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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:51 | 移动端:up,in,the,air电影

篇一:up in the air

So your plan is up in the air。对了,up in the air是一个常用的习惯用语, Air是空气,up in the air就是在空气中,也就是悬在空中,意思就是:某件事还没有确定。

通常我们会说,某个计划还没有确定 - the plan is still up in the air。要是有的人对某件事没有办法作出决定,你就可以说: their decision is still up in the air。

例句-1:Now with the new regulations about building next to an airport, it looks like we might not be able to start onstruction of the golf course until next year. The whole project is up in the air.


那是到了20世纪人们才开始用up in the air。下面我们再来听一个例句。这是一个人在说他对自己的未来一点都不清楚。

例句-2:I wish I could tell you where I'll be in six months time, but I don't even know. I'm not sure if I will have the same job. I'm not even sure if my girlfriend will be able to stay in this country. Everything is so up in the air.


hot air,也就是热空气,说空话,吹牛。Hot air就是指吹牛。

例句-4:I'm sick of all the empty promises! The politicians have been telling us for years that they are going to create a new and improved healthcare system, but they never do a thing. 'We have a plan for the greatest blah blah blah!' It's just a lot of hot air!


篇二:up in the air


妙语佳句 活学活用

1. take seriously: 重视,认真对待。瑞恩在这里的意思是“你没有当真吧?不是在动真格的吧?”

2. iChat: 网络聊天。

3. minor in: 兼修,辅修。

主修某门课程则用major in表示。例如:I major in French and minor in English.(我主修法语,辅修英语。)

4. without grounds:毫无理由。

Ground在这里指“充分的理由、根据”,例如:You have no real grounds for complaint.(你没有真正的理由发牢骚。)

5. a hell of a:(用来加重语气)极恶劣的、不像样的、使人受不了的。

例如:You did a hell of a job.(你的工作一塌糊涂。)

此外,a hell of a用在口语中还可以表示“非常、极”,例如:I like you a hell of a lot.(我非常喜欢你。)He has a hell of a lot of money.(他很有钱。)

6. frankly:在这里相当于frankly speaking,坦率地说。

7. insurance premium: 保险费。

8. dinosaur: 守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西。在这里可以翻译为“老古董”。

9. show someone the ropes: 传授秘诀。某人知道或学会秘诀则用know/learn the ropes来表示。

例如:At first I did not know what to do, but he patiently showed me the ropes(最初我不知道该怎么样,幸而他耐心教导。)

Ropes在这里表示“秘诀,窍门,规矩”,例如:We want someone who knows all the ropes of the trade(我们要一位完全熟悉行内规矩的人。)

平时我们还用show sb the back door来表示“下逐客令”。

10.take someone through the paces: 在这里的意思是“在工作中带带她,教教她做这一行”。

类似的用法put someone through his paces 用来指“考查、考验某人”。

11.ring the bell:按门铃,成功。

这里注意要和ring a bell区分开。Ring a bell: [俗]使人想起某事或引起兴趣。例如:Once you mentioned her plan to be a professional tennis player, then her name rang a bell with me.(每次说起她要成为专业网球球员的计划,我就会想起她的名字。)

12.round up: 聚拢;聚集。

例如:Both parties had an active campaign to round up the votes.(双方都积极开展竞选运动来拉选票。)



Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working from home (WFH), or

working at home (WAH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours. In other words, the daily commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links. Many work from home, while others, occasionally also referred to as nomad workers or web commuters utilize mobile telecommunications technology to work from coffee shops or myriad other locations. Benefits:

Telecommuting offers benefits to communities, employers, and employees. For communities, telecommuting can offer fuller employment (by increasing the employ-ability of proximal or circumstantially marginalized groups.

For companies, telecommuting expands the talent pool, reduce the spread of illness, reduces costs, increases productivity, reduces their carbon footprint and energy usage, offers an inexpensive method of complying with the Americans with

Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), reduces turnover and absenteeism, and improves employee morale, offers a continuity of operations strategy, improve their ability to handle business across multiple timezones, and

hasten their cultural adaptability.

For individuals, telecommuting, or more

specifically, work from home arrangements,

improves work-life balance, reduces their

carbon footprint and fuel usage, frees up the

equivalent of 15 to 25 workdays a year—time

they would have otherwise spent commuting, and saves between $4,000 and $21,000 per year in travel and work-related costs (not including daycare).

Telework flexibility is a desirable perquisite for employees. A 2008 Robert Half International Financial Hiring Index, a survey of 1,400 CFOs by recruitment firm Robert Half International, indicated that 13% consider telework the best recruiting incentive today for accounting professionals. In earlier surveys, 33% considered telework the best recruiting incentive, and half considered it second best.


Employers largest concerns about telecommuting are: fear of loss of control; 75% of managers say they trust their employees, but a third say they'd like to be able to see them, just to be sure.

For employees, teleworking can negatively affect a person's career. A recent survey of 1,300 executives from 71 countries indicated that respondents believe that people who telework were less likely to get promoted. Companies rarely promote people into leadership roles who haven't been consistently seen and measured.







1.Our global must become local.

2.That's my fucking line.

3.As a favor to me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet.

4.Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%.


妙语佳句 活学活用

1. break room: 休息室,茶水间。

2. pussy: 猫,小姑娘。瑞恩在这里的意思是“我在另一家公司工作,为斯蒂夫的老板这样的懦夫出面。”

3. have the balls to do: 有胆量。

Balls在这里比喻“勇气、胆量”。例如:I don't have the balls to say that.(我可没有胆量那样说。)

4. keycard: 门卡,钥匙卡。

5. take the day: 今天休息,在这里相当于take the day off。瑞恩在这里的意思是“我要你今天就开始休息。”

6. find one's legs: 对自己的能力开始有信心,找到方向,在社会上站稳脚跟。 我们在说幼儿find one's legs时,通常指幼儿开始能站立、行走。而find one's sea-legs则指“开始不晕船,(经过初期晕船后)开始习惯于船上的颠簸”。

7. run the card: 刷卡。

8. recycled air:循环空气。


9. dispenser:自动售货机。

我们平时所说的ATM自动取款机全称为automated teller machine,也称为cash machine。

10.sushi: 寿司,日本食物,小饼状冷米饭配生鱼片等。

11.weigh down: 压垮,过度忧虑。

此外,weigh down还可以用来表示“加强”,例如:Jane weighed down her repertory with these plays.(简加上这几出戏,使她的演出剧目得到了加强。)


to weigh one's words 斟酌措词

to weigh on sb 使某人心情沉重

to weigh anchor 起锚












篇三:悬而未决 up in the air

悬而未决 up in the air

短语 up in the air 意思是某种局势的结果尚不清楚或某一决定还没有作出。这类似汉语中的悬而未决。例句:

We thought he would sign the contract but he's changed his mind. The situation is up in the air.

The doctor told me I can't travel because I need vaccinations first. I'm not sure I’ll be able to go on Wednesday - it's all up in the air!

It's all up in the air right now: no one can agree on whether to sell the company or not. 请注意,不要把这个短语同 clear the air 混淆起来, 后者的意思是通过对话消除疑虑或积怨:

My dad was really annoyed at me for forgetting his birthday. Last night we discussed it and cleared the air.

I didn't know how my wife felt about the situation, so last night we talked for two hours and cleared the air.
