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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:形容自己很傻的句子


表示伤感的句子 1、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲。 2、没有一种悲伤是不能被时间减轻的。 3、当化成一片没有边际的虚无时,一声轻叹间,可以忘了花开之艳丽,忘了尘世之喧嚣。 4、虽然世事险恶,却总是愿意相信每个人都有自己的脆弱。需要别人用心去慰籍,并为之倾其所有,我知道我很傻,只是我无力改变自己。

5、一个人如果想做他喜欢的事情,就一定要做很多他不喜欢的事情,很多很多。 6、有时候也想,我也多想几个人,我就不用老是担心自己废话太多而招某人烦了,两全其美多好。可我始终做不到,因为我的心小到只可以装下一个人。 7、有的人一生都在追求梦想,却总被命运轻轻踹上一脚,无奈之际只好原路返回,静守天命遗恨终身。 8、该来的来过,该走的都走了。我不是不想留住你,只是一切都太晚了。在这条等待的路上,我已经变得一无所有。 9、是不是只有孤独的人才会在每一个喧哗的时候,偷偷伤感过去,悄悄忧郁未来? 10、那么美好的季节,却在遗憾中带着一份淡淡的忧伤,在风中浅浅尝,在流年中浅浅散。 11、关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。 12、漫漫人生路,缘来缘去,有谁会耐心的陪护其走完全程?又有谁肯为红尘中的那一抹忧伤停留? 13、叶子的离去是因为风的追求还是树的不挽留?

14、多少个不知不觉间,哀怨间多了几丝苍老的容颜,可是当扬起眉间遗落的美丽,也是有一种忧伤荡漾于指尖! 15、我们匆匆地告别,走向各自的远方,没有语言,更没有眼泪,()只有永恒的思念和祝福,在彼此的心中发出深沉的共鸣。 16、我有我的骄傲,我的自尊,并不应该为某人把这一切都放弃掉。 17、太爱一个不爱自己的人只是另一个的负担,太相信一个人的承诺只会更加的失去自我!最后只能托着疲惫不堪的身体躲在无人的角落一个人哭泣! 18、不要因为孤独,就给自己寻找堕落的借口;不要因为孤独,就不再相信世间的真情;不要因为孤独,就埋葬了最初的梦想。 19、面容平静,心里却揪心的难受,所有的伤都隐藏在心底的最深处,再也不想去触碰… 20、我是害怕深夜的,会有一种无尽的寂寞袭向我;我却又喜欢深夜,因为只有周围漆黑一片,我和我的泪才是安全的。 21、一个人走得久了,就会容易觉得累;漂泊久了,孤独之感极易涌上心潮;失意多了,激情就会被囚禁在狭隘的魂魄里。 22、只是,在你冷漠的话语中,我知道这一切都已经埋葬在了所谓的幸福中,彻底的失去了。 23、总以为,这爱可以天长地久,海枯石烂,却不知是那么的不堪一击。 24、一路上有人太早看透生命的线条,命运的玄妙,有人太晚觉悟。冥冥之中,该来则来。无处可逃该走则走,无法挽留。 25、他失去的是一个爱他的人,而你失去的却是一个不爱你的人。

26、无论过程多么的繁华,最终还是改变不了不了曲终人散的结局。 27、豁然回首,这些已经变成了旧事,只能在记忆里定格,在那些她的字字句句深爱你的语言里,我如此华丽的语言都显得苍白无力。 28、也许这个世上本没有谁是谁的谁,我只能妥协,在爱情 面前,向寂寞低头。原来,爱与不爱都是寂寞的。爱比不爱更寂寞。 29、夜,是那么的漫长,一抹落寞,死死的缠绕,独守着一窗的清冷,将红颜深深的埋进长长的发丝里,满腹的心事偷偷的寄在隔岸的风景中,折一股忧愁为引煮成一杯清酒,就着这三千丈月光,饮尽这段寂寞悲欢的闲愁。 30、曾经把爱深深埋在了心底,以为这样才是最安全的,却不知如此的距离也将自己伤的最深。 31、爱自己爱的人本身就是一种幸福,你可以记住过去的美好。 32、暖色的梦,碎了满地,我蹲下身一片一片的捡抖落在年华里的暗香,悄悄跳跃在眉梢,思念逃出了圈,陪我埋葬地老天荒。烟花绽出的色彩,苍白我一世的等待,我静静走,直至找不到记忆的来路。 33、山和山无法相会,我与你总会重逢。 34、当悲伤 成为一种习惯的时候,忽然觉得,心痛是那么的陌生。

35、眼泪的存在是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 36、无力挣脱。我告诉自己,今天是最后一次想你,最后一次为你落泪,真的是最后一次让自己想你。 37、徘徊于寂寞的校道,虽然步伐沉重,背影也萧瑟。可是心中充满的淡淡忧虑,丝丝惆怅只因有人生的

憧憬,生命的期盼。 38、因为爱一个人,明知会失去自由,也甘愿作出承诺。 39、假如时光倒流,你可否会选择那一丝温柔?假如时光倒流,我能为你做些什么?假如我不放手,多年以后你可否还记得我?假如……假如……是今生最空虚的痛。 40、我们谁都不会是谁的谁,我知道,这就是现实,我们都无力改变什么,只是心里的忧伤如何能掩饰得住? 41、抬头仰望深邃的天空,一缕忧伤的情愫悄无声息的从心底蔓延开来,当泛黄的记忆,化作忧伤的思绪。 42、透过双眸,路边的繁华晃动,K房的歌声尽情,跑道的情人追逐,落雨在阵阵的风中破碎,一切都将这个静谧的校园,装点成一个心醉的茫

然。 43、请不要在他面前泪留满面,他无法给予你照顾和关心,至多只是一点同情。

44、当昨曰的梦已无法还原,当你再扶不起一丝记忆的幼苗,当你执意的步点踩痛我离别的视线,你知道我在等你吗?等你遗忘,等你不再回首从前一声坦诚的祝福,等你在我点亮所有的灯笼满世界寻找又一个你时,你已化成一帘幽梦,轻轻地唤我! 45、我在怀念,你不再怀念的。 46、现在终于到了要分别的时候,他比我先走,我反而觉得有点欣慰。这样的悲伤,迟早会让我们其中一个人单独体会,就让我来承担好了。 47、时间会让你了解爱情,时间能够证明爱情,也能够把爱推翻。 48、那种深入骨髓的落寞,伴随丝丝忧伤潜入心底。轻轻盈盈的掉落,犹如掉在结痂的上,想要拼命挣脱,却越结越紧。 49、只想听到你说,祝我幸福。 50、也许就仅仅因为见惯了孤独,发现孤独也可以悠然,也许收获了太多的忧伤,发现忧伤也可以释怀。 51、明明在心里已经没有了你,却还是很想念;明明是我的伤感,却非要把一切都掩饰。 52、别离,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为相逢的希望在安慰。




Even if you're clever and educated, you could still be guilty of making these popular but annoying 点击发音 speaking mistakes.

即使你很聪明也受过教育,但是你仍然可能会因为犯一些常见但很烦人的口语错误而充满罪恶感。 There's a lot you can change about your presentation to make yourself seem smarter(and, hey, if you want to go for substance over style, plenty of ways to actually be smarter), but few have a bigger impact than eliminating bad speech habits.


You're an educated person, however, who knows to stay away from "ain't," avoids the valley girl staple "like," and steers clear of fillers like "ummm." Does that mean your speech is as polished as it could be? Chances are that no matter how clever and careful you are, you're still making at least a few inadvertent 点击发音 errors that lower others' opinion of your intelligence 点击发音


你是一个受过教育的人,然而,谁知道要远离"ain't(不是)",避免山里的女娃特爱说的"like",以及绕开使用诸如"ummm(嗯)" 之类的填充词呢。那是否意味着你的演讲能和预期一样达到精彩绝伦呢?可能的情况是:无论你多么聪明和细心,你仍然会犯一些会降低你在他人心中的聪明程度的无心的错误。 That's the message of an interesting recent post from Sarah Winfrey on blog WiseBread.

Rather than the usual suspects of poor speaking, Winfrey digs up some speech habits that are less often commented on but no less annoying and that even people who pay attention to their communication style are often guilty of. Here are five of the best:

这是Sarah Winfrey最近在WiseBread博客上写的一篇有意思的文章所表达的观点。不像通常那种口语差的主题,这篇文章中Winfrey发现有些演讲习惯很少被人评论,但是容易让人厌烦,并且当人们注意到自己的沟通风格中也会不经意用到时会充满罪恶感。下面是用的最多的5个:

1. "I know, right?"


Popular among eager-to-please 20-somethings, this phrase sounds innocuous 点击发音 but is actually pretty awkward 点击发音. "It asks a question that the other person may not know whether or not to answer. Since you're asking them to affirm 点击发音 something they just said, using this can make the other person in the conversation confused, and it can make you look like you don't know what to say," explains Winfrey. Opt 点击发音 for a simple "Oh, yeah" or just receptive silence instead, she advises.


2. "You'll be fine."


Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think you're a bonehead 点击发音. "When something bad happens to someone we care about, we want

to make them feel better. We want to make the situation better, so we tell them, 'You'll be fine.' Unfortunately, this is dismissive 点击发音 and sends a clear message that you aren't

interested in listening to them. Even if this isn't at all what you want to say, this is your message when you use these words," argues Winfrey. According to her, saying nothing is better than using this aggravating phrase.


3. "I think you should..."


What could be wrong with a little well-meant advice? Plenty, contends Winfrey. "If someone comes to you and asks, 'What do you think I should do about this?' it's fine to give them advice. Otherwise, just don't. Offering advice when it wasn't requested makes you sound pompous 点击发音, or at least like you enjoy appearing to be clever," she warns, suggesting guilty parties listen harder and ask better questions instead.


4."I'm not judging you, but..."


Sorry, but yes you are. As soon as you say this you're being doubly annoying. It's clear to

anyone even half awake that you are, in fact, being judgmental 点击发音 and, to add insult 点击发音 to injury, you're pretending that you're not. Quit it!


"The very fact that you are thinking in terms of judging means that you are making some sort of judgment about them in your own head. And this isn't good for you or for them," writes Winfrey. If you're guilty of saying this regularly, you might be guilty of being a little too

judgmental of others. Try to tame 点击发音 that tendency 点击发音 "by thinking up reasons why the other person's actions might make sense, and speak to them from that place of understanding," suggests Winfrey.


5. Big words


Here's a bonus fifth mistake that doesn't come from WiseBread but definitely bears repeating in this context. If you're a fan of using big words to demonstrate the breadth of your

vocabulary and the brilliance of your thinking, be warned: Studies show that using fancy words when simple ones will do is a sure-fire way to end up looking dumb. So before you get out the thesaurus 点击发音 in an attempt to impress, remember that simplicity and clarity are generally a better signal of mastery than flowery language.




4. 5种语句会让聪明的你听起来很傻

Even if you're clever and educated, you could still be guilty of making these popular but annoyingspeaking mistakes.


There's a lot you can change about your presentation to make yourself seem smarter(and, hey, if you want to go for substance over style, plenty of ways to actually be smarter), but few have a bigger impact than eliminating bad speech habits.


You're an educated person, however, who knows to stay away from ain't,avoids the valley girl staple "like," and steers clear of fillers like ummm." Does that mean your speech is as polished as it could be? Chances are that no matter how clever and careful you are, you're still making at least a few inadvertent errors that lower others' opinion of your intelligence.

你是一个受过教育的人,然而,谁知道要远离"ain't(不是)",避免山里的女娃特爱说的"like",以及绕开使用诸如"ummm(嗯)" 之类的填充词呢。那


That's the message of an interesting recent post from Sarah Winfrey on blog WiseBread. Rather than the usual suspects of poor speaking, Winfrey digs up some speech habits that are less often commented on but no less annoying and that even people who pay attention to their communication style are often guilty of. Here are five of the best:

这是Sarah Winfrey最近在WiseBread博客上写的一篇有意思的文章所表达的观点。不像通常那种口语差的主题,这篇文章中Winfrey发现有些演讲习惯很少被人评论,但是容易让人厌烦,并且当人们注意到自己的沟通风格中也会不经意用到时会充满罪恶感。下面是用的最多的5个:

1. "I know, right?"


Popular among eager-to-please 20-somethings, this phrase

sounds innocuous but is actually pretty awkward. "It asks a question that the other person may not know whether or not to answer. Since you're asking them to affirm something they just said, using this can make the other person in the conversation confused, and it can make you look like you don't know what to say," explains Winfrey. Opt for a simple "Oh, yeah" or just receptive silence instead, she advises.



2. "You'll be fine."


Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think you're a bonehead . "When something bad happens to someone we care about, we want to make them feel better. We want to make the situation better, so we tell them, 'You'll be fine.' Unfortunately, this is dismissive and sends a clear message that you aren't interested in listening to them. Even if this isn't at all what you want to say, this is your message when you use these words," argues Winfrey. According to her, saying nothing is better than using this aggravating phrase.


3. "I think you should..."


What could be wrong with a little well-meant advice?

Plenty, contends Winfrey. "If someone comes to you and asks, 'What do

you think I should do about this?' it's fine to give them advice. Otherwise, just don't. Offering advice when it wasn't requested makes you

sound pompous , or at least like you enjoy appearing to be clever," she warns, suggesting guilty parties listen harder and ask better questions instead.

小小的善意的建议能有什么错呢?Winfrey认为大错特错。Winfrey警告说“如果有人问你,‘关于这个你认为我应该做些什么呢?’那么给他们提些建议没有问题。否则,不要提建议。别人没有要求你直接提建议会显得你很自大,或者至少显得你喜欢显摆自己很聪明”,她建议说错话而有罪恶感的人们努力倾听,用问问题来更好的替代。 4."I'm not judging you, but..."


Sorry, but yes you are. As soon as you say this you're being doubly

annoying. It's clear to anyone even half awake that you are, in fact, being judgmental and, to add insult to injury, you're pretending that you're not. Quit it!


"The very fact that you are thinking in terms of judging means that you are making some sort of judgment about them in your own head. And this isn't good for you or for them," writes Winfrey. If you're guilty of

saying this regularly, you might be guilty of being a little too judgmental of others. Try to tame that tendency"by thinking up reasons why the other person's actions might make sense, and speak to them from that place of understanding," suggests Winfrey.


5. Big words


Here's a bonus fifth mistake that doesn't come from WiseBread but definitely bears repeating in this context. If you're a fan of using big words to demonstrate the breadth of your vocabulary and the brilliance of your thinking, be warned: Studies show that using fancy words when simple ones will do is a sure-fire way to end up looking dumb. So before you get out the thesaurus in an attempt to impress, remember that

simplicity and clarity are generally a better signal of mastery than flowery language.

