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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-03-01 06:04:47 | 移动端:2017年职称英语取消




















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知己 我们的困难 :

1.词汇不够 ① 扩大; ②上下文推论; ③躲避 ;

2.看不懂文章 ① 提高水平 ;②抓中心推理 ; ③上下文推论; ④ 避开枝节

3.阅读速度慢 ①提高速度 ②只读中心 ③避开枝节

4.判断模棱两可 ①围着中心转 ②注意段落结构—段落中心 (段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句);③注意连词. ④注意主从句—●宾语从句看从句●状语从句看主句●定语从句看主句—先行词与从句看懂一个就行.



② 识别特点:文章不成段落,长短不一,有价钱电话号码,附有表格或地图





英文文章结构三项基本原则 :牢牢地抓住英文写作的“三步曲”

l 中心

l 举例说明

● 作者观点或文章结论



1. 围着中心转-----中心 ( 第一句) 结论(最后一句)。

2. 注意段落结构---段落中心(段落第一句)及段落结论(段落最后一句)。

3. 第二段—第一句 有but “??.” ----- today this day so yet therefore however .中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。

4. 注意连词 -------- but “??.” ---- today this day now so yet therefore however?.这些连词后为重心。

5. 注意主从句 --- ●宾语从句看从句 ●状语从句看主句 ●定语从句—看主句(先行词从句看懂一个就行)

6. 并列疑问句或在一段中并列地名、人名、国名、一般最后一个为重心。并列多个形容词修饰名词时,最后一个为重心。(或最接近名词的)

7. 在答案中A、B、C、D有三个至四个重复单词,此单词为重心(即关键词)



2. 先将文章分类——信息类,一般文章。





一. 牢牢抓住中心—围着中心转


(1) 文章的中心思想—第一句,如第二句是 but “??.” ---- today this day now so yet therefore however?..应在第二句。

(2) 第二段—第一句 but “??.” ----- today this day so yet therefore ?,中心应在第二段第一句,第一段可不读。

(3) 如第一段以人物故事开头, 第一段一般是引子,中心应在第二段。

(4) 如第一段第一句以介绍人物开头, 第一句应是引子.中心应第二句。








(1)段落中有明显的段落主题句(通常出现在段落的开头部分, 如段首句; 有时还可能出现在段落的结尾处)



提示:当段落中没有明显主题词及主题句时还可采取:1.反向排除法; 2.细节信息确定主题法;



补充:英语通常写作逻辑:观点句/概括句 + 分析解释


提示:段落主题词是在段落中反复出现(至少出现3次以上), 而且几乎贯穿全段出现的词语;段落中的某个词语/短语结构在段落中与其近义词/家族词汇共出现在至少3次以上,则这个词语连同其近义词/家族词汇均为其所在段落主题词。


被选项语法特征一致; 针对文章中的长句,观点句,概括句,或重要的细节句设置考点;文章开头/文章结尾/段落开头/段落结尾处常设考点。



2.关注文章中容易设置为考点的语句或借助空格前后结构中的特征词/细节信息词共同作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句,确认答案。





1.阅读理解考题中通常三篇文章语言难度相当, 其中C级难度阅读理解考题中大部分语句为简单句,文章中的词汇绝大部分为英语中常见的基本单词;

2.阅读理解部分3篇文章中,通常有1篇文章来自当年职称英语考试用书上阅读理解部分练习题(但有时文章后面的问题表达方式, 被选项的表达方式及内容, 或被选项顺序都可能发生调整,有时甚至会出现文章后的部分问题重新设置的情况),另外2篇文章都是来自职称英语考试用书以外的文章;

3.阅读理解考题考点呈现多样性,有的考题涉及文章主题(主旨题), 涉及文章主题的问题在考题

文章中重要的观点句,重要的细节信息句,文章中的长句及复合句)), 细节题中有些题专门针对书面英语中常见语法结构或句法结构设置考点, 如:被动语态结构, 非谓语动词结构, 从句结构(尤其是名词性从句和定语从句),“it”句型,祈使句结构,倒装结构等; 有些细节题考察考生的阅读理解能力:利用上下文判断单词/短语的含义,确认篇章词汇(主要是代词)在上下文中的指代内容,把握上下文之间的意义关系,根据上下文进行推断。

4.文章后面问题的设置顺序通常是按照文章的发展顺序设置, 因此建议对文章后面的问题按照问题排列顺序依次进行解答;


通读问题句, 根据其句意判断问题类型:是细节题还是主旨题?

1、如果是主旨题, 需要判断是文章主旨题还是段落主旨题。如果是文章主旨题, 则可借助文章标题内容(标题中的核心词),文章开头,文章结尾处的句子及文章中各个段落段首句的内容特点综合判断文章主题;如果是段落主旨题, 则可借助段落段首句或段落结尾处的句子,及/或段落中出现的具体例子综合判断段落主题, 判断答案;

2、如果是细节题,则首先找出问题句中的特征词(专有名词, 数词)和描述细节信息的词语与结构(如:时间/地点/条件/原因状语,表示人及事物名称的词语),也可参考问题句中的核心谓语动词及问题句中出现的修饰词, 利用这些词语与结构作为答案线索, 在文章中找到与之相呼应的语句(答案相关句),对比答案相关句与问题句的结构和句意,判断答案。


1.通常被选项也会提供重要的解题线索:如果被选项结构相似或句意相关,或涉及到同一词语或结构, 则答案可能就出自这些在句子结构上,在意义上, 或在用词上相关的被选项。如果被选项中出现了特征结构, 细节信息结构或含有修饰词的结构, 则也可同时利用被选项中的这些结构作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句。


3.如果与备选项相呼应的内容出现在文章中的并列结构中, 则这些被选项都不是答案。

提示(二):如果问题问“下列哪个选项正确/不正确”, 答案常常出现在B, C和D这三个选项中; 提示(三):一篇阅读理解题的答案中通常同一个选项成为答案的次数最多不会超过两次

提示(四):并列结构通常以逗号加以连接,或出现在and的左右,或出现在一些典型的并列结构中,如:not only ...but also。。。(不但...而且...); both。。。and。。。(不但...而且), from ...to...(从...到...)


1、名词:research(研究), researcher(研究者),study(研究), scientist(科学家),professor(教授),a team leader(团队领导者), finding (研究发现),conclusion(结论) , result(结果),reason(原因), cause (原因), idea(观点), opinion (观点), attitude(态度), factor (因素), problem(问题), question (问题), passage (短文), paragraph (段落), influence /impact/effect (影响) , example (例子), case(情况), remark/comment(评论)

2、动词:report(报告), mention(提及), infer(推断), replace(代替),suggest(暗示,建议),show(显示),cause(造成),lead to(造成), attribute ?to?(把...归因于?), have to?(不得不?), learn (了解), have (something, nothing ) to do with?(与...相关/无关), happen/occur/take place (发生), mean (意谓), refer to (指) , start/begin (开始), affect (影响), explain (解释) , think (想,认为),argue(争论),consider/take...as... (把...看作/认为是...), agree to (同意...), object(反对), be able to do sth.(能够...)

3、形容词:true(正确的),false(错误的),related to(与?相关), concerned about (关注?,关心?.), following(下列的), based on (建立在?基础上的), active(积极的,活跃的), different(不同的), same(相同的), similar(相似的), indifferent(漠不关心的), interested(感兴趣的), serious(严肃的), positive (肯定的, 绝对的), certain (确定的, 必然的), likely(可能的), possible/probable (可能的), hard (困难的), difficult (困难的), easy (容易的), some(一些的), many(许多的), most(大多数的), few (很少的), little (很少的), either(任一的), neither(两者都不的), all(所有的), whole(所有的, 完整的) secret/reserve/mystery/privacy(秘密的)

4、介词短语结构:according to?(根据?.) , due to (因为?), because of ?(因为?), in the opinion of...(根据...的观点)

5、副词:partly(部分地), mostly (主要地,大部分地) , for example/for instance (例如), however(然而), therefore(因此), consequently(因此), moreover (而且), besides(此外) , in addition (另外), as a result(结果), to sum up(总之), in conclusion (总之),

hardly/rarely/seldom(几乎不, 很少) , too...to...(太...而不能...), much(非常)

6、逻辑连词:but(但是), yet



(一)除疑问句和祈使句外,英语句子的语序一般为“主语+动词(谓语)+(宾语)+(状语)”: e.g. I bought (谓语) a hat yesterday(时间状语).(主语+谓语+宾语+时间状语) e.g. The children ran (谓语)home .(主语+谓语+地点状语)



2.位于谓语之前的名词性结构或代词就是句子主语; 3.英语句子的基本结构(主语 + 谓语)反应了英语句子的大意,因此阅读英语句子时首先应该抓住英语句子的基本结构;

4.复习中应该主要掌握的时态为:一般现在时(happen/happens;结构意义: 总是, 习惯, 经常),一般过去时(happened,; 结构意义: 曾经), 一般将来时(will/shall/be going to/be to/ be about to + happen; 结构意义: 将...), 过去将来时(would/was/were going to + happen; 结构意义: 将...),现在完成时态(have/has + happened; 结构意义: 已经...了),过去完成时态(had + happened; 结构意义: 已经...了);


英语句子的主语与谓语之间可能是一种主动关系: 以主动语态的形式出现,体现动作的执行者与动作之间的关系(I like books. ); 也可能是一种被动关系: 以被动语态的形式出现, 体现动作的承受者与动作之间的关系(I was praised by my father. );

1、被动语态:被动语态结构的构成形式为“任意形式的be动词+ 行为动词的过去分词”

(am/is/are/was/were/has/have/had been/ to be / having been + remembered)。 被动语态的结构意义为“被.../遭到.../受到...”;


英语祈使句的构成:行为动词原形(或be + 形容词/名词),如:Go and wash your hand. Be quiet, please.


英语疑问句采用倒装结构:谓语部分的be动词(am, was, are, were), 助动词(do, did, does, have, has, had), 情态助动词(should, can, could, may)要提前,放在句子主语的前面;

4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句的句首要出现疑问代词或疑问副词, 需要掌握的疑问代词有“what/什么”, “which/哪个”;需要掌握的疑问副词有“when/什么时候, where/在哪里, why/为什么, how/怎样”;

无论是英语陈述句还是疑问句,在理解句子意义时都是“先理解句子主语, 再理解句子谓语, 然后是句中出现的状语结构”;


1、名词/名词性的结构:定冠词结构(the book)和不定冠词结构(a book) 是典型的名词性结构;表示人或东西或事件的名词/名词性结构是典型的“反应细节信息的词语”,可以在解题中作为查找答案相关句的定位线索(如:college students, books, cars);

2、专有名词:表示人或组织结构或地点的名称(特点:专有名词的首字母大写)。 专有名词可以有效地在解题中作为查找答案相关句的定位线索(Tom, Beijing, WHO);


3、人称代词:指代句子前面部分或前句中与之在数量上或意义上一致的名词(he(他), 她(她), 它(它), they(他们),his (他的), her(她的), their(他们的) ); 4、指示代词:指代前文中相应的句子内容(this(这), that(那), these(这些), those(那些)) be动词:当句子的谓语部分是系表结构, 而系动词又是be动词时,be动词常常翻译成“是”(He is a student.)

5、半系动词:可以具有be动词的语法功能, 后面可以带形容词;


用来表示主语“继续或保持”一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, stand

用来表示“看起来像”这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look

感官动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste


第六篇 Microchip Research Center

CreatedA research center has been set up in this Far Eastern country to develop advanced micro-chip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology.The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’s flagship chipmaker.1 Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governments don’t allow them to import the most advanced technologies, fearing they will be used for military purposes. Moreover, the high licensing fees they have to pay to technology providers are also an important reason for their decision of self-reliance2.

As mainstream chip production technology shifts from one generation to the next every three to five years3,plants with new technology can make more powerful chips at lower costs, while4 plants with outdated equipment, which often cost billions of dollars to build, will be marginalized by the maker.

More than 10 chip plants are being built, each costing millions of US dollars.5 The majority of that money goes to overseas equipment vendors and technology owners — mainly from Japan and Singapore.

Should the new center play a major role in improving the situation in the industry,6 the country admits the US $14 million investment is still rather small. This country is developing comprehensive technologies. Most of the investment will be spent on setting alliances with technology and intellectual property7 owners.



由于主流芯片生产技术每隔 3~5年就要进行更新换代,所以掌握了新技术的厂家就可以以较低的成本制造出较好的芯片,而那些耗费数十亿美元建立起的厂家,如果设备落后,也将会被生产商所淘汰。



第七篇 Moderate Earthquake Strikes

EnglandA moderate earthquake struck parts of southeast England on 28 April 2007, toppling chimneys from houses and rousing residents from their beds. Several thousand people were left without power1 in Kent County2. One woman suffered minor head and neck injuries.

“It felt as if the whole house was being slid across like a fim-fair ride, 3” said the woman. The British Geological Survey said the 4.3-magnitude quake4 struck at 8:19 a.m. and was centered under the English Channel5, about 8.5 miles south of Dover6 and near the entrance to the Channel Tunnel7.

Witnesses said cracks appeared in walls and chimneys collapsed across the county. Residents said the tremor had lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds.

“I was lying in bed and it felt as if someone had just got up from bed next to me,” said Hendrick van Eck, 27, of Canterbury8 about 60 miles southeast of London. “I then heard the sound of cracking, and it was getting heavier and heavier9. It felt as if someone was at the end of my bed hopping up and down. ”

There are thousands of moderate quakes on this scale around the world each year, but they are rare in Britain. The April 28 quake was the strongest in Britain since 2002 when a 4.8-magnitude quake struck the central England city of Birmingham10.

The country’s strongest earthquake took place in the North Sea in 1931, measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale11. British Geologicisd Survey scientist Roger Musson said the quake took place on 28 April in an area that had seen several of the biggest earthquakes ever to strike Britain, including one in 1580 that caused damage in London and was felt in France.12 Musson predicted that it was only a matter of time13 before another earthquake struck this part of England. However, people should not be scared too much by this prediction, Musson said, as the modern earthquake warning system of Britain should be able to detect a forthcoming quake and announce it several hours before it takes place. This would allow time for people to evacuate and reduce damage to the minimum.


2007年 4月 28日英格兰东南部地区发生中度地震,一些房屋烟囱倒塌,许多居民半夜从睡梦中惊醒。肯特郡几千人遭遇断电,一名女子头部和颈部受了轻伤。


英国地质调查局说,本次里氏 4.3级的地震发生于上午 8点 19分,震中在英吉利海峡底部,位于多佛尔以前约8.5英里处的海峡隧道入口附近。

一些目击者看到郡中墙壁现裂缝,并有烟囱倒塌。当地居民说震动大约持续了 10~15秒。

“我当时躺在床上,觉得好像旁边有人从床上站起来。 ”住在伦敦东南部60英里处的 27岁的 Hendrick van Eck说,“然后我听到有东西裂开的声音,而且越来越响。就好像有人在我床尾不停地并着脚跳。”

这种规模的中度地震世界上每年都会发生几千次,但在英国仍非常少见。 4月 28日的地震是英国自 2002 年中部城市伯明翰里氏 4.8级地震以来最强的一次。

英国的地震最高曾达到里氏6.1级,1931年发生在北海。英国地质勘测所的科学家罗杰·马森说,4月28日发生地震的地区曾经遭受过几起英国最大的地震,其中的一次发生在 1580年,那次地震蹂躏了伦敦,并波及法国。马森预言了英格兰的这个地区早晚还会发生地震,但他说人们不必对此产生太大恐惧,因为英国的现代地震预警系统应该能够侦测即将发生的地震,并在震前数小时内通知大家。这将使人们有时间撤离震区,并把损失降到最低。

第八篇 What Is a Dream?

For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person’s mind and emotions.

Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.

The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud1,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person’s wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung2 was once a student of Freud’s. Jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.

Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person’s daily life, thoughts, and behavior. A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.

Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.

He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. For example, the people in men’s dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. This is not true of women’s dreams.3 Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the

world, including

both modern and

traditional ones.

Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways. However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn’t panic. The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It’s important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.

译文:第八篇 梦是什么



奥地利心理学家西格蒙德·弗洛伊德或许是第一个用科学的方法研究梦的人。在他的著作《 梦的解析》(1900) 中,弗洛伊德写道,梦是一个人愿望的表达。他认为梦打开了一扇窗,让人们得以表达在生活中不敢表达的情感、思想和恐惧。

瑞士精神病学家卡尔 ·荣格曾是弗洛伊德的学生,但他对梦的看法与弗洛伊德不同,他认为,梦的作用是给做梦的人传递一种信息,而人们通过自己的梦,可以对自己有一个更深刻的了解。比如,如果一个人梦到从高处坠落,那么他应该反思自己是不是自视过高。反过来,如果梦中自己成了英雄,应该想想平时可能太看低自己了。

现代心理学家还在继续发展关于梦的理论,来自位于圣克鲁兹的加利福尼亚大学的威廉· 多姆霍夫就是其中一位。他认为,梦境和一个人的日常生活、思想和行为都紧密相关,比方说,一个罪犯就可能梦到犯罪。


多姆霍夫还发现梦和性别之间的关系。通过研究. 他发现男性和女性的梦境常常是不同的。例如,在男性梦境中出现的通常是其他男性,而且常与打斗有关,而女性的梦境则不是这样。多姆霍夫研究了全世界来自11种不同文化的古今案例,得出了上述结论。


第九篇 Dangers Await Babies with AltitudeWomen who live in the world’s highest communities tend to give birth to under-weight babies, a new study suggests. These babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokes.1Research has hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighter than average. But it wasn’t clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished — many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower down.

To find out more, Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998. The babies were bom in both rich and poor areas of two cities: La Paz and Santa Cruz. La Paz is the highest city in the world, at 3.65 kilometers above sea level, while Santa Cruz is much lower, at 0.44 kilometers.

Sure enough, Giussani found that the average birthweight of babies in La Paz was significantly lower than in Santa Cruz. This was true in both high and low-income families. Even babies bom to poor families in Santa Cruz were heavier on average than babies born to wealthy families in lofty La Paz. “We were very surprised by this result,” says Giussani.

The results suggest that babies born at high altitude are deprived of2 oxygen before birth. “This may trigger the release or suppression of hormones that regulate growth of the unborn child.3 ‘‘ says Giussani.

His team also found that high-altitude babies tended to have relatively larger heads compared with their bodies4. This is probably because a fetus starved of oxygen will send oxygenated blood to the brain in preference to the rest of the body5. Giussani wants to find out if such babies have a higher risk of disease in later life. People born in La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood, for example. Low birthweight is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. And newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life.



为了了解更多情况,剑桥大学的Dina Giussani 和他的团队研究了1997年至1998年玻利维亚的400个新生儿的记录。这些婴儿出生于两个城市的富有和贫困地区:拉巴斯和圣克鲁斯。拉巴斯是世界上海拔最高的城市,海拔3.65千米,而圣克鲁斯低很多,海拔440米。当然,Giussani发现拉巴斯的新生儿的平均出生体重明显低于圣克鲁斯的新生儿,无论高收入家庭还是低收入家庭都是如此。甚至圣克鲁斯的贫穷家庭的婴儿比拉巴斯的富有家庭的婴儿平均体重还要重。Giussani说:“我们对这个结果感到吃惊。”




第十篇 The Biology of MusicHumans use music as a powerful way to communicate. It may also play an important role in love. But what is music, and how does it work its magic? Science does not yet have all the answers.

What are two things that make humans different from animals? One is language, and the other is music. It is true that some animals can sing (and many birds sing better than a lot of people). However, the songs of animals, such as birds and whales, are very limited. It is also true that humans, not animals, have developed musical instruments. 1

Music is strange stuff. It is clearly different from language. However, people can use music to communicate things — especially their emotions. When music is combined with speech in a song, it is a very powerful form of communication. But, biologically speaking, what is music?If music is truly different from speech, then we should process music and language in different parts of the brain. The scientific evidence suggests that this is true.

Sometimes people who suffer brain damage lose their ability to process language. However, they don’t automatically lose their musical abilities. For example, Vissarion Shebalin, a Russian composer,had a stroke in 1953. It injured the left side of his brain. He could no longer speak or understand speech. He could, however, still compose music until his death ten years later. On the other hand,sometimes strokes cause people to lose their musical ability, but they can still speak and understand speech. This shows that the brain processes music and language separately.

By studying the physical effects of music on the body,scientists have also learned a lot about how music influences the emotions. But why does music have such a strong effect on us? That is a harder question to answer. Geoffrey Miller, a researcher at University College, London, thinks that music and love have a strong connection. Music requires special talent, practice, and physical ability. That’s why it may be a way of showing your fitness to be someone’s mate. For example, singing in tune or playing a musical instrument requires fine muscular control. You also need a good memory to remember the notes. And playing or singing those notes correctly suggests that your hearing is in

excellent condition. Finally, when a man sings to the woman he loves (or vice versa), it may be a way of showing off.

However, Miller’s theory still doesn’t explain why certain combinations of sounds influence our emotions so deeply. For scientists,this is clearly an area that needs further research.



哪两项事物使得人类不同于动物?一个是语言,另一个是音乐。当然一些动物会唱歌 (并且许多鸟唱得比很多人都好听) ,但是,动物的歌声是有限的,比如鸟类和鲸鱼。同样,是人类而不是动物开发出了乐器。



有时,受过脑损伤的人会丧失他们处理语言的能力。但是,他们不会自动地丢失音乐才能。比如,维沙翁·舍巴林,一位苏联作曲家,在1953 年得了中风。他的大脑的左半边受到损害,他再也不能说话或是理解别人的话,但是他仍然能够谱曲,直到十年后他离开人世。另一方面,中风有时会使人们丧失音乐能力,但是他们仍然能够说话也能听懂别人的话。这就说明大脑是分别加了处理音乐和语言的。通过研究音乐在人身体上的物理效应,科学家也了解到许多关于音乐是如何影响情感的。但是,为什么音乐对我们有如此强烈的影响?这是一个更难回答的问题。伦敦大学学院的研究员杰弗里·米勒认为音乐和爱有紧密的关,音乐需要特殊才能、练习和体能。这也许是一种方式让你展示你适合做某人的伴侣。比如,按调唱歌或者弹奏乐器需要有很好的肌肉控制力。你也需要有好的记忆力来记住音符。能正确地演奏或者唱出这些音符也证明你的听力也非常好。所以,当一个男人唱给他心爱的女人时(反之亦然) 音乐就可能成为一种展示的方式。

