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英语词汇提高(拓展课) 补充词汇汇总组(chapter1-chapter 15)


The evening dress Mar was wearing had been altered to fit her. 玛丽穿的那件晚礼服已经该得很合身了。

I alternated between running and riding in my spare time. 闲暇时,我时而跑步,时而骑马。 Huge snowdrifts had accumulated on the airport’s runways. 巨大的雪堆聚集在机场跑道上。 Children have a natural affinity for mountain biking, because they have no fear. 孩子们对骑山地自行车有着天生的喜爱,因为他们天不怕地不怕。

The government is trying to expel all foreign journalists. 政府正试图驱逐所有的外国记者。 Children feel impelled to fit in at school. 孩子们强烈感到需要融入学校的生活。

The pelican’s strong legs and webbed feet propel it in water. 鹈鹕强有力的腿和足蹼推动着它在水里前进。

The soldiers repelled the enemy in three hours. 战士们在三个小时内就击退了敌人。

The look of guilt on John’s face implied that he committed the crime. 约翰脸上内疚的表情表明他犯罪了。

Insects tend to congregate on the underside of leaves. 昆虫往往聚集在叶子的背面。 Someone had incised their initials in the tree. 有人在树上刻上了自己的名字首字母

The witness gave a precise account of the murder. 目击者对这起谋杀案作了准确的描述。


The normally loquacious Simpson had nothing to say. 平时喋喋不休的辛普森无话可说。 Dr. Pool was unable to make a diagnosis. 普尔医生不能做出诊断。 The children speak only in the local dialect.孩子们只会讲当地方言。

One child had a distended belly, like the stomachs of famine victims. 一个孩子腹部肿胀,就像遭遇饥荒的人的腹部一样。

As a singer, she began to diversify, performing songs in many languages. 作为一名歌手,她开始用多种语言唱歌,使自己的表现多样化。

I modified the handlebars on my bike to make it more comfortable. 为了其起来更舒服, 我把我自行车的车把改了一下。

This story illustrates how important the family is in Latin American culture. 这个故事说明了家庭在拉美文化中是多么重要。

The sole purpose of his trip was to attend a concert at Carnegie Hall. 他此行的唯一目的是要参加在卡内基音乐厅举行的音乐会。

Chapter 3


I could read most of the signatures, but a few were illegible.

The new nation undertook to teach its illiterate citizens to read and write. Before dinner, the tablecloth was immaculate.

The sophomore was defeated possibly because some of the students may have thought her too immature for the post of president of the Student Council.

As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity. For most of the year, the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible, except by air. No compromise is possible when both sides remain inflexible.

Scientists are finding solutions to many problems that formerly seemed insoluble. Stick to the topic; don’t make irrelevant remarks.

After Romeo and Juliet died, their families, who had been irreconcilable enemies, became friends. The UN feels that it has the moral authority to send troops to the area. 联合国认为它在道义上有权向该地区派遣部队。

The United States has spent billions of dollars to help the underdeveloped nations improve their standard of living.

If too little is deducted from your weekly wages for income tax, it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.

Frank's remark that he was "slightly bruised" in the accident is an understatement; he suffered two fractured ribs.

While Madeline is recuperating from her illness, her role will be played by an understudy.


Smoking cigarettes in public is increasingly considered antisocial.在公共场所吸烟越来越被看作是妨碍公共利益的。

A national holiday was proclaimed.一个全国假日被宣布确定下来。

Rodin always professed his admiration for Greek and Gothic sculpture. 罗丹总是公开表示他对希腊和哥特式雕塑的赞美。

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory. 该工厂内禁止吸烟。

A computer image of an eyeball was projected onto a screen on stage. 一张眼球的电脑图像投射在舞台的屏幕上。

I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation. 我正在努力想一些延长交谈时间的方法。

The federal government should play a prominent role in fighting crime. 联邦政府应该在打击犯


Chambers says the council could do more to promote recycling. 钱伯斯说委员会能做更多事情来促进回收利用。

The dog would not have attacked if it hadn’t been provoked. 狗如果没有被招惹是不会主动攻击的。

From our tent, we could see the grand spectacle of Mount Blue. 我们从宿营帐篷可以看见蓝山的壮丽奇观。

When everything turns green, the countryside presents a truly beautiful aspect. 当一切都变绿后,乡间呈现出一派美丽宜人的景色。

Walesa was circumspect in discussing his political actions. 维尔萨对谈论自己的政治行动非常谨慎。

She expects to graduate next spring with a degree in psychology. 她预计明年春季毕业,获得心理学学位。

At the airport, Customs officials inspected my purse and hand luggage. 在飞机场,海关的工作人员仔细检查了我的手袋和手提行李。

Although they were in the area on the day of the robbery, no one suspected them. 尽管抢劫发生那天他们在该地区,但没有人怀疑他们。


In times of crisis you find out who year real friends are. 危急时刻你就会发现谁是你真正的朋友。

The character’s evil nature is constantly alluded to throughout the play. 在整出戏剧中,该角色的邪恶本性不断地被暗示。

He was accused of colluding with the occupying forces. 他被指控与占领军勾结。

You’re deluding yourself if you think you’ll change Robs’s mind. 如果你认为能使罗布改变主意,你就是自欺欺人。

The fleeing rebels managed to elude their pursuers. 逃跑的叛乱分子摆脱了追踪者。

Jane was determined to immerse herself in the African way of life. 简决心潜心研究非洲人的生活方式。

The whole project was imperiled by a lack of funds 资金缺乏危及整个工程。

His father implanted a deep sense of patriotism in him. 他父亲向他灌输了强烈的爱国主义情感。

The House Judiciary Committee voted that President Nixon should be impeached. 众议院司法委员会投票赞成弹劾尼克松总统。

Storms at sea impeded our progress. 海上风暴阻碍了我们的航程。 I had a sense of impending doom. 我有一种厄运即将降临的预感。

Parents often impose their own moral values on their children. 父母经常把自己的道德价值观强



He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap and a towel. 他打开袋子,里面有一把剃须刀,一块香皂,和一条毛巾。

Britain wants to maintain is position as a world power.英国想保持其世界强国的地位。

They’ve extended the growing season to obtain a larger crop. 他们延长了种植期以获得更好的收成。

It’s important that the elderly should retain a sense of dignity.

老年人保持自尊很重要。 They’re transferring me to the Edinburgh office. 他们要把我调往爱丁堡办事处。


The court of appeal reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free. 上诉法院撤销了原判,


David’s going to exhibit his roses at the flower show. 戴维准备在花展中展出自己的玫瑰花。 Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.

He was always surprisingly modest about his role in the Everest expedition. 他对自己在那次珠穆朗玛峰探险中所起的作用总是谦虚得令人惊讶。

A fine wine is a complement to a good meal. 好酒为每餐增色。

They took a blood sample to test for hepatitis(肝炎) 他们取了血样以检查有无肝炎。

Don’t be such a pessimist –I’m sure things will work out. 别这么悲观,事情肯定会好起来的。 Very intense exercise may actually be bad for you. 非常剧烈的锻炼实际上可能对你有害。 Tension in the region has grown due to recent bombings 由于最近几次的炸弹事件,该地区的紧张局势加剧了。

We proposed several dates for the next meeting, but they were all rejected.


Chapter 11

The redemption of the sinners is not easy.挽救那些罪人不是易事。 Do you have valid reasons for your absence?你的缺席有正当理由吗?

The girls were precluded by their parents from taking apart the dancing party. 家长不让姑娘们参加舞会

They predicted great things for the boy. 他们预言这孩子有出息。

Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to preschool education. 5岁孩童中只有40%能享受学前教育。

The precondition of teaching is to understand students, and the precondition of understanding students is to respect them. 教育的前提是了解孩子,而了解孩子的前提是尊重孩子。 It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days. 在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。

Over ninety countries ratified an agreement to ban the use of these chemicals. 九十多个国家批



AB ABS away,from 分离

字首ab,abs源自拉丁文介系词a,ab拉丁文的意思是away,from等。通常在拉丁文较常见的介系词形态,有a,ab,abs三种,后接名词为子音开头者用a,母音开头者用ab,子音t与q开头者用abs。在拉丁文中即为字首,如aberration[脱离正轨],abduct[诱拐]等,出自拉丁文的aberrare,abducere等字。在英文中拼法常见的有ab与abs,a则十分少见。如abominate[痛恨],字根有ill omen[凶兆]之意,因此[视为凶兆而远离],便成了[痛恨]。absolve源自字根solv,solu[放松],因此absolve有释放的意思。 abdicate 让位,放弃 abduct 绑架,绑走 aberration 越轨,脱离常轨 abhor 憎恶,痛恨 abject 卑鄙的,卑屈的 abjure (发誓)放弃 abnegate 放弃

abnormal 畸形,不正常的

abominate 痛恨,憎恶 aboriginal 土著的 abrade 磨损,摩擦 abrogate 取消,废止 abrupt 突然,陡峭的 abscond 潜逃,逃匿 absence 缺席,缺乏

absolute 纯粹,完全,绝对的

absolve 免除,赦免,解除 absorb 吸收 abstain 抑制,戒绝 abstract 抽出,提炼,摘录 abstruse 难解,深奥的 absurd 荒谬的 abundant 丰富,充足的 abuse 虐待,辱骂


字首ad源自拉丁文介系词ad,在拉丁文中为to之意。ad的拼法变化相当复杂,为了与字根配合,第二个字母d会消失或同化,而衍生出a,ac,af,ag,al,an,ap,ar,as,at各种形态,如accustom使习惯於,affix.[黏上],append [添加]等等。ad原意虽表示方向,但与字根配合之后,则必须视该字的字根来定义。如accelerate[促进],由字首ac加上字根celer[敏捷]而成,字根也是该字的意思。再如adapt.[使适应],由ad与apt[适合的]组成,apt便成了该字的字义。 accede 同意,应允 accelerate 加快,加速 accost 招呼,搭话 account 叙述,说明 accredit 将(。。)归於 accumulate 堆积,积聚 accustom (使) 习惯於 adapt 使适应,使适合 adhere 坚持,黏著 adjourn 延期,休会 adjure 恳求

adjust 调节,使。。。适合 administer 管理 admire 钦佩,叹赏 admonish 警告,告诫 adopt 采纳,收养

adore 敬慕,敬爱 adorn 装饰

adulterate 搀混,使品质低落 affable 和蔼可亲,殷勤的 affiliate 联合,加入,加盟 affirm 断言

affix 黏上,贴上,附加 afflict 使。。。痛苦 affront 侮辱 aggrandize 增强势力 aggravate 加重,惹怒 aggregate 总计,合计 aggrieve 使苦恼,使受屈 align 使合作,排列成行 allay 使和缓,使镇静 alleviate 减轻,使缓和

allocate 拨出 allot 分配 alloy 合金 allure 引诱 ally 联合,结合 ameliorate 改善

amenable 有责任,应服从的 amend 修正,改良 annex 并吞,附加 annihilate 消灭 annotate 评注,注解 announce 正式宣布 annul 取消,废止 apparatus 仪器 appeal 吸引力,恳求 appease 使平静,缓和

append 附加

appertain 属於,与。。。有关 apportion 分摊,分配 appraise 鉴别,评价 apprehend 逮捕,忧惧 approbate 认可,赞成

appropriate 拨(款),拨作(某目的)之用

arouse 引起,激起 arrange 处理,调解 assail 攻击

assault 攻击 assemble 集合,聚集 assent 同意,赞同 assert 断言

assimilate 同化,使类似,吸收 associate 结交,联合 assort 分类

assortment 各色俱备之物,物品总集

assuage 缓和 assume 假定,假装

assure 确告,保证 attach 系,附加 attain 得到 attaint 污辱,羞辱 attemper 冲淡,使缓和 attend 出席,到,注意 attest 证实

attune 使合调,使一致 aver 断言

avow 公开承认,坦白承认 awake 吵醒,唤起

BENE BON good 良好

拉丁文中bonus为形容词,经过性别变化有bona,bonum形态,和英文good意思相同,bene为副词,有well的意思。bene,bon也必须视为字根,而一般字汇书多将视为字首,因为bene,bon通常出现在字首位置。例如boon[恩惠],bounty[慷慨],bountiful[丰富的],皆由bon变音而成。其中bounty,bountiful均拉丁文bonitas (goodness) 演变而来。 benediction 祝祷,恩赐 benefaction 捐助 beneficial 有益的 beneficiary 受惠者

beneficence 善行,仁慈,慈善

benefit 利益

benevolent 慈善,仁慈的 benign 良性,良好,亲切的 benignant 仁慈,亲切的 bonus 红利,奖金

boon 恩物,恩赐 bounty 奖金,慷慨好施 bounteous 慷慨的 bountiful 丰富,大方的


CATA down,complete 下降,完全


cataclysm 洪水,剧变 catalog(ue) 目录

cataract 大瀑布 catastrophe 灾祸

category 种类

CIRCUM around 环绕

字首circum源自拉丁文circum为介系词,有around之意。拉丁文circa(around),circus(circle),circuitus(circuit),和英文的circle[圆形],circular[圆的],circulate[循环]等字,均与circum同源。字首circum与字根scrib[写]组合,而成 circumscribe[拉丁文原作circumscribere],原为[画圆圈],后引申为[限制]。与字根spect[看]组合,而成circumspect(拉丁文circumspectus),由[环视]的意思,而引申为[小心,慎重的]。

circuit 巡行,巡回路线 circuitous 间接,迂曲,绕行的 circumference 圆周,周围 circumlocution 婉转曲折的说法

circumscribe 限制,立界限 circumspect 慎重,小心的 circumstance 情况

circumstantial 不重要,间接,推


cicumvent 包围,胜过

CO COM CONwith,together一起,共同

字首co,com,con源自拉丁文介系词cum,为with之意。co,com,con是重要的英文字首,除了co,com,con 之外,并有col和cor等五种拼法。字根第一个音若是母音,半母音或h,一般拼作co,如coalesce[结合],cohere[连贯,结合]等。若是p,b,m三个双唇音(bilabial) 之一,便拼作com,如compress[紧压],combat[战斗],commend[推崇]等。后面若接l或r,则分别拼作col 或cor,如colleague[同仁],correspond[一致]等。其他拼法为con,如condone[原谅],conquer[征服]等等。 coalesce 合并,联合 coalition 联合,联盟 coerce 强迫

coeval 同时期,同时代的 coexist 共生,共存 cogitate 思考,沈思 cohere 凝结,结合 coherent 连贯,一致的 coincide 符合,一致 collaborate 合作 collapse 倒塌,崩溃 collateral 旁系,附属的 colleague 同事 collect 收集 collide 互撞,冲突 colloquial 口语的 collusion 共谋,串通 combat 战斗 combine 化合,结合 commend 称赞

commensurate 相当,同量的 commingle 混合,混杂 commiserate 怜悯,同情

commission 委托代办的事,委托,委员会,代表团

commit 委托,付与,作,犯 compact 简洁的

companion 同伴,朋友,伴侣

company 陪伴,同伴 compare 比较,匹敌,竞争 compartment 格,隔间 compass 周围,范围 compassion 同情,怜悯

compatible 能共存,一致,符合的 compel 强迫

compensate 赔偿,补偿,报酬 compete 竞争,比赛 compile 编篡,编辑

complacent 洋洋自得,自满的 complaisant 谦恭,有礼,顺从的 complement 补足,补充 complex 复杂,错综的 complicate 使复杂 comport 适合,相称

comprehend 了解,包括,包含 comprehensive 广博,广泛的 compress 压缩,减缩 comprise 包括 compromise 和解 compulsory 强迫,强制的 compunction 良心不安,懊悔 compute 计算 concave 凹的 concede 让步,承认 conceit 自负

concentrate 集中,浓缩

concoct 计画,调制 concord 和谐,一致 concourse 会流,合流 condense 使简洁,缩短 condescend 屈尊 condole 同情,慰问 condone 宽恕,原谅 conduce 引起,有助於 confederate 共犯,同谋者 confer 颁给,赐与 confide 信赖,交托 confident 确信的

configuration 形状,轮廓,外貌 confine 限制 confirm 证实 confiscate 充公,没收 conflict 冲突

confluence 汇流处,合流 conform 使顺应,使一致 confound 使惶恐,使混淆 confuse 使混乱 congeal 凝结,冻僵 congenial 意气相投,友善的 congenital 天生的 congest 拥塞 conglomerate 聚集 congregate 聚集 congress 会议,大会

conjunction 结合,连结

conjure 以咒召魂,变魔术,恳求 connect 连接 connote 含意,暗示 conquer 征服,克服 conquest 征服 conscience 良心

conscientious 正直,有良心的 conscious 自觉,知道的 consecrate 奉为神圣 consecutive 连续的 consensus 一致的意见 consent 允许,同意 consequence 结果 conserve 保全,保存 consist 为。。。所制成,组成 console 安慰 consolidate 巩固 consonant 一致,相称的 consort 结交

constant 不断,持久的

constellation 星座,星群 constitute 构成,任命 constrain 强迫 construct 建筑 construe 解释,翻译 consume 消耗,浪费 consummate 完成 contact 接触 contagious 传染性的 contain 包含,容纳 contaminate 污染 contemporary 同时代的 contend 竞争

content 使满足,使满意 contest 比赛,争斗 contiguous 接触,邻近的 contort 扭歪,歪曲 contour 轮廓,外形 contract 缩短,省略 contribute 贡献,捐助 convene 召开,召集,集合

converge 集中於一点,使聚合 converse 谈话 convert 改变 convey 传达,运送 convict 宣告有罪 convince 使相信,说明 convivial 欢乐,快活的 convoy 护送

convulse 痉挛,抽搐,震撼,使不安

cooperate 合作,协同 coordinate 同等的 correct 改正,修正 correlate 使相关连 correspond 调合,符合 corroborate 证实 corrode 腐蚀,侵蚀 corrugate 使起皱纹 corrupt 使腐坏,败坏



字首contra,contro,counter 源自拉丁文介系词,副词contra,意为相对,反对。拉丁文将contra 和 contro 视作字首,例如 contradict[否认],contrarya[反对的],controversy[争论]等字是contradicere,contrarius,controversia等拉丁文转变而来。counter[抵抗],是比较特别的例子,以字首形态单独演变成一个动词。 contradict 否认,矛盾 contrary 相反的 contrast 差异

contravene 抵触,否定,反驳 controversy 争论,辩论

controvert 否定,反驳,争论 counter 反对,对抗 counteract 消解,抵消 counterattact 反攻,反击 counterbalance 弥补,使抵消

counterfeit 伪造,假冒的 countermand 撤回,取消 counterpart 极相似的人,配对的东西

countervail 抵消,对抗


字首de在拉丁文中也属於字首,有down,complete的意思,也可引申为否定或加强语气的意思。 例如decrepit[破旧,衰老的],字根crep拉丁文原作creparev为爆裂之意,全字出自拉丁文decrepitus,有老朽,破旧

的意思。deliberate[考虑]源自 deliberare。字根来自拉丁文名词libra[天平,磅]pound可写成lb,便是源自libra[将事物定下来掂算重量],因此就有[考虑]的意思。 debar 禁止 debase 贬低 debate 讨论,争论 deceased 已故,死亡的 declaim 演说,高声朗诵 declare 宣布 decline 倾斜,拒绝 decrepit 破旧,衰老的 decry 谴责

dedicate 献身,致力,奉献 deduce 推想,推论 deduct 扣除 deface 伤毁(外表) defer 顺从

deflate 放出空气,使坍陷,减消 deject 使沮丧 delay 延期

deliberate 熟思,考虑,有意,存心的

demean 贬抑,降低 demerit 短处,过失,缺点 demise 死亡

demoralize 使沮丧,败坏 demote 降级

demure 佯作端庄,端庄的 denominate 命名

denote 表示,指示,意指 denounce 当众指责 deny 否认,不承认 depict 描写,叙述 deplore 悲痛

deposit 存储,放下,置下 deprave 使败坏 depredation 劫掠,抢夺 depress 降低,压下 deprive 剥夺 derelict 被弃的 deride 嘲笑,嘲弄

descend 降 design 设计

designate 指派,任命 desolate 荒凉,荒芜的 despicable 可鄙,卑劣的 despise 轻视,蔑视 despoil 夺取,掠夺 destitue 穷困的 destroy 毁坏,毁灭 determine 决心,决定 dethrone 废(君) detonate 使爆炸 detour 绕行之路 devaluate (使)贬值 devastate 破坏,蹂躏 devoid 缺乏,无的 devolve 移交,委任

DE DI DIS away,off,not 分离,否定

de,di,dis是英文最重要的字首之一,相关的单字数量很多。de为down,complete之意,引申出来away,off 的意思,则归属於di,dis之中。di,dis后接字根的第一个字母若是d,g,l,m,n,r,v之一,则拼作di,若是c,p,q,s,t 之一,便拼作dis。除了de,di,dis三种常见的拼法之外,并有 dif一种,字根的第一个字母若是f,便用这拼法,如differ[差异],difficult[艰难的],diffident[胆怯的]等。 decadence 堕落,衰落 decapitate 斩首 decay 衰亡,逐渐衰弱 deceive 欺骗 decide 决定,决心 decipher 解释,译解 decode 译解

decompose 分解,腐烂 decrease 减少 decree 命令

defame 损毁名誉,诽谤 default 缺乏,怠忽

defeat 击败,失败

defect 缺点,过失,投奔敌方,变节

defend 保卫,保护 defer 延期

deficient 有缺点,不足的 deficit 赤字,不足(额) define 定义,详细说明 definite 明确,确定的 definitive 确定,最后的 deflect 使偏斜,使转向 deform 使不成形,使丑

defraud 欺骗,诈欺 defy 违抗,不顾,挑激 degenerate 恶化,变坏 dehydrate 脱水,使乾

delegate 指令。。。为代表,委派 delinquency 犯罪,违法 delirious 狂喜 deliver 拯救,递送 delude 迷惑,欺骗 deluge 洪水

demarcation 界限,界线 demonstrate 证明,演示,作示威



(1)柠檬(lemon) (2)葡萄(grape) (3)芒果(mango) (4)甜瓜(melon)

(5)柚子(Grapefruit) (6)水蜜桃(honey peach)(7)桃(peach)(8)木瓜(Papaya)

(9)榴莲(durian)(10)西瓜(watermelon)(11)荔枝(Litchi) (12)菠萝(pineapple)



(1)猪肉(pork) (2)牛肉(beef) (3)面条(noodles) (4)零食(Snacks) (5)素食(Vegetarian) (6)饺子(dumpling) (7)包子(bun) (8)猪扒(Pork chop) (9)牛扒(Steak) (10)鱼(fish)


(1)上衣(coat)(2)短裙(skirt)(3)短裤(shorts)(4)长裤(Trousers) (5)衬衣(shirt)

(6)毛衣(sweater) (7)夹克(jacket) (8)紧身裤 (leggings) (9)外衣(blazer)

(10)女式衬衣 (blouse) (11)手套(gloves)


(1)白色(white) (2)淡蓝色(pale blue) (3)蓝色(blue) (4)蓝紫色(violet) (5)深蓝色(dark blue) (6)红色(red) (7)淡黄绿色(lime) (8)绿色(green) (9)橙色(orange) (10)棕色(brown) (11)黄色(yellow) (12)米黄色(beige) (13)褐红色(maroon) (14)紫色(purple) (15)粉色(pink) (16)灰色(grey) (17)土黄色(khaki)

(18)黑色(black) (19)金色(gold) (20)银色(silver)



(7)肥(fat)(8)瘦(thin)(9)淘气(naughty)(10)文静(Gentle and quiet)(11)苗条(slim)
