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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:39 | 移动端:七天长假英语



星期一 Monday

又到礼拜一……Monday一词来自古英语moned?i,就是Moon's Day(月亮日)。英文童谣里面有一句是说:Monday's child is fair of face.(周一出生的孩子脸儿俏)。据说周一是请病假、上网几率最高的日子……上班第一天很郁闷么?

星期二 Tuesday

Tuesday来自于古英语Tiwesd?g,意思是Tiw's day,Tiw指英格兰古代一位独臂男神(杨过?!),是火星的象征,所以也就是火星日——大家一起火星吧!希腊人认为周二不吉利,切勿嫁娶旅行。童谣说:Tuesday's child is full of grace.(星期二的孩子姿态好。)

星期三 Wednesday

Wednesday来自古英语Wōdnesd?g,古英格兰神灵Woden之日,就是大家熟悉的Odin(奥丁神,某群圣斗士……)。罗曼语族中周三表示水星日。美国习语说周三是hump day(周中日),意指忙碌高峰。有这样一句童谣:Wednesday's child is full of woe.(周三的孩子泪汪汪。)

星期四 Thursday

要熬出头的Thursday来自古英语Tuesd?g,意思是Thunor's Day(古德国神话中掌管闪电的Thunaraz神之日),跟thunder接近吧?大家防雷!罗曼语族认为属木星Jupiter,也就是掌管闪电的罗马神朱庇特。童谣说:Thursday's child has far to go.(周四的孩子去远方。)

星期五 Friday

愉悦的Friday来自古英语frīged?g,翻成拉丁文就是dies Veneris,也就是day of Venus(金星日),也表示女神维纳斯。童谣说:Friday's child is loving and giving.(周五的孩子心肠好。)美国“黑色星期五”表示感恩节之后圣诞购物季第一周的疯狂大采购!

星期六 Saturday

Happy的Saturday来自古英语S?turnesd?g,拉丁文是Dies Saturni,表示Day of Saturn(土星日),一起土一下吧。同时Saturn也是罗马神话中的农神撒旦。童谣里面说:Saturday's child works hard for a living.(周六的孩子要操劳)。民间认为周六适合抓吸血鬼哦!

星期日 Sunday

快乐Sunday来自古英语Sunnand?g,是sun's day(太阳日)的意思。还有个宗教相关的别称叫Sabbath(安息日)。童谣里面说:And a child that's born on the Sabbath day is blithe and bonny and good and gay.(周日的孩子最可爱,漂亮开朗又愉快。)


关于树童英语 树童英语国际课程中心华南分校.(STL English International Course Center,DongGuan Hua Nan Branch)是华南师范大学基础教育培训与研究院《中小学英语学科发展国际化PRT共建平台项目》(简称“华师PRT项目”)在番禺区的重点课题实验基地。作为一家科研型的英语教育机构,树童英语专业为3-15岁的孩子提供系统的国际课程,让孩子在家门口就能享受到香港优质的英语教育,与世界同步,培养具备国际化视野的世界公民。



I’m Mike Johnson with World Business News from the BBC. The United States government has announced plans to overhaul financial regulation. The idea is to prevent another banking crisis. But is President Obama’s medicine what America really needs? New doubts about the health of the big banks have depressed shares on Wall Street and have some of world’s poorest people stand to lose out as migrant workers send less money home.

我是Mike Johnson,负责BBC世界商务新闻。美国政府宣布计划对金融监管机制进行彻底改革。此举是为了防止再次出现银行危机。但是,奥巴马总统的计划是美国真正需要的吗?对大银行健康运作的新的疑问使华尔街的股票出现下滑,使世界上最贫穷的人们开始亏损,移民寄回家的钱更少。

Workers who were at the construction companies, those were the first people who stopped sending money to their homes.在建筑公司工作的工人是第一批不再寄钱回家的人。


The World Bank raised its estimate of China's gross domestic product growth this year to 7.2 percent, up from the 6.5 percent projected in March.



In its quarterly report released Thursday, the Washington-based lender credits China's $586 billion stimulus program with supporting growth by increasing investment in factories, real estate and public works.



The supreme leader warned that if the uest continues, protest leaders will be held responsible for any violence. At least seven protesters were killed Monday during clashes with pro-government militia.


Ayatollah Khamenei said the Islamic Republic would not cheat or betray the vote of the people. He said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won by eleven million votes. With that big a difference, he said, how could there have been cheating?


04: VOA常速听写

Earth is undergoing its sixth mass extinction, threatening about a quarter of all mammal species, according to Ana Davidson, an international conservation researcher with the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and the University of Mexico in Mexico City.

研究人员开发出新的计算机模型,他们说,这种新的模型将能预测哪些哺乳动物即将因为人类活动而灭绝。 Ana Davidson是阿尔伯克基新墨西哥大学和墨西哥大学的国际保护研究人员。她说,地球正在经历第六次大规模灭绝,将威胁地球上四分之一的哺乳动物物种。 Davidson says the threat to mammals is being driven by a number of factors, including climate change, deforestation and poaching.

05: VOA慢速听写

Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That 现在是,voa 慢速英语栏目——词语典故


One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.

06: BBC常速新闻听写

The Swedish carmaker Saab is to be sold by its American parent company General Motors. The buyers are a consortium led by the Swedish sports car manufacturer Koenigsegg. GM has been trying to sell off some of its international subsidiaries as it faces severe financial problems in the US. Rodney Smith reports.


This is a solution to a 20-year-old problem that’s likely to please Scandinavians. Saab was losing money before GM bought 50% of it in 1989. GM was accused regularly of failing to invest sufficiently in its new and ultimately wholly owned brand while trying to force Saab’s quirky vehicles into the pattern of its own European models. Koenigsegg's reputation is built on high-tech innovation. It’s reported in Sweden to be planning an innovative electric car called the Quant and for which the Saab plant could be ideal.



07: VOA常速听写

Decades after the dangers of tobacco first became known, the strongest anti-smoking legislation in U.S. history has been signed into law by the president.



The measure does not criminalize tobacco or limit the availability of tobacco products to adults. But it will have a big impact on the way cigarettes are produced and sold - particularly to young people. 08 : VOA慢速听写



This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Compost is a dark, rich material added to soil to improve it. Compost is produced when bacteria and fungi break down organic matter, aided by insects, earthworms and other organisms.

This natural recycling returns nutrients to the soil. Some experts advise adding five centimeters of compost for every fifteen centimeters of turned soil.


Forensic tests are being carried out to identify the remains of the two bodies which have been handed over to British diplomats in Iraq. Scientists were also trying to establish how and when they were killed. Earlier, the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said the government’s thought with the families of the five men who were kidnapped in Bagdad two years ago. He also called for the immediate and safe release of all remaining hostages in Iraq. Our security correspondent, Frank Gardner reports.

法医正在对移交给驻伊拉克英国外交官的两具遗体进行检验以确定其身份。科学家也在努力查找他们是怎样被杀,何时被杀的。此前,英国外交部长大卫·米立班德(David Miliband)称政府正在与两年前在巴格达被绑架的五人的家人联系。他还要求立即并且安全释放伊拉克所有剩余人质。我们的安全通讯员Frank Gardner报道。

Almost everyone involved in trying to resolve Britain’s longest running hostage crisis for a generation is in shock. Only a few days ago, they thought that most, if not all, of the five British hostages in Iraq were alive and will eventually be released, but later on Friday night, the Iraqi authorities delivered the remains of two bodies to British embassy in Bagdad. Together with that, they believe they belong to two of the Britains kidnapped by Shiite militia in 2007. It’s still not known how, when or where the men died.



The parliamentary commission will be made up of about 30 lawmakers from the political right and left.



They will take a look at the prevalence of the burqa in France, following criticism by prominent politicians that the all-covering garment demeans Muslim women who wear it.




This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

We all know that some people do not seem as emotionally strong as others when life gets difficult. But why is that? A study published in two thousand three in the journal Science offered an answer. The study followed almost eight hundred fifty people from birth through age twenty-six. Researchers found that those with a short version of a certain gene were more likely to get depressed after a sad or difficult experience.


Now last week the football world was taken by surprise when the English Premier League announced a plan to play ten fixtures on foreign soil from 2011. The chief executive Richard Scudamore planed that the international ride by Manchester won't hence the strain of the budget Premier League as a competition. But the idea has attracted the anger and derision from everyone aside from club chairman. And this week, Sepp Blatter, the president of world football's governing body FIFA said he won't let it happen.

在上个星期,英超宣布从2011年开始要在海外场地举办10场比赛,整个足球界为之震惊。英超联盟总裁斯库达莫尔(Richard Scudamore)计划曼彻斯特的国际之行不会加剧英超的比赛预算。但是这个想法引起了各个足球俱乐部主席的愤怒和嘲笑。在本周,国际足联主席塞普·布拉特表示他不会让这种事情发生。

It gives impression that the Chelsea want to go and to donate some money. This never happen this at least not happen as long as I'm the president to FIFA.



President Zelaya says Honduran troops forcibly removed him from his home in the dead of night and sent him to Costa Rica in his pajamas.

The expulsion came on the day Mr. Zelaya had chosen for a referendum on whether to change the constitution to allow him to run for a second term in office.

塞拉亚总统称,洪都拉斯军队半夜强行将其从家中带走,将还穿着睡衣的他送到哥斯达黎加。 驱逐事件发生在塞拉亚原定的进行全民公投的日子,公众将投票决定是否改变宪法,使塞拉亚继续执掌政权。塞拉亚挑衅洪都拉斯最高法庭,发起全民投票,而最高法庭此前已宣布投票非法。

The president pressed ahead with the vote in defiance of Honduras' Supreme Court, which had declared the measure illegal.



This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

Some American students from Florida are bringing the business of beekeeping to farmers in a

community in Ghana.

The program, called the Honey Project, not only gives the students a chance to own and manage a business. It also gives them a chance to help ease poverty in Agogo through beekeeping and the sale of honey.


Madonna and Paul McCartney have already paid their tributes along with the slew of other top celebrities. Now president Obama has added his voice to the chorus of appreciation of Michal Jackson’s musical talents. The president described Jackson as a musical icon and offered his condolences to the singer’s family.


An autopsy is under way into the cause of Michal Jackson’s death. A statement from the Coroner’s offices is expected shortly, but it could be several weeks, and possibly as long as a couple of months before the precise cause of Michal Jackson’s death as known.




1. 高的;高度的________

2. 他(宾格)_______

3. 他自己___________

4. 他的________

5. 历史,历史学__________

6. 打,撞,击中__________

7. 拿;抱;握住;举行;进行________

(1) 举行会议____________

(2) 等一会;别挂断电话__________

8. 家__________

(3) 在家____________

9. 希望_________

(4) 希望做某事____________

(5) 希望如此___________

10. 医院__________

(6) 住院__________

(7) 出院__________

(8) 看病__________

11. 小时____________

(9) 一个小时接一个小时地___________

12. 房子;住宅__________

13. 怎样,如何;多少;多么_________

(10) 怎么样___________

(11) 多远____________

(12) 多长(时间)__________

(13) 多少(对可数名词提问)_________

(14) 多少(钱)__________

(15) 多久(一次)___________

(16) 多长时间以后______________

(17) 如何做某事___________

14. 可是,然而,尽管如此_____________

15. 人类,人__________

16. 百__________

17. 丈夫__________

18. 我_________

19. 主意,意见,打算,想法________

(18) 好主意__________

(19) 我不知道___________

20. 如果,假使;是否,是不是________

21. 重要的_________

22. 在……里;在……;用……__________

(20) 在一周之后__________

(21) 在北京___________

(22) 穿着黑衣服_____________

(23) 用这样的方法___________

23. 包含,包括_____________

24. 增加,繁殖_____________

1. 信息_______________

2. 兴趣,趣味;利息______________

(1) 对…..有兴趣_______________

3. 到…里;使….进入(状态)________

(2) 把…变成__________

(3) 把…变成_______________

4. 它________

5. 它的_______________

6. 它自己__________

7. (一份)工作___________

8. 参加,加入;连接;会合__________

(4) 加入某人行列____________

(5) 参军_______________

(6) 入党_______________

9. 刚才;恰好;不过;仅__________

(7) 刚才,不久前___________

(8) 正在那时______________

10. 保持;保存;继续不断__________

(9) 持续做某事____________

(10) 使某人持续做某事__________

(11) 保持…._______________

(12) 保持健康_____________

11. 杀死,弄死_______________

12. 善良的;友好的;种类___________

(13) 一种,一类_____________

(14) 各种各样的________________

(15) 不同种类的________________

(16) 许多种类的________________

13. 知道,了解;认识;懂得_______

(17) 作为…而著名____________

(18) 因…而出名_____________

(19) 知道_______________
