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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:32 | 移动端:星巴克企业文化


班级:13广告2班 学号:1301303219 姓名:梁湛







权。早在1991年,星巴克就设立了股票投资方案,允许员工以折扣价购买股票。这样,所有员工都有机会成为公司的主人。星巴克公司股票的价格持续飙升,员工的期权价值与自豪感不断上涨。另外,星巴克还比较重视员工的思想教育,使得员工建立起自己就是公司的股东的理念。在星巴克公司,员工不叫员工,而叫“合作伙伴 ”。即使星巴克公司的总部,也被命名为星巴克支持中心(Starbucks Support Center),这说明其职能是向员工提供信息和支持而不是向员工发号施令。










综上所述,星巴克充分考虑了员工和顾客的感受,努力营造以人为本的企业文化,这样的理念,会给人温馨的感觉,更加人性化,让我们在这里品尝的不仅是一杯咖啡,更是享受一份心情 ,而这也有利于它自身企业文化的发展。



题 目:论星巴克的企业文化

课 程:现代企业管理


学 号:

















顾客体验是星巴克品牌资产核心诉求。就像麦当劳一直倡导销售欢乐一样,星巴克吧典型的美式文化逐步分解成可以体验的元素:视觉的温馨,听觉的随心所欲,嗅觉的咖啡香味等等。Jesper kunde在《公司宗教》中指出:“星巴克的成功在于,在消费者需求的中心由产品转向服务,在由服务转向体验的时代,星巴克成功地创立了一种以创造‘星巴克体验’为特点的‘咖啡宗教’。星巴克人认为:他们的产品不单单是咖啡,咖啡只是一种载体。而正是通过咖啡这种载体,星巴克人把一种独特的格调传送给顾客。咖啡的消费很大程度上是一种感性的文化层次上的消费,文化的沟通需要的就是咖啡店所营造的环境文化能够感染顾客,并形成良好的互动体验。




The corporate culture of a business directly affects many different aspects of an organization. Starbucks has recently made changes based on their culture that is taking them in a whole new direction. CEO Howard Schultz has altered the corporate culture to invoke changes throughout the company. We will discuss how corporate culture affects diversity, organizational structure,

employee relations, corporate citizenship and organizational ethics. Furthermore, we will discuss how corporate culture affects the networking aspect of Starbucks and the renewed focus on the customer.

Diversity and Customer Focus

Starbucks actually isn?t a ?franchise?, it offers a variety of gourmet coffee flavors and teas for a variety of different customers. Some of these customers who are considered ?repeat customers? are college students, healthcare professionals, customers who frequently shop at malls across the nation. Starbucks customers come from all nationalities and are not limited to a certain region but they spread around the world.

Diversity and Customer Focus

Starbucks regularly discuss and strategize to enhance the benefits for their customers, employees and management. Business culture is centered around the customer.

Starbucks encourages customer feedback on services and products they received. They also welcome new ideas and recommendations from customers in order to improve customer services and products.

Organizational Structure

The CEO Mr. Schultz has changes at the corporate level resulting in a flatter organization by opening new positions to focus on customers. These new positions include a Global Real Estate Design manager who will be in charge of communications, corporate social responsibility and

public affairs. Global Strategy is the responsibility of Michelle Gass, who will ensure transformation of organization. Chet Kuchinad will head The Human Resource Strategy which includes the

implementation of new store level positions. The customer experience which includes store design and merchandise will be the responsibility of Harry Roberts. Terry Davenport, and he will be responsible for the marketing and brand strategy. This includes product development, and

consumer insight and unifying the Starbucks brand to the customer.These new positions have been designed to enhance the customer experience by reconnecting with what customers want. Starbucks Networking

tarbucks has developed and launched a social networking site called MyStarbucksIdea.com that takes the Starbucks Experience outside the store and enables customers to play a role in shaping the company?s future. The My Starbucks Idea social networking site was launched in March of 2008 and has received over 70,000 posts for new ideas since its inception . Offers customers the unique opportunity to shape the future of Starbucks through sharing their ideas on such issues as what food products to offer to new and flavorful drinks that they would like included in the menu. Site provides customers the ability to provide ideas on products and service but it also allows them to share their ideas on such areas as community involvement, social responsibility and marketing techniques

Organizational Ethics

Starbucks organizational ethics support the company?s six point mission statement which are reflected in the day to day operations and resonate as an integrated part of corporate culture at Starbucks. Mission statement is used as a “guiding principle and holds it up as a filter for decision making”. Corporate culture and organizational ethics are introduced once a job applicant has

successfully made it through the stringent screening process. Prior to working in the store,

employees go through mission statement, customer service theory and corporate culture training. Applicants then take the “Starbucks New Partner Training Plan” comprising of onsite training of ethics, ergonomics, safety, legal compliance, shift and practical hands-on training such as making drinks, product knowledge and other operational procedures. Money that is invested in employee training is designed to reinforce the mission and goals of Starbucks while socializing employees to organizational culture.

Employee Relations

Starbucks promotes frequent visits from area and regional managers, encourages employees to communicate on a regular basis by submitting comments, concerns and ideas Employees are reminded also to be mindful of the six point mission statement and question decisions that run contrary to the content and purpose of the mission. Employees are referred to as “partners” epitomizing the value of the relationship and a term which is used to empower and to motivate active participation in working towards organizational goals. Starbucks shows appreciation by rewarding its employees by providing both full and part time employees with medical, vision and dental insurance, 401k plan, stock options, tuition reimbursement, vacation and of course, free coffee. The company also uses profits from Starbucks logo merchandise to support employee services and social activities.

Effects of Organizational Ethics and Corporate Culture

Starbucks? organizational ethics have motivated employees to implement the Starbucks Experience which provides exceptional customer service. The employee turnover rate is significantly lower in comparison to other food and beverage companies providing quick service. Starbucks experiences a 20% manager and 80% employee turnover rate while the average for other food and beverage quick service industry is 200%. Employee satisfaction surveys reveal that employees are satisfied and enjoy working in the Starbucks environment. Job satisfaction is an attributing factor to the

employee stability and to the company?s financial success. One can hardly be surprised to find that Starbucks consistently makes the list for “Best Companies to Work for”.

Corporate Citizenship

Starbucks has developed the Shared Planet? which reflects the company?s desire to conduct business in a responsible manner. The company has long-term plans to improve the company?s corporate ethics by the year 2015 focusing on ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship and community involvement. Starbucks plans to use 100% of coffee grown responsibly and ethically traded, use 100% reusable or recyclable cups and to contribute more than 1 million community hours per year. Ethical sourcing relates to Starbucks? commitment to using the highest quality

coffee that has been grown responsibly and traded fairly. The company hopes to help the future of coffee farmers and establish a more stable climate for the planet by doing business with ethical sources of coffees. Starbucks plans to use 100% coffee that is grown responsibly and ethically traded by the year 2015. Environmental stewardship relates to commitment to improving

environmental footprint. Work towards using all reusable or recyclable cups by the year 2015, and to have recycling available in 100% stores. Investigating ways to reduce use of resources of water/energy. Upgrading existing stores and new stores will be built to use 25% less energy;

remodeling plans incorporate recycled/renewable materials. Working toward green certifications for all new company-owned stores by the end of the year 2010.
