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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:关于成功的英语文章


The Way to Success

How to lead to success? Different people have different perspectives. Some people believe that success comes from taking risks and chances. While others believe that success is the result of careful planning. What is the key to success in the end ? I think the answer may be not unique, everyone has a special way to success individually(独自的).

In my opinion, to be successful should have the following necessary conditions(条件). First of all, you need to have sufficient (足够的)professional knowledge. If you want to be successful at one aspect(方面), it is certainly indispensable(不可缺少的) to have solid expertise(专业知识). As the leaders of sony, Ibuka and Morita, are proficient in electronics technology, and Wang An is proficient in computer knowledge. Secondly, you should have a keen(敏锐的) insight (洞察力)and innovation(创新) spirit. Such as the sony company, without Ibuka’s and Morita’s extraordinary(非凡的)intuitive(直觉) and their constant innovation, sony cannot produce so many products, which meet the desires(欲望) of most consumers. Then sony probably will not have today’s enviable status. Furthermore, you have to do careful planning for the future. When Wang An said about his success, he said that his success is also the result of the decisions he made every stage of their growth. He

predicted the future, and specified(详细说明的) careful planning. Finally, you must have the spirit of hard-work and persistent struggle. Any lack of successful examples donot come from the hard-work and dedication. Sony's success is precisely(精确的) the result of that Ibuka and Morita try their best to sell their products to others and work hard every day.It makes their electronic products world famous. Meanwhile, the road to success will inevitably(不可避免的) encounter setbacks(遭遇挫折), at this time, you should be able to withstand the pressure, and to take heart of grace(慈悲) to move forward, then you will eventually succeed. Of course, there are many other aspects of the success factors. For example, good luck, good helpers and so on.

Everybody longs for success. But success can be achieved only through talking about it, it requires real actions. I believe that as long as we have our own clear goals, and insistent work hard, everyone will get good results.


How to success

In recent years, many people, especially young people, in oder to be succeeded in different ways, which is the reason that how to be succeeded has been a hot matter. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.

The way to success is circuitous, I argue. On the one hand, people, spend time in meeting with success rather than prepared well for success. On the other hand, Achievers always make adequate preparations for their success. Long Cheng, a great actor, consider that it is essential for everyone to continue the efforts and keep on learning, for instance. In a word, if you can't do it, you will be difficult to make money, obtain wealthy, let alone achieve success.

Many young people maintain that it is easy for everyone to achieve success. At the last, they find that it is hard to succeed. So the key to success is prepared well. As the proverb goes:’Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.’ Therefore, the best bet for everyone is to stay successful.


A Successful And Happy Life

What is a successful and happy life? Different people have different opinions. But no one cannot deny the fact that more and more people attach great importance to money for a successful and happy life.Nowadays,most people think a successful and happy life means someone’s life who is rich,maybe also have a stable marriage,good name and so on.

Doesn’t the poor achieve it? I don’t think so. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.Perhaps I am in poverty somebody can’t standwith but I fell satisfied with my life. Because I don’t have to worry about thief.That is to say, We should evaluate our own life by our fellings but not others perpectives.It is too bad that we need to show our life to get others approbatory. If we do so,we will be controlled by others. A real successful and happy life is doing what you want to do. Maybe only going on a trip,having a good meal or meeting a beautiful girl who can understand you. Only be yourself,can you lead a truly wonderful life.First of all,thinking twice again what’s life you really dream about.Then,trying to rub the lamp that ignore others views.It doesn’t matter whether you realize it or not.What’s more significant than reaching you goal is you had a try and will never be regret for you life.You life are meaningful,that’s all.In than way, you can say loudly that my life is successful and happy.


