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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:32 | 移动端:藏教七宝




一. 选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1. 下列图形中,一定相似的是(▲)

A.两个矩形B.两个正方形 C.两个菱形 D.两个等腰梯形 A.B. C. D. A.B. C. D. A.B. C. D.

2. 如图,在4×4的正方形网格中,tan?的值等于(▲)


1 B. C.2 D



3. 已知单位向量e,设a,b,c为非零向量,下列说法正确的是(▲)


A.a?e B.若|a|?|b|,则有a?b或a??b



4. 下列说法正确的是(▲)

A.相交两圆的公共弦一定垂直于连心线 B.垂直于圆的半径的直线是圆的切线 C.平分弦的直径垂直于弦D.在等圆中,如果弦相等,那么他们所对的弧也相等 5. 已知:如图,梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,S△AOD=2,S△AOB=3,那

么S△BOC的大小为(▲) A.9 B.5C.

95D. 22


6. 已知:二次函数y=kx2-2x+1与一次函数y=kx+k的图像大致是(▲)




二. 填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. 已知:实数x、y满足




8. 抛物线y?2x2?3x?1的顶点是图像的最________点(填“高”或“低”).


9. 计算:5(a?b)?(2a?b)?____22

10. 正十边形至少旋转____度,可以与它自身重合.


11. 把抛物线y?(x?1)?3向左平移2个单位,那么平移后的抛物线解析式为


某商场自动扶梯的坡比为10米,那么他上升了___米. 13. 在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=8,AC=6,点D、E分别为AB、AC上的中点,

BE、CD相交于点G,则CG=____14. 如图,在希腊首都雅典卫城坐落的古城堡中心,耸立着一座巍

峨的矩形建筑物,这就是著名的帕特农神庙. 神庙的东西两立面(全庙的门前)高与宽的比接近希腊人喜爱的“黄金分割比”,神庙正面宽AB为30米,AB>CB,请问神庙顶部离地面的距离CB为___▲___米.

15. 抛物线y??(x?1)?2上有两点(?2,y1),(?3,y2),则y1__y2(填“>”、“=”


16. 已知两圆相切,圆心距为2cm,其中一圆的半径为6cm,则另一个圆的半径是_____cm. 17.


C分别在x,y轴的正半轴上.点Q在对角线OB上,且QO=OC,连接CQ并延长CQ交边AB于点P.则点P的坐标为 __.

18. 我们定义“四个顶点都在三角形边上的正方形是三角形的内接正方形”. 已




三. 解答题(本大题共7题,满分78分)

19. (本题满分10分)


(1) 求二次函数的解析式,并写出此抛物线顶点P的坐标;

(2) 设此二次函数的图像与x轴的另一个交点为B,求△ABC的面积.


(1) 求向量EF、EA(用向量a,b表示);


(2) 在图中求作EF在AB、AC方向上的分向量(不要求写作法,但要指出所作图


21. (本题满分10分)

《九章算术》是中国古代第一部数学专著,是《算经十书》中最重要的一种,里面记载了“圆材埋壁”一题:“今有圆材,埋壁中,不知大小,以锯锯之,深一寸,锯道长一尺,问 径(直径)几何?”(如图,⊙O表示圆材截面,CE是⊙O的直径,CE⊥AB,AB表示“锯道”,CD表示“锯深”,求直径CE的长。注:1尺=10寸).

23. (本题满分12分,每小题6分)












I. Listening Comprehension 30%

Section A10%

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. 7:00.

B. 7:45. C. 9:00.D. 9:45. 2. A. At the customer center. C. At the airport. C. Colleagues.3. A. Doctor and patient.4. A. He feels awfully sorry. C. He feels quite relieved. B. In the restaurant. B. Husband and wife.B. He feels quite worried. B. I am very glad to help you. D. In a training school.D. Friends.D. He feels ill. 5. A. I am too busy to help you. 6. A. Because she’s surprising. B. Because she’s too fat. C. You are blind and can’t see anything.D. I will help you when I finish typing. C. Because she doesn’t try her best. D. Because she’s ill.

D. By train. 7. A. By air. B. By bus.C. By car.

8. A. The woman will go to see the dentist.

B. The man will treat the woman to dinner.

C. The woman will invite the man to dinner.

D. Both the man and the woman will stay at home.

B. It was warmer than she had expected. D. It was cooler than she had expected.

C. The man’s uncle. D. Where to visit in Xi’an. 9. A. It was too hot.C. It was too cold. 10. A. Holiday plans. B. Visiting Xi’an.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 12%

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Because there are a lot of mountains, valleys and rivers in New England.

B. Because there are few farming lands in New England.

C. Because New Englanders like climbing mountains.

D. Because New Englanders have to climb mountains to work.

B. Because the soil of New England has lost its value. 12. A. Because there are too many mountains in New England. C. Because the farms are small and the soil is not good.

D. Because the farms are not big enough to support families.

13. A. They learn the skill when they work in the factories.

B. They learn the skill during the making of things. C. They are born with the skill. D. They learn the skill from their fathers.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Because they don’t want to find the treasure.

B. Because they don’t want to pay taxes on it. C. Because they don’t know where to dig. D. Because they are afraid that pirates will claim it.

15. A. 1:1. B. 2:1. C. 12:1.D. Not mentioned.

16. A. Because pirates used to attack Spanish ships near Gulf of Mexico.

B. Because pirates were unable to dispose of the goods. C. Because pirates buried the goods in secret hiding places on the shore. D. Because pirates drew a map of the hiding places so that they could know where to dig. Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet. 8%

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A 16%

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


At thirteen, I was diagnosed with kind of attention disorder. It made school difficult for me. When __25__ else in the class was focusing on tasks, I could not.

In my first literature class, Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it, all within 45 minutes. I raised my hand right away and said, ―Mrs. Smith, you see, the doctor said I have attention problems. I __26__ not be able to do it.‖

She glanced down at me through her glasses, ―you are no different from your classmates, young man.‖

I tried, but I didn’t finish the reading when the bell rang. I had to take it home.

In the quietness of my bedroom, the story suddenly all became clear to me. It was about a blind person, Louis Braille. He lived in a time__27__ the blind couldn’t get much education. But Louis didn’t give up. __28__, he invented a__29__ (read) system of raised dots, __30__ opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.

Wasn’t I the ―blind‖ in my class, being made __31__ (learn) like the ―sighted‖ students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance. I completed the task within 40 minutes. Indeed, I was no different from others; I just needed a quieter place. If Louis could find his way out of his problems, why should I ever give up?

I didn’t expect anything when I handled in my paper to Mrs. Smith, so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day with __32__ ―A‖ on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words: ― See what you can do when you keep trying?‖


Take five Chinese teachers, put them in a British classroom with fifty students for four weeks of Chinese-style education and what do you get? You get the BBC TV series Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School.

The series__33__(design) as a competition between Chinese-style education and British-style education. At the end of the four weeks, the fifty students __34__(teach) by the Chinese teachers were tested against the rest of their 13- and 14-year-old Year 9 classmates at Bohunt, one of the best schools in England, to see __35__ group got the best marks. To almost everyone’s surprise, especially Bohunt’s

head teacher’s, the Chinese-taught group scored ten percent higher in all subjects, including Math, Science and Mandarin.

That outcome wasn’t obvious at the beginning of the experiment. __36__ the students liked some parts of the Chinese system, like the outdoor morning exercises, they were not happy with the long school day—five hours longer than the British school day—and, in class, they quickly became bored with the ―chalk-and-talk‖ Chinese style of teaching. British-style education__37__ (involve) more classroom activities and class discussions. As a result, there were discipline problems with some students and the Chinese teachers became frustrated.

But, eventually, the students began to respond to the Chinese teachers. The teachers were clear in their explanations and clear about__38__ they expected from the students. Many students liked the idea __39__ they were being challenged to perform better and they felt they were really learning. At the end of the four weeks, the students expressed their gratitude to the Chinese teachers and many cried when they said their goodbyes.

One thing is certain, though. The TV series proved that Chinese teachers are among the

__40__ __40__ (qualify) and dedicated in the world. They deserve our admiration and respect.

Section B 10%

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Students Honor 9/11 Through Volunteering In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, thousands poured into Ground Zero to lend their hands in one of the largest recovery efforts in American history. Now, 12 years later, colleges are finding ways to channel the same__41__ into service projects in their own communities on September 11th.

"9/11 is such an__42__ touchstone for our country, I think people want to find ways to do something, and students as well," says Kevin Kruger, president of the student affairs group. "The idea of giving something back to the __43__ ties in well to the emotional significance of that."

Though no corner of the country was untouched by the terrorist attacks, they especially rocked New York University on 9/11. Less than two miles from Ground Zero, students__44__ the plane-on-tower impact from their dorm rooms. The university coordinated shelters and counseling in the days afterward.

Because of this, NYU public affairs director Philip Lentz says the volunteer work the students do

this week has a "special relevance." Students today__45__ at a rescue mission, wrote cards for soldiers and veterans and made donations for the families of victims and first responders on 9/11. "NYU feels it has a special __46__ to offer this service opportunity to students that are here so they can give back to the community that was so devastated by the attacks," Lentz says. Similar deeds have been taking place in George Washington University in Washington, D.C. "For the past five years at GW, freshmen have boarded buses immediately after their official welcome __47__ in early September to head for the nation's financial capital and volunteer in__48__ that aid the environment, education, veterans and community organizations," says Amy Cohen, the university's director for civic engagement and public service.

"We hope that students will learn that community __49__ is part of how we build strong communities and a vibrant __50__ society," Cohen wrote in an e-mail to USA TODAY. "We ask students to reflect on the tragedy of 9/11 and to use this day as a way to show civic engagement and community building."

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A 15%

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C,

D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Women, I have always felt, are the backbone of the world. Only they have the __51__ and means to bring the miracle of life to Earth. Throughout history, they have been the caretakers and nurturers. Women work alongside men in the fields, in the factories, in the offices and then__52__ home—not to put their feet up in front of the television like their husbands, but to set dinner on the table and __53__their families.

There is nothing women cannot __54__

I won’t debate that women are superior to men or inferior to men. I’ll simply say that to be a woman is one of the greatest honors that can be accorded to a person. To be a woman is to be blessed with the natural__55__, understanding, and supernatural love of a mother. To be a woman is to be simultaneously strong and soft in body. To be a woman is to have the possibility of being __56__.

There is nothing women cannot deal with. Women today need to realize that. Especially in today’s first world societies where women__57__ receive equal rights as men, women need only to make the most of their talents and assets in order to get what they want . And if they set their minds on something and fully strive for it, the sky is the __58__.

Women were born tailored for__59__

It doesn’t matter what a woman’s particular talent is. If she is skilled with a pencil and paper, she can become a famous author or a successful journalist. If she is handy with math, she can become the CEO




一. 选择题(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 1. 下列图形中,一定相似的是(▲)

A.两个矩形B.两个正方形 C.两个菱形 D.两个等腰梯形 2. 如图,在4×4的正方形网格中,tan?的值等于(▲)


1 B. C.2 D


3. 已知单位向量e,设a,b,c为非零向量,下列说法正确的是(▲)


A.a?e B.若|a|?|b|,则有a?b或a??b



4. 下列说法正确的是(▲)


A.相交两圆的公共弦一定垂直于连心线 B.垂直于圆的半径的直线是圆的切线 C.平分弦的直径垂直于弦D.在等圆中,如果弦相等,那么他们所对的弧也相等 5. 已知:如图,梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,S△AOD=2,S△AOB=3,那

么S△BOC的大小为(▲) A.9 B.5C.

95D. 22


6. 已知:二次函数y=kx2-2x+1与一次函数y=kx+k的图像大致是(▲)





二. 填空题:(本大题共12题,每题4分,满分48分) 7. 已知:实数x、y满足




8. 抛物线y?2x2?3x?1的顶点是图像的最________点(填“高”或“低”).


9. 计算:5(a?b)?(2a?b)?____22

10. 正十边形至少旋转____度,可以与它自身重合.


11. 把抛物线y?(x?1)?3向左平移2个单位,那么平移后的抛物线解析式为


某商场自动扶梯的坡比为10米,那么他上升了___米. 13. 在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=8,AC=6,点D、E分别为AB、AC上的中点,

BE、CD相交于点G,则CG=____14. 如图,在希腊首都雅典卫城坐落的古城堡中心,耸立着一座巍

峨的矩形建筑物,这就是著名的帕特农神庙. 神庙的东西两立面(全庙的门前)高与宽的比接近希腊人喜爱的“黄金分割比”,神庙正面宽AB为30米,AB>CB,请问神庙顶部离地面的距离CB为___▲___米.

15. 抛物线y??(x?1)?2上有两点(?2,y1),(?3,y2),则y1__y2(填“>”、“=”


16. 已知两圆相切,圆心距为2cm,其中一圆的半径为6cm,则另一个圆的半径是_____cm. 17.


C分别在x,y轴的正半轴上.点Q在对角线OB上,且QO=OC,连接CQ并延长CQ交边AB于点P.则点P的坐标为 __.

18. 我们定义“四个顶点都在三角形边上的正方形是三角形的内接正方形”. 已




三. 解答题(本大题共7题,满分78分)

19. (本题满分10分)


(1) 求二次函数的解析式,并写出此抛物线顶点P的坐标;

(2) 设此二次函数的图像与x轴的另一个交点为B,求△ABC的面积.


(1) 求向量EF、EA(用向量a,b表示);


(2) 在图中求作EF在AB、AC方向上的分向量(不要求写作法,但要指出所作图


21. (本题满分10分)

《九章算术》是中国古代第一部数学专著,是《算经十书》中最重要的一种,里面记载了“圆材埋壁”一题:“今有圆材,埋壁中,不知大小,以锯锯之,深一寸,锯道长一尺,问 径(直径)几何?”(如图,⊙O表示圆材截面,CE是⊙O的直径,CE⊥AB,AB表示“锯道”,CD表示“锯深”,求直径CE的长。注:1尺=10寸).

23. (本题满分12分,每小题6分)






