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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:39 | 移动端:展会用英语



1. I want to make sure you have a pleasant stay in Beijing. 我希望你们在北京的逗留愉快。

2. Can we talk about the schedule now, if there's time? 如果你们有时间的话,我想现在讨论一下日程的安排。

3. I think we can make (or form) a tentative schedule now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一个临时方案。

4. I want to make sure we'll have time for a discussion. 我想先确认一下我们有充足的时间来谈判。

5. It's better to have something tangible, than to just spend all of our time talking. 我们开始着手做事要比说空话浪费时间好。

6. It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then. 这样我们就容易进行实质性的谈判了。

7. Thank you for your cooperation.


8. You'll know our products better after this visit. 参观后您会对我们的产品有更深的了解。

9. There is better efficiency and decreased labor. 工作效率大大地提高了,而劳动强度却降低了。

10. We believe that quality is the soul of an enterprise. Therefore, we always put quality first. 我们认为质量是一个企业的灵魂,因而,我们总是把质量放在第一位来考虑。

11. All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out. 所有产品出厂前必须要经过严格检查。

12. I'm very impressed by your appz??ach to business. 你们经营业务的方泵给我留下了很深的印象。

13. The qrod?ct gives you an edge over your competitors. 你们的产品可以使你们胜过竞争对手。

14. The purpose of my visit is to ask about the possibilities of establishing trade relations with your company.



表姑 Second cousin 表叔 Second cousin

表兄弟 Father's sister's sons; male cousin 表兄弟 Maternal male cousin

表侄 Second cousin

表姊妹 Father's sister's daughters; female cousin 表姊妹 Maternal female cousin

伯父/大爷 Father's older brother; Elder uncle 伯母/大娘 Father's older brother's wife; Aunt 伯叔祖父 Father's father's brother; Great uncle

伯叔祖母 Father's father's brother's wife; Great aunt 长兄/哥哥 Older Brother 长姊/姐姐 Older Sister

大伯 Husband's older brother; brother-in-law 大姑 Husband's older sister; sister-in-law

弟妇/弟妹 Younger brother's wife; sister-in-law 儿子Son 父亲/爸爸 Father

高祖父 Great great grandfather

高祖母 Great great grandmother

公公 Husband's father;father-in-law

姑夫 Father's sister's husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle

姑母 Father's sister; Paternal aunt

姑爷 Father's father's sister's husband; Paternal grandaunt's husband 继父 Step father

继母 Step mother

襟兄弟 Husband of wife's sister

舅父/舅舅 Mother's brother; Maternal uncle

舅母/妗子 Mother's brother's wife; Maternal uncle's wife 妹夫 Younger sister's husband 母亲/妈妈Mother

内弟/小舅子 Wife's younger brother

内兄/大舅子 Wife's older brother 女儿 Daughter

女婿 Daughter's husband; Son-in-law 婆婆 Husband's mother; mother-in-law 妻子/老婆Wife

嫂/嫂子 Older brother's wife; sister-in-law 婶母/婶子 Father's younger brother's wife; Aunt 叔父/叔叔 Father's younger brother; Uncle 叔丈母 Wife's aunt 叔丈人 Wife's uncle

孙女 Son's daughter; Granddaughter

孙女婿 Son's daughter's husband; Granddaughter's husband

孙媳夫 Son's son's wife; Grandson's wife


Son's son; Grandson堂兄弟

Father's brother's sons; Paternal male cousin堂姊妹

Father's brother's daughters; Paternal female cousin同胞兄妹Sibling外甥Sister's son外甥

Wife's sibling's son


Sister's daughter外甥女

Wife's sibling's daughter外甥女婿

Sister's daughter's husband外甥媳妇


1. Your T-shirts can easily find a market in the eastern part of our country. 贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2. We all know that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market since they have superior quality and competitive prices.


3. This product has been a best seller for nearly one year. 该产品成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4. There is a good market for these articles. 这些商品畅销。

5. There is a poor market for these articles. 这些商品滞销。

6. There is no market for these articles. 这些商品没有销路。

7. Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8. They talked at great length of how to increase product sales. 他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9. They are doing as much as possible to open up an outlet. 他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

10. Our demand for this product is steadily increasing. 我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。

11. We are sure that you can improve sales this coming year, based on the end of last years' marketing conditions. 根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。

12. Packing has a close relationship with sales. 包装对产品的销路有很大关系。

13. We are trying to find a market for this article. 我们正在努力为此项商品寻找销路。

14. We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。

15. According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。

16. We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products. 等你们全面了解我们产品销售的可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。

17. According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?

18. We don't know the market situation. 我们还不了解市场情况。

19. Your market still has great potential. 你们的市场仍有很大潜力。

20. There are only a few unsold pieces. 只有几件商品未售出。

Words and Phrases salable 畅销的 popular 有销路的

find a market 销售 selling line 销路

trial sale, test sale, test market 试销 salable goods 畅销货 popular goods 快销货

the best selling line (the best seller) 热门货 to find (have) a ready market 有销路,畅销 to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路 good market 畅销 poor(no) market 滞销

goods that sell well 畅销货 sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快

英语表达拒绝的27个经典好句 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!

10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开!

18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. it’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!



1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is apleasant one.


2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe.


3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenientfor you right now.


4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.


5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be madethen.


6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for ourtalks.


7 So our evenings will be quite full then.


8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right withyou.


9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during theday.


10 That'll put us both in the picture.


11 Then we'd have some ideas of what you'll beneeding.


12 I can't say for certain off-hand.


13 Better have something we can get our hands on rather than justspend all our time talking. 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。

14 It'll be easier for us to get down to facts then.


15 But wouldn't you like to spend an extra day or twohere


16 I'm afraid that won't be possible,much as we'd liketo.


17 We've got to report back to the head office.


18 Thank you for you cooperation.


19 We've arranged our schedule without anytrouble.


20 Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and yourfriends.Would you please have a look atit.


21 If you have any questions on the details.

feel free toask.如果对某些细节有意见的话,请提出来。

22 I can see you have put a lot of time intoit.


23 We really wish you'll have a pleasant stayhere.


24 I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping forus.


25 Welcome to our factory.


26 I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.


27 You'll know our products better after thisvisit.


28 Maybe we could start with the DesigningDepartment.


29 Then we could look at the production line.


30 These drawings on the wall are process sheets.


31 They describe how each process goes on to the next.


32 We are running on two shifts.


33 Almost every process is computerized.


34 The efficiency is greatly raised,and the intensity of labor isdecreased.


35 All produets have to go through five checks in the wholeprocess.


36 We believe that the quality is the soul of anenterprise.


37 Therefore,we always put quality as the firstconsideration.


38 Quality is even more important than quantity.


39 I hope my visit does not cause you too muchtrouble.


40 Do we have to wear the helmets.


41 Is the production line fully automatic.


42 What kind of quality control do you hav.


43 All products have to pass strict inspection before they goout.


44 What's your general impression,may I ask.


45 I'm impressed by your approach to business.


46 The product gives you an edge over your competitors,Iguess.


47 No one can match us so far as quality isconcerned.


48 I think we may be able to work together in thefuture.


49 We are thinking of expanding into the Chinesemarket.


50 The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilitiesof establishing trade relations with yourcompany.




1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you?

2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.

3. It’s a great honor to meet you. /I have been looking forward to meeting you.

4. Welcome to China.

5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.

6. I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your first visit to China?

7. How was your flight?

8. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?


1. Welcome to our Booth Sir/Madam./ Welcome to visit our booth.

2. How do I address you?

3. May I give you some introduction on our company and products?

4. Seems you are interested in this product; may I give you some introduction?

相互介绍:1. Let me introduce myself. My name is XX, a salesman in the Marketing Department.

2. Hello, I am A, a salesman of ABC company. It is a pleasure to meet you.

3. Let me introduce you to XX, general manager of our company.

9. It is my pleasure to talk with you.

10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card?

11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card?

12. I am sorry. I can’t recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again?

13. I’m sorry. I have forgotten how to pronounce your name.


1. Is this your first time to China?

2. Do you often travel to China on business?

3. What kind of Chinese food do you like?

4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?

5. The weather is really nice.

6. What do you like to do in your spare time?

7. What line of business are you in?

8. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion? /What is your point of view?

9. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you.


1. Would you like a glass of water? / can I get you a cup of Chinese tea/coffee?

2. Have a seat, please!

3. Here is our latest catalogue, please take a look.

4. I really hope we will become the good business partner in the future.

5. Would you let me know your fax number/e-mail?


1. Wish you a very pleasant journey home. Have a good journey!

2. Its very nice to meet you this time during your stay in China.

3. It is a pity you are leaving so soon.

4. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

5. Don’t forget to contact me when you come to China/Guangzhou next time.



1. Could I have some information about your scope of business?

2. Would you tell me the main items you export?

3. May I have a look at your catalogue?

4. We really need more specific information about your product.

5. Marketing on the Internet is becoming popular.

6. We are just taking up this line. I’m afraid we can’t do much right now. 回答询问

7. This is our catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle.

8. Won’t you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?

9. What about having a look at sample first?

10. Our product is really competitive in the world market.

11. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.

12. We are always improving our design and patterns to meet the world market.

20. There is certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.

21. You will surely find something interesting.

22. Here you are. Which item do you think might find a ready market?

23. Our product is the best seller.

24. This is our newly developed product. Would you like to see it?

25. We have a wide selection of colors and designs.

26. Have a look at this new product.

At a booth 在展位上:

RICKY SUN: Good morning! Welcome to our booth! My name is Ricky Sun, an international salesman from Huizhou Stronger Plastic Co., Ltd. How do I address you?

JOHN SMITH: Nice to meet you, Mr. Sun. I’m John Smith, manager of the purchasing department of One Euro Market. Here is my name card.

RICKY SUN: Mr. Smith, nice to meet you, too. Please take a seat here first. Here is our latest catalogue, please take a look. We are a professional manufacturer for plastic containers, food boxes, storage boxes and hangers.

JOHN SMITH: I’ve been in China several times, but this time, I am to buy some plastic food boxes and storage boxes. Would you please tell me something about them?

RICKY SUN: Ok, with pleasure!

