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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:儿童侦探故事



一天,卡特给福尔摩伍打来电话,说自己珍藏的“黑便士”邮票被盗走了。 福尔摩伍立即赶到卡特家里。卡特告诉福尔摩伍,自己把“黑便士”邮票和其他珍贵邮票都放在收藏室的矮玻璃柜里。





福尔摩伍打了个响指,说:“我说你是打算骗取巨额保险金,你不会反对吧?” 答案:邮票主人。


福尔摩伍为了一个学生的事去拜访黛妮小姐,他按了一下门铃,却无人应答。 黛妮门上的锁是自动锁,一旦关上,除非有钥匙,否则外面的人无法进入,福尔摩伍很奇怪,便请管理员把门打开。他进去一看,黛妮穿着睡衣,胸口被人插了一刀死在地上,经推测,死亡时间是在昨晚9点前后。

经调查,昨晚9点前后有两个人来过,一个是她的情人,一个是她的学生,在询问这两个可疑分子时,他们都说自己按了门铃,见里面没人应答,就没有进去。 听了他们的回答,福尔摩伍想起黛妮小姐的门上有个猫眼,于是他立刻知道谁是真凶了。









“没有,”保安摇了摇头说,“厂房边上有条铁路,可能小偷是趁火车经 过时把窗子砸破的。火车一来,什么都听不见了。”









是谁杀了姐姐 某天深夜,一位独身女士王佳在家里被人杀死。根据现场留有的脚印,警方逮捕了死者唯一的弟弟王楠。 但王楠的同事声称,那天晚上,轮到他们俩人在厂里值班,他用他的人格担保,王楠绝没离开工厂半步。于是,警方对次案件也产生了疑问,向这名同事问道:“那么,是凶手把他的鞋子偷走,作案后又送回来的吗?” “不可能,当天晚上,我们睡得很晚,并且睡觉时,门窗都是上了锁的。”王楠的同事说。 “他和他太太的感情怎么样呢?” 他的太太有点儿神经质,俩人经常吵架,夫妻感情并不好。” “那么,王楠是那种不注重穿着的人吗?” “是的,一点也不注重。” 至此,警方便揭开了案情的真相,并逮捕了真正的凶手。 那么,凶手究竟是谁呢?



Anna's body was lying in the apartment parking lot next to her red car. She 20:00 o'clock in the murder, she is scheduled to arrive at his concert theater A former 15 minutes.

A total of the two assailants firing. The first was a bullet through her right thigh, in her purpleThe short skirts left a large blood. The second fatal bullet in her heart , In her white blood left on the shirt. Miss Anna car, placed the cello.

Police heard the testimony of three people.

The landlord found the bodies of his wife, said Anna decided to participate in the concert, but it does not play

Out, because there is too much of a passion to pursue her troubled her, he is the same Orchestra to Hyun possession of a Peter. A week since Anna did not practice large Violin, or have not taken out of the car from the cello.

Peter insisted that he and Anna make up already, Anna said she wanted to perform; And in 20:10 to pick up her, and then as usual together with car To the theater. But he did not wait for her.Jack command said. Orchestra members of the women have to wear a purple skirt and white shirt,

The male members wearing white T-shirt and black pants suit; As for the style side

There is no hard and fast rules. Orchestra members are all put on their clothes at home Service. He added that Anna will no doubt be able to practice do not have to have a good performance, as a result of

The concert is repeated for the program.

After hearing the testimony of three people, the inspector immediately know that Peter is lying. How to know it? You can think about it.

The answer: Anna's death is the time to wear short skirts, the cellist performed wearing this dress means that if Diana would like to perform, it is impossible to wear short skirts perform ~


NO.1 The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 飞机误点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。数小时以前,有人向警方报告,说有人企图偷走这些钻石。当飞机到达时,一些侦探等候在主楼内,另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。有两个人把包裹拿下飞机,进了海关。这时两个侦探把住门口,另外两个侦探打开了包裹。令他们吃惊的是,那珍贵的包裹里面装的全是石头和沙子!

NO.2 Detective Work


A bank robber stole a lot of money. He was caught and sent to prison, but the money was never found.


When he came out of prison, they watched him to see what he would do. Here is the detective, reporting to the inspector. "Yes, sir, I found Johnny. I followed him all around the town, but frankly, I couldn't make anything out of what he bought. Here's the list."shirt, heavy crowbar, box of chocolates, shovel, heavy hammer, bunch of flowers.


The inspector said, "Good. That helps me a lot. Do you remember how we watched him helping his neighbour, old Mrs. Judson to cover her backyard with cement?"













Eh bien, Monsieur le Directeur!" said Poirot. "Since you have called me in to investigate this mystery des chevaux Troyens, we must use our little grey cells. You say that this device has also been found in Sainsbury's College? Alors, you are looking at this mystery the wrong way round. We must interrogate all those who were in Sainsbury's during its 'Unattended Selling' period. But first, a Sirop from the Vendepac, if you would be so kind..."

"Philip Marlowe?" said the dame on the phone. "Come to the User Area Night Club as soon as you can. We've got this problem with Trojan horses."

The man lying on the floor was definitely dead, but it was the dame standing over him who caught my eye. She had curves in all the right places, as well as some of the wrong ones, but this didn't stop me from noticing the micro-chip in her hand, in time to push her to one side as the device exploded in a sheet of flame...

"Bunter! A cup of the '86 Cola for Inspector Parker," exclaimed Lord Peter Wimsey, laying aside a First Edition of the MVS/XA manual (in the original Greek) that he had been perusing.

"No, thank you, Peter," said Parker hastily. "I never drink on duty: it damages the terminals (& my stomach). What do you make of this?"

Wimsey took the proffered chip cautiously, and scrutinised it through his monocle. "There appears to be a Greek inscription on it," he commented. "A quotation from Homer to do with fish, if I am not mistaken. But one that only appears in certain editions of the Iliad..."

"I perceive by the mark on your tie that you have been using TeX recently," said Holmes. "Also your pet goldfish has been ill this week."

"Enough of that nonsense!" said our client testily, interrupting my cry of "Amazing, Holmes!" "I

want you to come down to Cambridge Moor to investigate a problem connected with the legend of the phantom Horse of the Terminilles."

"Come, Watson!" said Holmes. "The game is afoot! You may tell me about the problem in the train, your Grace." He hastily took down a battered copy of Bradshaw, then fired his revolver into a picture of Queen Victoria on the wall (this being his usual way of summoning Mrs Hudson)... 好吧,先生说话!”白罗说。“因为你叫我在调查这个神秘des匹马Troyens,我们必须使用我们的小灰色脑细胞。你说这个设备也被发现在塞恩斯伯里的大学?于是,你看着这神秘搞错了。我们必须询问所有那些在塞恩斯伯里的“无人销售”。但首先,从Vendepac Sirop,如果你会这样……”



“触杆!一杯86检查员帕克可乐,”彼得温西惊呼道,抛开第一版MVS / XA手册(在希腊原文),他已经仔细阅读。



“我认为马克你的领带,你已经使用特克斯最近,”福尔摩斯说。“还你的宠物金鱼本周病了。” “够了,胡说八道!”我们的客户不耐烦地说,打断了我的呼喊“神奇,福尔摩斯!”“我想让你回到剑桥沼泽调查问题与幽灵的传说Terminilles的马。”

