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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:17 | 移动端:商业社交礼仪


测试成绩:100.0分。 恭喜您顺利通过考试!


1. 西服穿着讲究的“三一定律”是指: √









正确答案: D

2. 在会面礼仪中,介绍其中各自一方具体人员时遵循的基本原则是: √









正确答案: B


3. 商务人士的着装禁忌包括: √ A

过于鲜艳 B

过于杂乱 C

过于紧身 D


正确答案: A B C D

4. 在正式的商务场合中,穿着裙装的禁忌包括: √ A

穿黑色皮裙 B

光脚穿鞋 C

“三截腿” D


正确答案: A B C D


5. 进行不同年龄人的介绍时,应该先介绍年长者,后介绍年幼者。 √



正确答案: 错误


Lesson Four

Business Etiquette


Part I Objectives

Part II The How-Tos

Guidelines for Prosperous Entertaining and Presentation of Gifts in Business


Business breakfasts are common, and can start as early as 7:00 a.m. On weekends, many people partake in "brunch", a combination of lunch and breakfast beginning anywhere from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Moreover, business meetings are sometimes held over "brunch."

Business meetings are frequently held over lunch, which begins at 12:00 noon and sometimes lasts until 2:00 p.m. Lunch is usually a lighter meal, since work continues directly afterward. Additionally, an alcoholic beverage such as wine or beer is sometimes ordered.

If you are invited out for a business meal, the host will usually pay. If you are invited out, but your host does not offer to pay, you should be prepared to pay for your own meal.

When eating out, the cost is sometimes shared with friends or colleagues, a practice often referred to as "getting separate checks", "going Dutch", or "splitting the bill."

If you invite a U.S. counterpart out socially, you must make it clear whether you wish to pay.

The fork is held in the right hand and is used for eating. The knife is used to cut or spread something onto a food item. To use the knife, the fork is

switched to the left hand or is laid down; to continue eating, the fork is switched back to the right hand. But, if you prefer to use the “continental” style of dining, in which the knife and fork are never switched, that is acceptable, too.

Unlike some other cultures, it's perfectly acceptable to refuse an offer of food or drink; moreover, in most cases, the host probably won't urge you to eat. Many foods are eaten with the hands, so you may want to follow the example of your companions.

There are a variety of ways to beckon a server. For example, you can make eye contact and raise your eyebrows, briefly wave to get his or her

attention, or mouth the word for what you want such as "water" or "coffee." To call for the check, you can make a writing gesture or mouth the word "check, please."

It is not considered rude to eat while walking down the street.

Business gifts are often presented after the deal is closed. In most situations, gifts are usually unwrapped immediately and shown to all

assembled. If you receive a Christmas gift, however, you may be asked to wait until Christmas Day to open it.

In many cases, the best gifts are those that come from your country. You may not receive a gift in return right away.

During the Christmas season, gifts are exchanged. For your business

associates, you can give gifts such as useful items for the office, liquor or wine. When you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, although it is always appreciated. Flowers, a potted plant, or a bottle of wine can be good gift choices.

Taking someone out for a meal or other entertainment is another popular gift.

Gifts for women such as perfume or clothing are usually inappropriate because they are considered far too personal.

Gifts for children are often a thoughtful and appreciated gesture, but take into account the values of the parents. For example, some parents might object to your giving a toy gun or a violent video game to their child.

Acceptable public conduct


Smoking is not as commonplace and is subject to restrictions in most

public places. Before smoking, the best policy is to ask if anyone minds, or wait to see if others smoke. Restaurants often have a section where smoking is permitted; many hotels designate rooms as smoking and non-smoking.

A handshake is the customary greeting for both men and women, although you should wait to see if the woman offers her hand.

Apart from greeting close family members or friends, Americans tend to refrain from greetings that involve hugging and other close physical contact. For the most part, they are ueceptive to being touched during conversation and other social situations.

The standard space between you and your conversation partner should be about two feet. Most U.S. executives will be uncomfortable standing at a closer distance.

Direct eye contact conveys that you are sincere, although it should not be too intense. Certain ethnic groups will look away to show respect.

Friends or acquaintances of the same sex generally do not hold hands. To point, you may use the index finger, although it's impolite to point at another person.

To beckon someone, wave either all the fingers or just the index finger in a scooping motion, with the palm facing up.

To show approval, there are two common gestures: the "O.K." sign,

formed by making a circle of the thumb and index finger, and the "thumbs up" sign, formed by making a fist and pointing the thumb upward.

The backslap should be interpreted as a sign of friendship, camaraderie. When sitting, U.S. citizens often look very relaxed. They may sometimes sit with the ankle of one leg on their knee or prop their feet up on chairs or desks. In formal business situations, however, you're advised to maintain good posture and a less casual pose.

When giving an item to another person, it's sometimes acceptable to toss it or hand it over with only one hand.

Part III Let’s Talk Business

Welcome Topics of Conversations

General Guidelines

Be aware that most Americans speak only English.

Americans often ask, "What do you do?" (that is, "Tell me about your job and employer") to start a conversation. This kind of question is not considered

banal or presumptuous.

Compliments are exchanged frequently and are popular "conversation starters." If you wish to make conversation with someone, you can compliment an item such as his or her clothing or a work or sports related achievement. Generally, Americans like to laugh and enjoy being with people who have a sense of humor. Jokes are usually welcome, but be careful. For example, in many situations, ethnic and religious humors are best avoided.

Self-deprecating humor, however, usually goes over well.

Sports are very popular in the U.S., especially baseball, football (not to be confused with soccer), and basketball. Soccer (known as football in most other countries) has caught on in only a few parts of the country.

Golf is another popular sport, especially among businesspeople.

Moreover, the golf course is often a venue for business discussions and deals. Topics to Avoid

Until you know a person well, avoid discussing religion, politics or other controversial subjects (i.e., abortion, racism, sexism).

Refrain from asking women if they are married. If a woman volunteers this information, however, you may ask a few polite questions about her husband and/or children.

ethnic or religious jokes

Welcome Topics of Conversation

a person's job/work-related matters







Part IIII Exercises and Discussion

2 Using guidelines from Part three, prepare 5 questions that you think will be most pleasant to ask on the following occasions:

- New students’ picnic

- Annual ball of the industry

- Your best friend’s wedding

- A cocktail party held for the signing of a million-dollar contract

2 Give examples where Chinese business etiquettes conflict with those of the Western business world. Discuss with other students that under such

circumstances, should Chinese businesspeople always make compromises to following the western protocols? Give examples and you solutions to such conflicts.

2 “Small talks” could, on many occasions, be a great lubricant or ice-breaker in formal business occasions. The art of carrying such talks naturally lies on the following principles:

2 Imagination

2 Ellipsis (Imply more)

2 Spontaneity

2 Appropriate frame of mind (Get into context)

2 Accuracy is not that important

2 Part five was talking about a different form of business etiquette. Observe the following business operations and show your fellow students where the “rule of business etiquette” apply or should have been applied. Do you have any suggestions to the later ones?

- Your Local McDonald’s restaurant

- New Oriental school’s registration center

- Carrefour, the chain supermarket

Part V Supplementary Materials

BUSINESS ETIQUETTE - THE RULE FOR BUSINESS SURVIVAL Etiquette is not a term most business people, or anyone for that matter, are comfortable with. As children our two rules of etiquette were, "be quite" and "quit it" both of which sound almost like someone was saying "etiquette." So, don't let the term scare you. It is an important word in today's business world. Before you think that this is an article about snob appeal, let's define what "Etiquette" is. Etiquette, business or social etiquette, is the art of taking the unfamiliar and making it familiar to many. That's what the "rules" (they are

really guidelines rather than rules) of etiquette are. Nothing more, nothing less. Another way of saying it is, "Etiquette is the art of not being a snob." A


日 照 市 工 业 学 校 日 照 校 区



第一章 礼仪概况

(一) 礼仪概念

(二) 礼仪分类

第二章 会面礼仪

(一) 仪容仪表

(二) 见面礼、拥抱礼、鞠躬礼、拱手礼、握手礼、吻手礼、亲吻


第三章 宴请礼仪

(一) 商务宴请

(二) 商务工作餐

(三) 商务酒会

第四章 拜访、接待礼仪

(一) 商务社交礼仪拜访的预约

(二) 待客的礼仪

(三) 办公室拜访、接待、引领与送客;家庭待客、企业待客。

第五章 馈赠礼仪




第一章 礼仪概况

一 、社交礼仪






二 、礼仪的分类






第二章 会面礼仪

一 、仪容仪表、着装。


1. 着装基本原则:三色原则。



2. 发型注意事项:禁忌男士长发。

男士:青年头、忌长发;胡须、面部清洁、手干净、指甲。韩国男人(修眉、修手指) 女士:发型适宜、必须化妆、面部、手清洁。香水,在1.5米之内闻到。

3. 公文包注意事项:笔、本子、纸巾等,排放整齐。


1. 嘴角微微上扬,露出8颗牙齿

2. 注意对方的眼鼻三角区,表情自然,大方。

二 、见面礼

1. 面带微笑、迎上前。

2. 称谓:尊称,敬称。“您好,??,李老、王总、孙老师、刘医生等”


1. 握手是我们日常工作中最常使用的礼节之一。握手时,右手握手,伸手的先后顺序是上级在先、主人在先、长者在先、女性在先。握手时间一般在2、3秒或4、5秒之间为宜。握手力度不宜过猛或毫无力度。要注视对方并面带微笑。


1. 鞠躬也是表达敬意、尊重、感谢的常用礼节。鞠躬时应从心底发出对对方表示感谢、尊重的意念,从而体现于行动,给对方留下诚意、真实的印象。

2. 鞠躬的角度:30——45之间。

3. 姿势的演示


1. 彼此拥抱的时候,头放在对方的左肩上,手臂;一种是交叉式,一种是上下式。

2. 一般拥抱的时候,手会轻拍对方的背部。比较亲近的好友会轻语。


1. 吻手礼、亲吻礼一般在在欧美各国、中东和南美洲,亲友、熟人见面或告别常常使用拥抱礼或与亲吻并行。男士右手下托女士右手起头,15度鞠躬亲吻。

2. 挥手礼,右手自然抬起,弯曲,挥动。一般在对方转走走后放下。


1. 名片的准备:名片不要和钱包、笔记本等放在一起,原则上应该使用名片夹。名片可放在上衣口袋(但不可放在裤兜里)。要保持名片或名片夹的清洁、平整。

2. 接受名片:必须起身接收名片。应用双手接收;接收的名片不要在上面作标记或写字。接收的名片不可来回摆弄。接收名片时,要认真地看一遍。不要将对方的名片遗忘在座位上,或存放时不注意落在地上。

3.递名片:递名片的次序是由下级或访问方先递名片,如是介绍时,应由先被介绍方递名片。递名片时,应说些“请多关照”、“请多指教”之类的寒喧语。互换名片时,应用右手拿着自己的名片,用左手接对方的名片后,用双手托住。 互换名片时,也要看一遍对方职务、姓名等。遇到难认字,应事先询问。在会议室如遇到多数人相互交换名片时,可按对方座次排列名片。会谈中,应称呼对方的职务、职称,如“X经理”、“X教授”等。无职务、职称时,称“X先生”、“X小姐”等,而尽量不使用“你”字,或直呼其名。


1. 站姿:礼仪形式的、一般形式的,忌倾斜站姿,一条腿晃动。

2. 坐姿:男士、女士。

第三章 宴请的礼仪

一 、商务宴请





3、会议室的座位安排 门口的右侧为客人席,左侧为主人席,远离门口的为上席。 如是圆






第四章 拜访、接待礼仪

一 、商务社交礼仪拜访的预约


二 、拜访的礼仪

1. 事先预约,不做不速之客。

2. 如期而至,不做失约之客。

3. 彬彬有礼,不做冒失之客。

4. 衣冠整洁,不做邋遢之客。

5. 举止文雅,谈吐得体,不做粗俗之客。

6. 惜时如金,适时告辞,不做难辞之客。



1. 接待:当发现有人来到公司,首先要微笑迎上前,鞠躬,问候。

2. 引领:在来客略微右前面,右手做引领姿势。到达办公室时,先敲门,进入办公室之后,简单介绍,XXX,是否有预约。 开门次序:1、向外开门时A、先敲门,打开门后把住门把手,站在门旁,对客人说“请进”并施礼。B、进入房间后,用右手将门轻轻关上。C、请客人入坐,安静退出。此时可用“请稍候“等语言。2、向内开门时A、敲门后,自己先进入房间。B、侧身,把住门把手,对客人说“请进”并施礼。C、轻轻关上门后,请客人入坐后,安静退出。 乘电梯:1、电梯没有其它人的情况A、在客人之前进入电梯,按住“开”的按钮,此时请客人再进入电梯。B、如到大厅时,按住“开”的按钮,请客人先下。2、电梯内有人时无论上下都应客人、上司优先。3、电梯内:A、先上电梯的人应靠后面站,以免妨碍他人乘电梯。B、电梯内不可大声喧哗或嬉笑吵闹。C、电梯内已有很多人时,后进的人应面向电梯门站立。 上下楼梯:上楼梯时,引领在前,靠近墙。来客在后,靠近楼梯扶手。下楼梯时,引领在前,靠近楼梯扶手。送客人时,来客在前,引领在后。 乘车礼仪:位置安排。手势、注意事项。

3. 送客:在来客略微左后方,鞠躬。目送来客。


1. 敬茶礼仪:茶水9分满。左手拿杯钯,右手微托茶杯右侧下方。请喝茶。

2. 水果:苹果、香蕉;忌梨。

3. 主人突然有事,应言谢告辞。

第五章 馈赠礼仪

一 、馈赠礼仪

1. 馈赠礼仪是指人们在交往过程中,通过赠送,给交往对象礼物来表达对对方的尊重、敬意、友谊、感谢、祝贺等的一种交际行为。

2. 馈赠的方式主要有:亲自赠送;托人赠送;邮寄赠送。

3. 馈赠时要考虑的因素:性别、年龄、职位、身份、性格、喜好。

4. 馈赠礼物的标准:情感性、独创性、时尚性、适俗性。

5. 礼品的选择:举例

6. 选择好馈赠的时机,一是“雪中送炭”;二是“锦上添花”;三是“节日”

二 、受礼礼仪

1. 心态开放

2. 仪态大方

3. 受礼有方

4. 表示谢意
