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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:40 | 移动端:nicolas

篇一:Nicolas MULLER - Caran d’Ache

Nicolas MULLER - Caran d’Ache

当钟表不再只是作为知晓时间的工具,笔也跳脱了单纯书写工具的范畴,成为了高档的奢侈品,艺术品。瑞士殿堂级书写品牌C a r a n d ’Ach e便是将平凡书写工具变身奢侈艺术品的典范。

C a r a n d ’Ach e曾在去年推出与吴宇森导演的电影“赤壁”同名的限量版名笔,以向赤壁之战中足智多谋的将领及骁勇善战的士兵致敬。今年,C a r a n d ’Ach e登陆上海外滩十八号,开设中国内地首家品牌店,并计划在北京等地拓展分店。

C a r a n d ’Ach e的工匠师Nicolas MULLER先生向我们简述了C a r a n d ’Ach e这个逾八十年的书写品牌的故事。C a r a n d ’Ach e的每一位工匠都驻扎在日内瓦那个美丽纯净的地方潜心设计并制作,每一支笔都是他们用尽心血制作的艺术品。连Nicolas MULLER先生的太太都笑称,他整个人,他整个一生都是属于C a r a n d ’Ach e的。

当我们向Nicolas MULLER问起,哪一支笔是他的最爱时,他从衣服口袋中拿出一支有着银色外观的墨水笔。不同于限量版名笔的耀眼与奢华,那支笔充满着沉稳内敛的气息,就如同Nicolas MULLER本人一样。Nicolas MULLER先生告诉我们,他太太也有同样的一支笔,除了笔身的纹路有些许差别。家庭对Nicolas MULLER先生来说极为重要,快乐美满的家庭生活激发了他无限的创作灵感,也给我们带来了诸多耀眼设计。

作为首次在中国内地开设分店的特别日子,Nicolas MULLER先生向我们展示了

C a r a n d ’Ach e为香港1997年回归所特别推出的限量版墨水笔。这只墨水笔由负责设计香港区旗的国际著名艺术家,建筑师何弢博士所设计,全球限量发行1997支。整支笔以中国红为主基调,在笔身上以人手扫上皇族御用的中国红釉彩。笔套跟笔身上分别临摹草书书法刻上“1997”及 “一国两制”字样,同时在字体 上镀上18K黄金,更在墨水笔的笔套顶及笔身底部位置以25粒施华洛世奇水晶砌成环形装饰,象徵着香港五十年不变。整支笔足显中国式的高贵典雅。

除去在外观上越来越多的中国元素呈现,C a r a n d ’Ach e也深谙中国文字的独特。这种有着与欧美体系完全不同书写方式的字体,必然需要一支与之相适应的笔。Nicolas MULLER提醒到,现在是C a r a n d ’Ach e刚刚进入中国市场的第一步,用心聆听中国顾客的声音,感受中国顾客的书写习惯。之后,C a r a n d ’Ach e将有可能为中文书写者度身打造拥有独特笔头的墨水笔,我们将静心期待。

篇二:自考 英美文学选读 知识点-Nicolas整理

篇三:Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage (born Nicolas Kim Coppola; January 7, 1964)[2][1] is an American actor, producer and director, having appeared in over 60 films including

Face/Off (1997), Gone In 60 Seconds (2000), National Treasure (2004), Ghost Rider (2007), Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009), and Kick-Ass (2010). Cage, at age 32, became the fifth youngest actor ever to win the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in Leaving Las Vegas. Early life

Cage was born in Long Beach, California. His father, August Coppola, was a professor of literature, while Cage's mother, Joy Vogelsang, is a dancer and choreographer; Cage's parents divorced in 1976.[1][3] Cage's mother is of German descent and his father is of Italian descent (his paternal

great-grandparents were immigrants from Bernalda, Basilicata).[4] His paternal grandparents were Carmine Coppola, a composer, and Italia Pennino, an actress. Through his father, Cage is the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola and actress Talia Shire, as well as the cousin of directors Roman Coppola and Sofia Coppola, late film producer Gian-Carlo Coppola, and actors Robert Carmine and Jason Schwartzman. Cage's two brothers are

Christopher Coppola, a director; and Marc "The Cope" Coppola, a New York radio personality.[5] He was raised Roman Catholic.[6][7] Cage attended Beverly Hills High School, which is known for its many alumni who became

entertainers, and aspired to act from an early age. Cage also attended UCLA School of Theatre, Film, and Television. His first non-cinematic acting experience was in a school production of Golden Boy.


To avoid the appearance of nepotism as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, he changed his name early in his career to Nicolas Cage, inspired in part by the Marvel Comics superhero Luke Cage.[8] Since his minor role in the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High, with Sean Penn, Cage has appeared in a wide range of films, both mainstream and offbeat. He tried out for the role of Dallas Winston in his uncle's film The Outsiders, based on S.E. Hinton's novel, but lost to Matt Dillon. He was also in Coppola's films Rumble Fish and Peggy Sue Got Married.

Other Cage roles included appearances in the acclaimed 1987

romantic-comedy Moonstruck, also starring Cher; The Coen Brothers

cult-classic comedy Raising Arizona; David Lynch's 1990 offbeat film Wild at Heart; a lead role in Martin Scorsese's 1999 New York City paramedic drama Bringing Out the Dead; and Ridley Scott's 2003 quirky drama Matchstick Men, in which he played an agoraphobic, mysophobic, obsessive-compulsive con artist with a tic disorder.

Cage has been nominated twice for an Academy Award, winning once for his performance as a suicidal alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas. His other

nomination was for his portrayal of real-life screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and Kaufman's fictional twin Donald in Adaptation. Despite these successes, most of his lower-profile films have performed poorly at the box office compared to his mainstream action/adventure roles. The suspense thriller 8mm (1999) was not a box office success, but is now considered a cult film. He took the lead role in the 2001 film Captain_Corelli's_Mandolin and learned to play the mandolin from scratch for the part. In 2005, two offbeat films he headlined, Lord of War and The Weather Man, failed to find a significant audience despite nationwide releases and good reviews for his acting in those roles. Poor reviews for The Wicker Man resulted in low box office sales. The much criticized Ghost Rider (2007), based on the Marvel Comics character, fared better, earning more than $45 million (the top earner) during its opening weekend and over $208 million worldwide through the weekend ending on March 25, 2007. Also in 2007, he made his directorial debut in Sonny and he starred in Next, which shares the concept of a glimpse into an alternate timeline with The Family Man (2000).

Most of Cage's movies that have achieved financial success were in the action/adventure gee. In his second-highest grossing film to date, National Treasure, he plays an eccentric historian who goes on a dangerous adventure to find treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers of the United States. Other action hits include The Rock, in which Cage plays a young FBI chemical weapons expert who infiltrates Alcatraz Island in hopes of neutralizing a terrorist threat, Face/Off, a John Woo film where he plays both a hero and a villain, and World Trade Center, director Oliver Stone's film regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks. He had a small but notable role as the Chinese criminal mastermind Dr. Fu Manchu in Rob Zombie's fake trailer Werewolf Women of the S.S. from the B-movie double feature Grindhouse.

In recent years, Cage made his directorial debut with Sonny, a low-budget drama starring James Franco as a male prostitute whose mother (Brenda Blethyn) serves as his pimp.[9] Cage had a small role in the grim film, which received poor reviews and a short run in a limited number of theatres. Cage's producing career includes Shadow of the Vampire, the first film from Saturn Films.

In early December 2006, Cage announced at the Bahamas International Film Festival that he planned to curtail his future acting endeavors to pursue other interests. On The Dresden Files for the Sci-Fi Channel, Cage is listed as the executive producer. Cage said:

I feel I've made a lot of movies already and I want to start exploring other opportunities that I can apply myself to, whether it's writing or other interests that I may develop.[10]

In November 2007, Cage was spotted backstage at a Ring of Honor wrestling show in New York City researching his role for The Wrestler. The role was ultimately played by Mickey Rourke, who received an Academy Award nomination for his performance.[11]

Wrestler Director Darren Aronofsky, in an interview with slashfilm.com, said of Cage's replacement that:

Nic was a complete gentleman, and he understood that my heart was with Mickey and he stepped aside. I have so much respect for Nic Cage as an actor and I think it really could have worked with Nic but ... you know, Nic was incredibly supportive of Mickey and he is old friends with Mickey and really wanted to help with this opportunity, so he pulled himself out of the race.[12] In 2008, Cage appeared as Joe, a contract killer who undergoes a change of heart while on a work outing in Bangkok, in the film Bangkok Dangerous. The film is shot by the Pang Brothers and has a distinct South-East Asian flavor. In 2009, Cage starred in science fiction thriller Knowing, directed by Alex

Proyas. In the film, he plays an MIT professor who examines the contents of a time capsule unearthed at his son's elementary school. Startling predictions found inside the capsule that have already come true lead him to believe the world is going to end at the close of the week, and that he and his son are somehow involved in the destruction. The film received mainly negative reviews but was the box office winner on its opening weekend.

Also in 2009, Cage starred in the film Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, directed by acclaimed German director Werner Herzog. He portrayed a corrupt police officer with gambling, drug and alcohol addictions. The film was very well-received by critics, holding a rating of 85% positive reviews on review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes.[13] Cage received lauds for his

performance, with Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune writing "Herzog has found his ideal interpreter, a performer whose truth lies deep in the artifice of performance: ladies and gentlemen, Nicolas Cage, at his finest."[14] This film reunited Cage with Eva Mendes, who played his love interest in Ghost Rider. In 2010, Cage starred in the period piece Season of the Witch, playing a

14th-century knight transporting a girl accused of causing the Black Plague to a monastery, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice, in which he played the sorcerer.[15]

He will star in National Treasure 3, which has a possible release date as early as 2011. He will again take the role of Benjamin Gates, a

cryptologist-turned-treasure hunter.[16]

Praise and criticism

The acting work of Cage has been praised by influential film critic Roger Ebert who writes, in his "Great Movies" essay about the film Adaptation., that:

There are often lists of the great living male movie stars: De Niro, Nicholson and Pacino, usually. How often do you see the name of Nicolas Cage? He should always be up there. He's daring and fearless in his choice of roles, and unafraid to crawl out on a limb, saw it off and remain suspended in air. No one else can project inner trembling so effectively.... He always seems so earnest. However improbable his character, he never winks at the audience. He is committed to the character with every atom and plays him as if he were him.[17] Roger Ebert, in response to mixed reviews of Knowing and their focus on criticizing Cage, wrote an article in which he defends both Cage as an actor and the movie which, in stark contrast to other critics, Ebert gave 4/4 stars.[18] In the 1995 edition of the Academy Awards, he was awarded Best Actor for his performance in Leaving Las Vegas.[19]

In May 2001, Cage was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Fine Arts by California State University, Fullerton. He spoke at the commencement ceremony.[20]

In March 2009, Entertainment Weekly critic Owen Gleiberman called on Cage to return to dramas rather than high-paying blockbusters.[21]

Personal life

Relationships and family

Cage has been married three times. His first wife was the actress Patricia Arquette (married on April 8, 1995, divorce finalized on May 18, 2001).

Cage's second wife was singer/songwriter Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of Elvis Presley, of whom Cage is a fan and on whom he based his performance in Wild at Heart. They married on August 10, 2002 and filed for divorce on November 25, 2002, after 108 days of marriage; their divorce was finalized on May 16, 2004. The divorce proceeding was longer than the marriage.[22]

In 1988, Cage began dating Christina Fulton, who later bore their son, Weston Coppola Cage (born December 26, 1990). Weston appeared in Cage's film Lord of War as Vladimir, a young Ukrainian mechanic who quickly disarms a Mil Mi-24 helicopter and is lead singer of the black metal band Eyes of

Noctum.[23] In December 2009, Fulton sued Cage for $13 million and the house she is living in. The suit was in response to an order that she leave the house, brought about by the financial problems of Cage.[24]

His third and current wife Alice Kim, a former waitress who previously worked at the Los Angeles restaurant Kabuki, met Cage at the Los Angeles-based Korean nightclub, Le Privé. She is the mother of his son, Kal-El (born October 3, 2005), named after Superman's birth name.[25] Cage was once considered for the role of Superman in a film to be directed by Tim Burton. Alice had a minor role in the 2007 film Next, which Cage produced. They were married at a private ranch in Northern California on July 30, 2004.

Real estate and tax problems

Cage had a Malibu home where he and Alice lived, but sold the property in 2005 for $10 million. In 2004 he bought a property on Paradise Island,

Bahamas. In May 2006, he bought a 40-acre (160,000 m2) island in the Exuma archipelago, some 85 miles (137 km) southeast of Nassau and close to a similar island owned by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.[26]

He once owned the medieval castle of Schloss Neidstein in the Oberpfalz region in Germany, which he bought in 2006 and sold in 2009 for $2.5

million.[27] His grandmother was German, living in Cochem an der Mosel.[28] In August 2007, Cage purchased a home in Middletown, Rhode Island. The 24,000-square-foot (2,200 m2), brick-and-stone country manor occupies

26 acres (110,000 m2), has 12 bedrooms, 10 full bathrooms, and ocean views and borders the Norman Bird Sanctuary. The estate is called the "Grey Craig". The sale ranked among the state’s most expensive residential purchases, eclipsed by the 2007 $17.15 million sale of the Miramar mansion on Bellevue Avenue in Newport. Also in 2007, the actor purchased Midford Castle in Somerset, England.[29][30][31]

Shortly after selling his German castle, Cage also put homes in Rhode Island, Louisiana, Nevada, and California, as well as a $7 million island in the Bahamas, up for sale.[32]

On July 14, 2009, the Internal Revenue Service filed documents in New

Orleans in connection with a federal tax lien against property owned by Cage in Louisiana, concerning unpaid federal taxes. The IRS alleges that Cage
