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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:达沃斯经济论坛

篇一:【口译资料】2012年 达沃斯 世界经济论坛 中英文



中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝


Towards a Brighter Future of the Chinese Economy

--Speech by H.E. Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

At the World Economic Forum

Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2012

Tianjin, 11 September 2012



Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am delighted to meet you, friends old and new here today. Let me first express warm congratulations on the opening of the sixth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos, and extend a sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests present.


The Summer Davos Forum, inaugurated in China in 2007, has become a global forum with extensive influence. The theme of the forum for this year – "Creating the Future Economy" is highly relevant and practical. It reflects your vision on sustainable development and meets the high expectation for a bright future of the world economy.


China has enjoyed fast economic development for over 30 years. During the

past decade in particular, we firmly seized the strategic opportunities for development, made hard and pioneering efforts, and scored new historic

achievements in economic and social development. From 2002 to 2011, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 10.7%, and moved up from the sixth to the second place in the world. Our per capita GDP rose from 1,000-plus US dollars to 5,432 US dollars. China's foreign trade volume also climbed from the sixth to the second place in the world, and foreign exchange reserves exceeded three trillion US dollars. China's industrial structure was upgraded, its

agricultural foundation was consolidated, and regional development became much more balanced. All-round progress was made in social programs and people's livelihood significantly improved. We have withstood the test of many disasters, difficulties and risks. In the recent five years in particular, we effectively tackled the huge impact of the international financial crisis and

sustained steady and fast economic growth. We owe these achievements to the strength of reform and opening-up, the persevering spirit of the Chinese nation and our tireless efforts in exploring a path of scientific development and

harmonious society. Here I wish to share with you what we did and what we have learned in this course of our endeavors.


16.07%;银行业金融机构不良贷款率从2003年底的15.2%下降到2011年底的1.8%;我们摸清了地方政府性债务情况,这两年,地方政府性债务规模总体稳定,风险总体可控。 – We enhanced macro-regulation to promote steady and fast economic growth. Fast growth and low fluctuation was the most salient feature of China's

economic performance in the past decade. We gave full play to the basic role of the market in resource allocation, exercised macro-regulation in a scientific way, acted quickly to correct market failures and prevented major fluctuations in the economy. After the international financial crisis broke out, we fully implemented

a package plan, making parallel efforts in expanding domestic demand and stabilizing external demand, increasing investment and stimulating

consumption, reinvigorating industries and promoting technological innovation, boosting economic growth and improving people's livelihood, and overcoming current difficulties and pursuing long-term development. Thanks to these

efforts, China was among the first to achieve an economic upturn and what we did was also vital in promoting world economic recovery. Some people made accusations about China's package plan in disregard of facts and they even said that we paid an undue price in this process. I want to make it clear here that it was exactly due to our resolute decision and scientific response that China was able to avoid factory closures, job losses and return of migrant workers to their home villages. These stimulus measures helped us keep the good momentum of economic development, maintain social stability and harmony and protect China's modernization process from major setbacks. Over the past several years, social wealth has increased, asset quality has improved and our capacity to resist risks has enhanced. From 2009 to the end of 2011, we began

construction of 21 million units of low-income urban housing, and 11 million units have been basically completed. The operational mileage of railways increased by 13,500 kilometers. The mileage of highways was extended by 376,000 kilometers, including the 24,600 kilometers of expressways.

Infrastructural facilities such as urban rail transport and rural power grid were significantly improved. Over 7,000 large- and medium-sized and key small aging reservoirs were reinforced. We extended access to potable water to many more rural people. A large number of community facilities providing medical, health, education and cultural services were established. A new Wenchuan was built and all-round progress was made in economic and social development of the disaster-stricken areas. Meanwhile, we had fiscal and financial risks under control. Our budget deficit and outstanding government debt in 2011 were

1.8% and 15.28% of the GDP, both lower than their 2002 levels of 2.57% and 16.07%. The ratio of non-performing loans in the banking sector went down from 15.2% at the end of 2003 to 1.8% in 2011. We obtained a true picture of local government debts. The scale of local government debts in the past two years was on the whole stable and risks were basically under control.



年均增长22%,成为国民经济重要的先导性、支柱性产业;服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重提高1.6个百分点,特别是金融保险、现代物流、软件信息等现代服务业实现跨越发展。推动工业化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展,实施区域发展总体战略,初步扭转了工农差别、城乡差别、地区差别扩大的趋势。城镇化率由39.1%提高到51.3%,实现了城乡结构的历史性变化。2008年以来,中部、西部、东北地区经济增速持续超过东部地区,地区生产总值占全国比重明显提高,各具特色、良性互动的区域发展格局正在形成。 – We improved the economic structure to raise the quality and efficiency of economic development. A shift from fast growth to sound growth was a

fundamental change in the priorities of China's development in the past decade. We took strategic adjustment of the economic structure as the main task of shifting the growth model, and raised the quality, expanded the scope and bolstered the momentum of development. To balance the development of domestic and external demand, we rolled out a number of policies and

measures to boost domestic demand. As a result, our current account surplus as a percentage of GDP came down to 2.8%, the contribution of final consumption to economic growth rose from 43.9% to 50.8%, and a pattern in which

economic growth is jointly driven by consumption, investment and export is taking shape. Guided by an innovation-oriented approach, we formulated and implemented the mid- and long-term programs for science and technology, education and human resources development. National R&D spending as a percentage of GDP rose from 1.23% to 1.83%, the number of granted patents increased by 18.2 times, and enterprises have become the backbone of

investment and R&D activities. We pursued economic growth by relying on the coordinated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Overall agricultural productivity was enhanced, grain output grew for eight consecutive years, and grain reserves reached a historic high of over 250 million tons. The manufacturing sector became the largest in the world. High-tech manufacturing expanded at an average rate of 22% annually and became a leading pillar industry in the economy. Value-added of the service sector as a share of GDP increased by 1.6 percentage points and modern service industries such as finance, insurance, logistics, software and information enjoyed fast

development. We promoted parallel development of industrialization,

urbanization and agricultural modernization, implemented the overall strategies for development of different regions and achieved initial success in closing the widening gaps between industry and agriculture, urban and rural areas, and among different regions. The urbanization rate rose from 39.1% to 51.3%, bringing a historic change in China's urban-rural structure. Since 2008, the central, western and northeastern regions have been growing faster than the eastern region and the share of GDP of these regions in the national total has notably risen. A regional development pattern featuring sound interaction among regions and distinctive local features is coming into being.



– We conserved resources and the environment to enhance capacity for

sustainable development. To build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society was identified as an important strategy of national development. This was a major step China took in pursuing sustainable development in the past decade. We incorporated mandatory targets of energy conservation and emission reduction into the national economic and social development plan, scaled up financial input, accelerated the development of an industrial structure, mode of production and consumption pattern conducive to saving energy and resources and protecting the eco-environment, and made vigorous efforts to develop green economy and promote harmony between man and nature. As a result, China's energy consumption per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions both dropped significantly. The environment and air quality standards were revised this year and such new monitoring indicators as fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were added. Forest cover rose from 18.21% in 2003 to 20.36% in 2011. We released and implemented the national plan on climate change and played an active part in international response to climate change under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities".


– We balanced economic and social development to improve people's livelihood and promote social equity and justice. To put people's needs first was the most visible highlight in China's development in the past decade. We took

improvement of people's lives as the starting point and ultimate goal of all our work, and made real efforts to make development fruits shared by all. We


World leaders, top business people and campaigners will be debating issues from climate change to political instability at the World Economic Forum1 this week.


Climate change

Last year was the warmest on record, and climate change will be high on the agenda during the first full day of events in Davos.

Al Gore2, the former vice-president of the US, who has described climate change as "the biggest challenge our civilisation3 faces", is taking centre stage alongside Pharrell Williams, the pop star who sang "Happy" but who is appearing as creative director of Bionic Yarn4, a company that turns fibres from recycled plastic into durable5 textiles.

Gore is participating in other events looking at how business should respond to climate change, alongside Lord Stern, president of the British Academy, and speakers from the insurance company Axa.

Other events covering this topic include "Building for the Storm", asking how governments should respond to climate change. Another session will look at how a comprehensive global climate deal can be achieved.

Political instability

Conflict is the number-one issue for the political and business elite6 this year. The rise of Islamic State has awoken fears over failures of national governance and the collapse7 of nation states.

Several Middle Eastern leaders are in attendance, including Egypt's president Abdel Fatah al-Sisi;King Abdullah of Jordan; Haidar al-Abadi, prime minister of Iraq; and Massoud Barzani, president of the autonomous8 Kurdistan region.

The Ukraine crisis is a reminder9 that "long-forgotten" disputes can flare10 back into life, the World Economic Foundation says, with widespread consequences for a whole region. Petro Poroshenko, president of Ukraine, will be looking for support as his country risks defaulting on its debts.

Poroshenko should get support from George Soros, the billionaire investor11 and philanthropist, who is pushing European governments to offer Kiev more help. He will be lobbying the likes of Germany's Angela Merkel, France's Fran?ois Hollande and Italy's Matteo Renzi.

The terror attacks in France this month will also be debated, just days after many heads of government marched in Paris. On Wednesday, the former UK prime minister Tony Blair will take part in a session examining whether religion is a pretext12 for conflict.


Global authorities were slow, at least initially13, to respond to the Ebola outbreak and provide resources to the countries affected14, according to the organisers at Davos. So what lessons can we learn?

Panellists discussing the subject includeKofi Annan, former secretary general of the UN, as well as Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organisation15. Alpha Condé, the president of Guinea, who has faced accusations16 of being initially slow to respond to Ebola, is also speaking.

The New York Times quoted him recently saying: "While shaving I think of Ebola, while eating I think of Ebola, while sleeping I think of Ebola."


Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, is among those speaking on the topic of "In Tech We Trust". Eric Schmidt, the boss of Google, is one of this year's co-chairs while Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook and Satya Nadella of Microsoft will also be involved in a debate on the future of the digital economy.

Cyber-security should be high on the agenda too, following David Cameron's controversial suggestion that governments should be given access to encrypted data.

Jack17 Ma, founder18 of China's search engine Alibaba, is also a key speaker.

Quantitative19 easing

Central banks will be a major topic of conversation in the meeting rooms, coffee shops and bars of Davos this week, as monetary20 policy in Europe and the US continues to diverge21 and inflation falls across the global economy.

The shock abolition22 of Switzerland's currency gap last week has left many financial firms nursing losses, and reminded us all that 2015 could be a turbulent year in the markets. Thomas Jordan, the Swiss central bank chief who sparked the turmoil23, can expect a lively reception. At least seven other central bank chiefs are also attending, including the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney.

The European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghiisn't attending this year. He will be stuck in Frankfurt handling the ECB's meeting on Thursday, where a big quantitative easing (QE) programme could be announced.

Earlier that day a debate will take place on the prospect24 of higher interest rates in the US. Delegates from emerging markets will be pushing American officials to handle the ending of the QE programme responsibly, after seeing "hot money" pour into their economies. They don't want a repeat of the currency crisis that struck Argentina during last year's meeting.


Income inequality has featured highly on Davos's agenda for several years, but progress remains25 disappointingly slow.

The World Economic Foundation sees rising socioeconomic inequality as driving "social fragility". It reminded delegates that the average income of the richest 10% of nations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is now nine times larger than that of the poorest 10%. The global unemployment rate is expected to remain at current levels until 2018, showing the failure to tackle the challenges thrown up by the financial crisis.

Bill and Marissa Gates, and the Oxfam International executive directorWinnie

Byanyima will be putting the case for more support for developing nations; Byanyima has extra clout26 as a co-chair of this year's meeting.

The OECD chief Angel Gurríaand Guy Ryder of the International Labour Organisation will be lobbying for workers to get a better deal.


The tumble in the oil price to five-year lows means different things for Davos attendees. It's a bitter blow to exporters, raising political risk in the Middle East and hitting growth in emerging markets.

Once he arrives in Switzerland, Abdalla Salem El-Badri, Opec's secretary general, will face criticism from producers over the cartel's refusal to cut supplies.

Western leaders are more sanguine27, welcoming the boost to consumers' spending power. Environmental groups, though, will be urging oil producers not to drag their feet over green technologies.


1 forum



They're holding a forum on new ways of teaching history.他们正在举行历史教学讨论会。

The organisation would provide a forum where problems could be discussed.这个组织将提供一个可以讨论问题的平台。

2 gore



The fox lay dying in a pool of gore.狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。

Carruthers had been gored by a rhinoceros.卡拉瑟斯被犀牛顶伤了。

3 civilisation



Energy and ideas are the twin bases of our civilisation.能源和思想是我们文明的两大基石。

This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation.这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志物之一。

4 yarn



I stopped to have a yarn with him.我停下来跟他聊天。

The basic structural unit of yarn is the fiber.纤维是纱的基本结构单元。

5 durable



This raincoat is made of very durable material.这件雨衣是用非常耐用的料子做的。

They frequently require more major durable purchases.他们经常需要购买耐用消费品。 6 elite



The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy.政府内部的一群握有实权的精英控制着对外政策。

We have a political elite in this country.我们国家有一群政治精英。

7 collapse


龙源期刊网 .cn






A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind ofthinking we used when we created them. Indeed, old problems can no longer be solved byclinging to the outdated mindset of confrontation, hatred and isolation. Dialogue, consultationand cooperation must be explored to find solutions to new problems.1t is important that we drawlessons from

history, and pool our collective wisdom tO maximize the convergence of interestsamong countries. Fortunately, in time of hardship and trial, mankind have always been able to findthe courage to get out of the predicament and move ahead through change and innovation.



A philosopher once observed that we cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinkingwe used when we created them.


It is important that we draw lessons from history, and pool our collective wisdom to maximize theconvergence of interests among countries.

