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来源:免费论文网 | 时间:2017-05-11 07:03 | 移动端:战略英语怎么说




原文来源: Aaker, David A.; Erich Joachimsthaler (2000). Brand Leadership. New York: The Free Press. pp. 1–6. ISBN 0-684-83924-5.



由《Interbrand》和《Business Week》公布的每年最具价值的品牌名单中可以发现,公司的市场价值通常是由品牌决定。麦肯锡公司是一家全球性咨询公司,在2000年的研究表明,相对股东比较弱的品牌,实力雄厚则品牌产生更高的回报。两者合计,这意味着,品牌严重影响股东价值,最终品牌的首席执行官需要对其负责任。






















水平,以满足客户的手段,赋予独特的团体,竞争优势,经济回报源代码产品的手段。 品牌架构







品牌定位是一种蓄意的方式与品牌,在内部和外部。最重要的原动力这一强大的品牌更多的关注力是全球化的步伐加快。这导致了在一个日益严峻的市场竞争在许多情况。一个产品的优势已不再足以保证其成功本身。科技发展和增加速度较快,而仿制品在市场上打开了产品生命周期已大大缩短。其结果是,与产品相关的竞争优势尽快成为具有竞争力的先决条件的风险转化。基于这个原因,越来越多的公司正在寻找其他更持久的竞争工具,如品牌。 挑战







品牌经理有时既定目标,优化了整体优化,而不是公司业绩本单位的表现。尤其是这样的赔偿是基于在单位表现为主。管理者往往忽视潜在的协同和跨部门的联合进程。 品牌背后的实现整合营销的整体组织路线是复杂的。





ISBN 0-684-83924-5

Brand Leadership

Aaker, David A. Erich Joachimsthaler

Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the product's perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. This may increase sales by making a comparison with competing products more favorable. It may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer. This can result from a combination of increased sales and increased price, and/or reduced COGS (cost of goods sold), and/or reduced or more efficient marketing investment. All of these enhancements may improve the profitability of a brand, and thus, "Brand Managers" often carry line-management accountability for a brand's P&L (Profit and Loss) profitability, in contrast to marketing staff manager roles, which are allocated budgets from above, to manage and execute. In this regard, Brand Management is often viewed in organizations as a broader and more strategic role than Marketing alone.

The annual list of the world’s most valuable brands, published by Interbrand and Business Week, indicates that the market value of companies often consists largely of brand equity. Research by McKinsey & Company, a global consulting firm, in 2000 suggested that strong, well-leveraged brands produce higher returns to shareholders than weaker, narrower brands. Taken together, this means that brands seriously impact shareholder value, which ultimately makes branding a CEO responsibility.

The discipline of brand management was started at Procter & Gamble PLC as a result of a famous memo by Neil H. McElroy.

Principles of brand management

A good brand name should:

? be protected (or at least protectable) under trademark law.

? be easy to pronounce.

? be easy to remember.

? be easy to recognize.

? be easy to translate into all languages in the markets where the brand will be used.

? attract attention.

? suggest product benefits (e.g.: Easy-Off) or suggest usage (note the tradeoff with strong trademark protection.)

? suggest the company or product image.

? distinguish the product's positioning relative to the competition.

? be attractive.

? stand out among a group of other brands.

Types of brands

>premium brand >economy brand >fighting brand >corporate branding >individual branding >family branding >"

Functions of brand

(For consumers) Identification of source of product, Assignment of responsibility to product maker, Risk reducer, Search cost reducer, Symbolic device, Signal of quality.

(For Manufacture)

Means of identification to simplify handling or tracing, Means of legally protecting unique features, Signal of quality level to satisfied customers, Means of endowing products with unique associations, Source of competitive advantage, Source of financial returns. ("Strategic Brand Management" 3rd edition,Kevin Lane Keller)

Brand architecture

The different brands owned by a company are related to each other via brand architecture. In "product brand architecture", the company supports many different product brands with each having its own name and style of expression while the company itself remains invisible to consumers. Procter & Gamble, considered by many to have created product branding, is a choice example with its many uelated consumer brands such as Tide, Pampers, Abunda, Ivory and Pantene.

With "endorsed brand architecture", a mother brand is tied to product brands, such as The Courtyard Hotels (product brand name) by Marriott (mother brand name). Endorsed brands benefit from the standing of their mother brand and thus save a company some marketing expense by virtue promoting all the linked brands whenever the mother brand is advertised.

The third model of brand architecture is most commonly referred to as "corporate branding". The mother brand is used and all products carry this name and all advertising speaks with the same voice. A good example of this brand architecture is the UK-based conglomerate Virgin. Virgin brands all its businesses with its name.


Companies sometimes want to reduce the number of brands that they market. This process is known as "Brand rationalization." Some companies tend to create more brands and product variations within a brand than economies of scale would indicate. Sometimes, they will create a specific service or product brand for each market that they target. In the case of product branding, this may be to gain retail shelf space (and reduce the amount of shelf space allocated to competing brands). A company may decide to rationalize their portfolio of brands from time to time to gain production and marketing efficiency, or to rationalize a brand portfolio as part of corporate restructuring.

A recurring challenge for brand managers is to build a consistent brand while keeping its message fresh and relevant. An older brand identity may be misaligned to a redefined target market, a restated corporate vision statement, revisited mission statement or values of a company. Brand identities may also lose resonance with their target market through demographic evolution. Repositioning a brand (sometimes called rebranding), may cost some brand equity, and can confuse the target market, but ideally, a brand can be repositioned while retaining existing brand equity for leverage.

Brand orientation is a deliberate approach to working with brands, both internally and externally. The most important driving force behind this increased interest in strong brands is the accelerating pace of globalization. This has resulted in an ever-tougher competitive situation on many markets.

A product’s superiority is in itself no longer sufficient to guarantee its success. The fast pace of technological development and the increased speed with which imitations turn up on the market have dramatically shortened product lifecycles. The consequence is that product-related competitive advantages soon risk being transformed into competitive prerequisites. For this reason, increasing numbers of companies are looking for other, more enduring, competitive tools – such as brands. Brand Orientation refers to "the degree to which the organization values brands and its practices are oriented towards building brand capabilities” (Bridson & Evans, 2004).


There are several challenges associated with setting objectives for a category.

? Brand managers sometimes limit themselves to setting financial and market performance objectives. They may not question strategic objectives if they feel this is the responsibility of senior management.

? Most product level or brand managers limit themselves to setting short-term objectives because their compensation packages are designed to reward short-term behavior. Short-term objectives should be seen as milestones towards long-term objectives.

? Often product level managers are not given enough information to construct strategic objectives.

? It is sometimes difficult to translate corporate level objectives into brand- or product-level category.

? In a diversified company, the objectives of some brands may conflict with those of other


所谓的战略思维,就是关于实践活动的全局性思维,其根本特征是正确处理实践活动中各方面、各阶段之间的关系,以达到全局的最佳效果。在工作中,我们是业务绩效的主导者;在生活中,我们是家庭重要组成者,无论是成为一名总览大局的领导者还是实际的执行者,都应该拥有自身的战略思维能力,如何培养战略思维能力,成为拥有战略思维能力的个体显得尤为重要,那么一是独立性:思维能力强的人必定是善于独立思考的人。即使请教别人、查阅资料,也是以独立思考为前提的。二是灵活性与敏捷性:对事物反映迅速而且灵活,不墨守成规,能较快地认识、解决问题。三是逻辑性:思考问题严密而且科学,不穿凿附会,不支离破碎,得出的结论有充足的理由和证据,前因后果思路清晰。四是全面性:看问题不片面,能从不同角度整体地看待事物。五是创造性:对问题能提出创造性见解,想到别人想不到方面。 只有具备较高的战略思维能力,才能正确处理战略目标、战略布局、战略重点、战略步骤、战略保障、战略转变等一系列事关全局的战略问题,才能有正确的战略规划和战略行动,才能驾驭全局取得事业的成功和可持续发展

So-called strategic thinking, it is about the practice of holistic thinking, its basic characteristics is the correct practice in all aspects, the relationship between each stage, in order to achieve global optimal results. At work, we are the leader of the business performance; In life, we are family is an important person, whether to be a leader in an overview the big picture or the executor of the practical, should have its own strategic thinking ability, how to train the ability of strategic thinking, it is particularly important to become more strategic thinking ability of the individual, so it is a independence: thinking ability of the person must be good at independent thinking person. Even consult others, data access, on the premise of independent thinking. Second, flexibility and agility: to reflect the rapid and flexible, things not hidebound, can quickly recognize and solve the problem. Are three logical: strict and scientific, not forced analogy, not broken, the conclusion there are plenty of reasons and evidence, the cause and clarity. Four is a comprehensive: can see problems not one-sided, overall to look at things from different angles. Five is creative, can come up with creative ideas to the problem, think about other people think. Only high strategic thinking ability, can properly handle the strategic target, strategic layout, strategic focus, strategic steps, strategic security, strategic shift and a series of global strategy is concerned, to have the correct strategic planning and strategic action, to manage global business success and sustainable development

篇三:你的战略需要战略 翻译

























注:MCap(market cap)指市值。





行业平均息税前利润率(EBIT margin)












Red Queen Effect: 红皇后效应

Deliberate corporate strategy: 审慎的企业战略

Experience Curve: 经验曲线

Fishbone Diagram: 鱼骨图

BCG Portfolio matrix : 波士顿矩阵

PEST analysis : PEST分析模型

Scenario Planning : 情景规划

SWOT analysis: SWOT分析

Gap analysis : 差距分析

Innovation adoption curve: 创新采用曲线

Strategy and structure:战略与结构

Barriers to entry: 进入壁垒

Ansoff matrix: 安索夫矩阵

Product life cycle: 产品生命周期

Mintzberg 5ps:明茨伯格的战略5ps模型

Resource based view:资源基础理论

(Dis)continuous innovation: 间断/持续性创新

Diversification strategy and profitability:多元化战略和盈利能力

Niche strategy:利基战略

(BCG) advantage matrix: (波士顿)优势矩阵

3 generic strategies: 三个基本竞争战略

Benchmarking: 标杆分析法

Emergent strategy:应急战略

Logical incrementalism:逻辑渐进

PIMS (Profit impact of market strategy) : PIMS(战略与绩效分析)

Real option: 实物期权

Rule of three and four:三四规则

5 forces: 波特五力模型

7s: 7s模型

TQM: 全面质量管理

3CS: 3C模型

4 phases of strategy: 战略四阶段

Value chain:价值链

Six sigma: 六西格玛

Core competencies:核心竞争力

Diamond model: 钻石模型


Capabilities competition:能力竞争

Sustainability strategy:可持续发展战略

Return on quality:质量收益率

Bowmans strategy clock: 战略钟模型


Value innovation:价值创新

Competing for the future: 竞争大未来

Dynamic capabilities:动态能力

Change management:变革管理

Disruptive innovation:颠覆性创新


Strategic inflection point:战略转折点

Value migration:价值迁移

Ecosystem strategy:商业生态战略系统

Mass customization:大量客制化

Re-engineering: 再造工程

Transformational change:转型变革

Time based competition:时基竞争

First mover advantage: 先驱优势

S curve: S型曲线

Continuous Strategy Process:持续性战略进程

Dynamic strategies:动态战略

Temporary advantage:暂时优势

Tipping point: 引爆点

Strategy as simple rules: 简单规则战略

Serial temporal advantage: 系列暂时优势

New economics of information: 新型信息经济学

Strategic intent:战略意图

Bottom of the pyramid:金字塔底层


Strategy without design:无设计战略

Strategy maps:战略地图

Profit patterns:利润模式

Customer centric strategy:客户中心战略

Value chain deconstruction:价值链解构

Distinctive capabilities:特殊能力

Business model innovation:商业模式创新

Competitive strategy: options and games:竞争战略:选择与博弈

Algorithmic strategy:算法战略

Shared value:共同价值观

Open innovation:开放式创新

Blue ocean strategy:蓝海战略

Transient competitive-advantage:暂时的竞争优势

Adaptive advantage:适应性优势


注释:3C即客户(Customer)、竞争对手(Competitors)和企业(Corporation);5p即计划(Plan)、计策(Ploy)、模式(Pattern)、定位(Position)及观念(Perspective);7S即战略(Strategy)、结构(Structure)、体制(Systems)、共同价值观(Shared Values)、技能(Skills)、员工(Staff)及风格(Style);PEST即政治(Political)、经济(Economic)、社会(Social)及技术(Technological); SWOT即优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)、机遇(Opportunities)及威胁(Threats);TQM即全面质量管理(total quality management)。



