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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:43 | 移动端:长江用英语怎么读

篇一:长江三峡(The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River)

长江三峡(The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River)










The Three Gorges of the Yangtze RiverThe Three Gorges are situated ① in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and are famous throughout the world.The Three Gorges are: the Xiling Gorge(西陵峡), Wu Gorge(巫峡)and Qutang Gorge(瞿塘峡). Along with them there are a number of beautiful places of interest, such as, Zhaojun Village, Qu Yuan Temple and Baidi Town.The Gezhouba Dam is at the entrance to the Gorges. A big power station has been built here. Since the reform and open policies began to be carried out, great changes have taken place and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River have taken on a new look. At present a large multipurpose water conservancy project ② is under construction.The Three Gorges will benefit ③ the people more and make greater contributions to China.


①be situated 位于……

②large multi-purpose water conservancy project 大型水利枢纽工程③benefit['benifit] v 有益于

篇二:汉英翻译练习 20段


在从前的农业社会里,中国人最重要的节日就是过年。对过去的一年来说,这是结束;对未来的一年来说, 这是开始。一进入腊月,街头巷尾就充满了过年的气氛,这种气氛要持续一个半月之久。大家不仅借着各种游乐节目来调剂一年来的辛劳,同时也在游乐中流露着一种乐观进取的精神。过年时,每家门上都贴上了春联,耀眼的红纸增加了人们的喜气,优美的字句提供了勉励。

Spring Festival

In China’s formerly agricultural society, Spring Festival was the most important holiday. It was the end of the previous year and the beginning of the next. When the twelfth month of the lunar year began, the happiness of new-year celebration pervaded the streets for a month and a half. People sought relief from the previous year’s scrolls were put on the doors of every family in Spring Festival: the shiny red scrolls increasing happiness and the rhythmic words giving encouragement.


中国有句古话:“相知无远近,万里尚为邻”。中国与亚洲各国山水相连, 共同铸就了灿烂的亚洲文明;古老而美丽的“丝绸之路”,谱写了中欧千年往来的美好篇章。中国与亚欧各国的互利合作正在步入下一个全新的阶段。中国将致力于同亚欧各国发展富有活力和长期稳定的全面合作关系,与亚欧各国相互支持,携手前进, 共创美好未来。

Euro-Asian Cooperation

In China, there is an old saying, “Long distances never separate close friends.” Linked and intertwined by mountains and rivers, China and other Asian countries have helped to build a splendid Asian civilization. The ancient Silk Road recorded great chapters in the history of exchange between China and Europe in previous millennia. Now, China and other Asian countries as well as European countries have marched into a brand-new ear of cooperation and mutual benefit. China will devote itself to building dynamic, stable, and long-term cooperation in various fields across Asia and Europe and marching forward, with other countries on the two continents, in a concerted effort to attain a brighter future.



Quadrangle Courtyard

Quadrangle courtyards were designed by the Chinese to meet the needs both of

ancient family hierarchy and of concepts of civil ethics. The principal room in the courtyard is located in the middle, on a high foundation with wing-rooms on both sides. These rooms were distributed according to seniority in the family, with the elders living in the principal rooms and the juniors in the wing-rooms. The rich family used the same style of home with more rooms, which corresponded with the wealth of family. Even Chinese palaces and temples boast huge courtyards. To be entered one by one, and designed to fill the entrants with a sense of solemnity and nobleness. With the change of the times, many houses in Chinese cities have become westernized. Though living in the apartments, the Chinese still preserve their good traditional ways of living.


有人把香港说成是“文化沙漠”。 实际上,香港有着其独特的文化氛围。这座城市特殊的历史和地理因素造就了一种多样化的文化。香港的电影制作名列世界前茅。其流行歌曲在全球华人中有着广泛的影响, 而且还有八所知名的大学。每年一度由政府主办的艺术嘉年华为当地艺术家展示其独创性提供了一个广阔的平台,并鼓励更多人参与文化艺术创作,为中国的文化繁荣作出了许多创新和突破。

Cultural Desert

Hong Kong is called by some people a “cultural desert”. As a matter of fact, Hong Kong enjoys a unique cultural setting. The diversified culture of Hong Kong can be attributed to its special history and location. In terms of film-making, it ranks among the top locations in the world, and its pop songs have had an extensive influence among Chinese globally. Moreover, there are also eight well-known universities in Hong Kong. An annual art carnival hosted by the government has provided a broad stage for local artists to exhibit their originality and encouraged more people to get involved in the production of cultural and art works, thus fostering innovation and breakthrough for the prosperity of Chinese culture.


中国人称结婚为中国大事, 国为中国人的家庭观念很重,认为齐家是治国的根本。 中国感人不断告诉读书人,要想替国家做事,必须先把家庭治理好。中国人不仅把婚姻看成一男一女的结合,还把它当作社会的基础,是很庄重的事,一点也不能马虎。旧式的中国婚姻,并不是自己选择,而是由家长做主,还需要媒人的介绍。到了现代,婚姻由自己做主,但是仍要征求家长同意。


Chinese people define marriage as a lifelong event, because they have a strong family ideal, with the belief that running a good family is the foundation for running the

country. Chinese ancients kept warning scholars that they should run their families well before they could work for the country. Therefore, Chinese people regard marriage not only as the union of a man and a woman, but also as the foundation of society, which should be treated with solemnity and without the least rashness. In old Chinese marriage arrangements, one didn’t choose his or her spouse, who was instead arranged by the parents with the help of matchmakers. In modern times, one chooses his or her own marriage partner, but still with the assent of the parents.


上海是一座朝气蓬勃、充满活力、多姿多彩的国 际大都市。改革开放以来,上海变化之大令世人瞩目。经济高速发展,社会秩序稳定,人民安居乐业,呈现出一片繁华景象。今天,尽管上海还有着不少色彩斑斓的过去可以留恋和回味,但城市日新月异的面貌却使越来越多的人折服。浦西展示了上海的辉煌岁月,浦东展现了上海的美好前景。上海就像一轮红日,光芒四射,鲜艳夺目。 Shanghai

Shanghai is a dynamic, vigorous and versatile international metropolis. Since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy, shanghai has witnessed tremendous changes which attracted worldwide attention. The economy is developing rapidly, social order is stable, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, presenting a scene of prosperity. Today, while Shanghai has many remnants of its colorful past for people to ponder over, its ever-changing outlook has filled more and more people with great admiration. Puxi exhibits the city’s glorious past, and Pudong unfolds its bright future. Shanghai is like a rising sun, shining with boundless radiance and brilliant color.



Chinese Housing

Chinese people used to invite experts to advise them in feng shui principle before building a house. It seems to be superstitious, but somehow makes sense. According to the Chinese people, no building should mar the harmony of the nature, but instead blend into nature. Those living in such houses would not feel confined in cages, but as if they were living in serene nature. Thus, Chinese house usually face the south so as to have warm sunshine in winter and cool breezes in summer. The house, warm in winter and cool in summer, is comfortable for accommodation.




Situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and blessed with a mild climate, fertile and soil, and numerous lakes and waterways across the region, Suzhou has enjoyed a reputation as “a land of milk and honey” ever since the Tang Dynasty. Historical records show that the region was fairly advanced in fishery and farming in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States over 2000 years ago. Suzhou is a fascinating city of tourist attractions, dotted with bridges at the backdoors. Bridges are built wherever waterways and streets cross. The Map of Pingjiang District, a well-preserved city map from the Song Dynasty carved on a stone plate, indicated that during that period there were 304 bridges.



Music, Chess, Calligraphy and Painting

Chinese people have the best idea about recreation. Scholars of ancient times enjoyed themselves through music, chess, calligraphy and painting in their leisure time. In the eyes of the Chinese people, the quality of the artifacts is a reflection of the character of the creator. Thus, playing musical instruments, playing chess, writing calligraphy or painting show one’s culture. By playing music, one does not aim to be a musician but to enter a broader world, purifying one’s soul in the beautiful music. By playing chess, one does not aim to be the winner but to cultivate patience and foresight. By calligraphy, one aims not only to write beautifully but also to improve his mind. Through painting, one expresses an imaginary world with simple lines.


杭州位于浙江省北部,是中国古老的风景名称。杭州不仅风景奇丽,名胜古迹众多,与杭州有关的传说和故事也甚为美丽动人。几千年过去了,杭州依然和以 前一样有吸引力。杭州是如此美丽,很多人在这都是留恋忘返。唐代诗人白居易写了很多赞美杭州西湖的诗。古意大利旅行者马可波罗在元代来到了中国,对杭州



Hangzhou, an ancient city renowned for its picturesque scenery, is situated in the northern part of Zhengjiang Province. Hangzhou has many scenic spots and historical sites as well as beautiful and moving legends and stories associated with it. Thousands of years have passed since the city was founded, yet Hangzhou is as attractive as ever. Hangzhou is so beautiful that many people are reluctant to leave it. Bai juyi, a famous poet during the Tang Dynasty, wrote many poems to describe the beauty of Hangzhou’s West Lake. Marco Polo, an ancient Italian traveler, came to China in Yuan Dynasty, and expressed great admiration for Hangzhou. In his own words, ”Hangzhou is the most beautiful city in the world.”



Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall of China winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers from east to west across China. The Great Wall is one of the greatest architecture in the history of civilization and was built in the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period over 2,000 years ago. Many parts of the wall were joined together after China’s unification in the Qin Dynasty and renovated in the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. They mystery of the construction and the grandeur of the project is a miracle in the world. Mounting the Great Wall today, you will marvel not only at the grand wall winding along the mountains and valleys, but at the great tenacity of the Chinese people in creating their unique history.







1. When is Mary’s birthday?

A. B.C.

2. What does the boy’s mother often do at weekends?


3. What’s the man’s favourite food?

A. B. C.

4. What does Lucy want to be when she grows up?

A. B. C.

5. Whose books are these?

A. Kitty’s. B. Sandy’s.C. Millie’s.

6. What is Kate doing in her bedroom now?

A. She’s reading. B. She’s sleeping.C. She’s studying.

7. When will they have an English party?

A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.

8. What's Lucy's father like?

A. Fat.B. Thin. C. Short.

9. Where does Jill sit?

A. In front of Jack. B. In front of Amy.C. Between Jack and Amy.

10. Why isn’t the girl going to the cinema this evening?

A. Because she saw the film last week.

B. Because she is ill.

C. Because she has to do her homework.

B)听对话和短文回答问题, 将正确选项填涂在答题卡相应位置。(读两遍)


11. Who does the woman buy the jacket for?

A. Her daughter. B. Her son.C. Her husband.

12. How much does the woman pay for it?

A. ¥118.B.¥128. C.¥138.


Personal Information

Name: Hey Lee Time of studying English: Three weeks


Phone number:15 Address: 152 Center Street

Club: English Club E-mail address: HeyLee@yahoo.com

13. A. AmericaB. ChinaC. England

14. A. football and swimmingB. music and basketballC. music and football

15. A. 2056398B. 2053698 C. 2053689


16. Where does Li Ming work?

A. At school. B. In a cinema.C. In a hospital.

17. What does she usually have for breakfast?

A. Some bread and milk. B. Some eggs and juice. C. Some noodles and tea.

18. How does she go to work?

A. On foot.B. By bike. C. By car.

19. How many hours a day does she work on weekdays?

A. 5 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours.

20. What does she love doing except singing and reading?

A. Chatting with friends. B. Chatting on the Internet. C. Talking on the telephone.

二、单词辨音 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. A. knocks B. kitchens C. neighbours D. carries

22. A. smart B. colourful C. March D. dancer

23. A. healthy B. leatherC. teeth D. month

24. A. choose B. wool C. noodle D. boot

25. A. lazy B. raise C. April D. already


从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。

26. There is ▲"o" and ▲"1" in the word "bowl".

A. a; aB. a; anC. an; a D. an; an

27. My friend Alice was born▲1999,▲a summer evening▲September.

A. in; on; inB. in; in; in C. in; in; ofD. in; on; of

28. —It’s very hot in the classroom. ▲ I open the window, Mr. White?

—Yes, you may.

A. Can B. Need C. May D. Must

29. Lucy ▲ goes roller skating on weekends. She likes it very much.

A. often B. sometimes C. seldomD. never

30. —▲ do you sleep every night?—Six to eight hours.

A. How longB. How often C. How D. How many times

31. Simon: Happy Women’s Day to you. Kitty: ▲.

A. Yes, I’m very happy. B. Thank you. C. The same to you.D. Why do you say so?

32. I like this pair of football boots a lot.Can I ▲?

A.try it onB.try on itC.try them onD.try on them

33. He needs ▲ hamburgers because he is very hungry.

A.two more B.more two C.other twoD.two another

34. The shoes are made ▲ leather and are suitable ▲ going for a walk.

A. from; of B. of; to C. from; to D. of; for

35. —How much do you spend ▲ the beautiful scarves?

—They ▲ me 100 yuan.

A. buying; costB. to buy; takeC. buy; spendD. buying; pay


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。

A healthy diet with exercise will help you look better, feel better and live longer. But I am 36 to say that many children don't have a healthy lifestyle. They eat much rubbish(垃圾)food 37

French fries and fried chicken. Eating too much rubbish food is38 . If you39to live a long and healthy life, you have to look40your living habits(习惯).

It is important to get a yearly physical examination(体检), too. You don't hope to41any

bad news, but the doctor will tell you42healthy you are. It's also a good idea for you to43a book on healthy eating.44milk or juice from fruits can help to improve(改善) your health, too.

I am in good health now. People tell me that I look so45 . Healthy eating helps me and it will also help you!

36. A. happyB. sad C. excitedD. angry

37. A. with B. as C. like D. about

38. A. cheapB. difficultC. delicious D. unhealthy

39. A. want B. go C. changeD. dislike

40. A. forB. after C. likeD. at

41. A. hear B. find C. seeD. feel

42. A. what B. how C. when D. where

43. A. write B. sell C. read D. take

44. A. Drink B. EatC. Drinking D. Eating

45. A. young B. oldC. fatD. thin


阅读下面内容, 然后从所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题卡相应位置。


How does Lucy spend a week?

Monday Practice playing volleyball


Tuesday Go to see Tim Children’s Hospital


Wednesday Part-time job(兼职工作)


Thursday Go to the station to meet her uncle Ricky


Friday See Mr Green 10:30—11:30 a.m.

Part-time job2:00—6:00 p.m.

Saturday A birthday party for Lily 7:00—10:00 p.m.

Sunday Help Frank with his Maths

46. Where does Lucy meet Tim?

A. At Frank’s house.B. At Lucy’s house.C. At the station.D. In the hospital.

47. How many hours a week does Lucy do her part-time job?

A. Five hours. B. Eight hours.C. Ten hours.D. Eleven hours.

48. Who may be ill in hospital?

A. Lucy. B. Lily. C. Tim. D. Ricky.

49. Lucy’s uncle is coming on ▲.

A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Thursday. D. Wednesday.

50. What does Lucy do on Saturday evening?

A. Have a birthday party. B. Study with Frank.

C. Play volleyball. D. Do a part-time job.


Hello, my dear friends, today here’s a funny cartoon for you! It is a Chinese cartoon. Its name is Happy Sheep and Big Big Wolf(狼).

In this cartoon, there are some sheep and three wolves. Happy Sheep is the leading role(主角). He likes playing football and running. He runs faster than the other sheep. Pretty Sheep likes making clothes and growing flowers. She is very beautiful. Lazy Sheep(懒羊羊) is clever. But he doesn’t like doing sports. He likes sleeping best. Force Sheep(沸羊羊) is stronger than any other sheep. Warm Sheep is the class monitor(班长)at school. Slow Sheep is 68 years old. He is very old. He is the village head(村长). Every sheep has a lovely pet(宠物). Big Big Wolf wants to eat sheep. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife. She is very bad. Banana Wolf is nice. He is the friend of the sheep. He likes eating bananas very much.

51. Which sheep doesn’t like sports?

A. Lazy Sheep. B. Force Sheep.C. Warm Sheep.D. Happy Sheep.

52. Pretty Sheep likes ▲.

A. playing footballB. sleeping C. making clothes D. eating bananas

53. Who is the sheep’s friend?

A. Big Big Wolf. B. Banana Wolf. C. Red Wolf. D. Little Wolf.

54. How many sheep are there in the passage?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

55. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Happy Sheep runs slower than any other sheep.

B. Slow Sheep is old.

C. Warm Sheep has a lovely pet.

D. Red Wolf is Big Big Wolf’s wife.


The 16th Asian Games is held(举办) in Guangzhou, China. I’m very happy and excited to hear that. What about you? Let me introduce Guangzhou to you. I hope you can take part in(参加) the Guangzhou Asian Games.

There weren’t very good places some years ago. Guangzhou had a lot of cars and the air wasn’t nice. People didn’t look after the environment and threw rubbish to the ground here and there. We think we should do something. So we plant trees and flowers near the road. People plant flowers in their homes too. Now I’m very happy because people are cleaner and politer than before.

Guangzhou food is very delicious. You can eat different kinds of food in Guangzhou. I like Guangzhou food best. I hope you can eat Guangzhou food with me. Then we watch the wonderful matches together. I think it is very interesting. I hope to be your guide(向导). Would you like to come to Guangzhou?

56. Where is the 16th Asian Games held?

A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Shenzhen. D. Guangzhou.

57. What was Guangzhou like before?

A. It was dirty. B. It was very clean.

C. It was very beautiful. D. It was interesting.

58. Why is the writer happy when he sees the changes(变化) of Guangzhou?

A. Because he doesn’t like other places except (除了??之外) Guangzhou.

B. Because Guangzhou becomes more beautiful.

C. Because he is from Guangzhou.

D. Because the 16th Asian Games is held in Guangzhou.

59. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “environment”?

A. 街道 B. 林荫道C. 环境 D. 楼房

60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There was some rubbish on the ground in Guangzhou before.

B. There are different kinds of food in Guangzhou.

C. The writer wants to help you when you go to Guangzhou.

D. The writer took part in the 16th Asian Games.



61. Can your cousin ▲(play) volleyball with you every Monday afternoon?

62. —What does Frank often do after class?

—He often practises ▲(speak) English with his classmates.

63. I like to eat a lot of ▲(potato) in the morning.

64. Mr. King finished ▲(celebrate) his 23rd birthday yesterday.

65. Don’t knock on your ▲(teacher) door. They are not in the office.

66. —How many times a week are the twins do exercise? —▲(two) a week.

67. I like this jumper very much because it makes me▲(feel) very comfortable.


68. It’s good for our health to eat ▲ ['ved??t?bl] every day.

69. Computer is getting more and more important in the ▲['m?dn ] world.

70. It’s not a good habit(习惯) to go to school ▲ (没有) breakfast.

71. I don’t think the black coat ▲(适合) you. You may change it.

72. Dad left home angrily.▲ (后来), he came back with a smile on his face.

73. I think the price of this bike is too▲(贵).

74. We need to eat food to get enough ▲(能量) for doing sports.

75. We want more people to come to our show so we will ▲(设计) some posters.


If someone asks me, “Do you like music?” I will answer him or her, “Of course, I do.” Because I think music is an important part (部分)of our lives.

Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music(摇滚乐) because it’s so exciting. And my favourite rock band(乐队) is Foxy Ladies(酷妹). I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing. My best friend Jane likes jazz music(爵士乐) .She thinks it is really cool.

“I love dance and rock music very much,” says my brother, “because they are interesting.”

But my mother thinks rock is boring. “I like some relaxing(轻松的) music,” she says. That’s why she likes country music, I think.

Dear friends, do you like music? What kind of music do you like?

Music—an important part of our lives

Different People Different76 Reasons(理由)

I I like rock music and pop music. Because they are so 77.

Li Lan She loves dance music. Dancing is her78.
