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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:28 | 移动端:英语留言条格式范文




Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Ms Wang

A friend of yours, Zhang Peng, made a long distance call from Shanghai this morning while you went out. He asked you to book an air ticket for Hebei at 2: 30 a.m., February 8, and make a reservation for hotel room tonight. I am sorry that I can't pass on the message to you in your presence, because I was ordered to do something urgent。


推荐信虽然会因为推荐人的不同而在内容上有不同的侧重点,但模式上大体来说还是有规律可循的。一封推荐信应该提供如下信息:who you are, your connection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and the specific skills they have。此外,还应该包括联系方式,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。 下面是一个推荐信模版,它可以帮助你写好一封推荐信。 Salutation

如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如Dear Dr. Smith, Dear Mr. Jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写To Whom it May Concern 或者不写称呼也可以。 Paragraph 1

推荐信的第一段应该说明你和被推荐人的关系,包括你是怎么认识他/她的,还有你写这封推荐信的资格。 Paragraph 2

推荐信的第二段应该包括被推荐人的个人信息,说明他/她的资格、能力,还有你为什么要为他/她写推荐信。如果必要的话,可以分几段来描述细节。 Paragraph 3

如果是推荐被推荐人应聘某个职位,推荐信应该描述这个人的能力能适合他/她所要求的职位。可以参考招聘广告上对职位的要求和被推荐人的简历一起来写。 Summary

主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上I highly recommend the person,I recommend the person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。 Conclusion

推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和email address。

最后,还要写上下面这一段: Sincerely,




To: (收件公司及具体收件人)




Total pages / No. of Page(s): (传真总页数)


高考英语“书信、电子邮件、留言条”经典作文范文20篇 经典范文1



Course: Chinese for beginners

Time: 26 July-25 August

Place: Guangzhou Guangming Language School

Tuition(学费) : RMB 2,000

For more information: www. gzgm. org




Dear Patrick,

I'm so delighted to leam that you're coming to Cuangzhou to leam Chinese. I've got some information about foreigners leaming Chinese. Here I'd like to recommend a famous lanSuage school-

Guangzhou Guangming Language School, which offers such a Chinese trainina course as will satisfy

your demands. The course starts on 26 July and lasts a month till 25 August. It's intended for beginners like you. Besides, the tuition, which is only RMB 2,000, is reasonable.I hope it will fit you well.

If you have any question, please let me know or just visit www. gzgm. org.

Hope to see you in Guangzhou soon.


Li Hua





Dear Editor,

I'm a senior middle school student. Many students in our class have computers at home. They often

chat with friends, send emails to each other and leam English on the Intemet. As my English is not good enough,1 want to ask my parents to buy one for me. But when I think of my family which

isn't rich,I feel worried. What should I do?

Li Ming

Dear Li Ming,

Ican understand how you feel now. Personally,I think there is no need for you to buy a

computer. First, as you mentioned in your letter, your family isn't rich enough. It will be a burden


your parents. Second, having a computer isn't the only way to learn English well. In fact, students today enjoy easy access to learning and educational resources, such as libraries, morries, TV, tape- recorders as well as computers and the Intemet. You'd better make full use of these learning

resources. What's more, asa senior middle school student, your time is limited. Please focus your attention on your studies. I'm sure you can do well in English as long as you put your heart into it. In a word,I think you should search for more practical leaming resources apart from computers. Yours sincerely,



假设你叫李华,你的笔友王林来信说,班里有一个同学老是挑他的缺点,他为此很苦恼。 请你根据下面的提示,给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括:






2.词数:120~ 150。

Dear Wang Lin,

I'm glad you trust me and tell me about your trouble.I shall be pleased to talk over the matter with you. As we know, getting on well with our classmates is very important. The harmonious relationship between students make us in a relaxed moodr which in tum has agreat effect on our study.

As for the“shortcomings" your classmate pointed out,I think you should critically absorb them. If you do have the shortcomings, you should thank your classmate, and then correct them, which can

help you do better in the future. For something like "too thin" or "too short", just ignore them. In addition, you'd better have a talk with him.

I hope my advice will prove more or less helpful.


Li Hua


假设你叫李敏,你的笔友Bob在电子邮件中要求你对你们班的同学就“影响你选择音乐的 因素是什么”这一问题展开调查,并通过电子邮件告诉他调查的结果。以下是你在班级中调查


词数要求:120 ~ 150。

Dear Bob,

How nice to receive your email! Recently I have carried out the survey among; students in our class to find out what influences the music we listen to. According to the survey, TV and films have

the greatest effect on our choice of music, 40 percent of the students sharing the opinion. About 30 percent of the students say they are influenced by friends when deciding what to listen to. Radio comes third, with 20 percent of the students choosing it. Parents seem to have very little influence. Only 10 percent of the students say they listen to what their parents recommend.

In my oEinion, one of the major reasons why TV and films influence our choice of music so much

is that the music in the TV and the film usually f;oes with beautiful pictures, or expresses certain feelings of heroes. Cood music, as is often the case, can accompany a person's entire life.With best regards.

Yours sincerely,

Li Min


假如你是李华,你校校刊“Our Steps”的招聘启事引起了你的兴趣,请根据下列信息用英文 写一封自荐信。

注意 :

i.词数不少于 60;.

Dear Harry,

I'm writing to apply for the photographer for Our Steps.

I'm Li Hua, a boy of sixteen, presently in my first year of high school. I'm outgoing and

energetic. I'm interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my

life. Last year I won the second prize in youth group at Peking Photography Competition. Besides, I'm

good at writing, which might be helpful for the work. Takint! part in all kinds of outdoor activities is

also one of my hobbies.

I would like to work for Our Steps since it would be a great opportunity for me to join in social activities and eich my life.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours 8incerely,

Li Hua


为了帮助中学生度过一个精彩的暑假,EF国际语言学校(the EF Intemational Language



注意 :



Dear Li Hua,

I'm glad that you are interested in the summer course that will be held by the EF Intemational Language Schools in July, 2008. It is specially designed for Chinese middle school students who are

16 years old or above.

You can choose the UK, the US, or Australia as your destination. Besides enjoying many places

ofinterest on the trip, you'll have a three-week English course with 20 classes per week. What's more, living with a host family is surely a good opportunity to experience quite a different culture. Also, wonderful outdoor activities will add to the pleasure of the tour And most importantly, you needn't worry about your safety with teacher organizers all the way round. I'm sure you will have a good time.

For more information, please visit www. ef. com, or phone us at 010 - 65630027. Best wishes !

Yours sincerely,



假如你是刘涛,在星期六下午四点到你的好友David处想借一本牛津高级英汉双解词典, 碰巧你的朋友不在家。因为晚上你要去参加一个朋友的生日宴会,不能久等,便请他帮你准备






Dear David,

I came here at half past four this aftemoon to borrow an Oxford Advanced Leamer's English-

Chinese Dictionary. Unfortunately you were out. Ive been .reading an English novel written by Dickens recently. But there are many new word8 in it.So I have to ask you for help. I'll takegood care of the dictionary and it will be retumed to you as soon asI finish the book. As I am to attend my

friend's birthday pany,I can?t wait any longer. I'll come for the dictionary at ten tomorrow. Pleaseget


With best wishes.


Liu Tao


假定你是李华,你所在的学校计划在下个月举办美国电影节(American Film Festival)。请 你根据以下要点给你的美国朋友Peter写一封信,邀请他给学生做一次讲座。信的主要内容 包括:







Dear Peter,

Our schoolis planning to hold an American Film Festival next month. I'm writing to invite you to

come and give a talk on American films and'filmmaking industry. It will help us understand how the

industry has developed into big business as it is today.?rhis understanding should go a Iong way toward increasing their knowledge of American culture in general. Do you think one and a half hours

will be enough? Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements. I'm looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.

Best wishes.

Yours ,

Li Hua经典范文9

目前,“学汉语”的热潮在世界上很多国家悄然掀起。假设你是李明,你的美国笔友Patti 想让你向他推荐一个比较好的学习汉语的节目。请根据下列信息,给Patti写一封推荐信,介






Dear Sally,

I come to your house, but you happen to be out. is a pity I can’t see you here in your house. .

night, July 7th day.

It will be very nice to have you there.


Lin Lin


Dear Sally,

I can’2015 Summer Dance Party is held for senior high students only.

The party, is to be held in Hebin Youth School, at 7:00 and at 10:00 on Saturday night, July 7th. It is going to be fun. I would like you to come with me and I have booked the ticket for you. If you are coming, please get to the bus stop at 18:30 that day and wait there for me.

I am looking forward to you. Also I can’t wait for the party’s coming. Let’s have fun together.


Lin Lin


运用已学过的句型,如定语从句、强调句、v-ing做主语或状语、in order to do sth (目的状语)、have sth done、what引导的名词性从句等。


(1)I am leaving you a note. (2) I want to tell you something important.

(a) 用上in order to do

(b) 用上v-ing做状语以及have sth done


(1) A Summer Dance Party will be held in Hebin Youth School.


(2) It will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday Evening, July 7th.

(3) It is designed for senior high students only. (用上定从)

【结构归纳】sth, which...., will be done in/at/on + time + in/at/on + place

主,+定从,+ 谓+ 时间+ 地点


(1)一个专为英语爱好者开办的英语角将于2015年8月20日星期天9:00-10:00在月亮广场(Moon Square)举行。(补充:表达将来的句式有will do、 、 )

(2)一个专为篮球爱好者举办的篮球比赛将于2015年4月15日星期三16:00-17:00在学校操场举行。(请用上start... end...)

(3)一个主题为“环境友好型社会”Friendly-environment Society)英文演讲比赛将于周五晚7点在音乐大厅举行。

请将上句改为强调句型(结构:It is + that/ who + )



(1)观察 what引导在从句中作what引导在从句中作





2 (a)强调时间


1、(a)I am leaving you a note in order to tell you something important.

(b)Having something important to tell you, I have a note left for you.

2、A Summer Dance, which is designed for senior high students only, will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday Evening, July 7th in Hebin Youth School.


(1)be to do, be going to do

An English Corner, which is designed for English lovers, will be held from 9:00 to 10:00 on Sunday morning, Aug. 20th, 2015 in the Moon Square.

(2) A basketball match, which is to be held for basketball lovers, is to start at 16:00 and it ends at 17:00 on Wednesday, Apr. 15th, 2015 on our school’s playground.

(3) An English competition whose theme is Friendly-environment Society is going to be held at 7p.m. on Friday in the music hall.

(a) It is at 7p.m. on Friday that an English competition whose theme is Friendly-environment Society is going to be held in the music hall.

(b) It is in the music hall that an English competition whose theme is Friendly-environment Society is going to be held at 7p.m. on Friday.

3、(a)What you need to do is to gather at the school gate at 9 a.m.

(b)What the students should do is to take their chairs and be there on time.

(c)I have helped you to turn back the book to the library. What you need to do is to call your mom when you are back.

