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淮 阴 工 学 院



The Applications of Body language In The




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Cross-Cultural Communication 跨文化交际 刘玉君 顾欣云 财管1092 1091806206

The Applications of Body Language In The Cross-Cultural


Abstract As human beings, we can communicate with others through three means: language, voice and body language. Body language, being a unique communication way plays an irreplaceable role in language communication in our daily life. The classification of body language is very complicated, mainly refers to the body's movement and expression, Which can strengthen, replenish language expression, and make the language information shapely. But in different culture, the meaning of body language is not completely the same. So we shall know the different body language in cross-cultural communication means and get a thorough understanding about the cultural diversity.

Key words cross-cultural communication; body language; meaning; diversity

1 Introduction

In recent years, with the the pace of reform and opening up to the outside world speeding up, especially since China join in the WTO, foreign affairs have become increasing frequently, cross-cultural communication between a lot of countries is more and more extensive, body language of communication also has a very great impact. But as a result of different people in different environment, and their respective language environment leads to a different language habits, social culture, and many other environmental factors, but in the inner world of ourselves, we has certain similarities and regular patterns. So in different culture background,the meaning of people's body language expresses will also be different. If the body language information processes very bad which can produce embarrass and happen unimaginable consequences,it may be seriously, so we should understand foreign commonly used body language, in order to avoid causing misunderstanding. This article will elaborate the function of the distance, eye contact, gestures in the cross-cultural communication, and find out the similarities and differences, eliminate

the exist cultural barriers in cross-cultural communication for people to have better communication.

2 The Study of Body Language In Cross-Cultural Communication

2.1 The distance

At an international conference, two professors,one Latin, and the other American, were talking shop. Throughout the conversation, the Latin kept advancing while the American kept retreating until the American had his back against a wall. The underlying reason for his lies in the different body distance each of them prefers. The Latin did not feel comfortable unless he was very close to the American, and the American, on the contrary, did not feel at ease unless the distance was greater. In this example, we can know the distance of the both is the key. While people of different nations are talking, for them with different opinions to keep how long distance is appropriate. According to the research, it is said that in the United States social or business talking, four major types of distances express four different situation: intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, public distance. Talking close between the two sides, the distance is from 0 to about 45 centimeters, is suit for the most intimate occasions, such as the relation of couple; The distance of conversation among friends, acquaintances or relatives is generally from 45 to 80 centimeters apart which is advisable; For people who work together or do business, both sides are apart from 1.30 meters to 3 meters; In public,it is farther than 2 or 3 meters, generally for speakers in public and for teachers in classrooms. And, of course, leave too far away from others may be weird, but too close will make people feel uncomfortable, except some otherwise reasons, such as show love or encourage each other, but this is another thing. In English speaking countries, talk between general friends and acquaintances should avoid contacting with each other's any part of the body, ever if touch once may also cause adverse reactions. If one side accidentally touch each other, he or she will generally said: "sorry "; " Oh, I 'm sorry "; "Excuse me'' and some other apologize words.

2.2 Eye contact

As the saying goes:''Eyes are the windows of the soul'', without speaking eyes as

well can send so many messages to people: angry, sad, cheerful, sensual, expressive, worried and so on. The number of messages we can send is almost limitless. There is a teleplay called "Dream of red chamber", Daiyu Lin's sight reflect her character, she always communicate with Baoyu Jia with eye contact, then Baoyu Jia will understand what she want to say. And they often show their love to each other. In a world, eye contact is mystical. Most studies, as well as our personal observations, tell all the people of those culture conditions the amount of eye contact in which we engage and who is the recipient. In the United States and most western countries, when in communication people both hope other people look at themselves, instead of not seeing, otherwise they don't want to have a dialogue or conversation. Especially the speech in public, look at the audience and eye contact are what we should do. If the speaker bows his head at speech or always flickers his eyes, leading to the audience feel the speaker is coward, and don't respect others. But sometimes it is not true. However, in China, Japan and Mexico, speakers and listeners don't have to look at the other person, because the direct eye contact is out of manners. In Japan,when people are talking ,looking at each other's throat is right rather than the eyes. Arabs, on the other hand, look directly into the eyes of their communication partners, and do so for long periods. They believe such contact shows interest in the other person and helps them assess the truthfulness of the other person's words. At the same time, in our daily life, when we meet someone on the street, we can look at them straightly.Until leave 8 feets can we move our sight.Before reach, each one must suggest which side will you go, then we can successfully go our own way. I always can not use eye contact very well, every time I do not look at the people opposite me, so I usually rush others. Now it is necessary for me to learn to use eye contact.

2.3 Gesture

Gestures action language is a kind of strong expression, it not only diverse, simple, but also intuitive, so its use range is wide. A good example is the most popular program of special award in CCTV Spring Festival evening party in 2005 called 《Thousand-hand kwan-yin》, 21 girls who live in silent world used their gestures transferring information to audience and expressing the New Year's blessing. But

gestures are particularly troublesome in cross-cultural communication sometimes, for a slight difference in making the gesture itself can mean something quite different from the initial meanimg. A wrong interpretation of a gesture can arouse quite unpected reactions. We all know that making the thumb and forefinger into a circle like "OK" shows "very good" , "great". But in Japan it is a symbol of money, in Arab countries, people with this symbol and grind their teeth is to show hostility; In Greece and Turkey, it represents something related to faggotry. A well-known case is a gesture made by Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill, the doughty Prime Minister led Britain through the Second world War. As he appeared before a large crowd, he was greeted with cheers and applause. Then Churchill flashed a gesture of "V", he made the "V" with the back of his hand towards the audience. Some people applauded, some gasped, some broke out in laughter. The gueture as given meant something else, rather than for victory. It meant something dirty and it was an obscene gesture. I feel this phenomenon was amazing. The United States international communication protocol specialist Roger·akers, has said "sign language is a risky language, though it is more sounder and colorful than words , but often express wrong meaning". So, In cross-cultural communication people must approach to it with caution.

3 Conclusion

Through the introduction we can realize many things. Body language play an important role in cross-cultural communication although the examples I give are not complete, but they can explain some differences of body language , also show the importance of learning another body language. I want to tell that to make the body language communication apply to different countries and different national, and reflect the cultural characteristics, we must study hard and research of all sorts of different body language. If we don't know the habit of body language in different countries, this will affect the quality of communication, even can produce some misunderstanding. In a word, all of the body Language should be put in certain situations. At the same time it is respect for different countries and we should try to clear up interference of our own country. In some sense, in cross-cultural communication, the body language and other language communication are equally



日期时间嘉宾/主题演讲 地点




日 期:11月25日下午(星期日) 时 间:14:30-17:00

地 点:南京艺术学院设计学院101室 主 题:获奖感言与设计体验

学习交流与个性表达 问题反思与批评建议






时间 嘉宾/教学交流 地点
