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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:第一单元达标测试卷



一、 按 顺 序 默 写声母

二、把 下 列 韵 母 表 补 充 完 整。 a ( ) e i u ( ) ( ) ei ( ) ao ( ) ( )ie( ) eran ( ) ( ) un

( ) ang enɡ ( ) ( )



ɡ—ǔ→( )h—u—á→( )

ch—ú→( ) x—ǜ→( )

x—i—à→() d—u—ǒ→( )

j—ǚ→( )zh—u—ü→( )

q—?—a—n( ) x—ǜ→( )

x—?—án→( ) h—u--ü→()


xuán→( ) —( ) —()xiū →( ) —( )

xiào→( ) —( ) —()q?ng→( ) —( )

shuǐ→( ) —( ) xū→ ( ) —( )

gu? →( ) —( ) —()p?n→ ( ) —( )

xiü→ ( ) —( ) —()cǎo→ ( ) —( )

五、按要求用“——” 划出下面的音节。

1.三拼音:shuǐ zu? xiū xiü xuán yuàn duō quàn suǒ xuttinɡjiünɡ lonɡ shuo jiǎ

2.整体认读:zǐ yí ya rù rì dùyúyuán chǐ yín


piuzish w ying iek yi wuer n uen yuan 声母:




t?udài h?nɡ mào zi,

shyn chuün wǔ cǎi y?,

mti tiün qǐ de zǎo,

jiào r?n kuài qǐ chuánɡ。——mí dǐ


亲爱的同学们,新的学期有新的收获,经过一番的努力,你一 定收获了许多,展现你才能的时候到了,来试一下吧?




1.There are many outdoor(户外的in spring.

2.My mother didn? money,so she couldn?t buy the coat. when the traffic light is red. many photos in Beijing last year. 5.I didn? so I got wet in the rain.

6.I want to go on vacation but I can?when to go.

to improve our writing skills(写作技巧). the sweater because it is out of the style(过时). between the twin brothers? but some bread at the party. 二、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空(20) 1.We decided 2.I really enjoy 3.He seems_______(be) angry.

4.My family (go) to the beach every summer. 5.Did you have a great time (talk) in groups?

6. Lucy usually_ ______to school early. But today she ________to school late. (go) 7. ---Where did you______ (study) last night?

---No, I__________(help)my mother_______(clean) the room. 8.Do you feel like (drink) some orange?

9.Our teacher often keeps us 10. It?s very interesting _____ ( feed) the pets.

11. You?ll get 12. — . 13. There are few tall — (I). (build) in my hometown. (like) her.

15. Jim lives on the fourth floor and Tom is on the floor (在……下面) 16.We had great fun __________(play) football. 17.Jim decided ____________(not go) to Shanghai. 18.Let me help you __________(find) him.

19.Her story made us _________(feel) sad. 20.He felt like________(play) chess.


(Monday afternoon we rode bicycle to Gegetown. A.OnB.InC.AtD.Of

( )2.I had useful umbrella when it rained. A.aB.an C.\ D.the

( )3.Our teacher often keeps classroom every day,so we must keep our classroomA.clean,clean B.cleaning,cleaning C.cleaning,clean D.clean,cleaning ( )4.—What is your mother like? —

A.Very fat. B.She likes playing volleyballC.She liked runningD.Thanks ( )5. The only problem was there was nothing much to do in the evening read.A.and B.so C.then D.but

( )6. She is new here,so she has _______friends at school.

A, much B. Few C, little D. A little

( )7.—Help ______to some fruits.—Thank you.

A. yourselfB. yourC. you

( )8—I am going to London for a holiday next month. —_________!

A. Have a good timeB. It?s terribleC. Good jobD. What a pity ( )9. You?d better not read today?s newspaper because there is _____ in it.

A. nothing special B. anything new C. Everything important D. Something interesting ( )10.We are going to Beijing. Can you ____________when the train will leave ?

A. look forB. find for .C. find out .D. to see ( )11.He was late for school_______the rain..A,as a result B.because C.so D.because of ( )12.What bad weather it was! We decided _______

A: to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out D. not going out ( )13.I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting D. excited; excited ( )14.—I feel tired and sleepy. —Why not stop____ for a while? A. rest B. to rest C. resting D. rested

( )15. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay in Canada.

A. something differentB. different something C. nothing different D. different everything

( )16. He did not write _________,though(尽管)he had _______________.

A. careful enough; enough timeB. carefully enough; enough time C. enough careful; enough time D. enough carefully; time enough ( )17. Everyone in my class __________the poor boy without parents. A. want to help B. want helping C. wants to help D. wants helping ( )18. At first she __________ like maths,but now she ______________.

A. didn?t; didB. doesn?t; doesC. doesn?t; did D. didn?t ;does ( )19. What did the foreigners____their vacation?

A.think of B.Think for C.Think over D.Think 0f as ( )20.When I______ at the hotel,it was very late.

A, gotB. reachedC. arrived D. reach for ( )21.—She didn?t come to school yesterday,did she?

—____,though(虽然)she was not feeling very well.

A. No,she didn?t B. Yes,she didn?tC. No,she did D. Yes,she did ( )22.---Jack, is there __________ in today?s newspaper? ---No,nothing. A. anything important B. Something important C, important anything D. Important something ( )23.---Why don?t you go out to play, Rose?

---I?m afraid I can?t. I have much homework _______. A. doB. doesC. doing D. to do

( )24.The problemis _________ difficult ________ students can solve them.

A. so; and fewB. so; that littleC. so; that few D, so; that a little ( )25.I have ____________ homework to do and I?m _______ tired now.

A. much too; too muchB. Too much; too much C. much too; much too D. Too much; much too

( study)26. Jack didn?t go the park with his friends yesterday, because he had to (the test. B. to; for C. at; for D. at; in )27.— I feel kind of now. — Why not eat out with us? ( A. large C. heavyD. fat

( )28. There are so many A. pictures between Chinese and English. C. children sorry.)29.—John, you?re late again. Do you have anything to say for ___?—D. differences

No. I am so ( )30. The weather was fine, A. my B. minewe went out for a walk after dinner. C. yourselfD. yours ( )31. The bowl is A. or empty B. but (空的 ). There is in it. D. so ()32.—A. nothing A. order Most of the students B. something B. hopehow to learn English well.

D. want

— Me, too. ( )33. The children to be eating something in the room.

( A. seemedC. felt D. stayed )34. —— What do you think of the movie I think it?s Lost in Thailandks it?s much too ? . (C. wonderful enough; boringD. enough wonderful; bored)35. She A. leaves turned off B. left (关) the light and then .D. leaving 四、句型转换(20分)

1.Did you enjoy yourself last night?(同义句转换) last night?

2.Do you want to come here?(同义句转换) you to come here? 3.We rode bicycles to Gegetwon.(同义句转换) We went to Gegetown 4.I wonder what life was like here in the past.(同义句转换)

I what life was like here in the past. 5.He did some sports last week.(改为否定句) He sports last week. 6.What do you think of the TV play?(同义句转换)do you the TV play?

7.Why don?t you come to join us?(同义句)come to join us? 8.He did his homework after school yesterday. ( 变疑问句)

_________ he ________ his homework after school yesterday? 9.My sister often reads books on Sundays.(同义句)My sister often __________ some __________ on Sundays. 对画线提问)

___________ ___________ ___________ ________ last weekend? 五. 完形填空。(10分)

here last month. His _____3 moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had ______4 friends here. At first he often played by ______5 .

His neighbour Cathy is a kind girl. She has many friends. She finds the boy never talks with anybody and decides to help him. David ______6 to stay with her and talks to her a lot. Now they?re good friends.

One afternoon, Cathy told David. “It?ll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow. I?ll have a birthday party. Will you please come?” “______7 . I?m glad to,” the boy said happily. David got home and thought of a ______8 he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he _____9 to ask the girl what she liked. He couldn?t call her because he didn?t know her

telephone ______10 . At that moment Mrs Hill came and asked, “What?s the matter, dear?”

“What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mummy?” “Nothing,”the woman said, “I just with I were 16.” ( )1. A. town B. city C. village D. country ( )2. A. open B. opens C. openedD. opening ( )3. A. home B. house C. buildingD. family ( )4. A. a fewB. few C. a little D. little ( )5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he ( )6. A. enjoyB. enjoysC. like D. likes ( )7. A. Well B. OhC. Mm D. Certainly ( )8. A. prize B. praise C. present D. price

( )9. A. forgotB. forget C. rememberD. remembered

( )10. A. code(密码) B. number C. place D. address六.阅读理解 (40) 六.阅读理解(40)

( ( )1. Boonie Bears is fromA. AmericaC. China D. Australia ( )2. )3. Briar is Boonie Bears A. January was first shown in B. February C. March D. April ( )4. Bramble likes B. trickyC. smartD. dull C. stealing fruit D. playing with Logger Vick

B. destroying the forest ( C. Briar and Bramble work for Logger Vick. D. A. Logger Vick is a dull person.)5. Which of the following is TRUE?

B.Logger Vick always does something good. B

Boonie Bears is popular with children.

Last year I had an interesting story. After I had left a small village in the south of

France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved(挥手) to me. I stopped and let him get into the car. I said good morning to him in French and he answered me in the same language(语言). I don?t know French except for(除……之外) a few words. Neither(两者都不) of us spoke on the way. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man said, very slowly, “Do you speak English?” At that time I learned he was English himself!

( ) 6.Where did the writer drive to ?

A.a small village B.a town C.France D.England

( )7.The young man stopped the car because A.he wanted to speak to the writer B.he wanted to know the writer C.he spoke French

D.he wanted to get into the car

()8.The writer knew A.a lot of B.much C.a little D.little

()9.The two men didn?t speak during the journey(旅途)because .

A.neither of them spoke English B.neither of them spoke French C.they thought the other was French D.they thought the other was English ()10..

A.English B.Japanese C.American D.French


It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is

warm but not hot. Mr. Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella in his hand.

Mr. Black said to him , “Do you think we are going to have rain today?? “No,” said the old man, “I don?t think so.” “Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?? “No, the sun is not very hot in spring.” Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella again, and then the man said “I am an old man, and my legs are not very

strong(强壮). I must have a walking-stick(拐杖). But people will say, ?Look! That man is so old!? I don?t like that, so I carry an umbrella every day.” ()11. This story happened________.

A. o n a spring morning B. on a cold day C. on a summer evening D. on a bus ( )12. What was the weather like that day? A. It was raining. B. The sun was too hot.

C. It was sunny and the sun was warm but not too hot.D. It was cloudy. ()13. The old man had______ in his hand.A.

a book B. a walking-stick C. nothing D. an umbrella

()14. The old man carried an umbrella because A.it was going to rain B. he must have it as a walking-stickB.the sun was too hot B. he thought it was going to rain ()15. From the passage we know that.A. the weather was bad that day

B. the old man was stupid C. the umbrella was not strong

D. the old man didn?t want other people to say he was old


The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught him. When

they were taking photos of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without a hat, he suddenly attacked (袭击) the police and ran off. The police tried to catch him, but he got away. A week later the telephone rang in the police station, and somebody said, “You are looking for Bill Cross, aren?t you? Well, he went to Waterbridge an hour ago.”

Waterbridge was a small town 150 kms away from the city. Four photos of the thief were sent (送到) to the police in Waterbridge at once by the city police.

“We caught Not more than 12 hours later they got a call from the police station in Waterbridge, 3 of the man,” they said happily, “and we will catch the 4th this evening, we think.”

( )16. In the passage, “somebody” may beA. the police in WaterbridgeB. someone in the city C. the man taking photos D. the thief himself

( )17. The police in Waterbridge caught three of men according to .

A. the factsB. the phone C. the photos D. the news


)18. In fact the thief.

A. caught B. did not catch C. were sure to catch D. were not sure to catch

( )19. The story happened (发生).

A. a city B. a town C. the country D. A and B

( )20. Who made a ridiculous mistake (可笑的错误) in the passage?

A. the police in the city B. the thief 七. 补全对话C. the police in Waterbridge (10分)

D. the police in the city

从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话(其中有两项多余)。 A:B: Hi, Linda. How was your summer holiday?

A: Hi, Ben. 1. B: Really? . 2A: I went on vacation. B: Sounds great. 3. A: local

(当地的) people. B: Great.

A: 4. B: A: Aha. In fact

(事实上), it tasted terrible. 5.八、书面表达(15分)

这个假期你去了哪里度假。请根据下列英语提示写一篇短文,做一简单介绍。Where did you go on vacation? Who did you go with? How was the weather? What did you do there ? How was your vacation?



第一单元达标测试密卷(人教版) 时间:90分钟 满分:100分

一、 我能把下列字按音序排列。(3分)

邀津韵 烤 俯吻


jīng zhì yín s?ng dǒu qiào yùn hán () ( )() ( ) ào mìbiàn ranhuān yua màn y?u ( ) ()( ) ( ) 三、给“肖”字加上偏旁,组成新字填在下列括号里。(4分) 陡( )的悬崖 胜利的( )息俊()的姑娘通()达旦 ( )好的铅笔 弥漫的()烟 畅()的书籍 九()云外 四、我能把下面词语补充完整。(3分)

不( )一格 别()深意 望而生()惊心( ) 莫名( ) 返()归真 五、选词填空。(6分)

清爽 清新

1 从地下室出来,我终于呼吸道了( )的空气。 2微风吹来,令人感到十分( )。

幽静 静谧


4 风,也屏住了呼吸,山中一下子变得非常()。

清脆 青翠

5 每一棵树都是我的知己,他们迎面送来无边的( ),每一棵树都在望着我。

6 凝聚在树叶上的雨珠还在往下滴着,滴落在路旁的小水洼中,发出异常( )的音响。



的黑甲虫,走进了村子。( ) 2、在这些粗壮..的黑甲虫中间,它们好像南国的少女,逗得多少虫子驻足痴望。()

3、脑子里一切意念..便都净化了。( ) 4、甲虫音乐家们全神贯注....

地振着翅膀。() 七、按要求改写句子。(10分)

1、在这涧水上站了几百年的老桥像一位德高望重的老人。(缩句) 2、学了《索溪峪的“野”》一课后,被那里的美陶醉了。(修改病句)





1、落红不是无情物,——————-。 2、————————,每于寒尽觉春生。 3、今夜偏知春气暖,————————。 4、————————,何人不起故园情。 5、————————,不知云与我俱东。

6、不是花中偏爱菊,——————————。” 九、将下列句子按正确顺序排列。(8分) ( )然而,我更欣赏竹子那种顽强不屈的品格。

( )暑来寒往,迎风斗寒,经霜雪而不凋,历四季而常青,多么


( )翠竹是“绿色的宝矿”。

( )这是一种人们看不见而确实存在的品格。 ( )春风一过,它穿过顽石,刺破硬土,直插云天。

( )当春风还没有融尽残冬的余寒时,新竹就悄悄地在地下萌芽


( )自古至今,它和松、梅被誉为“岁寒三友”,历来被人们赞


( )竹子的品格就是我们中华民族的民族精神。 十、阅读短文回答问题。(23分)




我的目光顺着僻静的小路探索,我看到“村民们”的劳动生活了。它们一队队不知道从什么地方来,一定是很远很远的地方吧?现在它们归来了,每一个都用前肢推着大过身体两三倍的食物,行色匆匆地赶着路。是什么力量使它们这么勤勉地奔忙呢? 我完全迷惑了,在小虫子的脑海中,究竟蕴藏着多少智慧?我看见测气候者忙于观察气象;工程师忙于建筑设计??各种不同的工作,都有专门的虫子担任。


1.、“庞”查音序应查( ),查部首应查()部。

“勉”查音序应查( ),查部首应查()部。(2分) 2、请在文中找出下列词语的近义词。(1分) 伫足() 勤劳()


———————————————————————————— 4、请用“————”在文中找出能体现“村民们”勤勉地奔忙的句子。(1分)





(二) 一分钟

著名教育家班杰明曾经接到一个青年人的求教电话,并与那个向往成功、渴望指点的青年人约好了见面的时间和地点。 当那个青年人如约而至时,看到班杰明的房子( )高大宽敞,()房间里却乱七八糟、狼藉一片。这景象令青年人颇感意外。


很快,一分钟过去了,班杰明打开了房门,并热情地把青年人让进客厅。青年人简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,眼前现出了另一番景象——房间内的一切()摆放得井然有序,( )有两杯刚刚倒好的红酒还荡着微波。






后来,青年给班杰明写了一封信,感谢班杰明对他的教育。 1、联系上下文,在短文中的( )里填上恰当的关联词语。(2分) 2、根据意思在短文中找出相应的成语,写在( )里。(2分) A、好像在思考着什么。() B、形容整齐的样子,有秩序。 ( ) 3、在文中找出一组反义词写在下面。(2分) ( )——()

4、读第二自然段,结合全文选择正确的意思,画“√”。(2分) A、班杰明的生活习惯不好,总是把房间搞得很乱。( ) B、班杰明故意把房间弄乱,以此教育青年人。() 5、“眼前这些难道还不够吗?”把这个句子变成陈述句。(2分)6、“只要把握住生命力的每一分钟,也就把握住了理想的人生。”请结合自己的生活实际写出你对这句话的理解。(3分) 十一、习作。(25分)



一、俯 津 烤 吻 邀 韵

二、精致 吟诵 陡峭 蕴含 奥秘 辨认 欢悦 漫游 三、峭 消 俏 宵 削 硝 销 霄 四、 拘 有 畏 动魄 其妙 璞

五、 1清新2、清爽3、静谧4、幽静5、青翠6、清脆 六、 1、勇敢2、健壮3、念头4、聚精会神 七、 1、老桥像老人。 2、加上“我”或“大家”。 3、这正是天地给我的恩泽。 4、清晨,鸟儿的叫声把我唤醒了。 5、小小的院子洒满了金色的阳光。

八、1化作春泥更护花2、造物无言却有情3、虫声新透绿窗纱4、此夜曲中闻折柳5、卧看满天云不动6、此花开尽更无花 九、2 6 1 7 5 4 3 8 十、(一)1、P 广M 力 2、驻足勤勉 蕴藏

3、看到了熙熙攘攘的黑甲虫村民、大街小巷、花色斑斓的小圆虫、想庞然大物似的来访者——蜥蜴、甲虫音乐家们的演奏会、甲虫村民们行色匆匆的生活。 最深的是甲虫音乐家们的演奏会,甲虫是多么富有音乐天赋。


5、是家庭责任感、实现自我价值的快乐感使它们这么勤勉地奔忙。 6、甲虫记者们忙于采访,甲虫园艺工人们忙于修剪树叶 (二)1、虽然但是,不但 而且 2、A若有所思B井然有序 3、狼籍一片——井然有序 4、B(√) 5、眼前这些就够了

6、一分钟可以做很多有意义的事。不要小看一分钟,因为人生是由无数的一分钟构成的。不随意浪费一分钟,就是珍惜自己的生命,这样我们完成的事情会更多,人生才会有意义。 十一、略
