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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:名师名题英语答案七上



(70分钟 120分)

一 、单项选择,每题一分(25分)

1.There ______some food and drinks on the table.

A. be B .are C .is D.am

2.------_______ there ________vegetables in the fridge?

----No, there is _________juice in it.

A. Is ,some ,some B. Are, any, someC. Is any ,any

3._____she _____any bananas?

A .Is thereB. Have ,gotC. Has got

4.Would you like _____ a football match?

A. watchB. to see C. to watch

5.Can you ____ Lingling ____us?

A. ask, to helpB. to ask ,help C. ask, help

6.They don’t have Chinese ______ maths on Tuesday.

A. andB. butC. or

7.-------____are they? -------- They’re very well.

A. When B. Where C. How

8.------____is her music lesson? ------- It’s at two o’clock.

A. WhenB. Where C. How

9.--------___________,Please? ----------It’s about five twenty.

A. What day is it? B. What time is it? C. What’s the weather like?

10.She often _____his mother ______after school.

A. help , cookB. helps ,cooking C. helps ,cook

11.His father often ______TV in the evening.

A. watch B. watches C. watchs

12.Her jeans _______old.

A. has B are c. is

13.She often studies English _____TV _____Sunday.

A. at ,on B. in ,in C. on ,on

14.Milk and water are _________.

A. drinkB. drinks C. food

15.She likes eating ________.

A. fishes B. fishC .many fish

16.Jack and Tom are _________.

A. good friendB. a good friendC good friends

17-----.Would you like to go fishing with me?

-------__________________, but I have to do my homework.

A. Yes ,pleaseB. That’s rightC. Yes ,I’d like to

18.Let’s ________table tennis in the afternoon.

A. play B .to play C. playing

19.What about ______in the morning?

A. swim B. swimingC. swimming

20.They are in different _________.

A. class B. schoolC. classes.

21.There is ________onion under the chair.

A. a B. an C. some

22.Let’s invite Tony _______the party.

A. come B. to come C to come to

23.What about _______to the cinema.

A. go B. to go C. going

24.We have a break ____ talk _____our friends.

A and , in B. but , ofC. and ,to

25.There are ________ pictures In the room.

A. a lot B a lot of C .a lots of



My name is Lucy. I’m English girl. I’m twelve My birthday isSeptember 10th. I live London. London is a(n)city. I like it. I likemusic and watching TV. I can English well. My favorite subject is music. It’s fun. I have got a penfriend China. I want to learn Chinese and I can help English, too. Do you want to be my friend? Please write and tell me about know you.

( )26. A. aB. anC. / D. the

( )27. A. years B. year old C. years old D. year-old

( )28. A. atB. for C. on D. in

( )29. A. inB. to C. atD. behind

( )30. A. interestingB. sadC. boring D. scary

( )31. A. listen B. listening toC. to listenD. to listen to

( )32. A. sayB. tell C. talk D.speak

( )33. A. in B. withC.on D. under

( )34. A. and B. withC. or D. while

( )35. A. you B. your C.he D. she


阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A

Dear friend,

I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle (中等的) school student. I am fifteen. I have two brothers. They are middle school students, too. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don't have any calsses on Saturdays and Sundays. My father and mother are teachers. They always (总是) say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I think it's very interesting. My brothers and I like playing football and basketball. What sports do you like?

Let’s be good pen pal, OK? Please write to me soon.


Alice Green


( )36. Why does Alice Green write this letter?

A. Because she wants to come to China.

B. Because she wants to make a pen pal in China.

C. Because she likes reading Chinese storybooks.

D. Because her mother asks her to do.

( )37. How many people are there in Alice’s family?

A. Three.B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

( )38. When do they go to school?

A. They go to school from Saturday to Friday.

B. They go to school from Monday to Saturday.

C. They go to school on weekends..

D. They go to school from Monday to Friday.

( )39. What is Alice doing recently (近来)?

A. Reading a Chinese storybook. B. Playing soccer.

C. Playing basketball. D. Listening to music.

( )40. What do Alice and her brother like?

A. Storybooks..B. Soccer and basketball.

C. Pen pals. D. Playing computer games.


Alicia is a tennis star. She is fourteen years old. She has breakfast after(在┅┅之后)she gets up. She and her friend Cindy usually play tennis for three hours in the morning. She has a big lunch----lots of healthy food: apples, bananas, eggs, carrots, chicken, fish and meat. She has classes in the afternoon. Then she does some homework. After dinner she watches tennis on TV. She has a happy life.

( ) 41. Alicia is ____.

A. a ping-pong starB. twenty

C. a tennis star.D. fifteen years old

( ) 42.She plays tennis for _____ in the morning.

A. two hours B. three hours C. four hoursD. five hours

( ) 43.She has ____ for lunch.

A. French friesB. ice cream C. tomatoesD. chicken

( ) 44. She ____ in the afternoon.

A. has classes and does homeworkB. swim

C. speaks English D. goes to a movie

( ) 45. She watches tennis on TV ______.

A. in the morning B. in the evening

C. in the afternoonD. after lunch


1. There are some apples on the desk.(变为一般疑问句)

_________there __________books on the desk.?

2. 对划线部分提问)

_______________________ mother?

3. I’d like to go to the park.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ you ______ _______ _______ to the park?

4. 就划线部分提问)

_______________________ the magic show?

5. There are some maps on the wall.(变否定句)

There ________ _________ maps on the wall.

6. I do my homework at 8 o’clock.(改为否定句)

I _______ ________ my homework at 8 o’clock.

7. Today is 就划线部分提问)

___________________ is today?

8.I get up at seven thirty.(改为同义句)

I get up at __________________ seven.

9. He likes table tennis and breakfast.(改为否定句)

He__________ ___________ table tennis ______ basketball.

10.I often watch football.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

__________ you often __________ football?

_________, I ______________.

五、词汇考查: 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1.Juice and milk __________(be) healthy drinks, but Coke ________(not be )a healthy drink..

2.He usually ________(finish) his homework at school.

3.What about _____________(go) shopping.

4.Those are _________ (they)books.

5.Would you like _________ (have ) some fruit?

6.Li Ming often _________ (go ) to school by bike.

7.Let’s _________ ( close ) the door.

8.There are two football _______(match) at school today.

9.My brother __________(have got ) some ice cream.

10 The camel is from _______. It is __________. (Africa)




Hamburgers and candy __________________________.


This is a lesson _________________________.


I ____________ ___________ __________ __________ computer games.


The film _______ ______ in the evening.


___________ _________ ________ _______your English lesson?

6.我在早上6:00 起床,晚上9:00 睡觉。

I ____ ____at six in the morning and ____ ____ ___at nine o’clock in the evening.


I like maths,__________________ you?


He ___________ wears jeans _____ trainers.


He often _____ _____________________and he usually buys _______

________ __________ _____________________.


Daming and I are in _______________________.






1-5 BBBCA 6-10 CCABC 11-15 BBCBB 16-20 CCACC 21-25 BCCCB 26-30 BCDAA 31-35 BDABA 36-40 BCDAB 41-45 CBDAB

四、1.Are ,any 2. What is your 3. Would you like to go

4.Where is 5 aren’t any 6. don’t do 7.What day

8.half past 9.doesn’t like or 10.Do watch ,No, I don’t. 五、1、are isn’t 2 finishes 3.going 4.their 5 to have

6. goes 7 close 8 matches 9.has got 10.Africa African.

六 1.aren’t healthy food 2 health 3 Would like to play

4 .is on 5 when do you start 6. get up go to bed

7. what about 8 never or 9 go to concerts , CDs by her favorite singers

10.in different classes.



五、补全对话。 (10分)


B:Nice to meet you,too,Jane.

A:Let’play tennis.

But I don’t have a tennis racket.

A:What do you want to do?


A:Buy a sweater?

B:Yes. There is a sale in Huaxing Clothing Store. The clothes are

very cheap.

B:They have sweaters in all colors at the price of 25 yuan.

B:Yes, they have T-shirts. Can you go there with me?

A:OK. Let’s go.

六、完成对话 (在每条线上填入一个完整的句子,确保上下文意思连贯)(10分)A: How are you today?

B: Very well, thanks. 1

A: I’m fine, too. Do you like playing basketball?

B: 2 And I often play basketball with my classmates.

A: Does your brother like playing basketball, too?

B: 3 He only likes playing football.

A: When do you usually play basketball?

B: 4

A: I see. 5

B: It’s five o’clock.

A: Let’s go and play basketball.

B: Great.






Ⅵ.1.How are you ?/ And you ?

2.Yes, I do./ Yes , very much./ Yes.

3.No, he doesn't./ No.

4.In the afternoon./ After class./ After school.

5.What time is it ?/ What’s the time?


A. Sorry. I don’t know. You can go and ask the policeman.

B. You can?t miss it.

C. Thank you anyway.

D. Excuse me, Do you know the way to Tian An Men Square?

E. First. You need to take the No.47 bus and then you can change to the NO.22 bus at Xidan. F. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Tian An Men Square?


A. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。

A: Hello! May I speak to Bill? B: Speaking!

A: Hi, Bill! This is Jane speaking.

B: Hello!1

A: I called you yesterday, but nobody answered the telephone.2

B: I went to the World on Water (水上世界) with my parents.

A: Really?3.

B: It was great. We saw the dolphin show (海豚表演)

. It was very wonderful. A: That sounds interesting. B:


A: Oh, the day after tomorrow will be my birthday.


B: Yes, I'd love to. Thanks a lot.

A: You're welcome.

celebrate, dance, Sure, I’d love to, perform, There is

1.________ 2.________3. ________4. ________5. ________

1.There is 2.Sure,I’d love to 3.celebrate 4.perform 5.dance

B. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选出正确的单词或短语补全对话。

Michael: Hi, Jane. a party in the music hall tonight, would you like to come?


, what kind of party is it?

Michael: You see the New Year is coming, we hold a party to

Jane: That sounds exciting. What time does it start?

Michael: Half past six, by the way, would you like to

Jane: I can

Michael: Sure,

1.________ 2.________3. ________4. ________5. ________


Paul: Hi, my name is Paul. 1_________________________

Nick: My name is Nick.

Paul: 2_______________________

Nick: Nice to meet you, too.

Paul: Do you like playing basketball?

Nick: 3_____________________.

Paul: Do you have a basketball?

Nick: 4_______________________ I have a soccer ball.

Paul: Let’s play soccer together(一起)!

Nick: 5_______________________ Let’s go!

(B) 1. What’s your name? 2. Nice to meet you.

3. Yes, I do.4. No, I don’t.5. That sounds good.

三. 根据对话内容,完成对话,每空一词。(共6分,每空1分)

A: Hi, can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I want to _____1_____ the music club.

A: Good. Can I have your _____2_____?

B: John Smith.

A: How _____3_____ are you?

B: Twelve.

A: Can you sing?

B: _____4_____, a little. I like singing and dancing.

A: Do you have an _____5_____ address?

B: Yes, it’s cindyj@pep. com. cn.

A: Great. _____6_____ a lot.

B: Thank you.

三. 完成对话,每空一词。(共6分,每空1分)

1. join 2. name 3. old

4. Yes 5. e-mail (email) 6. Thanks

IX. 交际运用。


从对话后方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两项是多余的。


Paul: ___51___, Nick? Is it time to go home?

Nick: No, it’s 3:15.It’s time to go and play games. ___52___?

Paul: I don’t know. I can’t find it.

Mr.Li: Whose is this watch? Is it yours, Nick?

Nick: ___53___.

Mr.Li: What color is your watch, Paul?

Paul: ___ 54 ____.

Mr.Li: Is this one yours?

Paul: Oh, yes, it’s mine.

Mr.Li: Paul, ___55___. Put it in your schoolbag.

Paul: Thank you, Mr. Li.

A.It’s blue.

B.But where’s your watch?

C.They’re blue.

D.No, I think it’s Paul’s.

E. What time is it now?

F. What day is it today?

G. You must look after (照看) your things.

答案A:51.E 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.G




A.Five dollars each. They’re on sale.

B.How many do you want?

C.Can I help you?

D.Yes, please. How much are the T-shirts?

E. Um, I’ll take four.

F. Five dollars? Great. I want some white ones.

C. 56._______ 57.______ 58._______ 59._______ 60.______

答案B: C 56.D 57.A 58.F 59.B 60.E



Sports Club

Name:David Cooper Telephone number: 832-3790

Age: 14 Email address: David@sportslover.com.

Can: play tennis well; play basketball a little;

Why: healthy, friends

When to come: Sunday

Mrs. Black: What can I do for you, young man?

David: I like sports. I want to _____61______.

Mrs. Black: OK. What’s your full name, please?

David: David Cooper.

Mrs. Black: ______62______?

David: 14.

Mrs. Black: What’s your favorite sport? Can you play tennis?

David: Yes, I can.

Mrs. Black: Do you like playing basketball?

David: Yes, but I ____63____ play it very well.

Mrs. Black: Why do you want to join the club, may I ask?

David: Because I really want to keep healthy and _____64______.

Mrs. Black: Oh, I see. Can I have your phone number and email address? David: Yes, my telephone number is 832-3790 and my email address is David@sportslover.com.

Mrs. Black: OK. Welcome to our sports cluB.You can come here ____65____.

答案C: 61.join the sports club 62.What’s your age?/ How old are you?

63.can’t 64.see/ meet/make friends65.on Sunday



A:Can I 60you?

B:Yes, 61.I want a 62 .

A:What63 do you like?


A:64 you are.

B:How 65is it?


B:I’ll 66it.Thank you.

A:You’re __67______.


David: What club do you want 68 join?

Lisa: We 69 to join the chess 70.

David: Can you 71 chess?

Lisa: No, I 72.


A: 73 this in English?

B: 74 a guitar.

A:How can you75 it?


A:76 it? xKb1. Com

B:It’s behind the door.

A:Can you 77 the guitar?

B:Yes,I can.


---_ 78___he like to play basketball?

--- Yes, he does. And he 79__ it very well.

答案 五、根据对话情景,完成短文。(20%)


人教新目标七年级上册英语竞赛试题(附答案) I.单项填空(15分)

()16.—Excuse me, what’s your name? —____name is John Brown.

A. Your B. My C. I’mD.His

()17.—What’s that in English? —It’s _____eraser.

A. a B. anC. the D./

()18.—What’s six and three? – It’s_____.

A. three B. sixC. nineD.eighteen ()19.—Alice is a girl. _____my good friend.

A. She’s B. She C. It’s D.He’s ()20.—Is this your pencil, Sonia? –Yes, _____.

A. thank you B. it’sC. this is D.that is ()21.—Is Tom a _____? – Yes, he is.

A. boyB. uncle C. sisterD.girl ()22.—What do you call (称呼) your mother’s sister? — _____.

A. Aunt B. UncleC. Cousin D.Neice ()23.His father’s name is Tim Green. So his father’s first name is _____

A. Green B. Mr. GreenC. TimD.Mrs.Green

()24.He_____a baseball. Do you _____a baseball, too?

A. have , has B. has, have C. have, haveD.has,has, ()25.—_____is the jacket? —It’s black and white.

A. Where B. What color C. What D.Which ()26.—Are these his____? —Yes, they are.

A. watchs B. bags C. pictureD.pen ()27.Thanks _____ the photo _____your family.

A. for of B. of for C. for forD.of of ()28.—What time do you get up____weekdays?

----____six thirty.

A.in;At B.on;At C.of; AboutD. of;At ()29. I don’t like math. Because(因为) it’s_____.

A. interesting B. boringC. relaxingD.funny ()30.There is ____ on the table.

A. cup of tea B. a basket of food C.two baskets of food

D.box of pencil

Ⅱ.补全对话 (5分)

M:Excuse me,Miss Gao.May I borrow your motorbike,please?

W:__31___Where’s yours?

M:Lin Tao goes to see his parents.__32___ .

W: Where are you going?

M: ___33_I want to see her.


M:There isn’t a bus stop here.

W:Do you see Wu Dong?__35_You can borrow his.

M:Where’s he?

W:Look! He’s playing football over there.

A. So he borrows it. B.He has a new motorbike.

C.Sorry,my motorbike is broken(坏了).D.Why not go there by bus?

E.Cai Hong doesn’t come to school.


It’s Sunday morning.My mother __36 I are going to Xiangshan Park.__37__many people in it.Some __38_ are running. They are _39__kites. Four ___40_ are _41__ on the grass( 草地). They __42_. Two girls are playing __43_ games near them.The men are standing __44___ a big tree.They are __45_the children.There’s a river over there .Many young people are singing and dancing near the river.

()36.or B.and C.with D.but

()37.It’s B. They’re C.There’sD.There are

()38A.boy B.girl C.childs D.children

()39.doingB.takingC.flying D.making

()40.woman B.womenC.womans D.womens

( )41.itB.sitsC.siting D.sitting

( )42.are talking B.is talking C.talking D.are talk

( )43.some B.any C.theD./

( )44.under B.on C.of D.about

( )45.looking B.finding C.watching D.count




()46._____ found(拣到) a backpack.

A. Tony B. IC. Mary D.Me

()47.The ______ is Tony’s.

A.ID cardB. backpackC. phone D.backpack ()48.If(如果)someone found Tony’s ID card ,he can call_______.

A. 685-6034 B.235-0285 C. me D.Mary


There is an old woman in England.(英国)She doesn’t like children at all(根本不喜欢孩子),but she loves cats.She has black cats and white cats.She has mother cats and baby cats,so the children all come to her house.They come to play with the cats.More and more(越来越多)cats come to the old woman’s house.Soon there are too many cats.The old woman can not feed(喂养)them at all.Then she has an idea(主意).“The children love my cats,”she thinks.So she gives each child a cat.Then she is happy.The children are happy,and the cats are happy,too.Because(因为)they each have a home.

( )49.The old woman doesn’t like_____.

A.children B.cats C.child B.babies

( )50.Children come to_____her cats.

A.play onB.play withC.seeD.love

( )51.She gives a cat_____each child.

A.to B.forC.from D.with

( )52.A lot of cats come to_____.

A.their rooms B.her familyC.their schools D.her house


Mrs scott and her daughter jane are both(都)teachers.They teach in the same school.They go to school by car.They leave(离开)home at eight o’clock in the morning,and they get back home at four o’clock in the afternoon.Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students.Sam goes to school by bus and Ann does,too.Some of their friends walk(步行)to school.Sam and Ann get home at four o’clock in the afternoon.They do their homework before dinner(晚饭前),and they watch TV after dinner(晚饭后).They often go to bed early.

( )53.Jane is Mrs Scott’s_____.

A.daughter B.sister C.son D.friend

( )54.Mrs scott is_____.

A.a student B.a teacher C.a brotherD.a policeman

( )55.Sam goes to school_____.

A.by bike B.by car C.by bus D.by plane

( )56.Ann gets home at_____in the afternoon.

A.5:00 B.5:30 C.6:00 D.4:00


I’m a school girl.My broher and I are twins.We are both(两个都)at school.We like school.My parents are both teachers.They work hard.My brother and I study at No.1 Middle School.There are twenty-five boys and eighteen girls in our class. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays.We usually get up at six o’clock.Classes begin at eight.We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.We have lunch at fifteen past twelve.At three fifty we have sports.

We study Chinese,math,English,geography(地理),physics(物理),history(历史),politics(政治)and other lessons.We like Chinese.We like English,too.Some of us are good at it.

We go home at five o’clock.We have supper at six o’clock.We do our homework at seven every evening and go to bed at half past nine,but sometimes we go to sleep at about ten.

We work hard,we study for the people.

( )57.We have_____at fifteen past twelve.

A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner

( )58.We begin to do our homework from_____to_____every evening.

A.Monday;Friday B.seven;nineC.school;homeD.six;eight

( )59.There are_____boys and_____girls in our class.

A.Twenty-five;twenty B.some;any C.twenty-five;eighteen


( )60.Do they often have sports in the morning or in the afternoon?

A.Yes,they do. B.No,we don’t C.In the morning.D.In the



61. This is my computer game.(改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ _________ computer game?

62. Is that a notebook.(作肯定回答)

________, _______ _________.

63. They are her keys.(改为否定句)

They ________ her keys. (划线提问)

________ the ruler?

65. This isn’t a clock.(改为复数)

_______ ________ ________. (划线提问)

_______ ________ that?

67. I’m

_______ are you?

68.He does his homework every evening.(改为否定句)

____________________________________________ ?

69. apple is the table the on (连词成句)

_____________________________________________ . (划线提问)

_____________________________________________ .

VIII. 书面表达(15分)

假如你是Li Mei,请根据卡片上的信息,给你的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你的情况。


Name:Li MeiEnglish name:Judy

Age: 14 Nationality:Chinese

School:No.1 Middle School

Class and Grade:Class 6, Grade 7

Favorite Subject:English and music

Likes: reading, going to the movie, sports

Dear friend,
