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56. 我的学习很忙。

[误] My study is very busy.

[正] I am very busy with my study.

注:第一句译文完全套用汉语的结构和语序,却犯了英文的句法错误。因为在英语中,study(学习)是一个行为,并不懂得忙不忙,感到忙的应是进行这一行为的人。所以,be busy with sth. 或 be busy (in) doing sth. 才是地道的英语表达。

57. 给他当二把手我看也值得。他太能干了。

[误] I feel it worth being a second hand to him. He is so capable.

[正] I feel it worth playing second fiddle to him. He is so capable. 注:英语的 second hand 作名词指“中间人”、“旧货”或“助手工人”,而汉语的“二把手”是“副手”,即“第二负责人”的意思,所以二者不是一回事。play second fiddle 则源于管弦乐队中第一提琴手(first violin)不在的时候由第二提琴手负责,并被人们引申为“当主要领导人的副手”,也就是我们所说的“当第二把手”。由此,不难猜出“当一把手”译成英语应该是 paly first fiddle了。

58. 电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。

[误] The tram was so crowded that there was hardly sufficient room for you.

[正] The tram was so crowded that there was scarcely sufficient room for you.

注:副词 hardly 和 scarcely 虽然都含有“几乎不”等否定含义,有些时候也可以互换,如:I could hardly/scarcely recognize her(我几乎认不出她来了),但仍有细微的差异。如在强调数量“不足”时只能用 scarcely,这时它常与 enough、sufficient等词连


59. 他被戴上了绿帽子。

[误] He is made to wear a green hat.

[正] He is a cuckold.

注:中文的“戴绿帽子”是指某人之妻与他人私通,但直译成英文西方人只会按字面意思理解为“某人头上被戴了顶绿色的帽子”,无论如何也不会理解汉语的喻义。而英语的 cuckold 是指“奸妇的丈夫”(a man whose wife deceives him by having a sexual relationship with another man),所以用 be a cuckold 才能正确表达原文的意思。

60. 我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。

[误] I saw you stand by the president in the newsreel.

[正] I saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel.

注:stand by someone 的意思是“支持某人”(to support someone);to stand beside someone 才是“立于某人旁边”(to stand by the side of someone)。但是,如果 stand by 后面的宾语不是人,那倒是可以与 stand beside 互换,表示“在...之旁”,例如:Their house stands by a forest(他们的房子在森林旁边)。除此之外,stand by 还有“袖手旁观”之意,例如:How can you stand by and watch while your allies are attacked?(当你们的盟友受到攻击时,你们怎能袖手旁观呢?)






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阅读判断 第十三篇 Stage Fright1

Fall down as you come onstage. That?s an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of

pre-performance panic, 2 Mr. Feltsman said, “ All my fright was gone. I already fell. What else could happen?”

Today, music schools are addressing the problem of anxiety in classes that deal with performance techniques and career preparation. There are a variety of strategies that musicians can learn to fight stage fright and its symptoms: icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, blank mind.3

Teachers and psychologists offer wide-ranging advice, from basics like learning pieces inside out,4 to mental discipline, such as visualizing a performance and taking steps to relax. Don?t deny that you?re jittery,they urge; some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing. And play in public often, simply for the experience.

Psychotherapist Diane Nichols suggests some strategies for the moments before performance, “Take two deep abdominal breaths, open up your shoulders, then smile,?? she says. “And not one of these ?please don?t kill me? smiles. Then choose three friendly faces in the audience, people you would communicate with and make music to, and make eye contact with them.”She doesn?t want performers to think of the audience as a judge.

Extreme demands by mentors or parents are often at the root of stage fright,says Dorothy Delay, a well-known violin teacher. She tells other teachers to demand only what their students are able to achieve.

When Lynn Harrell was 20,he became the principal cellist of the Cleverland Orchestra, and he suffered extreme stage fright. “There were times when I got so nervous I was sure the audience could see my chest responding to the throbbing. It was just total panic. I came to a point where I thought,? If I have to go through this to play music, I think I?m going to look for

another job.”5 Recovery, he said, involved developing humility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible,and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.

6 It is not only young artists who suffer, of course. The legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz?s nerves were famous. The great tenor Franco Corelli is another example. “They had to push him on stage,”Soprano Renata Scotto recalled.

Actually,success can make things worse. “In the beginning of your career, when you?re scared to death, nobody knows who you are, and they don?t have any expectations,”Soprano June Anderson said. “There?s less to lose. Later on, when you?re known, people are coming to see you, and they have certain expectations. You have a lot to lose.

Anderson added,“I never stop being nervous until I?ve sung my last note.”

词汇: veteran / ?vet?r?n / adj.经验丰富的 jittery / ?d??t?ri / adj.紧张不安的

mentor / ?men?t?: / n.指导者 soprano / s??prprɑ:n?? / n.女高音;女高音歌手

cellist/ ?t?el?st / n.大提琴演奏家 abdominal / ?b?d?m?n?l / adj.腹部的

fallible/ ?f?l?b?l / adj.易犯错误的 tenor /'ten?/ n.男高音

注释: 1.Stage Fright:舞台恐惧 2.The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic…资深大提琴家米提斯拉夫?罗斯特罗波维奇故意把他绊倒,因而治愈了他的上台前的恐惧症……cure somebody of illness (problem):医治好病(解决问题) 3.… its symptoms:icy fingers, shaky limbs, racing heart, blank mind…:……舞台恐惧的症状有:手指冰凉、四肢颤抖、心跳加快和大脑一片空白……4.Teachers and 1

psychologists offer wide-ranging advice, from basics like learning pieces inside out…:老师和心理学家给出了方方面面的建议,从基础的做法,比如详细地学习曲目…… inside out:in great detail详细地,从里到外地 5.I came to a point where I thought,?If I have to go through this to play music, I think I?m going to look for another job?.:我曾经一度认为,如果演奏音乐就必须过怯场这一关的话,那我可能得换其他工作了。 6.Recovery, he said, involved developing

humility-recognizing that whatever his talent, he was fallible, and that an imperfect concert was not a disaster.:他后来说,要克服恐惧重要的是学会谦逊,即认识到不论自己多有才,总有可能会失误,一个有瑕疵的音乐会绝对不是世界末日。 练习: 1.Falling down onstage was not a good way for Vladimir Feltsman to deal with his stage fright.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

2.There are many signs of stage fright.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

3.Teachers and psychologists cannot help people with extreme -stage fright.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

4.To perform well on stage, you need to have some feelings of excitement.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

5.If you have stage fright, it's helpful to have friendly audience.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

6.Often people have stage fright because parents or teachers expect too much of them.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

7.Famous musicians never suffer from stage fright.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

答案与题解: 1.B 本文第一段讲的是钢琴家弗拉基米尔?菲兹曼被米提斯拉夫?罗斯特罗波维奇绊倒后,他的舞台恐惧被治愈的经历。 2.A 第二段的最后一句点出舞台恐惧的诸多症状为:手指冰凉、四肢颤抖、心跳加快和大脑一片空白。 3.B 本文的第三、第四、第五和第六段都在讲老师和心理学家为舞台恐惧者提供全方位的建议。

4.A 依据第三段的倒数第二句:some excitement is natural, even necessary for dynamic playing.适度的兴奋对于精彩演出是正常甚至是必要的。 5.C 第四段提到克服舞台恐惧的方法之一是:在观众中选择三位友好的面孔,与他们做眼光交流。而克服舞台恐惧是否需要观众友好文中未提。 6.A 第五段讲了舞台恐惧的根源在于指导者或父母对表演者要求太高。extreme demands就是expect too much of them的意思。 7.B 第七段讲的是:不只是年轻艺术家有舞台恐惧,钢琴家弗拉基米尔?霍洛维茨和男高音弗朗科?科莱里亦不能幸免。never一词不恰当。

概况大意 第十三篇 Ward off Travel Bugs

1 As the holiday season approaches, so does the prospect of jet lag, an upset stomach or sunburn2. With care and some help from natural sources, however, it is quite possible to avoid these problems.


2 You can start to prepare a couple of weeks before you leave. Food poisoning will make any holiday miserable, but by taking some medicine such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria3, you can reduce the likelihood of succumbing to4 poisoning brought on5 by food or water tainted with unfamiliar bacteria.

3 By improving the bacteria balance in your digestive tract, you crowd out the pathogenic bacteria and stop them gaining a foothold.6 The beneficial bacteria also produce gentle but effective natural antibiotics in your gut.

4 In many holiday locations you need to remember the basics: drink bottled water, avoid undercooked meat and ensure that food hygiene is adequate. If you do succumb to food poisoning, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and see a doctor. However,if you detect diarrhea early enough, you might like to try taking about 10 or 15 pancreatic digestive enzymes, which can digest the multiplying bacteria before they take over.

5 Taking a teaspoon of silicol gel7 can also help. This lines the stomach and upper intestinal area and binds with bacteria and viruses,allowing them to be safely passed out of the gut. When you pack, include grapefruit-seed extract8, which is an excellent all-round anti-bacterial, anti- parasitic,anti-viral and anti-fungal agent.

6 Your flight can also be made more pleasant. Peppermint oil and ginger capsules9 ward off motion sickness,but a more delicious option is to nibble on crystallized ginger. If you tend to get earache on take-off and landing,you can use special earplugs with filler that slows down the rate of change in air pressure.

7 The greatest concern is “economy class syndrome”, the popular name for deep-vein thrombosis, which can lead to blood clots traveling from the legs to the lungs, heart or brain. To reduce this, you need a couple of hours to stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol.

8 You can also reduce the severity of inflammation by taking a daily gram of vitamin C with the bioflavonoid quercetin10. Vitamin C and quercetin also help to reduce prickly heat.

9 Finally, if any adverse symptoms persist while overseas, you should see a doctor.

词汇: bug / b?g / n.臭虫;病菌;病毒diarrhea /[ ?da???ri:? / n.腹泻 taint /te?nt/ v.感染;污染pancreatic / ?p??kri??tik / adj.胰腺的 antibiotic / ??nt?ba???t?k / n.抗生素 option /??p??n / n.选择jet lag (跨时区高速飞行后)生理节奏的破坏,飞行时差反应 anti-parasitic /??nt??p?r??s?t?k / adj.抗寄生虫的 anti-fungal / ??nt??f??gl / adj.抗真菌的,杀真菌的 nibble /丨n?bl/ vt.一点点地咬下 pathogenic /?p?θ??d?en?k / adj.病原的;致病的;发病的 thrombosis /θr?m?b?usis / n.血栓 anti-viral / ??nt??va??r?l / adj.抗病毒的 hydrate /'haidr(e)it/ v.保持水分 注释: 1.ward off :避开;防止 2.As the holiday season approaches, so does the prospect of jet lag, an upset stomach or sunburn.:随着假日的临近,由于高空飞行时差引起的生理不适、胃痛或日光灼烧等潜在问题也接踵而至。第二个分句是由so引导的倒装句。例如:“He is a doctor. ” “So am I.” 3.lactobacillus and bifidobacteria:乳(酸)杆菌和双歧杆菌 4.succumb to:屈服,屈从 5.bring on:引起,导致 6.By improving the bacteria balance in your digestive tract, you crowd out the pathogenic bacteria and stop them gaining a foothold.:通过改善消化道内的细菌平衡,你就可以排出致病细菌,使它们没有立足之地。crowd out:驱赶出 7.silicol gel:偏磷酸酪蛋白氧化硅

8.grapefruit-seed extract:葡萄軒榨汁 9.peppermint oil and ginger capsules:薄荷油和生姜胶囊。medicine —般指内服药(包括液体药剂,例如可以说a drop of medicine),pill指小的丸粒,tablet指药片,但有时medicine可代表药品的总称。10.bioflavonoid quercetin:生物类黄酮槲皮素 A Basics of What to Eat and Drink B Medicine Against Bacteria and VirusesC Avoiding Holiday Troubles D Basics of Having a Pleasant Flight E A Teaspoonful of Helpful Silicol F Preparations Against Food Poisoning

练习: 1.Paragraph 1 ________. 2.Paragraph 4 ________.3.Paragraph 5 ________.4.Paragraph 6

________.5.Food-poisoning may pose a problem ________ .6.Special earplugs can make you feel better ________.

7.It is important to drink a lot of water ________.8.Don?t forget to bring necessary medicine ________.A when your 3

plane is about to land B when you are taking tablets C when you suffer from food-poisoningD when you are travelling E when you are packing for your tourF when you are having a cold 答案与题解: 1.C 实际上,这段也点明了全文的中心思想。 2.A 本段说明旅行时在吃与喝方面应注意的基本卫生问题。3.B 注意E没有概括本段的中心意思。

4.D 本段开始介绍坐飞机旅行时的注意事项。 5.D 第二、第三、第四、第五段都谈到了注意旅行中的饮食卫生。

6.A 答案的根据为文章第六段的第三句。 7.C 第四段提到当食物中毒时要多喝水,以免脱水。 8.E 答案的根据在第五段。

第三十六篇 Life as a Movie Extra

Ordinary people have always been attracted to the world of movies and movie stars. One way to get closer to this world is to become a movie extra. Although you have seen movie extras, you may not have paid attention to them. Extras are the people seated at tables in a restaurant while the two main actors are in conversation. They are the guests at the wedding of the main characters. They are the people crossing the street while “the bad guy" is being chased by the police. Extras don?t normally speak any lines, but they help make the scenes look real1.

Being a movie extra might seem like a lot of fun. You get to see what life is like behind the scenes. But don?t forget that being an extra is really a job, and it?s mostly about doing nothing. First-time extras are often shocked to learn how slow the process of movie making is. In a finished movie, the action may move quickly. But it can sometimes take a whole day to shoot a scene that appears for just a few minutes on the screen.

The main requirement for being an extra is the ability to wait. You may report to work at 5 or 6 a. m.,and then you wait until the director is ready for your scene. This could take several hours. Then there may be technical problems, and you have to wait some more. After the director says “action”and you do the first “take”,you may have to do it again if he or she is not satisfied with the scene. In fact, you may have to do the same scene over and over again. You could be on the set for hours, sometimes waiting outdoors in very hot or cold weather.2 You may not be finished until 11 p. m. or midnight. The pay isn?t good, either — often only a little bit above minimum wage. And you must pay the agent who gets you the job a commission of about 10 percent.

So who would want to be a movie extra? In spite of the long hours and low pay, many people still apply for the job. Some people truly enjoy the work. They like being on a movie set, and they enjoy the companionship of their fellow extras. Most of them have flexible schedules, which allow them to be available.3They may be students, waiters, homemakers, retired people, or unemployed actors. Some unemployed actors hope the work will help them get real acting jobs, but it doesn?t happen often. Most people in the movie industry make a sharp distinction between extras and actors, so extras are not usually considered for large parts.

The next time you see a movie,don?t just watch the stars. Take a closer look at the people in the background, and ask yourself : Who are they? Why are they there? What else do they do in life? Maybe there is someone in the crowd who is just like you.

词汇: movie extra群众演员 chase / t?eis /v.追捕 shoot /?u:t/ vt.拍摄 action / ??k??n / n.(导演指令)开拍commission / k??mi??n / n.佣金 注释: 1.Extras don?t normally speak any lines, but they help make the scenes look real.:虽然群众演员通常没有台词,但他们的存在使整个场景更加逼真。 2.You could be on the set for hours,sometimes waiting outdoors in very hot or cold weather.:在拍摄现场,你可能一演就是几个小时,有时还要一直待在很热或很冷的环境中。on the set:在拍摄现场。 3.Most of them have flexible schedules, which allow them to be available.:这些人中大部分都是时间比较灵活的人,这样他们就能腾出时间来演戏。

练习:1.What is true about movie extras? A) Only agents get them jobs in movies. B) They often have to wait around on movie sets and do nothing. C) It?s a good way to get a real acting job. D) They can have drinks in a restaurant. 4

2.What might surprise movie extras the first time they do the job?A) It can take hours to do a scene that is only a few minutes long in the movie. B) They always do the same scene many times. C) The actors are interested in talking to them.D) The action moves very quickly.

3.Why do most people work as movie extras? A) They like meeting famous movie stars. B) They think they will become famous. C) They want to be on a movie set. D) They will get real acting jobs.

4.What are the job requirements for being a movie extra? A) You have to have a part-time job. B) You must be attractive. C) You must be willing to repeat a scene many times. D) You must start working very early.

5.It can be inferred from the passage that . A) being a movie extra can be boring B) movie extras need acting experience C) movie extras can play larger parts D) movie actors are quite different from actors

答案与题解: 1.B 本文的第三段详细叙述了群众演员的主要工作要求是在拍摄现场等,不用做事,所以答案为B;第一段中描述了群众演员的工作;他们是演员的陪衬,不用讲话。虽然提到他们是在餐馆里,但并没有提是否可以喝饮料,所以D可以排除;A中的only —词太笼统,所以A不对;从第四段可以看出,从群众演员到演员的转型是相当困难的,所以C也不对。 2.A 第二段中说明了令初做群众演员感到吃惊的是:拍一个场景需要一整天,而播放时只有几分钟。虽然B、D都有所提及,但不是令他们吃惊的事情。 3.C 虽然做群众演员耗时长而薪酬低,但他们为什么还选择这一工作呢?答案在第四段:他们喜欢这份工作,愿意与别的群众演员交流,他们自己的工作时间有弹性。A没有提到,B、D不太可能。 4.C 做群众演员的条件是什么?在第三段和第四段,我们可知:要有耐心(长时间等待,一个场景有时要拍好多次),要肯吃苦(在恶劣的户外环境中拍戏),报酬低,工作时间有弹性。A、B没有提到;在第三段的第二句提到:You may report to work at 5 or 6 a. m.,表明只是有时会很早开始工作,不是每日必须的,所以D不对。 5.A 从本文对群众演员的工作描述我们可以看出,群众演员只是演员的道具,所以是乏味的。B没有提到;据第四段的最后一句,C不对;第四段的最后一句清楚表明,群众演员和真正的演员差别很大,所以不是得出的推论,推论是通过字里行间推出来的,不是给出的陈述

补全短文 第十四篇 The Sandwich Generation

Today people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier. After their children are grown, they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create. ____(1)____. In middle age, many people discover that they have two ongoing responsibilities1: one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life. Around the world, there are millions of people who are “sandwiched”in between the older and the younger generations. Sometimes there may be two or three generations living in the same household — a situation that is common in many Asian countries and in some parts of Europe. In other cases, a couple may be taking care of parents and children, but they do not live with them.

There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation. First, people are living longer than they used to. In the early nineteenth century, the average life expectancy for adults in the United States,for example,was about 40,whereas today people live to an average ageof 75. ____(2)____. The second reason is that these days, young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past. This is often for financial reasons. It?s also more common for today?s young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.2

____(3)____. They may have to cover expenses that their parents cannot. They may have to manage their parents?

financial and legal affairs. They may have to prepare for their parents? future needs, such as special medical care or a move to a nursing home. This can be a traumatic experience for everyone.

Caring for adult children presents challenges as well, and caregivers have to resolve important questions; How can

financial responsibilities be shared among members of the household? How can household chores be shared? What is the best way to ensure everyone?s privacy? ____(4)____.

