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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:49 | 移动端:长江用英文怎么说





中国白 {化} Chinese white; zinc white;

中国白瓷 blanc de chine;

中国白蜡蚧 wax insect;

中国板块 China plate;

中国北方粗制丝 trammage;

中国成药{中医} Chinese patent medicine;

中国大百科全书 Encyclopaedia Sinica;

中国大地构造单元 tectonic elements of China;

中国大地构造演化系统 evolutional series of geotectonics of China;

中国大陆 Chinese mainland;

中国地鼠卵巢细胞 Chinese hamster ovary cell;

中国第四纪冰期 Quaternary glacial epoch of China;

中国缎 satin of China;

中国对盲囊线虫 contracaecum chinensis;

中国对外[外交]政策 China's foreign policy; China's policy in foreign affairs;

中国法学会 China Law Society;

中国工艺品用铅锡黄铜 Chinese art metal; 中国公认名牌产品 Well-known Chinese Brand-name Product; 中国官话 {语} mandarin; 中国馆 Chinese Pavilion; 中国光诱畚箕网 Chinese torch net; 中国龟 Sinochelys; 中国国籍 Chinese nationality; 中国国情 China's actual conditions; 中国海 The China sea; 中国海百合 Sinocrinus; 中国海林檎 Sinocystis; 中国合营者 Chinese joint venturer; 中国红 {涂} Chinese red; Derby red; 中国红茶 congou; 中国画 traditional Chinese painting; 中国话 the Chinese language; Chinese; 中国货 made in China; goods of Chinese make; 中国(种)家蚕 fortunatus; mori; 中国角石 Sinoceras; 中国镜铜 Chinese speculum metal; 中国卡钓 Chinese spring-gorge;

中国蓝 Chinese blue; lokav; 中国狼山鸡 Langshan; 中国墨汁 Chinese ink; 中国漆 Chinese lacquer; 中国热 Sinomania; 中国人 Chinese; 中国三大构造域 three tectonic domains of China; 中国(种)桑蚕 bombyx fortunatus; bombyx mori; bombyx texor; 中国珊瑚 Sinophyllum; 中国舢舨 [小船] sampan; 中国石 chinite; 中国石燕 Sinospirifer; 中国丝 baste; 中国索氏虫 Sinosaukia; 中国通 an old China hand; Sinologue; 中国图书奖 China Book Prize; 中国图书资料分类法 CDC; 中国土缫粗丝 kaliava; 中国文学 Chinese literature; 中国问题研究 Sinology; Pekingology; 中国问题专家 a China watcher; Sinologist; China expert; China hand;

中国夏布 apou; 中国象棋 Chinese chess; 中国小长身贝 Sinoproductella; 中国型 sinotype; 中国医药学 traditional Chinese medicine; 中国艺术风格 Chinoiserie; 中国艺术节 China Art Festival; 中国银行 the Bank of China; 中国影片 Chinese film; 中国油气田 oil-gas field of China; 中国余数定理 Chinese remainder theorem; 中国猿人 Sinanthropus; (北京人) Sinanthropus pekinensis; 中国正形贝 Sinorthis; 中国珠茶 gunpowder tea; 中国(种)柞蚕 antherea pernyi

Brief Introduction to China中国简介

The People Republic of China is situated in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean,with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.


China's continental coastline extends for about 18,000 kilometers,and its vast sea surface is studded with more than 5,000 islands,of which Taiwan and Hainan are the largest.



Land Formation and Rivers China's land drops off in escarpments eastward to the ocean,letting in humid air current and leading many rivers eastward.


Among the rivers totaling 220,000 kilometers in length in China,the Changjiang (Yangtze) and the Huanghe (Yellow) are world known.


China has beautiful scenery,with mountains and

ranges,highlands,plains,basins,and hills.


The highlands and hill regions account for 65 percent of the country's total land mass,and there are more than 2,000 lakes.


The highest mountain peak is Qomolangma (Everest),the highest in the world,8,848 meters above sea level; the lowest point is the Turpan Basin,154 meters below sea level.


篇二:翻译练习 中译英 英翻中




To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper means.


So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation.


The fact that mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achieving the peaceful reunification.




Hong Kong, a tiny island, perched on the tip of southern China, plays a pivotal role in an increasingly globalized economy.


Given its strategic location, internationally oriented-business culture and excellent communications, it has become a crossroad of world trade and the nerve center of the Asia-Pacific region.

4) 香港已经和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往.

Commercial links reached out to corporation in over 170 countries and regions.

5) 与亚洲其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。

Its trade with the rest of Asia has increased substantially.

6) 香港的集装箱港口是世界上最繁忙的,而且还是进一步扩建。

Its container port is the busiest and is undergoing further expansion.

7) 虽然香港成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外货款已经占到香港银行提供的总货款的一半以上。

Although Hong Kong’s emergence as a world financial center came in recent 20 years, offshore loans account for more than half of the total loan provided by its bank.


As the “Pearl of the Orient” returns once again to China’s palm, its people see her future as brighter than ever.




Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your career.

Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be a good listener, to be sensitive toward other’s need, to take criticism well.

3) 善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。

People with skill in social relation admit their mistakes, and take their share of blame, which is mature and responsible way to handle an error.

4) 这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。 That’s why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off.

5) 因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。

Sensitive in their dealings with others, they are well linked everywhere.

6) 而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。

People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.

7) 碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。

When confronted with a mistake, they let their ego get in the way; they deny responsibility and became moody or angry. They mark themselves as “prickly”



1) 这次长江流域的水灾是44年最严重的。

The floods in Yangtze River basin are the worst in the past 44 years.

2) 官方数字表明已经有2000多人死亡,1380万人被迫离开家园。

Official figures indicate that more than 2000 people have been drowned and 13.8 million have been driven from their home.

3) 占中国总耕地面积3%的450 公顷的农作物被毁。

Crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hectares, 3 percent of China’s total cropland.

4) 工厂被迫停工,产量受到影响。

The industrial output has suffered as the factories have had to shut.

5) 客运和货运也被迫中断。

The transportation of goods and people has been disrupted.

6) 在未来的许多岁月里,人们都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。

The overall effects on china’s economy will be felt for many months.

7) 尽管损失如此严重,举国上下,展开与洪水的斗争是非常值得称赞的。

Despite the serious damage, China deserves a lot credit for its nationwide efforts to deal with flooding.

8) 在抗洪救灾中,中国人民显示了令人叹服的守堤防洪的能力。

During which, the Chinese have demonstrated a remarkable capability for shoring up dikes and protecting them from flooding.

9) 例如这次国家调动了160 万军队去帮助守护大堤, 将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。 For example, 1.6 million troops have been mobilizing to help to protect the dikes and move people out of areas being flooded.

10) 事实上,差不多有数百万平明百姓参加了这一人类艰苦卓越的斗争。

Literally,millions of civilians are involved in this enormous human effort.




Despite lip service paid to friendship, what matters to athlete is success.

2) 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。

Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing.

3) 任何想获得奥运冠军的人都得中断学业,牺牲自己的业余时间。

What the spectators sometimes fail to notice is that anyone who wants to become an Olympics champion has to break off his studies and has little spare time.


It is understandable that athletes want some tangible reward.



1、 改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验

We must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned.

2、 冒一定的风险是必要。

A certain amount of risk-taking is necessary.


Who dare to claim that he is 100 percent sure of success right from the beginning and without taking any risk? There are no such things as certainty.


I have never had such notions as thinking I’m 100 percent correct.


Every year, leaders should review what they have done so as to hold to what works and discard what does not, or take immediate corrective steps.


We should lose no time in taking them whenever new problems arise.


No one can afford the luxury of slow decision-making whether it involves fighting a battle or making a reform.


In many cases, we have to take a chance, and correct your mistakes as you go along.


I am afraid that it may take another 30 years to establish a set of more mature and more consistent system, in all fields of endeavor, under which all policies will be more consistent, too.



1、 一条一条的高架在上海城市上编织出精致的网络,一座连着一座的摩天大楼拔地而起,


With the highways weaving their intricate webs above the city of shanghai, more and more skyscrapers emerge and push the skyline ever higher.

2、 在这购物的天堂里,商店和大商场都挤满了成群结队的游客。而西装笔挺的商人穿梭于


Thousands of visitors pack the shops and malls of this shopper’s paradise, and businessmen in smart designer suits discuss business over portable phones as they weave through the crowds.

Part 8

1、 上海字面上的意思是“位于海之上”,它位于长江流入大海之前最后一条支流的黄埔江


Shanghai, which means “above the sea”, is on the Huangpu River, the lowest tributary at the mouth of the Yangtze.


The main city sits astride the Huangpu , only fifteen kilometers to the east coat.


Shanghai was born to the world as a cosmopolitan city in 1842 when a British ship slipping unnoticed into the mouth of Yangtze River, reduced the Wusong Fort and took the city without fight.


On the muddy west bank of the Huangpu , the English first built sheds for their goods.


Thereafter, came other traders: American, Germans, French, Russians and Japanese.


All of them were avid for Chinese trade and Chinese gold.


In less than a hundred years, shanghai teeming with factories, shops, banks, night club, race-courses and casinos, became a place for foreigners to seek adventure and romance in China.


1. 元宵节: Lantern Festival

2. 刺绣:embroidery

3. 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival

4. 清明节:Tomb sweeping day

5. 剪纸:Paper Cutting

6. 书法:Calligraphy

7. 对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets

8. 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters

9. 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow

10. 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle

11. 战国:Warring States

12. 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen

13. 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl

14. 函授部:The Correspondence Department

15. 集体舞:Group Dance

16. 黄土高原:Loess Plateau

17. 红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals

18. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day

19. 结婚证:Marriage Certificate

20. 儒家文化:Confucian Culture

21. 附属学校:Affiliated school

22. 古装片:Costume Drama

23. 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie

24. 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup)

25. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems

26. 火锅:Hot Pot

27. 四人帮:Gang of Four

28. 《诗经》:The Book of Songs

29. 素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education

30. 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian

31. 大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement)

32. 《西游记》:The Journey to the West

33. 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival

34. 针灸:Acupuncture

35. 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored pottery

36. 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics

37. 偏旁:radical

38. 孟子:Mencius

39. 亭/阁: Pavilion/ Attic

40. 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises

41. 火药:gunpowder

42. 农历:Lunar Calendar

43. 印/玺:Seal/Stamp

44. 物质精神文明建设:The Construction of Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization

45. 京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera

46. 秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera

47. 太极拳:Tai Chi

48. 独生子女证:The Certificate of One-child

49. 天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing

50. 小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand

51. 红双喜:Double Happiness

52. 政治辅导员:Political Counselor/School Counselor

53. 春卷:Spring Roll(s)

54. 莲藕:Lotus Root

55. 追星族:Star Struck

56. 故宫博物院:The Palace Museum

57. 相声:Cross-talk/Comic Dialogue

58. 下岗:Lay off/Laid off

59. 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck

60. 高等自学考试:Self-taught Examination of Higher Education

61. 烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker

62. 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves

63. 电视小品:TV Sketch/TV Skit

64. 香港澳门同胞:Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao

65. 文化大革命:Cultural Revolution

66. 长江中下游地区:The Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River

67. 门当户对:Perfect Match/Exact Match

68. 《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh

69. 中外合资企业:Joint Ventures

70. 文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):“The Four Treasure of the Study”、“Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone”

71.兵马俑:cotta Warriors/ Terracotta Army

