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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:48 | 移动端:坚持,四同步,四对接















Ⅰ. 阅读下面的对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 M: Look at this photo. Can you guess who the girl is?

W: This is Judy, right? I didn’t know she (1)u to have long, straight hair. M: Bingo! This is Judy. But she has changed greatly since she returned from Egypt (埃及), an

(2)A country. She worked there as a volunteer teacher for 2 months. W: Yes. Now she has (3)s hair. And she speaks English better than before. M: There have been more changes than that. You know, Judy was a shy and (4)s girl with few words in the past. But now, she is good at giving powerful (5)sin public.

W: You’ve got the point. She didn’t (6)d to speak to strangers in the past. But now she is active and talkative (健谈的). And she is also good at telling jokes. She’s become the most (7)h girl! M: I agree. But there are things that haven’t changed. She is always a (8)h girl. She never refuses to help others.

W: That’s true. And she is always a top student who often gets good (9)s in exams. M: Yes. She is (10)s a girl called Judy, but a better Judy.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

() 1. — Your mother plays tennis very often, doesn’t she?

— Well, she doesn’t like it now. But she .

A. wanted toB. would like to

C. used to D. hoped to

() 2. — I am like a cat on hot bricks. There are so many problems that I don’t know to deal with them.

— Calm down first. Let’s see what I can do for you.

A. what B. why

C. who D. how

() 3. — It’s not safe for a girl like you toso late.

— Thanks, but I am waiting for my father to pick me up here.

A. hang out B. stay up

C. fall asleepD. get up

() 4. — Only a small number of studentsable to pass the exam. — Yes. The number no more than 20.

A. is; isB. are; is

C. is; areD. are; are

() 5. — Andy says his team will win the cup in the final.

— I am sure they will . They are second to none, you know.

A. pass it B. keep it

C. catch itD. make it

Ⅲ. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下面的句子,每空一词。

1. 朱迪不再是一个害羞的女孩了。

Judy is a shy girl .

2. 曹老师以前是不是教过历史?他历史知识真丰富。

Mr Cao teach history? He has so much knowledge of history. 3. 我开始从事培训志愿者工作已经一年了。

It has been a year since Itraining volunteers.

4. 当志愿者让我的私人时间变少了,但是我的时间花在更有意义的事情上了。

Being a volunteer makes me time, but my time was spent on something more meaningful.

5. 面对这么多困难,我们决定继续奋斗,而不是放弃。Facing so many difficulties, we’ve decided toinstead of .


Ⅰ. 1. used 2. African 3. short

4. silent 5. speeches 6. dare

7. humorous8. helpful 9. scores 10. still Ⅱ. 1-5 CDABD

Ⅲ. 1. not; anymore

2. Did; use to

3. took up

4. have less private

5. fight on; giving up

篇三:必修5unit4 同步练习

Unit 4 Making the news 同步练习2


1. — You are welcome to our school. — _______ .

A. Thank youB. You're right C. I think so D. I'm sorry 2. —I haven't seen you for a long time . How is everything , Kate ? — _______ .

A. Not too bad B. Very wellC. Not at all D. I'm all right 3. — Hello . May I speak to Tom Smith ? — Yes . _______ .

A. My name's Tom Smith B. I'm Tom Smith C. This is Tom Smith D. Tom Smith's me 4. —Is Mr Green really very ill ? — _______ . He's in hospital .

A. I don't think so B. No , he isn't C. I hope soD. I'm afraid so 5. — Would you like to have some tea or coffee ? — _______ . Thank you . I've just had enough tea . A. Either B. NeitherC. Some D. Both 6. —Do you mind if I open the door ? —_______ .

A. No , of course not B. Yes , please

C. Yes , you can D. No , you can't open it 7. —Thank you for the delicious dinner. — _______.

A. Don't say that B. It's nothing

C. I don't think it's good D. I'm glad you enjoyed it 8. —I did quite well in the exam this time. — _______ .

A. Congratulations B. I don't knowC. So do I D. So I did Language study(语言学习)


1. I'm sorry to have broken your glass,but I didn't do it d__________. 2. S__________ a family of six is a great burden to the man.

3. My parents hope to be a doctor will be my o__________ after graduation

4. We can't c_________ on studies with the cars' noises going on.

5. As a student,everyone is e________ to attend a college. 6. The lady was a____________ of killing her husband.

7. You'd better make an a______ with the doctor before you visit him. 8. Though he is in his sixties, he has no i________ of retirement.

9. Father a________ of my playing games for relaxation as long as I do well in studies. 10. He feels quite g_______ of being unable to take care of his sick father. B、用恰当的介词或副词填空。

1. He is a man to be depended _____everytime you are ____ trouble. 2. _________ no case will I apologize to him for that.3. He feels it great fun to be _____company with me.

4. His father is said to have been accused _____ the robbery.

5. Once you have worked _____ a plan,it must be carried ______firmly.. 6. Though he broke the glass ______accident,he was fined. 7. Faced _____danger,you must stay calm.

8. Working _____ China Daily, his father is always occupied _____covering events. 9. _____ a policeman,he has a special nose _____finding guilty evidence. 10. The old man is very experienced _____surgeon operation.

11. We Chinese people are able to defend our country ______any enemies. 12. It is a pity that you weren't present _____the conference. 13. Reading ______ the sunlight is bad ______ your eyesight. 14. England is separated _______ France _____ the English Channel. 15._______the speech made,Mr Green left the meeting ______ his office. C、用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。

1. A________ in reading,he didn't notice me behind him. 2. It takes him three hours to ______ his lessons every night.

3. Mr Wang has rich ________ in teaching that he is very popular among the students. 4. As a student,he is _________ to concentrate on his studies. 5. The robber tried to _________ his nervousness before the judge. 6. Mary ________ our offer,which disappointed us.

7. It's clear that her paintings has been __________ by Picasso. 8. The company decides to ________ the Europe market.

9. Don't waste time.Teacher won't ________ of our doing such a thing.

10. His father has been out of work for two years.How he wishes to be ______ by the company!


1. 选A。对别人的客气表示感谢。

2. 选A。对问题“一切进展怎么样?”的回答应该是“不错”;B选项应该是very good就对了。

3. 选C。这是电话用语。

4. 选D。根据后面的 语境应该选D。 5. 选B。neither表示一样也不要。 6. 选A。回答要针对mind。

7. 选D。当别人对你提供的服务表示感谢时,你的回答应该用D项。 8. 选A。当别人取得成绩时,你应当表示祝贺。 9. 选B。当对方向你准备提供帮助时,你应该表示感谢。 10. 选C。当对方要去参加某种比赛时,你应该表达你的祝愿。 三、Language study(语言学习) 1、词汇


1. deliberately2. supporting3. occupation 4. concentrate 5. eager 6. accused 7. appointment 8. intention 9. approves 10. guilty B、用恰当的介词或副词填空。

1. 填on, in。depend on表示依靠,in trouble表示在困境中。 2. 填in。in no case意为“在任何情况下都不”。 3. 填in。in company with意为“和某人在一起”。 4. 填of。accuse sb of sth控告某人某事。 5. 填out, out。work out制定,carry out 执行。 6. 填by。by accident意为“偶然”。

7. 填with。be faced with表示“面临”的意思。

8. 填at, in。 at china Daily 在中国日报社工作;be occupied in doing忙于做某事。 9. 填as, for。as a policeman作为; have a special nose for 意为“对??特别敏感”。 10. 填at。be experienced at(in)在。。经验丰富。 11. 填against。意为“反对,对抗”。 12. 填at。be present at意为“出席”。

13. 填in, for。in the sunlight在阳光下; ba bad for意为“对??有害”。 14. 填from, by。be separated from意为“与??分隔开”。

15. 填with, for.“with+N+done”独立结构作状语; leave sp for sp离开某地到某地。 C、用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。

1. absorbed 2. go over 3. experience 4. supposed 5. cover

6. rejected 7. influenced8. concentrate on 9. approve 10. employed
