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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:52 | 移动端:scorpions




live with sb 与某人一起居住 places of interest名胜 millions of成百万上千万,数以百万计

all over/ around/ throughout the world世界各地 such as例如(后跟名词短语)

the birthplace of…… 发源地 a number of一些,许多(饰复数名词,做主语时谓复)

the number of……的数量(饰复数名词,做主语时谓单)

fetch sb. sth./fetch sth. for sb. 给某人取某物

go through穿过 lie in位于 lie on 毗邻 (接壤) lie to 位于……附近 (不接壤)

be worth doing sth.值得做某事 hear of听说

make one’s dream come true= realize one’s dream实现梦想

lose oneself in…沉浸于……above在……的上方; on 在……(表面)上


not only…but also…不仅……而且……(领近原则)

the surrounding area of周边地区 be surrounded with /by flowers被花朵包围

be surrounded on three sides by mountains三面环山

the home of……之乡 be known/famous as 作为……而著称 be known/famous for 因为……而著称 connect A with B 将A与B连接/联系起来regard…as 把……看作

go on a visit to= visit 参观……break down损坏;分解;抛锚take away拿走

be covered with被……覆盖do outdoor activities做户外活动at the same time同时


(1)It’s two years since Mr. and Mrs. Green came to China.

= Mr. and Mrs. Green have been in China for two years,

(1)They're the birthplaces of Chinese culture.她们是中国文化的发源地

(2)…,I can fetch you Guide to China.It’s a book which introduces China in detail.

(3)Tibet is in the southwest of China,isn't it?

(4)…they are well worth visiting.

(5)That’s the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.

(6)The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it.

(7)Hong Kong is known as the Oriental Pearl and Shopping Heaven.

(8)People's way of life in the north is quite different from that in the south.

(9)…,but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water.



in the field/ area of 在……领域 learn from sb.向某人学习at the age of在……年龄

in one's thirties在某人三十几岁时 be proud of以……为傲,为……而骄傲

take pride in以……为傲,为……而骄傲be the pride of是……的骄傲

die of死于…… search the Internet上网搜索

search +某地+for sth. 搜查某地找某物as soon as……就……

take an active part in积极参加 set up建立,创立 bring down推翻

pass away去世;消失 be full of充满…… give a lecture演讲;讲课

achieve the victory of取得……的胜利 wipe out彻底消灭,全部摧毁 succeed in doing成功做……


(1)He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature and human behavior.

(2)He spent the rest of his life teaching and writing.

(3)…the Chinese people are proud of.

(4)It's hard to believe!

(5)When he was in his thirties,he took an active part in the battle against the Qing dynasty.

(6)Unfortunately,Sun Yat-sen broke down from hard work and passed away full of regrets on March 12th. 1925.

(7)…,the Red Army succeeded in arriving in Gansu Province in 1936.

(8)Confucius Was a great man whose sayings are still very famous.



show (sb.)around/round someplace带领(某人)参观某地 show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看 in the year of the dragon 在龙年 a symbol of……的象征

play an important part in在……中起重要作用 promise (sb.) to do sth.(向某人)承诺做某事

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 either...or... 者……或者...

not as/so…as…不如……一样…… both…and…两者都……

neither... nor... 既不……也不…… play chess下棋

in memory of…为了纪念… depend on依靠;取决于;信赖

fight against+事物名词“为反对……而斗争” fight against+人或国家“与……战斗”

fight for+抽象名词 为(事业,自由,真理,权利)而斗争 win+比赛,战斗,奖品 打赢……,获得…… be similar to 和……相似 be the same as和……一样

the writer and speaker作家兼演说家 at the end of在……的末端/尽头,by the end of到……为止 重点句型:

(1)That's correct!

(2)It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals.

(3)My elder brother was born in the year of the dragon…

(4)…,but I can't play it as well as my father. .

(5)Neither my mother nor my father likes it,…

(6)People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle.

(7)China is the home of tea,which has more than 4,000 years of history.

(8)Tea from China,along with silk and porcelain,begin to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then.

(9)A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.



1、 take part in 参加 2、in one’s spare/ free time 在某人的业余时间

3、agree with sb.同意某人的意见 4、be ready to do sth.准备好做某事,乐于做某事

5、win a prize获得奖品6、give sb. a sudden attack on the(部位) 给某人…一个突然袭击

7、be tired of…对……感到厌烦8、from then on 从那时起 9、order sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事

10、fall in love (with sb.) 与某人相爱 11、in total总计 12、once upon a time从前=long long ago

13、be angry at sth. 对某事感到生气14、keep secrets 保守秘密15、pay attention to…注意

16、a homeless/ running /lucky dog丧家犬/走狗/幸运儿 17、stand for 代表

18、have a huge /bad influence on…在…….方面起了巨大/ 坏的影响

19、ways of doing sth. 做某事的方式 20、keep…away from… 使……远离…….

21、a waste of time 浪费时间 22、do research 做研究 23、support one’s view 支持某人的观点 重点句型

1、It’s nothing.没什么

2、It is hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess. 对于我来说学下中国象棋是很困难的.

3、I’m tired of watching those shows. 我对看那些节目感到厌烦.

4、Which program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? 你更喜欢看哪一种节目,电视剧还是运动节目?

5、 ----I would rather watch sports shows. 我更喜欢看运动节目. ----So would I. 我也是.

6、The mother of the land was quite angry at what he said.大地的母亲对他所说的相当的生气.

7、Whenever scorpions appeared, hunters would hide. 无论蝎子什么时候出现,猎人们都会躲藏起来.

8、As we know, there are differences between western culture and Chinese culture.众所周知, 中西方文化存在着不同.



1、work hard at…在……方面努力工作 2、works of art艺术作品 3、according to根据

4、the introduction to the painting 画的介绍5、express strong feelings 表达强烈的情感

6、in the distance 在远处7、make up one’s mind to do sht.下定决心做某

8、express the real meaning of friendship 说明了友谊的真正含义

9、walk through the desert穿过沙漠 10、have an argument争辩/吵

11、slap sb. in the face 打了某人一计耳光 12、with the help of+ with one’s help在某人的帮助下

13、keep on doing sth. 继续做某事14、take a bath 洗澡

15、get stuck in 陷入……16、can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事

17、erase…from… 从……当中抹/擦掉18、be good at hiding 善于隐身

19、save one’s life救了某人的命 20、catch up with追上,赶上


1. It is a pity that he died when he was very young. 遗憾的是, 他英年早逝.

2. What (do you think) are the most important things I need to know about paintings?

你认为,关于绘画, 我需要知道的最重要的事情是什么?

3. Well, that depends on what kind of paintings you want to learn.

4. Then you can decide whether you want to become a painter or not.(宾语从句)


5. It says here that Gu Kaizhi is quite good at painting figures.( 宾语从句)


6. The way he shows things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi does.(定语从句) 他描绘远景的方式与顾恺之不同.

7. Perhaps that is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes.(定语从句)


8. …, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle.(定语从句)


9. One tree can’t make a forest. 独木不成林.

10. But without saying anything, he wrote in the sand. 但什么也没说,他写在了沙子中.



1、graduate from…从…….毕业 2、a graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

3、prepare for为……做准备 4、first of all 首先(强调事物排列顺序和时间先后)

5、at first 起初,最先(指事情的开始与后来的发展有差异)6、above all首先(强调事物的重要性)

7、pass the final examination 通过毕业考 8、think back on/ to…回想起;追忆

9、have a class get-together 开同学聚会 10、with pleasure 很乐意

11、send photos to each other互赠相片 12、dozens of… 几十……

13、as the saying goes 常言道 14、a large package of…一大袋子……

15、beg your pardon请求你的原谅 16、go camping 去野营 17、last forever 永远持续

18、have many unforgettable memories of…拥有许多…….难忘的记忆

19、get along well with…与……相处融洽 20、to one’s joy 令某人高兴的是

21、chat with sb. 与某人聊天 22、take photos with sb.与某人合影

23、come to an end 结束 24、continue to do sth. 继续做某事

25、hurry up 赶快 26、any time now 随时;马上

27、head back home 动身回家;朝回家的路走 28、have a great future 拥有美好的未来

29、give a big hug to sb. 与某人紧紧地拥抱 30、have a safe flight 旅途平安

31、keep our dreams alive 让我们的梦想常在 32、bring about带来,引起,导致


1. How time flies! 光阴似箭!

2. It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。(这是很容易做的事)

3. We have worked so hard that we will be able to pass it easily.


4. I will say I have learned not only how to study, but also how to be a man.


5. Where there is a will , there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

6. Although they are cheap, they are valuable to remember our friendship.


7. As the saying goes, It’s the thought that counts. 常言道,礼轻情义重。

8. I just want to beg your pardon. 我只想请求你的原谅。

9. You don’t need to say sorry for anything.你不需要为一些事说抱歉。

10. Here she comes! 她来了。

篇二:star sign ?

What is your sign?星座物语

Pisces (February 20 to March 20)双鱼座(2月20日至3月20日)

The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel trapped when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a Piscean can make the best of a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.


Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)水瓶座(1月21日至2月19日)

The sign of the water bearer. Aquarians are very friendly people, great conversationalists and thinkers. They are regularly involved in some kind of intellectual study or debate, but never really let on to others how well informed they really are. Because of this they are unpredictable and full of surprises, you can never tell what an aquarian will do next.


Capricorn (December 22, 23 to January 20)魔羯座(12月22日至1月20日)

The sign of the sea-goat. Capricorns are very career-orientated people. They are ambitious and have opinions about everything. They do sometimes tend to have a bit of a doom and gloom personality, always seeing the down side of things first. Some capricorns are narrow minded in their thinking but only because they want to do what they think is the very best thing to do.


Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21, 22)射手座(11月23日至12月21日、22日) The sign of the archer. They set very high standards and goals for themselves and expect everyone else to live up to them as well. They are very blunt in their speaking and often say hurtful things without meaning to. They constantly need a challenge and thrive on excitement and the unknown. Great travelers and explorers, Sagittarius don't like to be tied down and are not well known for being faithful.


Scorpio (October 23, 24 to November 22)天蝎座(10月23日、24日至11月22日)

The sign of the scorpion. Scorpions are the most sexual of the signs in terms of cravings and desires. Never satisfied with just one love. Scorpions are sly and have a bit of a dare devil-streak in them, definitely the most risque of all the signs. Never tell a scorpion a secret - they won't keep it!



Libra (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23)天枰座(9月23日、24日至10月22日23日) The sign of the scales. Librans typically need balance and stability in their lives to be completely happy. The slightest upset, will upset them. Librans hate to be mis-judged, and they really care what other people think of them. Librans want to settle down, they want marriage, kids and a harmonious life. Definitely the jolliest sign.


Virgo (August 23, 24 to September 22, 23)处女座(8月23日、24日至9月22日、23日) The sign of the virgin. Typical Virgos are supposed to be pure wholesome and good, but this is not always the case. A place for everything and everything in its place, that is the organized life of the Virgo in a nut shell. Virgo are very industrious and enjoy dissecting large quantities of information and analyzing it.


Leo (July 23 to August 22, 23)狮子座(7月23日至8月22日、23日)

The sign of the lion. Leos are forceful, demanding and sometimes bossy, but despite this they also have a generous nature, when need be. Leos like to be the centre of attention all times, and are prone to draw attention to themselves. They have much respect for family life and children and admire others who do so too. Leos are very big on Authority, but deal with all situations with integrity and fairness.


Cancer (June 22 to July 22)巨蟹座(6月22日至7月22日)

The sign of the crab. Cancerians are tender loving and kind, they also have immense sympathy for those less fortunate than themselves, which in turn makes them very emotional people. A Cancerian will gladly sacrifice something they love for the ones they love. They are very homey people, preferring a quiet night in to a party.


Gemini (May 21, 22 to June 21)双子座(5月21日、22日至6月21日)

The sign of the twins. Geminis are usually bright and quick witted, the old adage of two heads being better than one? They do enjoy making use of their intellectual talent, be that at work or play and most have either a creative streak or an interest in the arts, but their eagerness to complete more than one task at a time means that nothing gets done.


Taurus (April 21 to May 20, 21)金牛座(4月21日至5月20日、21日)

The sign of the bull. Taureans are typically headstrong but very loyal. They do tend to dwell on wealth and social status, their own and other peoples. With a constant battle to keep up with the Joneses. Although whatever a Taurean wants to achieve, they will strive for until they get it.


Aries (March 21 to April 20)白羊座(3月21日至4月20日)

The sign of the ram, but a ram has three possible personalities, domineering, innocent or easily lead. Typical Arians are aware, adventurous and seek constant adventure. Sometimes in their eagerness to be noticed, an Arian can be brash, rude or selfish.





第I卷 (选择题 共90分)


1. 必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所先答案对应的标号涂黑。

2. 第I卷共两部分,共计90分。

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,共40分)

第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


1. —Would you mind my using your bicycle?

____________. Just go ahead.

A. It doesn’t matter B. Not at all

C. My pleasure D. I will do it with pleasure

2. Although he likes playing tennis, he is ________ but a good tennis player.

A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

3. we move the flowers at the corner? Will it look better?

A. what for B. what about C. How about D. what if

4. The hostess of the party, who__________ as a doctor for five years, is president of a famous private school.

A. worked B. has worked C. works D. had worked

5. A small piece of medicine helped me ______ an uncomfortable night on the plane.

A. get down B. get in C. get through D. get over

6. This province which thirteen counties is far away from the sea.

A. makes up B. consists of C. is included D. is contained.

7. _____ seeing her mum, the little girl started to cry.

A. On B. With C. For D. In

8. The managers discussed the plan they would like to see the next year.

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out

9. most of these languages are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.

A. What B. Which C. That D. Who

10. is known to all, the earth moves around the sun.

A. It B. What C. Which D. As

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Lahic is a small village high in the Caucasus Mountains in Eastern Europe. The in Lahic are harsh (恶劣的). Every year, the villagers nine months of snow, rain,

and cold. The land around the village is steep and rocky. Farming is 13 , but the mountains are 14 in copper (铜).

All the food for Lahic has to be brought ____ from the outside, but the village is 16 for its coppersmiths. Villagers have been 17 with copper for many centuries, and today’s villagers practice the craft (手艺) in the same way as their_ did. They work with great patience and simple 19 . The coppersmiths of Lahic use small mdllets (槌棒) to __ _copper into useful and beautiful objects. They 21 the objects by hammering in designs and pictures. They make 22 objects such as plates, 23 they create more difficult things, too.

Many people in Lahic are also 24 in other crafts. They create beautiful objects of wood and leather. And they 25 woolen carpets and clothing, But Lahic is 26 known for its coppersmiths.

To 27 Lahic, traders follow a rugged (崎岖的) path that twists through the mountains. Despite the , they have been making the journey for centuries. The village is worth a 29 because waders can get high prices for the copper products that they 30 in Lahic. Lahic copper products are greatly treasured all over the world, and can be found in museums.

11. A. winters B. measures C. winds D. punishments

12. A. speak of B. refer to C. care about D. live through

13. A. popular B. impossible C. important D. easy

14. A. rich B. excellent C. poor D. busy

15. A. up B. down C. in D. out

16. A. famous B. good C. fit D. attractive

17. A. going B. working C. playing D. staying

18. A. ancestors B. friends C. partners D. neighbors

19. A. ways B. materials C. tools D. knives

20. A: put B. lead C. divide D. shape

21. A. sell B. develop C. decorate D. repair

22. A. metal B. simple C. special D. wonderful

23. A. so B. but C. if D. because

24. A. careful B. lost C. strange D. known

25. A. admire B. dry C. wash D. make

26. A. earliest B. best C. last D. first

27. A. contact B. find C. reach D. study

28. A. danger B. unfriendliness C. trouble D. uselessness

29. A. smile B. cry C. look D. trip

30. A. create B. buy C. receive D. view

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在



Siberia is a huge area in Russia. It is more than half of Russia and is 4,000 miles wide. Most of this area is forests with many wild animals and birds. In the autumn, the forests in Siberia are full of mushrooms and berries. Many people like picking mushrooms, but it is not as simple as you might think. Old people who used to live in the villages know places where you can pick lots of mushrooms. Some

mushrooms grow in colonies (群体). If you find one, you only need to look around because you’ll find more of them nearby.

However, when picking mushrooms, it is important not to choose the wrong kind. You have to be careful because some mushrooms are poisonous even though they look good. The smell can help you choose them, because good mushrooms smell very good.

Siberian people are very friendly and hospitable (好客的). If someone invites you home for dinner, you’ll soon be full. You should try everything the host prepares.

The climate there depends on the territory (地区). Some places have very comfortable climates with hot summers and cold winters. The best season to visit Siberia is spring, when nature wakes up after a long winter. Birds come back from other warm places. Trees become dressed in green. The sun becomes warm and the days are longer. The mood is wonderful and people smile a lot. It is an amazing time.

In winter, you have the opportunity to take part in sports. During weekends, many people go into the country and ski. Noses freeze and cheeks hurt, but people continue to enjoy these times.

31. Which of the following can help to choose the right mushrooms to eat?

A. The size. B. The color. C. The smell. D. The taste.

32. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason to visit Siberia in spring?

A. The nights are longer. B. The trees turn green.

C. It is warm in spring. D. There are many birds.

33. What does the passage tell us about the Siberian climate?

A. It’s cold all the year round. B. It’s hot in summer.
