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来源:创业小项目 | 时间:2018-06-21 | 移动端:南京市四个专项行动


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为了保证城乡清洁“四位一体”活动扎实推进,富有成效,成立十七局五公司城乡清洁“四位一体”活动领导小组。 组 长:杨永红、聂武丁

副组长:雷银芳、卫青元、魏文秀、徐彦军、李红新 五公司城乡清洁“四位一体”领导小组办公室设在机关办













按照一事一表工作法,办公场所清洁工作具体分工为:公司领导办公室、视频会议室卫生 (责任人:张丽琴) 大礼堂、楼道、厕所卫生(责任人:牛红鑫)











(总分:90分 时间:90分钟)




( ) 【2015南京】1. In the picture, the chair is________ the table.

A. underB. on

C. above D. beside

1. D

( ) 【2015南京】2. Everyone makes mistakes in his life. The important thing is not to repeat ________.

A. it B. themC. him D. her

2. B

( ) 【2015南京】3. — Why didn't Peter ________ his homework?

— He said he had lost his workbook. I think it's an excuse.

A. doesB. doingC. doD. did

3. C

( ) 【2015南京】4. Pukou Railway Station ________ in 1911 and it has become a filming location for films

and TV plays in recent years.

A. build B. is built C. builtD. as built

4. D

( ) 【2015南京】5. — What would you like to drink?

— I'm very thirsty. ________ you can get. Just get it now.

A. Anything B. SomethingC. Nothing D. Other things

5. A

( ) 【2015南京】6. This kind of plant is ________seen in our city because it lives 4,500m above sea level

and is hard to find.

A. commonly B. always C. seldom D. easily

6. C

( ) 【2015南京】7. Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital. But after a week's rest, she felt much

________ and went back to school.

A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

7. B

( )【 2015南京】8. — I saw David in the teachers' office this morning. Do you know ________ he was there?

— He went there to hand in his homework.

A. howB. whether C. whenD. why

8. D

( ) 【2015南京】9. It's important for us to protect nature because we ________ its rich resources to live.

A. depend on B. leave for C. give up D. lead to

9. A

( ) 【2015南京】10. — Mom, must I go shopping with you?

— No, you ________. You can watch the film Big Hero 6 with your friends.

A. needn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't

10. A

( ) 【2015南京】11. You'd better travel around Nanjing with a local tour guide ________ you want to know

more about its culture.

A. unlessB. until C. although D. if

11. D

( ) 【2015南京】12. — What's wrong with Simon? He isn't at school today.

— His legs hurt. He was ________by a motorcycle this morning.

A. treatedB. hitC. operated D. cured

12. B

( ) 【2015南京】13. — When will Uncle Sam come to see us?

— He'll visit us this weekend. He ________ me that by email.

A. toldB. is told C. will tell D. was going to tell

13. A

( ) 【2015南京】14. — Is it OK if I keep this photo?

— ________. I have another copy.

A. Sorry, no B. No, I'm not sure

C. Yes, that's fine D. Don't mention it

14. C

( ) 【2015南京】15. — Too bad you didn't go to the beach with us. It was so much fun there! You must go

next time.

— ________. I don't think I'll have any fun. I can't swim.

A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanksC. You are welcomeD. My pleasure

15. B


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Have you ever taken a tour of a zoo?If so, it's likely that the person who led you . them. She wondered if they were getting the right foods. she started a “gorilla garden”. She grows the fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eat. Some of those foods are tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries. Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their look so excited!

Who is responsible for Amelia's interest in animals? Amelia is a member of Roots & Shoots. Its members are care, too. The slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is “Inspire, take action, make a difference.” These words tell 力劝) kids and grown-ups, including parents and teachers, to do When interviewed about her project, Amelia said,“I joined Roots & Shoots __I wanted to make a difference in the world.” gorillas happier and healthier.

( )16. A. gardens B. foods C. plants D. animals

( )17. A. opened B. bought C. visited D. started

( )18. A. boredB. tired C. worried D. relaxed

( )19. A. eatB. bite C. fightD. kick

( )20. A. paidB. last C. extraD. lost

( )21. A. care about B. look for C. run after D. laugh at

( )22. A. whenB. what C. howD. where

( )23. A. livingB. mistake C. note D. difference

( )24. A. because B. but C. though D. unless

( )25. A. waysB. mysteries C. courses D. inventions

16. D 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A

三、 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



Today is Sunday. June 14th. Andy is planning a trip to South Island with his family. He loves doing water sports, especially swimming. However, his parents won't allow him to swim when the highest temperature is below 30℃. Here is the weather forecast(预报) for South Island for the coming week.

A. June 17th and June 18th. B. June 19th and June 20th.

C. This Tuesday and Wednesday.D. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

( )27. What should Andy's family take with them if they go to South Island on June 21st?

A. Kites. B. Sunglasses. C. Umbrellas.D. Sun hats.

26. B 27. C

A. Dean. B.Clive. C. Ruby.D. Jason.

( )29. The last line from the poem “For one and for all in the human race” tells ________.

A. the action of recycling B. the way of recycling

C. the purpose of recycling D. the situation of recycling

( )30. In the poem “plants” rhymes with “ants”. Which of the following rhyme with each other?

A. Ants and place.B. Cans and clean.

C. Papers and string. D. Place and race.

28. A 29. C 30. D


Characters: Evan, Mrs. Bordoni, Mr. Cortez, Rita, Marco, Tom

Setting: An elementary school

Mrs. Bordoni: (Stands at the school gate) Good morning! You need to go straight to your classrooms, children. (A shy boy walks up, looking nervous.) What is your name?

Evan: (Looks at the ground) My name is Evan.

Mrs. Bordoni: Welcome to Northside. I'm the principal(校长), Mrs. Bordoni.

Evan: (Looking surprised) Oh!Good morning.

Mrs. Bordoni: I know you are new to our school, but you will like it here. I will take you to your classroom. Evan: I didn't want to move ...and leave my friends.

Mrs. Bordoni: You will have friends here. You'll see.

Mrs. Bordoni: Here's your room, 106.

Mr. Cortez: Welcome to our class! I'm Mr. Cortez.

Evan: (The class looks at him. He speaks softly)Hello.

Mr. Cortez: We are talking about a story we just read. Who can tell Evan what it was about?

Rita: This family moves to a new state. Their story is both funny and sad.

Evan: (Cheering up) Did they like the new place?

Marco: Not at first. But they made lots of new friends.

Mr. Cortez: What happened to make them change their minds?

Tom: The girl from next door said she needed help. When they got to her house, a sigh said, “Welcome”. Marco: It was a surprise party for them. The whole family was laughing.

Mr. Cortez: The neighbors made the family feel welcome.

Mrs. Bordoni: (Stands in the doorway) Evan, it's time for lunch. (They enter the lunchroom. A sigh says, “Welcome Evan”. ) It is hard to change schools and leave old friends. Now, we are your friends.

Evan: (Smiles) I can't believe you did this for me.

( )31. Who is Rita the play?

A. The principal. B. The teacher.

C. Evan's new classmate. D. Evan's old friend.

( )32. The words in brackets, such as “(A shy boy walks up, looking nervous.)”

tell ________.

A. what the play is about

B. what the writer acts in the play

C. what the characters are saying to each other

D. what the characters are doing and how they are acting

( )33. How does Evan feel at the beginning of the play?

A. He is happy because he makes some new friends.

B. He is afraid because he can't find the new school.

C. He is angry because the others don't talk to him.

D. He is nervous because it is his first day in a new school.

( )34. Which is the correct order according to the play?

a. Evan is taken to the classroom.

b. Evan's new classmates tell him a story.

c. Evan meets the principal, Mrs. Bordoni, at the school gate.

d. Evan enters the lunchroom and finds the sigh “Welcome Evan”.

A. a-c-b-dB. c-a-b-d

C. d-a-c-bD. b-c-d-a

( )35. What is the best title of the play?

A. A Sad StoryB. Evan's Sign

C. A Surprise Party D. Evan's Welcome

31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. D


Nowadays, the food that you buy comes from many different countries. Have a look in your fridge, cupboard, and fruit bowl and check the origins(来源) of the food. Perhaps there are apples from California, lamb from New Zealand, or potatoes from Egypt? You will probably be surprised how far food travels to get to your plate. This journey, from “field to plate”, is called “food miles”. A food mile is the distance that food travels from the farmer's field to the person who buys the food. Nowadays, food often travels thousands of miles to get to the consumer(消费者). Why is this, and what are the effects(影响) of these long distances?

Traditionally, farmers sold their food in the local market, so the food didn't have to travel very far. The consumers also did not travel very far because they went to their local market to buy the food. This was a good system for farmers and consumers. However, there were some disadvantages. For example, consumers could only buy food that farmers produced locally. In addition, they could only get food that was in season. Now, because of modern technology, food comes from all over the world. We do not have to wait for spring or summer to buy strawberries or tomatoes. They are in winter if we want.

Some countries have to import(进口) most of their food. This is because they have difficult climates. The United Arab Emirates(UAE), for example, gets 85% of its food from other countries. Even food made in the UAE often uses imported materials.

What's wrong with “food miles”? Is this not a good way of increasing international trade? I believe these miles are worrying for a number of reasons. First of all, because food travels such long distances, we need more planes, lorries, and ships to move the food. This means we use more oil or petrol, so there is more pollution and more global(全球的) warming. In addition, food that travels a long way is not fresh and usually not very tasty. Tomatoes, for example, are picked early and stored for their long journeys. For this reason, they are usually tasteless when they get to the consumer. Local food has a better taste, and it also reduces the amount of global pollution. We need to buy more local food.

( )36. What is called “food miles” according to this passage?

A. The origins of the food.
