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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:名师名题英语答案八上



1. improve提高2. ss soon as possible尽可能的快

3. in the countryside在农村4. understand理解

5. be famous for 为??而著名 6. complete完成

7. the meaning of ??的意思 8. beautiful mountains美丽山脉

9. grammar 语法10. excellent teachers优秀教师

11. more borning 更没有意思 12. the most careless boy最粗心的男孩

13. long journey长途旅行14. more relaxing 更放松

15. the heavist 最重的 16. well , better , best 好

17. more exciting更使人兴奋的18. be pleased to do 高兴做某事

19. farthest 最远 20. baseball棒球

21. go to college上大学22. protect the wild animal 保护野生动物

23. offer to do提供做某事 24. southwes 西南部

25. actress 女演员26. scientist 科学家

27. describe描述 28. research centre 研究中心

29. in his twentieth 在他20几岁时 30. the symbol of ??的象征


( B )1. -Why not John a toy car for his birthday ?

- Good idea! He is crazy about cars .

A. buying B. buyC. to buy D. Buys

( B )2. -Which dress do you like best , Madam ?

- Sorry , I can’t decide now .

A. to buy which buy B. which one to buy

C. buy which oneD. Which I should buy it

( A )3. -Mary dances best in our school .

- I agree . I’ll never forget her dance for the first time .

A. seeing B. to see C. seeD. seen

( A )4. The radio is too. Please turn it down .

A. loud B. aloud C. loudlyD. louder

( C )5. It’s impolite to talkin the reading room .

A. loud B. aloud C. loudlyD. louder

( B )6. The bookwell .

A. translate B.translates C. translatingD. to translate

( D )7. Welcome backhome .

A. to B. at C. inD. /

( C )8. Look at the words on the blackboard and please.

A. write down themB. write down it

C. write them downD. write it down

( B )9. I forgotmy homework this morning , so the teacher got angry .

A. take B. to take C. takesD. taking

( A )10. -Do you take exercise every day?

-Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper .

A. spend B. cost C. takeD. pay

( C )11. Theyfive days finishing the work .

A. paid B. took C. spentD. cost

( C )12. -What does the man suggestin the hall ?

-Moving the desks away .

A.to do B. do C. doingD. does

( D )13. We suggested that hethe doctor’s advice and stop smoking .

A. should take B. take C. tookD.A and B

( A )14. Water Park is a good place.

A. to have funB. have funC. having funD. to have a fun ( B )15.Mary was writing a letter ,the children were playing outside .

A.Because B. While C. AfterD. Though

( A )16. I don’t know the answerthe question .

A. to B. of C. withD. at

( C )17. Can you. the opening times on the Internet ?

A. look after B. look at C. look upD. look for

( C )18. When I got home , Mum was busythe house .

A. to clean B. to cleaning C. cleaning D. clean

( D )19. She doesn’t play the violin asas her sister .

A. good B. better C. bestD. well

( B )20. –How far is your family from here ?

-It’s about ten walk .

A. minute’s B. minutes’ C. minuteD. minutes

( C )21. The theme park is aboutride from the museum. You should start out right now .

A. two hour B. two hour’s C. two hours’ D. two hours

( D )22. Japan isthe east of China .

A. on B. in C. ofD. to

( D )23. The weather in Guangdong is hotter thanin Qinghai .

A. it B. those C. oneD. that

( D )24. In Japan , basketball ispopular than football at school .

A. too more B. very more C. muchD. a lot more

( B )25. Traffic is heavy and the price of oil is muchso that many people go to work by bus instead .

A. high B. higher C. expensiveD. more expensive ( B )26. The river is about two metres.

A. long B. wide C. highD. tall

( C )27. The price of the potatoes is too. I can’t buy them .

A. expensive B. low C. highD. cheap

( B )28. He promised to try his bestthe girl .

A. helps B. to help C. helpD. helping

( C )29. –You aren’t a new student, are you ?

-No. Didn’t you remember me at the gate minutes ago ?

A. see B. to see C. seeingD. saw

( A )30. How much does the ticketfrom Shanghai to Beijing ?

A. take B. spend C. costD. pay

( D )31. –Bob may Iyour MP4 ?

. –Sure . But you had better not it to others .

A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend ( C )32. –Our class won the first prize in the basketball match.

- exciting news !

A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

( B )33. –Do you know what the low-carbon(低碳) life style is like ?

-Save energy and producecarbon.

A. more; more B. more; less C. less;more D. less; less

( B )34. Why not. your mistakes on your notebook ?

A. writes B. write C. writingD. to writing

( C )35. The Yellow River is the secondriver in China .

A. longer B. the longestC. longestD. long

( C )36. Of all the students , Li Lei isto Mr Wang .

A. close B. closerC. the closest D. the most closest ( A )37. Chongqing is bigger thanin Japan .

A. any other city B. all the other cities

C. any city D. the other cities

( A )38. –Would you likewith me ? –Soryy . I have a lot of clothes to wash .

A. to shop B. shopC. shopping D. to shopping

( C )39. –Mr Zhou , of all the students in our group , who lives?

-I think Li Lei does .

A. far B. fartherC. the farthest D. the farther

( C )40. Bob isat playing computer games of the two boys .

A. the betterB. the goodC. better D. the best

( B )41. This journeyabout 2 hours .

A. take B. takes C. costD. costs

( D )42. –Why does Joe look sotoday?

-Because she has got an “A” in her English test .

A. sad B. exciting C. angryD. happy

( A )43. They made the boywater for them every day .

A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. to carry

( B )44. We’ll go fishing if it rainging tomorrow .

A. stop B. stops C. will stop D. Stopped

( A )46. We were having a meeting . The lights suddenly .

A. went off B. put off C. got off D. fell off

( B )47. If you want to get the job , you need to have two years working .

A. pronunciation B. experience C. conversation D. environment ( C )48. The twin sisters have learned a lotthey came to China .

A. when B. as soon as C. since D. after

( D )49. Peter tried on three jackets , butof them fitted him .

A. all B. both C. neither D. none

( A )50. I have a chance to interview the pop singer . That made me .

A. excited B. felt excited C. to fell excited D. exciting ( C )51. Is this the machineis made in Japan ?

A. who B. what C. which D. when

( C )52. We decideto Europe next year .

A. travel B. travelled C. To travel D. travelling

( C )53. -Is she in geography ? -No ,she isn’t . She shows no in this subject .

A. interesting; interested B. interested; interested

C. interested; interest D. interest; interesting

( D )54. -Jack ,could you help mewhen the plane will take off on the Internet ?-I’m sorry ,my computer doesn’t work .

A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out

( A )55. It was said that the wedding wouldthe next week .

A.take placeB. be taken place C. be happened D. happen ( B )56. I hope youresults in the exam .

A. to get B. can get C. getting D. get

( A )57. -Can you lend me the bookyou bought yesterday ?

-Sure . Here you are .

A. that B. what C. who D. whom

( C )58. He playedbasketball so well that people regarded him as a great basketball player in th century .

A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D./; /

( D )59. -Are you“plantig online vegetables ”? -No, I think it’s a waste of time .

A. major in B. afraid of C. angry with D. interested in ( D )61. -does Linda travel to school ? -It is ten minutes’ walk .

A. How farB. How muchC. How manyD. How long ( D )62. I am sorry to hear you’re ill . I hope you arenow .

A. well B. fine C. good D. better

( B )63. -Do you like English ? -Yes .But I think it’ssubject of all .

A. the easiestB. the most difficult

C. the most interesting D. the most boring

( B )64. Betty usually goes to schoolher father’s car .

A. by B. in C. with D. on

( C )65. It will take usito finish the work .

A. half hour B. one and half an hour

C. one hour and a half D. one an half hours

( B )67. -Why don’t you like winter in Beijing ?

-Because it is winter in Guangzhou .

A. as cold as B.much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than ( A )64. Please give me someon how to learn English .

A. advice B. message C. idea D. things

( B )64. If you don’t know the word ,you canin the dictionary ?

A. look up it B. look it upC. find it D. look at it ( C )64. He hasbeen to Shanghai , has he ?

A. ever B. already C. never D. yet

( C )64. Don’t forgetan umbrella you . It’s going to rain .

A. to take ; to B. taking ; to C. to take ; withD. taking ; with ( C )64. English is very important ,so I practiceit very hard .

A. speaks B. to speak C. speaking D. speak


篇三:八年级英语上句型转换 附答案


1. Why don’t you go with her?(改为同义句)

with her?

2. Try to listen to the tape every day.(改为否定句)

Trythe tape every day.

3. To join an English club is a good idea.(用it 作形式主语改写句子)

to join an English club.

4. You mustn’t forget to turn off the light.(改为祈使句)

turn off the light.

5. What other things did you see?(改为同义句)

did you see?

6. )

We ?

7. Let’s run as fast as possible.(改为同义句)

Let’ 。 对划线部分提问)

did he new words?

9.Don’t forget to buy me a new book for me next time.(改为同义句)

buy me a new book for me next time.

10.You should speak English in class(改为否定句)

English in class. wide(对划线部分提问)

is the river? 对划线部分提问)

today? 对划线部分提问)

they to school?

14.The blue box is two kilos heavy and the red one is one kilo(用than改写同义句)

the red one.

15.It took us one year to finish the job.( 改为同义句)

We one year the job.

16.The book is the most interesting of all the books. ( 改为同义句)

The book interesting book.

17.Let’s meet outside the gate at eight. ( 改为同义句)

meeting outside the gate at eight?

18. Betty takes a bus to work.(改为同义句)


19.To take care of environment is our duty.. (改为同义句)

care of environment.

20.Don’t worry about the children .The doctor told her. (改为同义句)

about the children.

21.He was thin that he couldn’t carry the heavy box. (改为同义句)

.He was carry the heavy box.

22.Please pass me some salt. (改为同义句)


23.Now ,animals can’t always live safely in forests. (改为同义句)


24.To drink the dirty water isn’t good for us. (改为同义句)

us drink the dirty water.

25. The sick boy is still in danger now. (改为同义句)

danger now. are in danger now. (对划线部分提问)

are in danger now?

27. I decide to think about the problems .(改为否定句)

about the problems .

28. The boy went to the park so that he could watch the game.(改为同义句)

watch the game.

29.The pollution is everywhere in the world today . (改为同义句)

in the world today.

30. That man isn’t rich enough to buy a new shirt. (改为同义句)

That man isbuy a new shirt.

31.Can the little girl look after herself well? (改为同义句)


32. It often takes us one hour to finish the homework. (改为同义句)

Weoften the homework.

33.Our 对划线部分提问)


34.We need to drink and eat.(改为否定句)

We to drink eat. 对划线部分提问)

? from now on.. (对划线部分提问)

We need from now on.?

37. The boy is not old enough to go to school . (改为同义句)

go to school.


1.Why don’t you go with her?(改为同义句)

with her?

2.Try to listen to the tape every day.(改为否定句)

Tryto the tape every day.

3.To join an English club is a good idea.(用it 作形式主语改写句子)

to join an English club.

4.You mustn’t forget to turn off the light.(改为祈使句)

turn off the light.

5.What other things did you see?(改为同义句)

did you see? )

We ?

7. Let’s run as fast as possible.(改为同义句)

Let’。 对划线部分提问)

did he new words?

9.Don’t forget to buy me a new book for me next time.(改为同义句)

buy me a new book for me next time.

10.You should speak English in class(改为否定句)

English in class. wide(对划线部分提问)

is the river? 对划线部分提问)

today? 对划线部分提问)

they to school?

14.The blue box is two kilos heavy and the red one is one kilo(用than改写同义句)

the red one.

15.It took us one year to finish the job.( 改为同义句)

We one year the job.

16.The book is the most interesting of all the books. ( 改为同义句)

The bookinteresting book.

17.Let’s meet outside the gate at eight. ( 改为同义句)

meeting outside the gate at eight?

18. Betty takes a bus to work.(改为同义句)

work .

19.To take care of environment is our duty.. (改为同义句)

care of environment.

20.Don’t worry about the children .The doctor told her. (改为同义句)

about the children.

21.He was thin that he couldn’t carry the heavy box. (改为同义句)

.He wascarry the heavy box.

22.Please pass me some salt. (改为同义句)


23.Now ,animals can’t always live safely in forests. (改为同义句)


24.To drink the dirty water isn’t good for us. (改为同义句)

drink the dirty water.

25. The sick boy is still in danger now. (改为同义句)

danger now. are in danger now. (对划线部分提问)

are in danger now?

27. I decide to think about the problems .(改为否定句)

about the problems .

28. The boy went to the park so that he could watch the game.(改为同义句)watch the game.

29.The pollution is everywhere in the world today . (改为同义句)

in the world today.

30. That man isn’t rich enough to buy a new shirt. (改为同义句)

That man isbuy a new shirt.

31.Can the little girl look after herself well? (改为同义句)


32. It often takes us one hour to finish the homework. (改为同义句)

Weoften one hour the homework.

33.Our 对划线部分提问)?

34.We need to drink and eat.(改为否定句)

We to drink eat. 对划线部分提问)

? from now on.. (对划线部分提问)

We need from now on.?

37. The boy is not old enough to go to school . (改为同义句)

go to school.
