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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-04 06:13 | 移动端:苍溪梨花节







梨的品种: “济阳水晶梨”产于济阳县垛石镇唐庙管区,这种梨金黄透


“黄金梨”、 绿宝石梨,丰水梨,新高梨,水晶梨,长把梨(山













上海桃花节 主要活动田园农家乐、风味美食游、桃花节摄影展,











民间传统艺术及名特小吃展示,比如:唤马剪纸、川北皮影、 面塑等等。 云峰镇将推出四大名吃:王渡鲢鱼、虎背牛肉、姜家野味、狮岭农家乐供各位嘉宾和游客品尝

新津梨花节 2011以提高梨花节的互动性、参与性、娱乐性为目的,通过市 场化运作吸引社会资金,筹办 “海翔”杯三人制足球比赛、鸡公车比赛、夺宝比赛、有奖竞猜等群众性文化、娱乐、体育活 动,为梨花溪游客提供更多的文化休闲项目,进一步丰富旅游产品,提高游客的参与度和愉悦 度,提升景区人气和节庆氛围,形成多点开花、游客互动、持续活跃的景区氛围



杏花节 长清区张夏镇焦台村 3月下旬到4月上旬

赏花节 历城区仲宫镇东郭村 3月下旬到4月下旬









长清区马山镇北李村 济阳县垛石镇油田农场平阴县平阴镇胡庄村 历城区彩石镇虎门村 历城区西营镇藕池村 平阴县玫瑰镇 天桥区黄河森林公园 章丘市白云湖风景区 3月底 4月中旬到4月底 4月上旬到4月底 4月中下旬 4月中旬到5月中旬 5月上旬 5月上旬 7月上旬到8月上旬

篇二:05. 广元之旅8.7★

五、 广元之旅 Travel in Guangyuan

(一) 概况 General Introduction


With a history dating back to more than 2,300 years ago, Guangyuan has been nurturing the outstanding people there. Guangyuan once was the capital city of Ju Kingdom in Spring & Autumn Period, and it was called Lizhou in West Wei Dynasty. Then the name was changed into Guangyuanlu under the reign of Emperor Yuanshizu in Yuan Dynasty, meaning ―moral and might can be widely spread within the vast land‖, and that is how it got its present name Guangyuan. Wu Zetian, the only woman emperor in Chinese history and the outstanding politician in feudal period, was born and brought up in Guangyuan.



The majority of population in Guangyuan is Han nationality, the others 22 minority nationalities scattering in the region include Hui, Man, Tibetan, Tujia, Qiang, Mongolian, Miao, Zhuang and Buyi Nationalities, with a population adding up to 13,000 in total, among which the population of Dayuan and Gaoxi Villages in Qingchuan County and in 8 nationality villages count more than 1,000.


Being the transportation hub in the confluence of Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu Provinces, the transportation in Guangyuan is very convenient with swift communication facilities forming both water and land conveyance network. Baocheng Railway boarders Shanxi in the north and Chengmian Expressway in the south; 108 and 212 Highways as well as Chengguang Expressway intersect there; Guangyuan Airport has many airlines opened, and the waterway in Jiangling

River is an important transportation mean in Guangyuan with which ships can directly reach Chongqing, sail to Yangtze River. Since the communication industry develops fast and post conveyance is advanced and convenient, the automatic controls of telephone in both urban and rural areas as well as direct long domestic and international distance call are available, and the Mobile communication network covering the whole city has been established.


The public festivals and activities in Guangyuan are various and colorful, including Guangyuan Girls’ Festival, Cangxi’s Pear Flowers Festival, Peach Blossom Festival in Center District, Sweet-scented Osmanthus Festival in Yuanba, Tofu Cultural and Touring Festival in Jiangmenguan, Panda Wild Vegetable and Mushroom Festival in Qingchuan, the Temple Fairs in Niutou Mountain and Tiantai Mountain, etc, all of which are with grand scale and varied forms

(二) 美景广元 Attractions in Guangyuan

1. 剑门蜀道风景名胜区 Jianmen Ancient Shu Road Scenic Spot

剑门蜀道风景名胜区位于四川省广元、绵阳地区,是1984年国务院首批公布的全国24个重点风景名胜区之一,与青城山、峨眉山、夔门并称巴蜀四大名景,素有“剑门天下险”之美誉。 “蜀道”是从陕西汉中、宁强入川,至广元、剑阁、梓潼的古栈道,绵亘150余千米,以三国文化为主题的蜀道旅游,沿线串联了武侯祠、杜甫草堂、王建墓、庞统祠、三星堆、富乐山、七曲山大庙、觉苑寺、翠云廊、剑门关、昭化古城、皇泽寺、千佛崖、明月峡、七盘关、双忠祠、定军山等重要旅游景点,地势险要,风光峻丽,是一条自然风景与人文历史古迹并茂的“旅游热线”。

Jianmen Ancient Shu Road Scenic Spot is one of the first 24 Key Scenic Spots approved by the State Council in 1984. Located in the north of Sichuan, it extends from Mt. Dingjunshan in the north of Shanxi to the south of Chengdu, with a length of 420 kilometers. Along the ancient Shu road, there are famous touring sites such as the Temple of Marquis Wu, The Thatched Cottage of Du Fu, Wangjian Tomb, Sanxingdui Relics, Mt. Fu’le Mountain, Qiqushan Grand Temple,

Jueyuan Temple, Cuiyun Corridor, Jianmen Pass,Zhaohua Ancient City, Huangze Temple, Cliff of thousand Buddha, Bright Moon Valley, Qipan Pass, Shuangzhong Ancestral Temple, Mt. Dingjunshan within Jianmen Ancient Shu Road Scenic Spot. Positioned in Guangyuan and Mianyang of Sichuan, the Jianmen Ancient Shu Scenic Spot consists of touring sites linked by ―the Ancient Shu Road‖ which stretches in the endless Qinling Ranges, Mt. Bashan, and Mt. Minshan. ―Ancient Shu Road‖ is a 150 km long old pathway starting from Hanzhong, Ningqiang of Shanxi Province to Guangyuan, Jiange, Zitong in Sichuan. Although it was an important strategic place, there is also beautiful scenery and historic sites. It is best known for the integration of both natural scenery and historic sites.



This area belongs to the transitional zones of Sichuan Basin and Qingzang Plateau. It covers Yangzihuai Terrace and Qinling-Bashan Fold Belt in the south and north, and situates in the joint area of Longmen Mountain Fold Belt and the intermediate belt of Dabashan Mountain in the east and west. There cultural landscape including passes, planks, Moya sculptures, frescos in the temples, relics of the ancient people, old architecture and famous cities and natural landscape including perilous peaks, impregnable passes, cragged ridges and peaks, steep barrancas, canyons and rivers, man-made lakes, age-old trees. The places worth mentioning include the long Jinniu Old Road, the rugged old plank road built along the cliff, the majestic passes, exquisite Moya sculptures, precious fresco in temples, the widely distribution of ancestral relics, unique-styled buildings, magnificent cliffs and peaks, old trees.

2. 剑门关 Jianmen Pass


Situated in the north of the famous historic city, Jiange , 30 km from the county, Jianmen Pass lies in the heart of ―Jianmen Ancient Road‖. One of the first state-level scenic sights granted by the State Council in 1982, it is also one of the four eminent mountains in Sichuan. As a well-known touring site, the scenic spot is featured with majesty, steepness, serenity, rarity, and elegance. Li Bai, a famous poet of Tang Dynasty, composed the poem ―Jiange is steep and lofty‖ to express his impression of the steepness of the mountains. Lu You, a poet of Song Dynasty, was intoxicated by the charming scenery when ―rode a donkey to Jianmen in drizzles‖. There are massive cultural and historic sites left by ancient wars and battles and large quantity of literature works related to Jianmen Pass written by poets and prose writers.


As the barrier of north Sichuan and the throat to south and north Sichuan, Jianmen Pass, located in the middle of Jianshan Mountain, is very important in Ancient Shu Road. The mountains in this area stretch as far as hundreds of kilometers. The 72 continuous peaks penetrate into the sky, like sharp swords. Thus, Jianmen is usually talked of for its grandness.

剑门关关隘宽50多米,长500多米,两岸陡峭石壁高达二三百米,剑门关以剑山峭壁中断,关嵌其中而得名。相传古时此处并无门,剑门山隔断了南北通行。秦惠王施“石牛粪金”,蜀王得信,派五丁力士率众修路迎牛,力士受剑山所阻,怒拔宝剑劈断山峰,劈开的口子处两崖对峙其状如门,故为“剑门”。 剑门七十二峰,峰峰似剑,直刺云天,莽崖峭墙、危峦起伏,东西横亘百里。大小剑山两崖对峙,山脉中断处一线中通,其状如门,地理位置险要,为蜀北之屏障,两川之咽喉,从古至今都是兵家必争之地,历史上众多的英雄豪杰风云际会于此。三国时蜀相诸葛亮曾在此设防守关,始称剑阁。蜀汉大将姜维曾屯兵5000于剑门,凭借天险拒魏将钟会十万大军于关外。唐时置“剑门关”,其势险峻而磅礴,李白叹其“剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬,一夫当关,万夫莫开”。2,300多年来,剑门关先后经历大小战争百余次,平均每20年左右就会有一场兵家鏖战,但剑门关从未正面被攻破过,关口岩壁间有“第一关”、“天下雄关”的碑。新建的剑门关楼,雄踞关口,气势恢宏。附近山峦绵亘,植被葱笼,景色秀丽。 Surrounded by cragged lapis two or three hundred meters high, Jianmen Pass is 50 m in width and about 500 m in length. Jianmen pass is famous also because it is embedded between the cliffs of Jianshan Mountain. As the legend goes, in the ancient times, there was no pass there and the Mt. Jianmenshan blocked the path to the outside. King Huiwan of Qin Kingdom bestowed ―stone cattle with gold ordure‖ to the King of Shu Kingdom. Hearing about that, the king of Shu Kingdom sent five muscular men to build roads for the arrival of cattle. Infuriated by the obstruction of Mt. Jianmenshan, they slashed the mountain into two parts with their swords. The two parts, resembling a gateway, is thus named ―Jianmen‖. The 72 peaks, with precipitous and lofty cliffs, pierce into the sky and extend hundreds of Li from east to west. The two Jianshan Mountains, one large and one small, face each other. The intermitted part of the mountain is rather narrow, just like a gateway. With such a strategic geographic location as the barrier and throat to north Sichuan, it had been the fighting filed in all ages and numerous heroes had left traces hereupon. In the Three Kingdoms Period, Zhu Geliang, the Premier of Shu Kingdom set up a fort here, called Jiange at that time. By taking advantage of the natural barrier Jiang Wei, a

distinguished general of Shu had once obstructed with just five thousand soldiers the aggression of one hundred thousand forces of Wei led by the famous fighter Zhonghui,. The Tang Dynasty established ―Jianmen Pass‖. Li Bai, an outstanding poet, acclaimed for the ruggedness and majesty of Jianmen Pass by writing ―Jianmen is so lofty that one man can stop the invasion of ten thousand ones.‖ There were about hundreds of battles fought there in two thousand three hundred years, with an average of one battle in twenty years. However, it has never been broken from the obverse side. In the rocks of the pass inscribed characters as ―the No.1 Pass‖,‖ the impregnable pass of the world‖. Surrounded by unbroken chains and verdant plants, the newly-built tower, situated at the gate of the pass, is absolutely magnificent and picturesque.



The front of Jianmen Pass is imposing and magnificent. The stone stairs extend far away along the mountain and cliff. The craggy stones of the cliffs are remarkably shaped by the nature. Nonetheless, the back of the mountain is considerably lush and elegant. Age-old pines brim over the mountains. The green peaks are beautiful and serene. The road to the hills is twisting and winding. The water in the mountain is quite clear and the hollow valley, towering peaks are in the heart of the green mountain. It is rather appealing to go boating in the lake. The chief peak of Jianmen Pass, Mt.Dajianshan, is 1,200 meters in altitude. At the top of the mountain, there is an ancient temple, Liangshan Temple, which was built in Song Dynasty. One can enjoy the overlook of Jianmen Pass, Bamboo Shooting Peak, Chuandong Girder, Goddess Bridgy, Shesheng Cliff on the way.

3. 翠云廊 Cuiyun Corridor


Approved by the ministry of forestry as a National Forest Park in 1992, Cuiyun Corridor is a world wonder as

marvelous as Road of Rome, winning a reputation as ―one hundred thousand trees on the three hundred Li path‖. Following the south of Jianmen Pass, one can find the nearly 150 kilometers long ancient road twisting among the lofty mountains of Jianmen. The ancient road was first built in West Zhou Dynasty with green stones. Age-old cypresses line both sides of the road. These green cypresses are so high that they nearly cover the sunshine, making the mountain quite comfortable in both summer and winter. In addition, there is a rare tree with pine and cypress growing together. The ancient road in Qin

Dynasty had already been used quite well for transportation since the former Qin Period. In the following dynasties, it was further repaired and expanded with post house built there. Cuiyun Corridor is two thousand year old. According to the prose ―E’pang Palace Ode‖, when E’panggong was completed, Shushan Mountain became a bold mountain. Emperor Qinshihuang had lots of trees in Shu cut for building E’pang Palace, which eaged the people of Sichuan. To ease the


第四部分 投资环境

第一节 概况







2.86倍,地方财政收入增长 1.18倍,城乡居民存款余额增长2.24倍。一批重大项目开工建设和灾后恢复重建正加快发展新跨越步伐。亭子口水利枢纽前期工程全部开工,年内可望实现大江截流,苍溪航电工程开工建设,县内水电装机将达150万千瓦;兰渝铁路、南广高速公路全线开工,随着嘉陵全江渠化,我县区位优势将进一步凸显;元坝、九龙山、龙岗西三大气田块齐头开发,天然气储量预测全国最大,天然气综合利用园区即将开工建设;灾后恢复重建扩大内需项目上千个,投资超百亿,将全面加快发展步伐。未来几年,我们将瞄准


第二节 历史沿革









