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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2018-11-08 14:05 | 移动端:春节简介英文版


The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). The word "Year" in

Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. This tradition in many ways resemblethe Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires.


是一种恐怖的怪兽。因为“年”害怕红色和火,所以中国人会在门上悬挂“春联”写上美好 祝福,并放鞭炮来赶跑它。这个传统有点类似西方人用大蒜和十字架吓跑吸血鬼的传统。

The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the year of Sheep. Each animal represents a different "personality". According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that they would pick the 12 to represent the zodiac. However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then-close friend, the rat, did not wake it. This action sparked off a rivalrythat continues till this day.

中国的十二生肖代表了十二种动物,他们的顺序是:鼠、牛、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、 鸡、狗和猪。今年是羊年。每一种动物有他们自己的“性格”。根据传说,人们当初和动物 们开了一个会,最先到会的动物们就可以进入十二生肖。而身为猫最好的朋友,老鼠却没有 把猫叫醒去开会。因此,它们之间的战争一直持续到今天。

Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.

During the Spring Festival, People usually use red lantern and decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities.



Today , my partner and I will compare Spring Festival with Christmas in three aspects.

1 Origin and Legend

2 Customs

3 Decoration

As we know, Spring Festival is the grandest and the most important annual event for Chinese people, but nowadays a few people concern the origin and story behind the holiday. So first of all, I want to introduce the origin and legend of Spring Festival to you.

(1)Origin and Legend


The origin of the festival can be traced back to the worshiping activitiesin the Shang Dynasty (17th century BC - 1046 BC).People attributed their food, clothes and harvest to the god and ancestor’s will, so they held sacrifice ceremonies to pray for blessing and peace at the end of each year.

The date for the ceremony wasn’t fixed till the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD), when Emperor Wudi commanded to use the lunar calendar. There was a big festival fair launched by the government, and civil people also gathered for celebration. New custom activities also arose, such as burning the bamboo (setting off fireworks nowadays), hanging peach boards (pasting Spring Couplets nowadays) and staying up at night.

Chinese New Year Story - Legend of Monster Nian

Many existing customs and activities of the festival actually can be traced back to a popular story of the Monster Nian, which helps to explain why and how the festival is celebrated.

in ancient time, there was a ferocious monster named “Nian” with sharp teeth and horns. Secluding itself in the dark sea for a long time, the beast would go onshore by the end of the lunar year and hunt people and livestock.However, the monster was afraid of red color and loud sound, Hence, on every New Year's Eve, people would paste red spring couplets, light candles and burn bamboos (set off firework) to ward off all the evil spirits. The entire village and town were ablaze with lights, and people would stay up to welcome the New Year.


1 New Year’s Eve Dinner

Having reunion dinners is one of the most important customs of Spring Festival.

Chinese Dumplings: The Chinese dumpling now enjoys worldwide popularity. Its history can be traced back to South and North Dynasty (420 –589). This kind of tradition has a meaning of changing of years, because “jiao” has the meaning of changing. In some places, people even put a clean coin into the dumplings, because they think the one who eats the coin will become wealthier.

Fish:In China, there is a blessing speech as ‘NianNian You Yu’, which means ‘May you have surpluses and bountiful harvests every year.’In southern China, some people just eat the middle part of the fish on the New Year Eve, leaving the head and tail to the next day to symbolize completeness.

Spring Rolls: It was first eaten on fourth day of February in Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 – 420). Fresh vegetables or ingredients in spring time are wrapped inside and people eat it to welcome a new spring. Now it has also become a dessert in some places in the reunion dinner, which contain people’s wish to welcome a new start. Hot Pot: Hot pot is a necessary dish in some places in the country. Eating hot pot makes people feel warm and the atmosphere is very kind. The red color indicates that the following year is booming.

Rice Dumplings: Since the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279), people have had the custom of eating Yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival.In south part of the country, the rice dumplings are called Tangyuan in Chinese. The making process is similar with that of the traditional dumplings.But in north part of the country, the rice dumplings are called Yuanxiao, and are made by wrapping glutinous rice flour onto stuffing.

2 Firecrackers and Fireworks

People will set off firecrackers in the early morning of New Year’s Day. Once they wake up, it is the first thing they do. People wish to welcome the good luck inside when they open their doors in the morning.Fireworks are also set off in the evening of Lantern Festival.

3 CCTV New Year's Gala

This is a comprehensive art and performance event on the festival's eve.Performances include basic elements such as skits, cross talk (Xiangsheng), songs and dances.The performance always ends with the song “Cannot

Forget Tonight”.

4 Red Envelope

Red envelope, also known as lucky money, is prepared for children by adults and the elderly and given after the reunion dinner. In folk culture, the children will live safe and sound for the whole year if they get lucky money.Wechat Red Envelope has also become popular in recent years. During the Spring Festival, young people are inclined to send Wechat envelopes to each other as a way of greeting. It is fast and convenient way to contact with friends from afar.

5 Visting Friends and Relatives

People drop in at relatives and friends' houses, greeting one another with 'Happy New Year'.In ancient times younger people had to salute the elderly by kowtowing; today they salute them by offering good wishes. 6 Spring Couplets

On the New Year’s Eve, all the door panels will be pasted with the Spring Couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with characters on red paper in black or gold ink, giving an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. 上联:迎新春江山锦绣 [yíng xīn chūn jiāng shān jǐn xiù]

下联:辞旧岁事泰辉煌 [cíjiùsuìshì tàihuīhuáng]

横批:春意盎然 [chūn yìàng rán]

Upper Scroll: Ring in the spring; landscape is splendid

Lower Scroll: Ring out the past; everything is glorious

Horizontal Scroll: A Refreshed Spring

上联:迎新春事事如意 [yíng xīn chūn shìshì rú yì]

下联:接鸿福步步高升 [jiē hóng fú bù bù gāo shēng]

横批:好事临门 [hǎo shì lín mén]

Upper Scroll: Everything goes well as you expect

Lower Scroll: Career rises steadily as you want

Horizontal Scroll: Luck Knocks on the Door

上联:事事如意大吉祥 [shìshì rú yì dà jí xiáng]

下联:家家顺心永安康 [jiājiāshùn xīn yǒng ān kāng]

横批:四季兴隆 [sì jì xīng lóng]

Upper Scroll: May you have good luck in everything

Lower Scroll: May you feel content and your family healty

Horizontal Scroll: Flourishing in Four Seasons


1 Pasting the “Fu”

The character “Fu”, meaning good fortune or happiness, is used to express people’s good wishes and yearning for the future, so people usually paste it gates or some furniture in the house during the Chinese New Year. Pasting the “Fu” upside down, meaning the arrival of happiness or good fortune, is a widely accepted and popular custom among Chinese people.

2 Paper-Cuts

Auspicious words or pictures are cut on red paper and pasted on windows to express good wishes for the future during the happy event.

3 New Year Pictures

They originated in Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) with simple patterns to drive away evil. Now they are a kind of decoration for the festival. New meanings and patterns such as conventions, women and babies have been added to the old pictures.



1、 腊八节


过了腊八节,各家就开始置办年货,打扫卫生,正式开始为春节的到来做准备了。 the laba Rice Porridge Festival

“Laba Festival” falls on the eighth day of the twelfth month in lunar calendar. On that day, the majority Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge. Usually, the rice porridge tastes sweet, with nuts and dried fruit, but different families have different ingredients in the porridge. My family usually make porridge with small red beans,fragrant rice,walnut,peanut and millet.

Laba Festival also marks the beginning of preparing for spring festival. Some families begin to do spring festival shopping and clean their houses after that day.




Kitchen God's Day

Kitchen God’s Day falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year. According to tradition, Kitchen God who in charge of the fate of the whole family goes back to heaven during the spring festival to deliver what the family had done the last year to the Great God. According to Kitchen God’s words, the Great God makes decision to reward or punish the family in the next year. In other words, it is the day people honor the Kitchen God.

People usually made sugared melons with malt sugar on that day. We hope Kitchen God will eat sugared melons and put a good word for our family to the Great God, so we’ll be lucky next year.

3、 春节



大年初一, 亲戚朋友相互拜年,祝愿新的一年能事事顺利。通常大人们还会给小孩子发压岁钱。



The Spring Festival

The spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese. At Chinese New Year’s Eve, family members have reunion dinner together. This dinner would be the best dinner, not only because we have various dishes, but it’s the day we could meet all our family members.

After family reunion dinner, we make Chinese dumplings together, and usually watch the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV. Each family would light firecrackers and paste up Spring Festival couplets. One more thing is important, that is people should stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve to welcome the new year.

On New Year’s Day of the Chinese lunar calendar, relatives and friends would send New Year's greetings to each other to wish everything smooth in the New Year. Adult usually give lucky money to children during Spring Festival.

The second day of the New Year is usually called the day of visiting parental home, which means that married daughters should return to their parents ' home.

Family members reunite to eat dumplings on the fifth day of the first lunar month. On that day, people welcome the Kitchen God come back to mortal world. People clean house and light firecracker so that keep away all bad luck.



The Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival marks the end of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year, and it's on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month, People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival. Traditional activities are enjoying the display of various lanterns and riddle solving. Enjoying

beautiful lanterns is also an opportunity for singles to make friends. Dragon and lion dances can also been seen on that day.




Qingming Festival/Tomb sweeping day

Tomb Sweeping Day is traditional festival of China, is also the most important sacrifice festival, on that day, people worships ancestors and visits grave. People pay respects to somebody at his tomb.

It is one of the 24 solar terms, means that it’s good time for spring ploughing. Tomb Sweeping Day falls around April fifth, and it’s during the spring of China, so it is also called “hiking day”. People go to the suburbs for an outing in spring. People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival





Dragon Boat Festival/Duanwu Festival

The festival is to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China—— Qu Yuan. It falls on the fifth day of the fifth month in lunar calendar.

There is the customs of eating Zongzi and racing dragon-boat on Dragon Boat Festival. Zongzi is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor. We put mugwort on the door to ward off evil, and it has insect repellent function.

Children wear bracelet made by seven colored strings until the first rain after the festival, they should throw the strings into puddle.



Mid-Autumn Day

Mid-autumn day falls on the fifteenth day of eighth lunar month. For Chinese, the full moon means blessedness and unity. Traditionally, on that day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn moon, and eat moon cakes and pomegranate together. Typical mooncakes are round or rectangular pastries. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling

My explanations of interesting questions:

1、Why do Chinese have Spring Festival? Where did it come from?

In Chinese mythology, the monster Nian is a beast that lives in the mountains. Every 365 days, it comes out of hiding to attack people, especially children. That day is the critical day for people. But Nian is sensitive to loud noises and is afraid of the color red. People came up with a plan to drive the monster away. On the day Nian came out, people shut doors and stay at home. They made loud noises and light firecrackers to scare away Nian.



2. Why should Chinese do house cleaning before Spring Festival?

The 24th day on the last lunar month is the day for cleanup. Everyone should have a

spring-cleaning, do home cleaning, sweep their home, clean windows, wash clothes and

clean dishes, so that keep dust away. In Chinese, the word “dust” has the same pronunciation with “old”. So to sweep dust is a metaphor of sweeping away the old and starting afresh.



3. Why do people wear new clothes on Spring Festival?

People wear new clothes in spring festival to make a good impression on others. New cloth is also the symbol of welcoming the New Year, hoping that everything is new and auspicious. 为什么要穿新衣?


4. Why do Chinese set off firecracker on Spring Festival?

In legend, people set off firecracker to scare the monster “Nian” away. Nowadays, we set off firecrackers to bid a farewell to old days and celebrate the start of the New Year.



5. Why do Chinese Paste Spring Couplets?

Spring couplet is a kind of typical Chinese literature, expressing best wishes with brief, periodic and heroic couplets.



6. Why do Chinese hang red lanterns?

Red, in China always is to represent the good luck and auspiciousness. Red lantern is the symbol of happiness, peace and warmth,



7. Why do Chinese make and eat Chinese dumpling?

In Chinese, the word of Chinese dumplings has the same pronunciation with the word which means the moment between the old and New Year. Chinese dumplings/Jiaozi means replacement of the old year by the New Year. Moreover, the shape of Chinese dumpling is like shoe-shaped gold ingot, which symbolizes the life rich and good luck.
