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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-03 06:13 | 移动端:火用英语怎么说









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result, pulling shocked faces.”






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第二电气火灾:指违反电器安装使用安全规定,或者电线老化或超负荷用电造成的火灾。第三 违章操作:指违反安全操作规定等造成火灾的行为,如焊接等。

第四 放火:指蓄意造成火灾的行为。

第五 吸烟:指乱扔烟头,或卧床吸烟引发火灾的行为。

第六、玩火:指儿童、老年痴呆或智障者玩火柴、打火机而引发火灾的行为。第七 自然原因:如雷击、地震、自燃、静电等。















四、如何逃生 一旦发生火灾,要保持清醒的头脑,争分夺秒,快速离开。万一被火围困,更要随机应变,设法脱险。 家中起火,不要慌张,应根据火情及时采取相应措施:如果炒菜时油锅起火,迅速将锅盖紧紧盖上,使锅里的油火因缺氧而熄灭,不可用水扑救。 房间内起火时,不能轻易打开门窗,以免空气对流,形成大面积火灾。 纸张、木头或布起火时,可用水来扑救,而电器、汽油、酒精、食用油着火时,则用土、沙泥、干粉灭火器等灭火。 若火势已大,必须立即报火警。被火围困时,应视不同情况,采取不同方法脱离险境。如俯下身体,用湿布捂鼻。 发生火灾应如何报警? 如果发现火灾发生,最重要的

是报警,这样才能及时扑救,控制火势,减轻火灾造成损失。火警电话的号码是 119。这个号码应当牢记,在全国任何地区,向公安消防部门报告火警的电话号码都是一样的。格根据这个号码,每年的11月9日,被确定为消防安全日。不能随意拨打火警电话,假报火警是扰乱社会公共秩序的违法行为。在没有电话的情况下,应大声呼喊或采取其他方法引起邻居、行人注意,协助灭火或报警。 遭遇火灾如何正确脱险? 遭遇火灾,应采取正确有效的方法自救逃生,减少人身伤亡损失: 一旦身受火灾危胁,千万不要惊慌失措,要冷静地确定自己所处位置,根据周围的烟、火光、温度等分析判断火势,不要盲目采取行动。 身处平房的,如果门的周围火势不大,应迅速离开火场。反之,则必须另行选择出口脱身(如从窗口跳出),或者采取保护措施(如用水淋湿衣服、用温湿的棉被包住头部和上身等)以后再离开火场。 身处楼房的,发现火情不要盲目打开门窗,否则有可能引火入室。 身处楼房的,不要盲目乱跑、更不要跳楼逃生,这样会造成不应有的伤亡。可以躲到居室里或者阳台上。紧闭门窗,隔断火路,等待救援。有条件的,可以不断向门窗上浇水降温,以延缓火势蔓延。 )在失火的楼房内,逃生不可使用电梯,应通过防火通道走楼梯脱险。因为失火后电梯竖井往往成为烟火的通道。并且电梯随时可能发生故障。 因火势太猛,必须从楼房内逃生的,可以从二层处跳下,但要选择不坚硬的地面,同时应从楼上先扔下被褥等增加地面的缓冲,然后再顺窗滑下,要尽量缩小下落高度,做到双脚先落地。 在有把握的情况下、可以将绳索(也可用床单等撕开连接起来)一头系在窗框上,然后顺绳索滑落到地面。 逃生时。尽量采取保护措施,如用湿毛巾捂住口鼻、用湿衣物包裹身体。

seven reasons of fires

First careless use of fire: refers to the people ideological paralysis, or the use of fire safety system is not sound, not implement and bad living habits, behavior of fire.

The second electrical fire: refers to the violation of safety requirements for electrical installation or wire aging or overload power caused by the fire.

Third peccancy operation: refers to the violation of safety operating rules of fire behavior, such as welding, etc.

In the fourth set: refers to the deliberate behavior of fire.

5 smoking: throw cigarette butts, or with the bed smoking fire behavior.

Sixth, playing with fire: refers to, dementia or mentally disabled children play with matches, lighters and fire behavior.

7 natural causes, such as lightning, earthquakes, spontaneous combustion, static electricity, etc.

In addition to the above mentioned seven main cause of the fire, for unknown reasons, and other causes of fire proportion of not a few. And from the direct cause of fire in recent years, for unknown reasons caused the fire of a trend of increase year by year.

Second, how to prevent fire accident

Fire is a natural phenomenon. Tame fire is human's friend, it bring light and warmth to the people, promote the human civilization and the progress of the society. But if out of control, fire caused the fire, will give people life and property caused huge losses. According to statistics, in 1997, a total of more than 140000 fire in China, the casualties more than 7000 people, of which 8% of the fires are caused by children playing with fire. Visible, grasp some knowledge of fire, reduce and prevent the happening of the fire, and how important it is for the students.

(1) with fire

Many students don't feel novel, often with teachers and parents to do the game of playing

with fire. Some fire burn, straw, burn, waste tires, waste plastics, etc., in the field and in the dark of the burning matches, playing a match stick, setting off fireworks, some burn hornet's nest in the wild... .

Almost every kind of play, however, has caused the risk of fire. Young students, lack of self-protection ability, so at ordinary times should pay attention to do:

1. Fully understand the dangers of playing with fire and may lead to serious consequences, no matter any time don't play with fire.

2. Lighters, matches, firecrackers and other items that are often cause children play with fire, usually don't carry these things in.

3. To supervise each other, remind each other between classmates. If found that students should immediately stop playing with fire, and report on teachers and parents, they criticized the education.

(2) the love of fire fighting equipment, keep clear of the channel

Nip in the bud, in order to prevent a major fire accident, people set the fire fighting equipment in many places. Once the equipment stolen or damaged, was caught in a fire, people will do.

1. Don't move, embezzlement, or damage to the hydrant, hoses, hose, fire extinguishers, and dedicated to fire shovel, pick, hook, sandbox, pail, etc.

2. The modern shopping mall, hotel, many public places such as library version installed on the wall is equipped with a red fire alarm button, the students don't push it at will.

3. The stairs when the channel is a fire escape from danger, fire and rescue trapped people the way, be sure to keep clear, stored in these places don't bicycles and piled up sundry.

Fourth, how to escape In the event of fire, to keep a clear head, race against time, quickly leave. One thousand was besieged by the fire, the more to improvise, managed to escape. A fire in the home, don't panic, should take corresponding measures in time according to the fire: if when cooking pan fire, quickly would cover the lid tightly, make a pot of oil fire due to oxygen out, do not save water. Room is on fire, not easily open the doors and Windows, in order to avoid air convection, form a large fire. Paper, wood or cloth caught fire, can use water to save, and electrical appliances, cooking oil, gasoline, alcohol, fire clay, sand and mud, dry powder fire extinguisher, etc. If the fire is big, must be immediately reported to the fire. Trapped by the fire, should according to different situation, adopt different ways out of the woods yet. Leaned as, with a damp cloth over your nose. How should a fire alarm? If it is found that the fire, the most important thing is that the police, so as to timely saves, knock down the fire and reduce fire losses. Fire alarm telephone number is 119. Should bear in mind that this number in any of the country, report to public security fire department fire alarm telephone number is the same. According to this number, every year on November 9, was identified as fire control safety. Not at liberty to make alarm calls, false alarms is disturbing social public order offence. In the case of no phone, should cry out or take other method neighbors, pedestrians attention, to assist the fire fighting or call the police. A fire escape right? A fire, should be taken to correct and effective way to save your escape, reducing the loss of life or personal injury: once he had a fire threat, don't panic, to determine their own position, calmly according to the surrounding, analyse and judge the fire smoke, light, temperature and so on, don't act blindly. In a bungalow, if the door around the fire is not big, should leave the fire quickly. On the contrary, it must be separately select export away (e.g., jump out from the window), or take protective measures, such as water wet clothes, with a

wet quilt cover the head and upper body, etc.) then leave the fire. Find the fire in the building, do not blindly to open the doors and Windows, fire home likely otherwise. In buildings, don't blindly run, more don't escape by jumping off a building, it would cause undue casualties. Can hide in the bedroom or on the balcony. Closed doors and Windows, fire partition road, waiting for rescue. Conditional, can continuously cooling water to the doors and Windows, to delay spread of fire. ) within the building was on fire, the escape shall not use the elevator, should through the fire escape stairs of danger. Because the elevator shaft tend to become channels of fireworks after the fire. And the elevator failure may occur at any time. Because of the fire is too fierce, must escape from the building, can jump from the second floor, but should choose not to hard ground, at the same time, should from the upstairs down first bedding such as increase the buffer of the ground, and then sliding down along the window, should as far as possible to reduce the drop height, do your feet to the ground. In certain cases, the rope can be also available tear sheets for connect () a head of department on the window frame, and then slipped along the rope to the ground. To escape. As far as possible to take protective measures, such as use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, body with wet clothes.
