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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:51 | 移动端:运动明星用英语怎么说


Do fame and money go wrong?

A heated debate was held in the last English class on the topic “whether the sports stars deserve the fame and large amount of money given to them as award”. Through large quantities of critical thinking and insightful consideration, I decided to stand on the pro side.

That I think they deserve all that fame and money which may even cause other people’s jealousy is not ueasonable. First of all, their successful performances in the important international games such as the Olympic Games, Asian Games and the like are achieved by years of hard training and countless trails and errors. Few people know what kind of sufferings they have to conquer. When taking part in those significant competitions, they are not only fighting for themselves but their nations--- the whole nations’ hopes and dreams, so they have to deal with the immense pressure to keep a balance between physical and mental status. That is why when they have struggled to win the medals they are held up as national heroes and be rewarded with almost incredible fame and fortune.

Having seen what the athletes get from winning a prize ,many parents tent to send their children to have professional training to be prepared for being accepted by the National Sports Teams and following in those successful athletes’ footsteps. This has become a evidence for those people who were on the con side of the debate. However, in my

point of view, things go just on the contrary. By achieving their success and getting what they deserve, these sports stars set a good example for the youth. Try your very best to do what you should do and you’ll be rewarded with what you are dreaming about. Just as a saying goes, “pear as you sow”.

Still, there are some people who think that maybe they deserve the money, yet the amount should not be that unbelievable. I’m not quite sure whether this kind of thought should to be taken as “resentment against the rich”. They strongly believe that this is the irrational distribution of wealth. Maybe they don’t know that many of these sports stars devote into public welfare and common good. Let’s take Tiger Woods for example. On the one hand, he is famous for being one of the most successful and wealthy golfer in the world whose personal asset will reach as much as one billion in 2010 as reported, on the other hand ,he is also known for his charitable endeavors. He runs the Tiger Woods Foundation, in order to deliver unique experiences and innovative educational opportunities for youth worldwide.

Thus ,we have the reason to believe that those sports stars do deserve the fame and money and they have played an important role in setting good examples for the youth as well as helping those who are really in need of help.

Denny 张欣杨 2010-05-23


赖雅妍Megan张曼玉Maggie 成龙Jacky 温岚Landy 杨采妮Charlie 林忆莲Sandy 谢霆锋Nicholas黄凯芹Chris 黄义达Yida 方力申Alex 李克勤Hony 郭品超Dylan 何润东Peter杜德伟Alex 古巨基Leo 应采儿Cherry 叶璇Michelle 蔡卓妍Chalene 钟欣桐Gillian 王力宏Leehom 蓝沁Bessie 叶蓓Apple 朱孝天Ken 朱茵Athena 陈德容Vivian 翁美玲Barbar 梅艳芳Anita关芝琳Rosemund 周迅Jue 郭蔼明Amy 许美静Mavis吴克群Kenji丁文琪Kiki 温碧霞Ireme 邓丽君Teresa 腾丽名Joyce 王祖贤Joey 李心洁Angelica

陈明真Jane 倪顺子Shunza

钟楚红Cherie 江祖平Ping

林熙蕾Kelly 李绮红Theresa

宣萱Jessica 张可颐Maggie

陈慧珊Flora 关咏荷Esther

张敏Sharla 陈小东Deniel

何韵诗Denise 王艳Rebecca

张茜Jess 曾宝仪Bowie

陈怡容Tammy 叶童Celilia


任贤齐Richie 吴浩康Deep

张学友Jacky 黎姿Gigi

杨乃文Faith 黄立行Stanley

吴镇宇Francis 黄圣依Eva

何耀珊Sun 窦智孔Bobby

胡定欣Nancy 伊能静Annie

邱泽Roy 杨承琳Rainie

黄宗泽Bosco 霍建华Wallace

佘诗曼Samantha 郭羡妮Sonija

光良Michael 林依晨Ariel


周慧敏 Vivian Chow 1967-11-20

邱淑贞 Chingmy Yau 1968-05-16

罗明珠 Bonnie 1968-09-11

翁 虹 Ewong 1968-09-17

刘彩玉 Pat 1968-10-10

伍咏薇 Christine 1969-02-24 张可颐 Maggie 1969-03-20 陈芷菁 Astrid Chan 1969-07-08 王 菲 Faye Wong 1969-08-08 江希文 Liz 1969-09-02

郭可盈 Kenix 1969-11-27

郭秀云 Sharon 1969-12-29 陈松龄 Nadia 1970-01-21

杨婉仪 Winnie 1970-06-03

李嘉欣 Michelle Lies 1970-06-20 黄佩霞 Almen 1970-07-07

梁佩瑚 Isabel 1970-08-06

宣 萱 Jessica 1970-08-18

锺丽缇 Christy 1970-09-19

万绮雯 Joey Meng 1970-10-02 周嘉玲 Valerie 1970-12-16

赵学而 Bondy Chie 1971-03-31 陈霁平 Maria 1971-09-02

袁咏仪 Anita 1971-09-04

张文慈 Pinky Cheung 1971-09-30 黎 姿 Gigi 1971-10-01

朱 茵 Athena 1971-10-25

康 华 Akina Hong 1971-12-05 杨 峥 Vanessa Yeung 1972-01-01 姚莹莹 Eileen Yeow 1972-01-04 陈妙瑛 Mariane 1972-08-01 郑秀文 Sammie 1972-08-19 谭小环 Halina 1972-09-06

孙佳君 Paulyn 1972-09-11

陈慧琳 Kelly Chan 1972-09-13 张慧仪 Angie Cheung 1972-11-04 黎瑞恩 Vivien 1973-02-18

蔡少芬 Ada 1973-09-17

陈 炜 Alice Chan 1973-11-21 施念慈 Celia Sie 1973-11-23 杨恭如 Kristy Yung 1974-01-07 翁嘉穗 Virginia 1974-01-15 杨千嬅 Miriam 1974-02-03

徐濠萦 Salary Hilary 1974-03-07

杨采妮 Charie Young 1974-05-23 郭羡妮 Sonija 1974-07-22

向海岚 Anne 1974-10-02

吴文忻 Natalie 1974-10-17

卢巧音 Candy Lo 1974-10-18 张玉珊 Shirley 1974-11-08

何超仪 Josie 1974-12-26

罗敏庄 Mia mimi 1974-12-30 藤丽名 Joyce Tang 1975-01-20 刘绰琪 Patricia Liu 1975-02-07 徐若喧 Vivian Hsu 1975-03-19 邝文珣 May 1975-04-03

李嘉慧 Rahmen Sofie 1975-04-12 佘诗曼 Charmaine 1975-05-28 汤盈盈 Angela 1975-06-30

黄纪莹 Natalie 1975-07-15

麦家琪 Teresa 1975-08-01

蒙嘉慧 Yoyo Mung 1975-08-03 韩君婷 Belinda 1975-09-28 袁彩云 Fiona 1976-01-20

林心如 Ruby 1976-01-27

梁敏仪 Winnie 1976-03-02

赵 薇 Vicki 1976-03-12

梁咏琪 Gigi Leung 1976-03-25wxIXTn 陈颖妍 Anita 1976-04-14

舒 淇 Fanny 1976-04-16

张燊悦 Nicola 1976-05-31

水明琪 Amelia 1976-07-15

文颂娴 Annie 1976-07-20

陈彦行 Joyce 1976-10-26

锺丽淇 Margaret 1976-11-03 任港秀 Jenny Yam 1977-06-07 陈伶俐 Brianna 1977-01-04 蒋 怡 Coco 1977-05-12

谷祖琳 Jo Koo 1977-05-16

何韵诗 Denise 1977-05-20

江芷妮 Cherrie Kong 1977-07-14 朱凯婷 Heidi Chu 1977-08-17 爱戴edell 薛凯琪:Fiona 陈键锋-Samuel



篇三:英语明星卡 English Star Card
