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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:达沃斯论坛2017大连



一、英译汉第一篇:出自The 2030 Agenda For SustainableDevelopment This Agenda isa plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeksto strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize thateradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, includingextreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and anindispensable requirement for sustainable development. We areresolved to free the human race from the alleviation of poverty andheal and protect our planet. Weare determined to take the bold and transformative steps which areurgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilientpath. The 17Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we areannouncing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this newuniversal Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium DevelopmentGoals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realizethe human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and theempowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated andindivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainabledevelopment: the economic, social and environmental. We are meetingat a time of immense challenges to sustainable development.Billions of our citizens continue to live in poverty and are denieda life of dignity. Thereare rising inequalities within and among countries. Genderinequality remains a key challenge. Unemployment, particularlyyouth unemployment, is a major concern. Global health threats, morefrequent and intense natural disasters, spiraling conflict, violentextremism, terrorism and related humanitarian crises and forceddisplacement of people threaten to reverse much of the developmentprogress made in recent decades. Naturalresource depletion and adverse impacts of environmentaldegradation, including desertification, drought, land degradation,freshwater scarcity and loss of biodiversity, add to and exacerbatethe list of challenges which humanity faces.Climatechange is one of the greatest challenges of our time and itsadverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achievesustainable development. The MillenniumDevelopment Goals were agreed 15 years ago provided an importantframework for development and significant progress has been made ina number of areas. But the progress has been uneven, particularlyin Africa, least developed countries, landlocked developingcountries, and small island developing States, and some of theMillennium Development

Goals remain off-track, inparticular those related to maternal, newborn and child health andto reproductive health.Werecommit ourselves to the full realization of all the MillenniumDevelopment Goals, including the off-track Millennium DevelopmentGoals, in particular by providing focused and scaled-up assistanceto least developed countries and other countries in specialsituations, in line with relevant support programs. The new Agendabuilds on the Millennium Development Goals and seeks to completewhat these did not achieve, particularly in reaching the mostvulnerable countries.

二、英译汉第二篇:出自2010年Economist Entrepreneursin Silicon Valley, only half-jokingly, call it the URL strategy.The three letters usually stand for Uniform Resource Locator—theunique address of any file that is accessible via the internet. Butin the world of internet start-ups, URL has another meaning:Ubiquity first, Revenue Later. This pretty much describes thestrategy of most big online social networks, which over the pastfew years have concentrated on piling on users rather than worryingabout profits. Thathas allowed them to build huge followings, but it has also raised abig question-mark over their ability to make money from theaudiences they have put together.

At issueis whether the social-networking industry can come up with a wildlysuccessful form of advertising in the same way that Google has beenable to make billions of dollars from the targeted ads that runalongside the search results it serves up. Without such a formula,runs the argument, social networks such as Facebook will neveramount to much. Doubters claimthat the networks face two big handicaps. The first is that peoplelogged into social-networking sites are there to hang out withtheir friends, so they will pay no attention to ads. The second isthat because the sites let users generate their own content, theywill find it hard to attract advertisers because brands will notwant to take the risk of appearing alongside examples of profanity,obscenity or nudity—or all three at once. But thebroader outlook for networking sites is more encouraging. Onereason is that advertisers are being drawn to the leading sites bytheir sheer scale. Facebook's audience is bigger than any TVnetwork that has ever existed on the face of the earth. Anotherthing that has attracted companies is the networks' ability totarget ads with laser-like precision, thanks to the data they holdon their users' ages, gender, interests and so forth. Althoughthere are still lingering concerns about brands appearing next toracy content, firms seem more willing to run this risk now that thenetworks' advertising proposition has become morecompelling.

In addition toadvertising-driven business model, networks are already makinghealthy profits from sales of games and virtual goods. The beautyof this business for social networks is that the cost of producingand storing virtual inventory is minimal. Moreover, because theseare closed markets, networks can fix prices at levels that generatefat margins. To some, the notion that big money can be made fromselling make-believe items may seem bizarre. But the practicereplicates the physical presents that people give to one another tocement relationships in the real world.




参考译文:China Minmetals Corporation (CMC) is the largest and strongest in metallurgical construction and operation services globally.CMC, with 240,000 employeescontrols the total assets surpass RMB 0.7 trillion yuan. CMC’s foreign institutions, resource projects and construction projects are operating in more than 60 countries and regions. Enjoying unique competitive advantage, CMC takes the lead in running a whole industrial chain ranging from resources acquisition, exploration, project design, construction, operation, and circulation to intensive processing, and is able to provide systematic solutions to metals and minerals companies and render services for the whole lifecycle of project construction and operation. With abundant resources and reserves in metals and minerals, CMC owns a series of world-class mines with high quality at home and abroad. With core technology advantage as well as design and construction strength covering all sectors, the Corporation shoulders more than 90% of the design and construction work in China’s large-and-medium sized steel mills and 60% of metallurgical construction projects around the world, regarded as the “national team” in the metallurgical construction industry. Boasting fully-fledged trade and circulation network globally, the Corporation conducts procurement and marketing internationally and takes the first place in circulation scale of metals and minerals.

四、汉译英第二篇:出自李克强总理2016年夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式致辞 我们应该积极促进结构性改革,特别是供给侧改革。中国经济发展面临结构性的矛盾,供给和需求两侧都有,主要在供给侧,我们要用改革的办法推进结构调整,减少无效和低端的供给,扩大有效和中高端的供给,这既有利于经济转型,也有利于促进经济增长。

其中重要的方面就是要淘汰严重过剩的产能,重点是抓好钢铁、煤炭等困难行业去产能,近年来已经取得些许成就,生煤和生铁产量下降,但还要进一步减少,主要是运用市场化和法治化手段,严格环保、质量、安全等标准。去产能最大的难题是人往哪里去。企业要采取多种措施使职工转岗不下岗,中央和地方政府都要对职工分流安置给予必要的支持。产能过剩是一个全球性的问题,我们将主动采取行动去产能,这本身就表明中国是负责任的大国。 参考译文:We need to advance structural reform, in particular that on the supply side. The structural problems facing the Chinese economy are about both the supply and demand sides, especially the supply side。 We need to advance structural adjustment through reform, reduce inefficient and low-end supply, and expand effective and medium- to high-end supply. This is conducive to economic transformation as well as growth.

A major task for us is to phase out outdated production capacity and address overcapacity, especially in steel, coal and other sectors that face difficulty in operation. Initial progress has been made in recent years, as is shown in the lowering production of raw coal and crude steel, but our efforts must well continue. We will adopt a market-based and rules-based approach and apply strict standards in environmental protection, quality and safety. The biggest challenge is how to address possible layoffs in this process. Businesses need to take multiple measures to ensure that their employees will get reemployed. Both the central and local governments should provide necessary support to take care of the affected employees. Overcapacity is a global challenge. The fact that we have taken the initiative to cut overcapacity demonstrates that China is indeed a responsible country.



Address by Premier Li Keqiang at the Opening Ceremony Of the Tenth Annual Meeting of

the New Champions Tianjin, 27 June 2016

尊敬的施瓦布主席先生,尊敬的各位政府首脑,尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们:很高兴与大家在天津再次相聚。首先,我代表中国政府,对夏季达沃斯论坛的召开,表示热烈祝贺!对各位远道而来的嘉宾和媒体界的朋友,表示诚挚欢迎! Professor Klaus Schwab, Distinguished Heads of Government, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, friends. It’s a great pleasure to meet you again in Tianjin. At the outset, I wish to congratulate, on behalf of the Chinese government, the opening of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions(“世界经济论坛新领军者年会”), and extend sincere welcome to all our guests coming from afar and friends from the press.



This is the tenth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, or the Summer Davos, as it is known.There is a Chinese saying which goes, “It takes ten years to grow a tree.”If we could compare the Summer Davos to a tree, after ten years of careful nurturing, it has grown into a luxuriant tree with bountiful fruits.It has showcased to the world the process and achievements of China’s reform, opening up and modernization. It has also contributed wisdom and strength to the common development and prosperity of China and the world.

国际金融危机爆发以来,各方努力应对,使用了各种刺激增长的政策工具。8年过去了,世界经济复苏远不及预期,全球贸易投资增长低迷,大宗商品和金融市场不时动荡,发达国家和新兴经济体走势分化,地缘政治风险加大,不稳定因素增多。前几天英国公投脱欧,对国际金融市场的影响已经显现,世界经济新的不确定性还在增加。在此情况下,推动世界经济复苏和各国经济增长,需要共同应对挑战、提振信心,共同营造稳定的国际环境,共同寻求治本之策。欧洲国家是中国的重要伙伴。在新的形势下,中方将继续致力于维护好发展好中欧、中英关系。我们希望看到一个团结、稳定的欧盟,也希望看到一个稳定、繁荣的英国。 When the international financial crisis broke out eight years ago, countries resorted to various policy tools to grapple with the crisis and stimulate growth. Eight years on, recovery of the world economy has fallen far short of people’s expectations: global trade and investment arelackluster; commodities and financial markets have experienced volatility from time to time; growth prospects of developed and emerging economies are diverging; and geopolitical risks and destabilizing factors are both on the rise. Just a few days ago, the UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum. This is already making an impact on the international financial markets and adding to the uncertainties in the world economy. Against such a backdrop, to promote world economic recovery and the growth of all economies, we need to make joint efforts to tackle

challenges, strengthen confidence, foster a stable international environment and find solutions to address root causes of the problems we face. European countries are important partners for China.Under the new circumstances,China will continue to maintain and grow its relations with the EU and the UK. We hope to see a united and stable EU and a stable and prosperous UK.


First, to promote steady recovery of the world economy, we must actively carry out structural reform.To address the deep-seated problems in the world economy, we need to both strengthen demand management and advance structural reform to eliminate the root causes that trigger problems. Countries may face different situations, yet they should all move toward addressing economic imbalance by way of promoting fiscal and financial reform,easing regulation,facilitating competition, supporting innovation and expanding opening up, and should all work together to ensure strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.



Second, to promote steady economic transformation and ultimate solution lies in shifting the growth model and replacing old growth drivers with new ones at a faster pace. The advent of a new round of technological and industrial revolution has provided a historical opportunity for this. The emergence of new technologies, new tools and new materials, which are of pace-setting and transformational significance, has given a strong boost tothe growth of the new economy and the upgrading of traditional industries. Countries should follow this prevailing trend by focusing their policies on supporting economic transformation and upgrading, and strengthen the new drivers of economic growth.



Third, to promote steady recovery of the world economy, we will need efficient and orderly global governance. In the face of common challenges, we need to uphold the spirit of solidarity and work for common progress. This is a sure way for us to move forward. Countries need to adopt more growth-friendly policies, strengthen macro policy coordination, steadfastly advancetrade and investment liberalization and facilitation, firmly oppose protectionism and build a fairer, more just and open international economic system. The world’s major economies, while making macro-economic policies, should consider not just their own growth needsbut also the spillover effects of their policies. This September, the G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou, China. The ongoing Summer Davos has a special session on “China’s G20 Agenda”. I find it highly relevant as it will contribute insights and recommendations to China’s hosting of the G20 Hangzhou Summit.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Having experienced years of rapid growth, China’s economic development has now entered a new normal.In the face of mounting downward economic pressure, we have not resorted to indiscriminate strong stimulus.Instead, we have focused on exploring new models of macro control, vigorously advanced structural reform, and concentrated our efforts on cultivating new drivers of growth while upgrading traditional ones. we have maintained steady economic development, ranking among top of the world’s major economies in terms of growth speed, and made positive progress in structural adjustment. The journey we traveled these years has been fraught with risks and challenges, and we have made painstaking efforts along the way. Nevertheless,it is encouraging to see that new drivers in the economy are rapidly growing. Although they cannot yet compare with traditional drivers in size, they do play a bigger role in sustaining development, securing employment, and promoting economic transformation. Given time, the rise of the new drivers will open up new prospects for the Chinese economy.


This year, despite continued slowdown in global growth, the Chinese economy has on the whole maintained stability while making steady progress, and has performed within the appropriate range. This is indeed not easy. China’s GDP expanded by 6.7% in the first quarter of the year, and registered steady growth in the second quarter. Summer grain production is expected to be another bumper

The service industry is stable, the drop in PPI has narrowed, and energy intensity and emissions of major pollutants this year, 5.77 million new urban jobs were created, completing 58% of the annual employment target. The surveyed unemployment rate of 31 major cities in May was 5.02%.


An important reason the Chinese economy has maintained steady growth in the first half of the year is that reform, innovation, adjustment and transformation have all played an important role. Reform efforts to streamline administration, delegate power and improve government services have given a strong boost to mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and further unleashed development potential. Now every day in China, some 40,000 new market entities(为税收上的目的而独立存在的组织或个人,法人) are being created, including over 13,000 new enterprises. Such increase is bigger than the previous two years and has given a strong boost to job creation. The leading role of consumption and services is becoming more visible. New areas of consumption such as information and communication, smart phones and new energy vehicles are rapidly expanding. The five “happiness industries” of tourism, culture, sports, health and old-age care are rapidly growing. The service sector has grown into the biggest industry in the national economy, both in terms of its output and the number of jobs it created. An innovation-driven economy isbrimming with vitality. High-tech industries, high-end manufacturing, e-commerce and other new business forms are booming. Enterprises, sectors and regions that have made an early start in economic transformation and upgrading and that embrace faster growth of new industries have all taken on a sound momentum of growth.On the whole, the Chinese economy is better structured; its quality is improving and a stronger momentum is being gathered.


We are also aware that given the complex and challenging international environment and the

deep-seated domestic problems accumulated over the years, the foundation underpinning stable performance of the Chinese economy is yet to be strengthened.The driving effect of external demand on growth is waning. Private and manufacturing investments are sluggish. Latent risks still exist in the financial and other sectors. In some industries with serious overcapacity and regions with monotonous economic structure, there have been relatively more problems. Downward economic pressure remains and the difficulties are not to be underestimated. However, the fact that we have recognized and stood up to challenges shows that we have the determination and ability to overcome difficulties. For the Chinese economy, there is always more hope than difficulties.


The fundamentals of the Chinese economy have remained unchanged, and our macro policies will maintain continuity and stability. In the meantime, we will continue to innovate means of macro control, implement the proactive fiscal policy with greater intensity and efficiency, and carry out the prudent monetary policy in a flexible and appropriate fashion. We will channel more resources into areas that help strengthen weak links, increase the momentum of development and take development to a higher level, as well as into areas of the new economy that serve to promote economic transformation and upgrading. The current debt ratio for the Chinese government is around 40%, and is only around 16% for the central government, lower than many other major economies. This has given us space for a proactive fiscal policy. A high savings rate in China means huge potential for the development of multi-tiered capital markets. It also means major leeway for improving financial regulation methods and financial resource allocation. We are in a position to create conditions to gradually lower corporate leverage ratio and financing costs in a market-based and law-based manner. We not only have sufficient policy tools to keep economic performance within the reasonable range. We also have strong ability to prevent systemic or regional risks.In the stage of transition, short-term fluctuations of economic growth are hardly avoidable, but the Chinese economy will not head for a “hard landing”. And we will be able to achieve the main economic and social development targets set for this year.


篇三:2017年兰心教育中心中考时事政治 (简略)





2、 6月20日,国际超算大会(ISC)公布了新一期世界500强排名,我国自主研制的“神


3、 当地时间6月28日晚,土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布尔的阿塔图尔克国际机场发生连


4、 庆祝中国共产党成立95周年大会7月1日上午在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。我们


5、 7月17日,湖北神农架被正式列入《世界遗产名录》,荣膺“世界自然遗产地”称号。

6、 8月16日,我国将世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”发射升空,人类将首次完成


7、 9月15日,我国第一个真正的空间实验室天宫二号成功发射,中国太空科技事业


8、 9月5日,二十国集团领导人杭州峰会通过了《二十国集团领导人杭州峰会公报》,


9、 10月19日,神舟十一号载人飞船与天宫二号空间实验室成功实现首次自动交会对


10、 纪念红军长征胜利80周年大会10月21日上午在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。

11、 10月1日人民币正式加入IMF的特别提款权(SDR)货币篮子。

12、 第71届联大10月13日正式任命葡萄牙前总理、联合国前难民事务高级专员安


13、 中共中央总书记习近平11月1日在北京会见了洪秀柱主席率领的中国国民党大


14、 2016年10月,中国共产党十八届六中全会在北京召开,审议通过的《关于新


15、 11月3日,我国最大推力新一代运载火箭长征五号,在中国文昌航天发射场


16、 11月9日凌晨,美国共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普当选美国第五十八届总统。

17、 第三届世界互联网大会11月16日上午在浙江省乌镇开幕。古巴革命领袖菲德


18、 11月30日通,中国 “二十四节气”列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产


19、 12月11日是中国加入世贸组织15周年的日子。

20、 中共中央、国务院12月13日上午在南京市侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念



21、 1月9日,中国科学院物理研究所赵忠贤院士和中国中医科学院屠呦呦研究员获


22、 1月17日,国家主席习近平在达沃斯国际会议中心出席世界经济论坛2017年


23、 2016年农村贫困人口4335万人,比上年减少1240万人,超额完成1000万人


24、 在迎春花绽放的三月,中国迎来了一年一度的“两会时间”。人民代表大会制度是


25、 林郑月娥3月26日在香港特别行政区第五任行政长官选举中获得777张有效选


26、 3月28日是西藏百万农奴解放58周年的纪念日。

27、 日前,中共中央、国务院印发通知,决定设立河北雄安新区,是千年大计、国家


28、 习近平近日对廖俊波同志先进事迹作出重要指示。

29、 4月27日,天舟一号货运飞船与天宫二号空间实验室成功完成首次推进剂在轨


30、 4月26日上午,我国第二艘航空母舰下水仪式在中国船舶重工集团公司大连造


31、 4月27日,全球移动互联网大会(GMIC)北京2017在北京国家会议中心拉开


32、 5月3日,中国科学技术大学潘建伟教授宣布,研究团队构建了世界首台超越早


33、 5月5日下午,我国首款按照最新国际适航标准研制的干线民用飞机C919在上


34、 5月14日 “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕。

35、 蒙内铁路连接肯尼亚首都内罗毕和东非第一大港蒙巴萨,全长约480公里,是


36、 亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)5月13日在北京宣布其理事会已批准新一批


37、 5月18日我国成为全球第一个实现了在海域可燃冰试开采中获得连续稳定产气


38、 习近平近日对黄大年同志先进事迹作出重要指示。黄大年同志是著名地球物理学


39、 中共中央政治局5月26日召开会议,审议《关于修改〈中国共产党巡视工作条


40、 第一届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛于2017年5月14日至15日在北京举行,

