition of the coatings is complex and a variety of different coatings are used to cater for different types of welding application . 焊剂涂覆的电极被广泛使用。涂层的组成是复杂和各种不同的涂料是用于配合不同类型的焊接应用。
